Where was all this "concern" when Scalise was shot? The cops in Dallas? The torching of our cities?

There was a lot of anger, sadness, and outrage over Dallas and Scalise.

The one that puzzles me is the rioting. That's kind of down-played because we mustn't criticize black people in the media or we'll be called racist.

Same reason that we must not criticize Islam, even though it's not a race. A white guy with red hair and freckles can be Muslim.
Let me get this straight, you think people should not be mad about this violent act because they failed to be suitably angry (in your opinion) about another violent act. That's stupid. I cannot understand why most of you closed ranks when you heard one of your own committed terrorist murder. No one on the left tried to protect or justify the Scalise shooter at all, no one. Those on the right who feel the need to provide political cover for Nazis just because the left utterly despises them are the real problem here. You need to decide quickly if you want your party to welcome hate groups because right this minute they certainly feel welcome.
Holy shit!!! That's the funniest post of the day. Your leftist Democrat asked itself the same question. And the answer was a resounding, "YES!!!" Invite them into the party? Yes you did. Not just ANTIFA either. Obama invited the leaders of BLM into the White House for fucks sake! It retarded shit like the post you just made that makes it virtually impossible to take you leftists seriously...
Let me get this straight, you think people should not be mad about this violent act because they failed to be suitably angry (in your opinion) about another violent act. That's stupid. I cannot understand why most of you closed ranks when you heard one of your own committed terrorist murder. No one on the left tried to protect or justify the Scalise shooter at all, no one. Those on the right who feel the need to provide political cover for Nazis just because the left utterly despises them are the real problem here. You need to decide quickly if you want your party to welcome hate groups because right this minute they certainly feel welcome.
Holy shit!!! That's the funniest post of the day. Your leftist Democrat asked itself the same question. And the answer was a resounding, "YES!!!" Invite them into the party? Yes you did. Not just ANTIFA either. Obama invited the leaders of BLM into the White House for fucks sake! It retarded shit like the post you just made that makes it virtually impossible to take you leftists seriously...
Leave the left to the left and worry about your own camp. I think Jesus said something similar. I have my own problems with how the fringe left operates and I am not at all hesitant to condemn violence and anarchy where it occurs but you seem rather reluctant to look at the right warts and all, why is that?
Let me get this straight, you think people should not be mad about this violent act because they failed to be suitably angry (in your opinion) about another violent act. That's stupid. I cannot understand why most of you closed ranks when you heard one of your own committed terrorist murder. No one on the left tried to protect or justify the Scalise shooter at all, no one. Those on the right who feel the need to provide political cover for Nazis just because the left utterly despises them are the real problem here. You need to decide quickly if you want your party to welcome hate groups because right this minute they certainly feel welcome.
Holy shit!!! That's the funniest post of the day. Your leftist Democrat asked itself the same question. And the answer was a resounding, "YES!!!" Invite them into the party? Yes you did. Not just ANTIFA either. Obama invited the leaders of BLM into the White House for fucks sake! It retarded shit like the post you just made that makes it virtually impossible to take you leftists seriously...
Leave the left to the left and worry about your own camp. I think Jesus said something similar. I have my own problems with how the fringe left operates and I am not at all hesitant to condemn violence and anarchy where it occurs but you seem rather reluctant to look at the right warts and all, why is that?
Wow, talk about ironic!
Let me get this straight, you think people should not be mad about this violent act because they failed to be suitably angry (in your opinion) about another violent act. That's stupid. I cannot understand why most of you closed ranks when you heard one of your own committed terrorist murder. No one on the left tried to protect or justify the Scalise shooter at all, no one. Those on the right who feel the need to provide political cover for Nazis just because the left utterly despises them are the real problem here. You need to decide quickly if you want your party to welcome hate groups because right this minute they certainly feel welcome.
Holy shit!!! That's the funniest post of the day. Your leftist Democrat asked itself the same question. And the answer was a resounding, "YES!!!" Invite them into the party? Yes you did. Not just ANTIFA either. Obama invited the leaders of BLM into the White House for fucks sake! It retarded shit like the post you just made that makes it virtually impossible to take you leftists seriously...
Leave the left to the left and worry about your own camp. I think Jesus said something similar. I have my own problems with how the fringe left operates and I am not at all hesitant to condemn violence and anarchy where it occurs but you seem rather reluctant to look at the right warts and all, why is that?
Then leave the right to the right, reply to the point made, or shut your blow hole...
The fake outrage is alarming and only serves to heighten tensions.
Yep. The hypocrisy is getting deeper by the day..
What are you guys talking about? what fake outrage? What hypocrisy?
Both ends of the spectrum are only "outraged" when it suits them, when they can play the victim and use it to their advantage.

