Where's The Mass Exodus of Scout Troops?

Predicted: Mass exodus from military when "they gheys" get to kill people too
Actual Result: Ho-hum la la la life goes on

Predicted: Mass exodus from BSA when "the gheys" can be Scouts too
Actual Result: Ho-Hum we knew Johnny was gay, so what.
I can't say I blame people for not going with the girl and boy scouts anymore

After being beaten down for years by this fight over homosexuals, turned off a lot of people

I'm just glad my kids are grown up
Predicted: Mass exodus from military when "they gheys" get to kill people too
Actual Result: Ho-hum la la la life goes on

Predicted: Mass exodus from BSA when "the gheys" can be Scouts too
Actual Result: Ho-Hum we knew Johnny was gay, so what.

And recruitment has been down since.
I can't say I blame people for not going with the girl and boy scouts anymore

After being beaten down for years by this fight over homosexuals, turned off a lot of people

I'm just glad my kids are grown up

Right...declining membership in youth organizations is all the fault of "the gheys"...

I can't say I blame people for not going with the girl and boy scouts anymore

After being beaten down for years by this fight over homosexuals, turned off a lot of people

I'm just glad my kids are grown up

Right...declining membership in youth organizations is all the fault of "the gheys"...


Lol, right, there is a link that proves an underlying causation.

My Lord, you are one stupid fucktard.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.
I can't say I blame people for not going with the girl and boy scouts anymore

After being beaten down for years by this fight over homosexuals, turned off a lot of people

I'm just glad my kids are grown up

Right...declining membership in youth organizations is all the fault of "the gheys"...


Lol, right, there is a link that proves an underlying causation.

My Lord, you are one stupid fucktard.

No, I think the decline in youth organization membership has nothing to do with gays being included and probably has more to do with them NOT being included. That's what churches are finding out...

According to a forthcoming report from the National Congregations Study at Duke University, the number of congregations allowing openly gay and lesbian members has increased from 38 to 48 percent since 2006. Twenty-seven percent of churches gave gay and lesbian congregants leadership roles in the same timeframe—an 8 percent jump.

The Rise Of Gay-Friendly Churches
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.

again you dumb queef it isn't hate. Your life choice is a sin. Many believe this. That doesn't mean they hate you. If they ever talked to you they might though seeing as you have the personality of broken glass but it wouldn't be because of your sin.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.

again you dumb queef it isn't hate. Your life choice is a sin. Many believe this. That doesn't mean they hate you. If they ever talked to you they might though seeing as you have the personality of broken glass but it wouldn't be because of your sin.


My only choice was in acting upon my god given inclinations. Why would god give me these inclinations (since my earliest memory) if he didn't want me to act upon them?

I'll let god decide what is a sin and what isn't...not a bunch of 2000 year old sexually repressed men.
They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.

again you dumb queef it isn't hate. Your life choice is a sin. Many believe this. That doesn't mean they hate you. If they ever talked to you they might though seeing as you have the personality of broken glass but it wouldn't be because of your sin.


My only choice was in acting upon my god given inclinations. Why would god give me these inclinations (since my earliest memory) if he didn't want me to act upon them?

I'll let god decide what is a sin and what isn't...not a bunch of 2000 year old sexually repressed men.
You dont know what a queef is? It is a pussy fart.... Not sure there really is such a thing because I have never seen one but it does make a humorous insult.
They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.

again you dumb queef it isn't hate. Your life choice is a sin. Many believe this. That doesn't mean they hate you. If they ever talked to you they might though seeing as you have the personality of broken glass but it wouldn't be because of your sin.


My only choice was in acting upon my god given inclinations. Why would god give me these inclinations (since my earliest memory) if he didn't want me to act upon them?

I'll let god decide what is a sin and what isn't...not a bunch of 2000 year old sexually repressed men.

GADS, that's just what Jeffrey Dahmer said. Why would he have these urges if God hadn't given them to him.

I am in full support of letting God decide what a sin is for you. I choose not to participate in what I consider a sin, which may include befriending them or doing business with them.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

Just more radical Jacobin cultural imperialism.

And to answer your question; BOTH. The BSA has a long history of closet homos and pedos exploiting their positions of authority.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

Just more radical Jacobin cultural imperialism.

And to answer your question; BOTH. The BSA has a long history of closet homos and pedos exploiting their positions of authority.

