Where's The Mass Exodus of Scout Troops?

oh, so it's only "conservatives" who has voiced an opinion against?

By and large, yes. You're the ones always trotting out the "gay bogeyman."

please the majority of the people could care less and would just LIKE to have this homosexual stuff stopped being SHOVED in our faces day and day out

How is someone who simply wants to go about their life being treated the same as everyone else "shoving it in your face?"

they are no more special than the rest of the people in this country...But for some reason we have hear about them constantly.

Agreed, they aren't any more special than anyone else, but the problem is society treated them far less special than everyone else for a long time so you hear about it constantly because "you" constantly treated them like freaks and outcasts for generations and now they're standing up for themselves like any other oppressed group has done throughout history.

the thing I don't get is why they wanted to be scouts so bad why couldn't they form their own group? Instead they had to make a federal case out of it.

The federal government didn't force the BSA to change their policy. The BSA is a private entity and has the freedom to decide who they let in and do not let in. They made the decision to do this on their own, by a more than 60% vote, mind you.
Okay you feel that way, how about 2% of christian children have the right openly be able to pray out loud in public school? Lighten up.

They don't now? Well, that's news to me and everyone else besides you, I imagine.
This Boy Scout thing is all agenda driven in the constant effort to promote the lie to the population that homosexuality is an equally valid sexual relationship. It isn't and never will be but many will buy it out of fear and intimidation.

Who are you to decide what an "equally valid sexual relationship" is? Are you trying to claim that two gay men or two gay women don't feel just as much love for each other and me and my wife do?

It didn't even need to come up, the kids should not be dealing with sexual issues at camp, and probably don't, but it's made out to be important. Are 12 year olds really gay in the first place?

Who says they'll be dealing with them now? As you just pointed out, are 12 year olds really completely aware of their sexuality at that age in the first place?

Why not just blend the Girl and Boy Scouts together if that's the way it's going to be?

Because boys are boys and girls are girls. You think that changes because one happens to be gay? A gay 16 year old boy is still as much physically a boy as his 16 year old compatriots. The only difference is that for whatever reason his brain got wired differently in the sexual attraction department, but that doesn't physically make him any less male. I've known gay men who were just as masculine and into all the typical male interests, sports, etc. as most straight men and I didn't even know they were gay until they told me.
The BSA will go the way of the GSA when they decided to admit lesbian and transgendered scouts. They still exist, with a greatly diminished membership.

Declining membership, fiscal woes among problems facing Girl Scouts | Fox News

Provide evidence that the declining membership of the GSA has anything to do with them admitting gays. The biggest beef I've heard people have with the GSA is their perception they promote a "liberal" agenda, mainly being pro-choice.
The first thing is to get the Scouts to admit gay members, the next step is to change the oath, the next step is to separate the Scouts from honor and decency. It becomes a little youth indoctrination center where they learn the proper method of fisting.

Doesn't the LDS own or contribute the majority financial support to the BSA now? If a faith-based organization wants to exclude homosexuals I don't have a problem with that. As a somewhat religious Jew myself, while I"m all for gay marriage and other things, I'd give an exemption to actual religious organizations like churches and synagogues to refuse to perform such things. In the case of non-religious reliigously-owned that's a little murkier. If the majority of business isn't directly religious maybe not consider them a faith-based organization, if it is then sure, give them the same exemption.

Since the BSA isn't specificly a religious group, excluding participation by homosexuals, or employment by homosexuals is discrimination and therefore illegal.
Who are you to decide what an "equally valid sexual relationship" is? Are you trying to claim that two gay men or two gay women don't feel just as much love for each other and me and my wife do?
Nope. I'm saying the two guys will never reproduce, while you may and contribute more taxpayers and workers to society. Why should gays get the same benefits? I know the argument, that an infertile couple doesn't either but that's a better argument to disallow them any benefits than it is to allow it for gays.

Look, it's how society exists in the first place. Every culture in history has had some kind of a heterosexual marriage, but not for gays. Are we to believe it's all a wierd quirk of history?
Who says they'll be dealing with them now? As you just pointed out, are 12 year olds really completely aware of their sexuality at that age in the first place?
I doubt it. I never even heard of a 12 year old gay until this morning. The fact that it is an issue means that something else is going on, as I said earlier. I'd probably not want a 12 year old going on about his heterosexuality either.

Why not just blend the Girl and Boy Scouts together if that's the way it's going to be?

Because boys are boys and girls are girls. You think that changes because one happens to be gay? A gay 16 year old boy is still as much physically a boy as his 16 year old compatriots. The only difference is that for whatever reason his brain got wired differently in the sexual attraction department, but that doesn't physically make him any less male. I've known gay men who were just as masculine and into all the typical male interests, sports, etc. as most straight men and I didn't even know they were gay until they told me.[/QUOTE]And you can see nothing that could go wrong with putting a couple of 16 yo gay kids in a tent or showers?
"Nope. I'm saying the two guys will never reproduce"


"More importantly, I will outline three important discoveries that will one day allow same sex couples to have biological children that are purely made from their genes."
"These three techniques, once perfected will lead to the ability for male/male and female/female couples to have biological children, children who are a combination of their own genes."

Sexual Reproduction for Same Sex Couples | The Chromosome Chronicles
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Since the BSA isn't specificly a religious group, excluding participation by homosexuals, or employment by homosexuals is discrimination and therefore illegal.

Private entities, clubs, etc have the right to choose who they will and will not allow for what ever reason.
"Nope. I'm saying the two guys will never reproduce"


"More importantly, I will outline three important discoveries that will one day allow same sex couples to have biological children that are purely made from their genes."
"These three techniques, once perfected will lead to the ability for male/male and female/female couples to have biological children, children who are a combination of their own genes."

Sexual Reproduction for Same Sex Couples | The Chromosome Chronicles
They won't be reproducing. The lab will.
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

Because the BSA did so on its own accord, in the context of the First Amendment right of free association. Because each person is infinitely more than just his sexual orientation. Because inclusion and diversity are healthy for any organization that wishes to flourish. And because the BSA doesn’t harbor the ignorance and hate common to most conservatives, rejecting the lie that all gay men are ‘pedophiles.’
Why is it that is is seen as good that a Christian org such as the Boy scouts of America had to change its way of life again to appease the minority? Is this to support the homosexuals or the pedophiles that use such positions to prey on kids?

They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.

again you dumb queef it isn't hate. Your life choice is a sin. Many believe this. That doesn't mean they hate you. If they ever talked to you they might though seeing as you have the personality of broken glass but it wouldn't be because of your sin.


When you and many others on the right seek to deny same-sex couples their 14th Amendment right to access marriage law, that is an act of hate. Because there is no rational, objective basis to justify denying same-sex couples their civil liberties, such an effort by most conservatives is consequently predicated solely on hate toward homosexuals.
They don't have to change. They are perfectly free to continue to discriminate. They chose to stop their policy of discrimination...probably for the same reason churches are becoming more gay friendly. It ain't cool to be a gay hater anymore. Too bad, so sad.

again you dumb queef it isn't hate. Your life choice is a sin. Many believe this. That doesn't mean they hate you. If they ever talked to you they might though seeing as you have the personality of broken glass but it wouldn't be because of your sin.


When you and many others on the right seek to deny same-sex couples their 14th Amendment right to access marriage law, that is an act of hate. Because there is no rational, objective basis to justify denying same-sex couples their civil liberties, such an effort by most conservatives is consequently predicated solely on hate toward homosexuals.

You want a tissue mangina? It isn't hate to not give approval of sin

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