Where's the STRANGEST place you ever slept?

Have you ever slept at, on or in a/an.....

  • Airport

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Cab

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Waiting Room

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Church

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Street

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Motorcycle

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Restaurant/Bar

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Roof

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
The bathroom floor near the toilet after throwing up and passing out.

been there, done that.....

also fell asleep in the bathtub after drinking 2 bottles of wine in about 30 minutes... begging my husband for help.. he was very sympathetic.... "Don't f'ing drink!" (.... nice...)

Waking up with vomit in your hair and then still feeling drunk, so just decide to open a beer for breakfast. Yeah, but now I don't drink anymore. I used to drink a lot with my dad and sister, but then decided to quit and they still drank and of course they died in 2013 5 months apart.

Pot's better then drinking, but lately just the past couple months I've leaned more toward prescription drugs. The other day I fell asleep in a chair and my partner found all these klonopins spilled all over the floor and got so MAD :lol:

I'm trying to get my Dr to prescribe Xanax, Klon, Librium or Valium but he won't.
I made the mistake of telling him I was an alcoholic so I may need to find a new Dr.

I don't really like klonopin and trazodone is even worse, I had insomnia a while back and I wasn't taking anything. I don't have insurance, but my partner does and gave me ambien and i LOVED IT, then it ran out and so I was given these substitutes, but if I could have ambien again I'd be real happy.

Doesn't that just make you sleep?
I want to be awake and as dumb and careless as possible!

I believe you are talking about marijuana.
Wow- how about under a bridge in the middle of nowhere in Italy? It was raining- and that was the driest spot for miles- though I kept watching the river rise during the night.

Oh- perhaps this- I spent the night in a stone shepherds hut which appeared to be hundreds of years old.- which was nothing more than that- it had a door and maybe a window- no furniture- I was taken there by my new Italian friends
Second one..... This has something to do with Ambien. This happened xmas December 2014 while I'm inside Venetian casino in Las Vegas. For some reason I don't know why I took my ambien at 11 pm then went down to play black jack...... While playing black jack I ordered martini then another............ Mixture of ambien with alcohol is a bad idea. I passed out.... When I woke up I was on top of gurney being wheeled to the ambulance..... I tried to get up but this dude held me down.... So I screamed WAIT...... WAIT..... they stopped..... I looked around oh boy....... a huge crowd of people staring at me. I was so embarrassed. They wheeled me to the ambulance anyway to get me off from the crowd. It was a heck of explanation before they let me go.
On the side.....I took ambien for awhile but the longer i took the higher dosage i need to make it effective. So my doctor switched me to Trazedone from 100mg then 50 now I cut to 25...... It's working very well for me because I no longer take it every night.

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