Anytime you have a job that give a person authority over young kids and the trust of parents you will have sick pedophiles flocking to it....Why do you think they become school teachers and priests?
Kids talk. Kids have lives outside of Scouts with the same kids as within the Scouts. The fact that the kid is gay should not preclude them from being in the BSA...and now it doesn't. Awesome, huh?
The Scouts were always about family values, not sexual diversity. At 12 we weren't talking about our sex lives, there's nothing awesome about kids doing it at that age, let alone homosexual stuff.
It seems that you are the one confused. Blacks were not able to marry whites...that went on for centuries until our society progressed, we stopped thinking of blacks as "less than human" and an "activist" Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to keep people from these relationships. Marriage was ruled by that Supreme Court, a Fundamental Right. Marriage was affirmed as a fundamental right on two more occasions by the Supreme Court. They declared that you can't keep divorced people from remarrying and that you couldn't keep convicted killers on death row from that fundamental right.
No, you are confused. Your rambling away from it means you can't address the fact. Black men were treated differently than white men. So that meant that not all men were equal. You're talking about relationships, not individuals. There is no constitutional right to marry anyone you want. There isn't even any state law to that effect now. Sso far we have gays imitating heterosexual marriage but it will just be a matter of time before that's challenged. Why two people?

The "right to a relationship" was also affirmed by the SCOTUS in Lawrence v Texas.

There is no "gay marriage", there is only marriage.[/quote]There was only marriage, now there's gay marriage. Even though offspring will not result, so society doesn't benefit from the union. So let's do away withlegalities since it no longer recognizes the special relationship between men and women.

.....Judge Robert Shelby
Golly. So you agree with all judges? How is that possible?
Do you know what "society" thought of interracial marriage when the SCOTUS ruled in Loving v Virginia in 1967? Do you believe they should not have ruled? Do you know when "society" would have be willing to "allow" blacks to marry whites? I'll show you.
Huh? I said posts ago it wasn't legal. I also said it doesn't relate to gay marriage. I also said opinions don't matter since society is being bullied into it by a very vocal minority.
As to why three men can't marry, that would require an actual changing of thousands of laws. Marriage is a legal contract that gives the power to make decisions as though you were that person to which you are married. Two people...that's how all the laws are written.
And yet polygamists have managed for thousands of years. If decision making is your excuse we could make it four people, three in an agreement is a majority. And who are you to say three can't love each other equally? It's hypocritical to accuse the majority of being intolerant while you won't tolerate anything but your view.
Yeah, well religion does that.
Uh huh...and how many times has legislation been introduced to do that, remove all the rights benefits and privileges associated with legal, civil marriage? Have you called your Congressman to propose said legislation? Let us know how it goes, okay? In the meantime, I can't wait to file joint Federal taxes as legally married Americans!
That's not an argument, just opinion. Your position is that opinions that differ from your own should not even be considered. Typical.
Just how twisted do you have to be to get from what I said to 12 year olds having sex?

Are you having your own conversation in your head without anyone else being involved...because your responses are not matching up to what I'm saying.
You can't connect the dots, apparently. You claimed kids were revealing their homosexuality and getting kicked out of the Scouts. Now you aren't talking about sex?
In September 2013, a new scouting group (not affiliated with the BSA) called Trail Life USA (which will not admit openly gay youth) was created.[43][44][45] In September 2013, several Baptist congregations, as well as churches from other Christian denominations, replaced their Boy Scouts of America troops with those of Trail Life USA.[46]

My son will be joining in January of 2015. :)

Redundant since there is surely a Junior KKK already.
In September 2013, a new scouting group (not affiliated with the BSA) called Trail Life USA (which will not admit openly gay youth) was created.[43][44][45] In September 2013, several Baptist congregations, as well as churches from other Christian denominations, replaced their Boy Scouts of America troops with those of Trail Life USA.[46]

My son will be joining in January of 2015. :)

Redundant since there is surely a Junior KKK already.

Yes they are called young democrats.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

Just more radical Jacobin cultural imperialism.

And to answer your question; BOTH. The BSA has a long history of closet homos and pedos exploiting their positions of authority.

Anytime you have a job that give a person authority over young kids and the trust of parents you will have sick pedophiles flocking to it....Why do you think they become school teachers and priests?

So deal aggressively with child predators/pedophiles and leave gay kids alone.
Just more radical Jacobin cultural imperialism.

And to answer your question; BOTH. The BSA has a long history of closet homos and pedos exploiting their positions of authority.

Anytime you have a job that give a person authority over young kids and the trust of parents you will have sick pedophiles flocking to it....Why do you think they become school teachers and priests?

So deal aggressively with child predators/pedophiles and leave gay kids alone.

Happy kids where never told they couldn't be in the boy scouts and nether were homosexual kids.

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