Where were you ... in '72?

Senior in high school in Giggleweeds, Indiana... Hitch hiked to Daytona during spring break with 2 friends... Had a pocket full of Quaaludes and Mr. Natural blotter Acid... A great time was had by all... :04: Made it back to Indiana without getting arrested... Life was good...

You picked a good year not to give up Quaaludes. :04:
Oh, music ...

Where was I in 1972? In a far, far better world. Billy, if you like ELP, you ought to hear them on a $200,000 stereo! We just lost Keith and Greg last year. Several years ago I got to see Keith play his organ, one of his last concerts in a small theater from only 15 feet away and got to speak with him and shake his hand after the concert.

Oh, music ...

Where was I in 1972? In a far, far better world. Billy, if you like ELP, you ought to hear them on a $200,000 stereo! We just lost Keith and Greg last year. Several years ago I got to see Keith play his organ, one of his last concerts in a small theater from only 15 feet away and got to speak with him and shake his hand after the concert.

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Yeah, me too, somewhere around 2000, at the Kennedy Center in DC, in one of the smaller halls with some techno group he was touring with under the guise of lecturing about synthesized music. There was about fifteen minutes of talk, then he burned down the hall. :113:

Saw the three of them at their first US show, Alexandria Roller Rink in 1971, and several times thereafter. An amazing group.
In 1972 I was on the East Coast but wishing I was at Long Beach arena in California so I could watch this concert.

Now I own the rights to it. :)
72. I remember debating with a friend of my mine about Senator McCarthy Vs Nixon on the Vietnam war...and about that, her boy went on to fight in Iraq, and, she's good with that now. Wars for no justified reason are ok if you have an investment...well, nothing has changed there.
I was living in Italy I think? If not Italy, then I was living with my grandparents in Brooklyn....

I was listening to all of the music of the 70's though, because my older sister who was a music nut and had gotten a record player for Christmas when she was around 12, had every LP that ever existed... :D of a gazillion talented groups/artist during that period! The music gods, blessed the 70's imo!
I remember Denver in 1972...Watching warmed over horror movies from the 30's on channel 2, Creature features and actually wanting to be being afraid, but not. Frankenstein? The horror classics ? What stuck with me, even today? The Day the Earth stood still. Klatuu berata nictu.
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Where was I in 1972? In a far, far better world. Billy, if you like ELP, you ought to hear them on a $200,000 stereo! We just lost Keith and Greg last year. Several years ago I got to see Keith play his organ, one of his last concerts in a small theater from only 15 feet away and got to speak with him and shake his hand after the concert.

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Best ELP song live!

Fremont California, getting My first tongue job (french kiss). lol


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