Where the Right Went Wrong

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
Pat says it was when "neocons" took over. Actually, it was when Jews took over to push their Israel-first agenda and whites stayed silent because the WASPs who had been holding the line shuffled off to the golf course. That's what Pat really means, of course, but he knows he has to say "neocons" because, well, that power is greatest which forbids mention of itself.

We wouldn't have had War for Israel I (Desert Storm) or War for Israel II (the current Iraq quagmire). We also would not have the unbelievably unreflective support for Israel we have now, and thus would not have Arab terrorism. The only people pissed at us would be French farmers.
Question William Joyce.....

When did they (The JEWS) takeover, what year, who were they, how many etc...?

Oh yeah...credible links to the claim are important..otherwise I'll
dismiss you as a MORON!!
Read this book.


Jews began arriving in the United States in significant numbers around the turn of the last century, mostly from Germany and Eastern Europe. Their powerful cohesion, high intelligence and general sense that they are not safe in white gentile societies (a feeling justified by competition between Jews and gentiles stretching back to the Egyptian dynasties) prompt them to embark on programs to destabilize these societies by undermining their traditions, displacing their people and promoting ideas of universalism (while themselves remaining fiercely ethnocentric).

MacDonald explains this in evolutionary terms, but it's obeservable whatever explanation is given. In the U.S., this pattern has manifested itself in Jewish promotion, first, of socialism (WWII era), steerage of the U.S. into war against Germany, achievement of open immigration (Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which changed America from white to non-white) and most recently, the war on Iraq, which is waged for Israel's benefit.

Here is Professor MacDonald's webpage:


Ask a question, if you wish.

It helps that Jews occupy most of the power positions in the media. You won't hear about control from the controllers!

See here:

William Joyce said:
Read this book.


Jews began arriving in the United States in significant numbers around the turn of the last century, mostly from Germany and Eastern Europe. Their powerful cohesion, high intelligence and general sense that they are not safe in white gentile societies (a feeling justified by competition between Jews and gentiles stretching back to the Egyptian dynasties) prompt them to embark on programs to destabilize these societies by undermining their traditions, displacing their people and promoting ideas of universalism (while themselves remaining fiercely ethnocentric).

MacDonald explains this in evolutionary terms, but it's obeservable whatever explanation is given. In the U.S., this pattern has manifested itself in Jewish promotion, first, of socialism (WWII era), steerage of the U.S. into war against Germany, achievement of open immigration (Immigration Reform Act of 1965, which changed America from white to non-white) and most recently, the war on Iraq, which is waged for Israel's benefit.

Here is Professor MacDonald's webpage:


Ask a question, if you wish.

It helps that Jews occupy most of the power positions in the media. You won't hear about control from the controllers!

See here:


I guess you missed the "credible links" to your post are important..otherwise I'll
dismiss you as a MORON!!" part...

A book? Pleeezzzzzzzz...
I'm not going to read a book by some Psychology Professor..to get proof of "YOUR" claims.

A link to his web site? Pleeeezzzzzzz...
I'm damn sure not going search his web site either...Hell, that MORON Norm Chomski
has a web site too..So what? This guy is a Psy.Professor. Wonder why he hates Jews?

A wacko web site?
The Wacko web site....well...speaks for itself...
Print your own leaflets using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, then distribute them wherever receptive Whites might be.

Who is the National Alliance?

While most White Americans and Europeans have lost their racial and cultural moorings and have become mere rootless drifters in a cosmopolitan chaos, our members still know where they came from and what they're a part of. Click here to meet one of our members.


Well Just Damn...Did that just read.."We are white Supremacists"?
Yep Verne, I think it did...

Who do ya think you're kiddin bubba? You're really pushing the MORON!! threshold.
William Joyce said:
Alright. If a psychology professor isn't good enough, how about a physics professor?

http://www.nationalvanguard.org/bsearch.php?author=Dr. William L. Pierce

William, William, poor William.......
Which part of this....
When you can think for yourself, get back to me.
or this...

Oh yeah...credible links to the claim are important..otherwise I'll dismiss you as a MORON!!
don't you understand?

For a White Supremacist, you ain't doin so well......Bubba!
The place where the right went wrong was allowing Racial Supremicy groups to believe that we actually accept their point of view and they are actually on the right wing of the country.
Avatar4321 said:
The place where the right went wrong was allowing Racial Supremicy groups to believe that we actually accept their point of view and they are actually on the right wing of the country.

I'm curious. What is the point of view of "Racial Supremicy groups"?

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