Both ends of the spectrum will spin & deflect & minimize events that make them look bad

The attack yesterday and the attack at the softball field, for example.

I think that blatant hypocrisy is a requirement of being an ideologue.

So the entire world is comprised of sweeping generalizations. Without which the above post is not even postable.

Good to know.

SMFH :eusa_hand:
Except you and your "side".

You have everything figured out.

Except I don't have a "side". I am what we call on my planet an "individual" with what we call "free will".

It's these sweeping generalizers --- like the OP --- who want to cram everything into "sides", something like the Borg, where (I guess) the nature of an individual becomes the nature of the collective he just made up in his own head, and vice versa, who think they have everything "figured out". Obviously oblivious to their own fallacy.

Notice that he had no response whatsoever to my immediate post. It didn't fit his fallacy, so it just did not compute. Never occurs to him that that's because his computational analayis is where the flaw is. He's locked in and can't get out.

But he's not alone -- there's post 14. And we quote, "this is how the left reacted to...."

Get that? Not an individual --- "the left (read: Borg)". Because there are no individuals, they're more like a massive interconnected sponge thing. Cherrypick a statement or action from anywhere you want and award it a medal called "the left'. And Presto ---- entire populations who have no knowledge whatsoever of the action or statement, automatically become guilty of it, like some vast Original Sin. And Sol Belinsky gets a royalty every time they do that.

Again ----SMFH

Apparently life on Planet Borg is somehow different. It's a weird place.
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The fake outrage is alarming and only serves to heighten tensions.

You saw or didn't see what you did or didn't want to see Bubba.

There was alarm, outrage, and outreach across the board for all those events. That you didn't see it is of no consequence.
The fake outrage is alarming and only serves to heighten tensions.

What are you kidding?

Dallas, everyone came out against that, supported the police.

Dems condemned the disturbed man who shot Scalese just like most GOPs did for Gabbie Giffords.
Let me get this straight, you think people should not be mad about this violent act because they failed to be suitably angry (in your opinion) about another violent act. That's stupid. I cannot understand why most of you closed ranks when you heard one of your own committed terrorist murder. No one on the left tried to protect or justify the Scalise shooter at all, no one. Those on the right who feel the need to provide political cover for Nazis just because the left utterly despises them are the real problem here. You need to decide quickly if you want your party to welcome hate groups because right this minute they certainly feel welcome.

Zackly -- he's got no answer whatsoever for post 5. Except :lalala:

He wants to cherrypick his sweeping generalizations.

OP also has yet to explain the second and third words of his OP --- "fake outrage".

We sit, and we wait.
The fake outrage is alarming and only serves to heighten tensions.

You saw or didn't see what you did or didn't want to see Bubba.

There was alarm, outrage, and outreach across the board for all those events. That you didn't see it is of no consequence.

And I know damn well he DID see it, since he and I were both posting on the Congressional baseball game. At the exact same time I was sporting the LSU avi in solidarity for Steve Scalise.

Selective memory at work.
Let me get this straight, you think people should not be mad about this violent act because they failed to be suitably angry (in your opinion) about another violent act. That's stupid. I cannot understand why most of you closed ranks when you heard one of your own committed terrorist murder. No one on the left tried to protect or justify the Scalise shooter at all, no one. Those on the right who feel the need to provide political cover for Nazis just because the left utterly despises them are the real problem here. You need to decide quickly if you want your party to welcome hate groups because right this minute they certainly feel welcome.

Zackly -- he's got no answer whatsoever for post 5. Except :lalala:

He wants to cherrypick his sweeping generalizations.

OP also has yet to explain the second and third words of his OP --- "fake outrage".

We sit, and we wait.

All I can do with any of them is to push the "lay down with dogs you get fleas" argument. I have long been predicting that the right would go openly racist one day but I am astounded by how quickly this has happened and the almost utter lack of pushback in the GOP.

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