Where Were You?


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination

I was in a small town called Monroe, just north and east of Seattle, I was just starting my morning routine for a Tuesday, which included turning on the t.v. news just in time to see the second plane hit live.

Happy Thursday!

I was in a small town called Monroe, just north and east of Seattle, I was just starting my morning routine for a Tuesday, which included turning on the t.v. news just in time to see the second plane hit live.

Happy Thursday!

I was on the Long Island expressway heading towards the City, thankful I wasn't in the city

I am a New Yorker
I may no longer live in the five boroughs or on the Island or Upstate
I may now live hundreds or thousands of miles away
Or I may live just over the GW Bridge
But I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
Whatever took me out of New York:
Business, family or hating the cold did not take New York out of me.
My accent may have faded and my pace may have slowed
But I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
I was raised on Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and Rockefeller Plaza,
The Yankees or the Mets
Jones Beach or Rye Beach or one of the beaches on the sound
I know that THE END; means Montauk.
Because I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
When I go on vacation, I never look up
Skyscrapers are something I take for granted
The Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty are part of me
Taxis and noise and subways and get outa heah; don't rattle me
Because I am a New Yorker

I am a New Yorker
I was raised on cultural diversity before it was politically correct
I eat Greek food and Italian food, Jewish and Middle Eastern food and
Chinese food
Because they are all American food to me.

I don't get mad when people speak other languages in my presence
Because my relatives got to this country via Ellis Island and chose to
They were New Yorkers

I am a New Yorker
People who have never been to New York have misunderstood me
My friends and family work in the industries, professions and businesses
that benefit all Americansl
My firefighters died trying to save New Yorkers and non-New Yorkers
They died trying to save Americans and non-Americans
Because they were New Yorkers.

I am a New Yorker
I feel the pain of my fellow New Yorkers
I mourn the loss of my beautiful city
I feel and dread that New York will never be the same
But then I remember:
I am a New Yorker

And New Yorkers have:
Tenacity, strength and courage way above the norm
Compassion and caring for our fellow citizens
Love and pride in our city, in our state, in our country
Intelligence, experience and education par excellence
Ability, dedication and energy above and beyond
Faith--no matter what religion we practice

Terrorists hit America in its heart
But America's heart still beats strong
Demolish the steel in our buildings, but it doesn't touch the steel in
our souls
Hit us in the pocketbook; but we'll parlay what we have left into a fortune
End innocent lives leaving widows and orphans, but we'll take care of
Because they are New Yorkers

Wherever we live, whatever we do, whoever we are
There are New Yorkers in every state and every city of this nation
We will not abandon our city
We will not abandon our brothers and sisters
We will not abandon the beauty, creativity and diversity that New York represents
Because we are New Yorkers
And we are proud to be New Yorkers
I was in New York-----I noticed from my window a HUGE BILLOW OF SMOKE----rising from the World trade center building-------the TV was on----news..."plane hit
the WTC" I though ----" a piper cub---from teterboro airport---little private plane"-------poor pilot must be dead"----------"but no problem for the rest of the people"
-----hubby said "terrorism ' I said "don't be silly"........then A GIANT FLASH----
SECOND PLANE!!!!! ooooo..ooo ~~~ terrorism.. so I began to fill all available jars with water---------'they are attacking the city----they will go for the water supply' ------I saw the towers collapse------but had no idea at that point that there were PEOPLE still
in there.... the really bad news started coming in..........

I ran into jars of water for weeks
I was on Wards/Randalls Island in North Manhattan, at a wastewater plant running a dye test of a Final Settling Test. We didn't even know what happened untiil the towers collapsed. The black smoke was coming from such a direction that it looked like a car fire on the Triboro Bridge Queens span, not a massive building(s) fire in lower manhattan. Only when people came onsite later did we know to turn on our radios to see what happened.
I was sitting on the couch feeding my newborn and watching the news. Trying to figure out if I was watching a movie clip.
I was getting in my truck and going to work . Radio came on as I started the truck and I heard , plane hit Trade Tower , I thought it was just a little piper cub type plane and so I figured that it was an accident . Then after a bit of listening I realized it was an airliner . At that moment of realization I figured terrorism or suicide by an individual pilot that decided to take his passengers with him . When I heard about the second plane as I was walking into the shop at work , I figured , terrorism or act of war .
AVG-JOE said:
And no, it does NOT feel like thirteen years have passed.

kind of puts into perspective how young our college aged know-it-all voters really are, huh?

don't fall for all the anti-American rhetoric, kids...the terrorists are counting on you!
I was still in bed asleep when it all happened. When I woke up and found news coverage being shown on CMT which was a country music video showing station at the time, I knew that what was being talked about was going to be placed in a class by its self.

God bless you and the rest of our home land always!!!

I had just flown in to Tucson Arizona from Newark the night before. I was staying in a hotel near the airport and flicked on the TV when I got up. I saw one tower on fire and watched as the second plane hit

Took me a week to get home

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