Where the hell is Ruth Bader Ginsberg? Proof of life required!!!

I wish her good health. She should have retired as soon as Obama was re-elected.

Bad move.
The only reason RBG didn't retire was the DEMs were 10000000000000% positive HRC was going to be the next president after BONOBO.
Typical DEMs. Shit on their own doorsteps and then track the shit into their living rooms.
The DEM/LIB MSM are busy right now doing it again.
That's right. Elect a bunch of radical Socialist children who are shoving the DEM party to the left and then wonder why the majority of voters in 2020 didn't buy the Socialist........someone somewhere will pay for the free shit wet dream.
Justice Roberts should pay her a visit to see if she if capable of performing her duties. Can he toss her off the USSC if she is unable to perform?
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

Scalia died suddenly, dumbass. Scalia was a NaziCon asshole - in life and death. Justice Ginsberg is an honorable woman and very much alive. Save your dancing for after she's gone.

I am pretty sure that 'Lakhota' is the online person Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

As long as Lakhota posts...she is alive....
Lakhota has the band office contract to haul all the dead babies to the local incinerator.
She's either dead or near death. They're just borrowing time until they can figure out what underhanded tricks they can pull to keep Trump form appointing a replacement.
The Republicans control the Senate even more firmly than before. The Democrats would literally have to start assassinating people to stop Trump's next selection.
The DEMs know who they can hire. She's not doing much theses days.
Justice Roberts should pay her a visit to see if she if capable of performing her duties. Can he toss her off the USSC if she is unable to perform?

That's a good question, but on the other hand, Roberts has proven himself to be untrustworthy multiple times.
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

It's a notable difference between Republicans and Democrats, it seems. Whatever disagreements we may have, I don't see this as a good excuse to stoop to their level.
Justice Roberts should pay her a visit to see if she if capable of performing her duties. Can he toss her off the USSC if she is unable to perform?

I don't think so. She serves until death, she resigns, or she's impeached.

It's been 54 days since Ruth Bader Ginsburg was seen alive, and rumors are getting out of control!!!

What will Democrats do if she dies? Trump will get his third nomination to the Supreme Court, guaranteeing a very conservative court for decades to come!!!

After what Democrats did to Kavenaugh, they will become twice as desperate in their attacks at the next nominee!!!

Ruth Bader Gonesburg. The Dems would rather keep her on life support for two years and prop her in a chair so she looks alive for Photo ops than admit she died than give The Commander in Chief another SCOTUS pick. I swear they will They're probably pre recording press statements to prove she still has a marble left.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

I have not forgotten - they will have to answer to God for their actions, and their despicable behavior is not justification to do the same.
I will pray for Ruth Bader Ginsburg so that she lives long enough to repent to God for her pro-abort decisions that have caused so many millions of babies to be killed.
She didn't care she's really a Gnome!
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

Scalia died suddenly, dumbass. Scalia was a NaziCon asshole - in life and death. Justice Ginsberg is an honorable woman and very much alive. Save your dancing for after she's gone.
She's a baby killer, so if she doesn't repent, Jesus will give her a one way ticket to a very hot and uncomfortable place.

Matt.7. [1] Judge not, that ye be not judged. [2] For with what judgment ye judge,ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. [3] And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

I say you should worry about yourself...
She is reportedly very seriously ill.

All partisan BS politics aside, my thoughts, prayers, and best wishes go out for her and her family at this time.
That's very nice, but don't forget how liberal Democrats were dancing on Justice Scalia's grave.

Scalia died suddenly, dumbass. Scalia was a NaziCon asshole - in life and death. Justice Ginsberg is an honorable woman and very much alive. Save your dancing for after she's gone.

Ruthie honorable?

You call this bag of bones honorable?

Proof of it with real pictures and videos of it. And that is just the start. She needs to be seen as most people do. Otherwise this is another Progressive Socialist Communist agenda driven scam.

The left keeps posting that website with a 95 day old picture of her. Nothing new and nothing since that photo was taken. That photo was taken 4 days after Thanksgiving last year.

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