Where's the best place in NYC to buy good women's clothing?

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Not for me, though. I just wanna say that up front, because, you know.

My better half has never seen a winter. She's a native Californian. And this year, we're gonna be together for real for real, instead of the back and forth talking and getting stuck at airports.

Anyway, here's the thing. I want to take her to the city and get good clothes. like Cosmopolitan stuff. Like I said, she's from California, so she's not gonna have winter clothes, she already told me she don't.

So, where's the good stores up there, is anyone from up there who knows? I've worked in the city for years back and forth, I know my way around it, but I don't know what stores sell what unless it's lunch or something.

Stores up there in the city that sell stuff like this...




I only have like two days, I have to plan a day trip up there. Really, we could just go to the mall here, but she's never seen the city, and it's really fun there this time of year. So, may as well shop there and she can really have a good first experience in the city.

Anyway. Thanks for leads if you have any. I'd like to stay all in one general area if I could, but even parking some place and walking is okay, because you know, it's nice walking through the city, especially if it's snowing, I might go on a day I know it's gonna snow a little.
This time of year you might want to buy her a winter coat, gloves, and some nice snow boots. ... :cool:

Exactly. I'm been looking at the city's site to see what's where, I was thinking something like this, it's more her style...


Take her shopping at Walmart, and buy lunch at McDonalds. That's how I woo my ladies. :thup:

Yeah, well, she's a vegan, that pretty much makes me a vegan, too, you know how that goes.

But, yeah, We'll probably go to wally world, guaranteed. They have those butter cookies in the christmas tins now, I like those.
Have ya never heard of Sax 5th Avenue?????

I don't know if they carry those types of styles and may be a bit spendy

Yeah. That is a little spendy, but I was thinking just hit a few of the good stores, and enjoy the outing more than anything, maybe get a few outfits from different stores, I'm not mac daddy like that, so. Walmart and Macy's has good stuff, too, so we'll hit those another day after we get home from the trip to the city.
I found a good shopping map on airbnb, I think I can probably wing it now. Now I just have to filter through which ones sell that particular style of clothing.

Alright, then. Thanks for chiming in. Especially for your thought on it, sunni man, I'm kind of at a loss for the newest styles in women's clothing. So, I was kind of hoping someone would chime in on the style of clothes. Really, if you think about it, the best person to ask about women's clothing is a man. They're the ones who know what looks good on a woman anyway.
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