Where's the Hildebeast? Did "TRUTH" Trump suck all the air out of her campaign?

Unlike you freaks we go through a nomination process...although Bernie, Biden or Fauxahontis could fuck that all up for you as the Hildebeast continues to drop in polls
What could possibly go wrong to make your side not like him? let's see if you can see it like we do. I'm not going to help you vet your candidates I hope you choose the worst one

Fortunately for you, all of yours are shit! Now you don't have to make up your mind!
I like Webb hillary or Sanders but I'd vote for chaffee or O'Malley before I'd vote for any GOP. I wouldn't mind jeb as much as the rest and that is why you will run jeb. Three elections the name bush won. 2 Clinton. This is rocky Apollo creed. No brainer. But you enjoy the show.

You called it, you have a no brainer!
Just remember I told you so. But this bush doesn't have a brother running Florida hanging with Chad. Lol

You really think he'll be the nominee, don't you?
She's trying to figure out a way to explain the latest whopper she never got the subpoena....that was posted online for the world to see. What a stupid bitch
The only "stupid" person involved in this is Trey Gowdy, who knew about Hillary Clinton's private server in June of 2014 and didn't think to subpoena her then which gave Clinton six months to fix her problem before it faced any official scrutiny at all. Republicans are the original gang who couldn't shoot straight.

Fix her problem? So you applaud her acuity at destroying evidence....
You democrats are all the the same.
I merely pointed out that we will never know the truth because the idiot's you put in charge haven't got a clue how investigations work.

So bank robbing is okay with you as long as the criminals are good at it.
Okee Dokey...
She's trying to figure out a way to explain the latest whopper she never got the subpoena....that was posted online for the world to see. What a stupid bitch
The only "stupid" person involved in this is Trey Gowdy, who knew about Hillary Clinton's private server in June of 2014 and didn't think to subpoena her then which gave Clinton six months to fix her problem before it faced any official scrutiny at all. Republicans are the original gang who couldn't shoot straight.

Fix her problem? So you applaud her acuity at destroying evidence....
You democrats are all the the same.
I merely pointed out that we will never know the truth because the idiot's you put in charge haven't got a clue how investigations work.

So bank robbing is okay with you as long as the criminals are good at it.
Okee Dokey...
There is no evidence of a crime, nothing at all to show the public. Zip, zilch, nada. As far as I know, there was no bank robbing at all, or whether or not anyone was even good at it. When you figure out why that is then you can get mad.

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