Where's the STRANGEST place you ever slept?

Have you ever slept at, on or in a/an.....

  • Airport

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Cab

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Waiting Room

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Church

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • Street

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Motorcycle

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Restaurant/Bar

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Roof

    Votes: 2 33.3%

  • Total voters
Janitor closets in a hospital. I had graveyard hours Fri & Sat nights cleaning ER & OR mostly. Not much work an a lot of time. So I had my favorite closets but always looked busy goin' in and out.
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
You couldn't set up a tent anywhere?
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
You couldn't set up a tent anywhere?
Not in town. We would have food drop shipped to a town near the trail, hitch or walk to town. If we missed the PO we were screwed. Would wait til dark, go slip into the local graveyard. No one goes there at night.
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
You couldn't set up a tent anywhere?
Not in town. We would have food drop shipped to a town near the trail, hitch or walk to town. If we missed the PO we were screwed. Would wait til dark, go slip into the local graveyard. No one goes there at night.
Oh, that's different than here. Mt. Rainier is one of the popular hikes with those drop zones, you can hike the whole loop. Ain't no towns around.
For me it's only been airports, and rubbish hostels, and on people's floors. I did a lot of floor sleeping in Austria.

I once got told to go sleep on the floor of bus station in Salt Lake City, I went to the youth hostel "you'll not get a bed at this time of year" (it was September) and then went to the next hostel and they had a bed.

One German guy I knew managed to wake up after a heavy night drinking on some rocks by the sea, then managed to get home and doesn't remember any of that, just the rocks.
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
You couldn't set up a tent anywhere?
Not in town. We would have food drop shipped to a town near the trail, hitch or walk to town. If we missed the PO we were screwed. Would wait til dark, go slip into the local graveyard. No one goes there at night.
Oh, that's different than here. Mt. Rainier is one of the popular hikes with those drop zones, you can hike the whole loop. Ain't no towns around.
Yeah the AT goes through populated areas NJ, Conn, Mass. It ended up being one of the best parts of the trip. Locals got to recognize you as hikers and were for the most part wonderful.

First town we got stuck in was in PA. Locals sent us to the town hall. As we walked in a little old man smoking a cigar and holding a mop stepped out of closet and said "give me a minute we'll figure something out". Turned out he was the mayor, a sixth grade math teacher and the local scout master. Took us to the town park turned on the electricity and water and let us sleep in the gazebo for two days.

Another little town let us sleep in the jail. There are some good people in the world.

Funniest part was the same questions we got from guys in pickup trucks.
1 Y'all coming from Georgia? No we started in PA.
2 Y'all going all the way to Maine? Yeah.
3 See any snakes? Yeah lots.
4 Want a cold beer? Silly question.
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
You couldn't set up a tent anywhere?
Not in town. We would have food drop shipped to a town near the trail, hitch or walk to town. If we missed the PO we were screwed. Would wait til dark, go slip into the local graveyard. No one goes there at night.
Oh, that's different than here. Mt. Rainier is one of the popular hikes with those drop zones, you can hike the whole loop. Ain't no towns around.
Yeah the AT goes through populated areas NJ, Conn, Mass. It ended up being one of the best parts of the trip. Locals got to recognize you as hikers and were for the most part wonderful.

First town we got stuck in was in PA. Locals sent us to the town hall. As we walked in a little old man smoking a cigar and holding a mop stepped out of closet and said "give me a minute we'll figure something out". Turned out he was the mayor, a sixth grade math teacher and the local scout master. Took us to the town park turned on the electricity and water and let us sleep in the gazebo for two days.

Another little town let us sleep in the jail. There are some good people in the world.

Funniest part was the same questions we got from guys in pickup trucks.
1 Y'all coming from Georgia? No we started in PA.
2 Y'all going all the way to Maine? Yeah.
3 See any snakes? Yeah lots.
4 Want a cold beer? Silly question.
Trail Angels come in all kinds and forms.
While hiking the Appalachian Trail we used to have food packages sent ahead "general delivery". When we'd arrive after the post office closed we often had no where to sleep until morning. The one place no one would notice us was the local graveyard.
You couldn't set up a tent anywhere?
Not in town. We would have food drop shipped to a town near the trail, hitch or walk to town. If we missed the PO we were screwed. Would wait til dark, go slip into the local graveyard. No one goes there at night.
Oh, that's different than here. Mt. Rainier is one of the popular hikes with those drop zones, you can hike the whole loop. Ain't no towns around.
Yeah the AT goes through populated areas NJ, Conn, Mass. It ended up being one of the best parts of the trip. Locals got to recognize you as hikers and were for the most part wonderful.

First town we got stuck in was in PA. Locals sent us to the town hall. As we walked in a little old man smoking a cigar and holding a mop stepped out of closet and said "give me a minute we'll figure something out". Turned out he was the mayor, a sixth grade math teacher and the local scout master. Took us to the town park turned on the electricity and water and let us sleep in the gazebo for two days.

Another little town let us sleep in the jail. There are some good people in the world.

Funniest part was the same questions we got from guys in pickup trucks.
1 Y'all coming from Georgia? No we started in PA.
2 Y'all going all the way to Maine? Yeah.
3 See any snakes? Yeah lots.
4 Want a cold beer? Silly question.
Trail Angels come in all kinds and forms.
Amen. They also create more Trail Angels!
Next to my Uncle and my friend Herby in the middle of the woods in a tiny tent not made for three. We were giggling at his snoring, and he suddenly goes "cut the shit," all serious, then it got quiet for a few and we started bursting laughing at him and we had to run out cuz he got so mad. My uncle is dead now, and its been like 15 yrs since this, but Herby still says "cut the shit" once in a while and its funny even still.
The bathroom floor near the toilet after throwing up and passing out.

been there, done that.....

also fell asleep in the bathtub after drinking 2 bottles of wine in about 30 minutes... begging my husband for help.. he was very sympathetic.... "Don't f'ing drink!" (.... nice...)

Waking up with vomit in your hair and then still feeling drunk, so just decide to open a beer for breakfast. Yeah, but now I don't drink anymore. I used to drink a lot with my dad and sister, but then decided to quit and they still drank and of course they died in 2013 5 months apart.

Pot's better then drinking, but lately just the past couple months I've leaned more toward prescription drugs. The other day I fell asleep in a chair and my partner found all these klonopins spilled all over the floor and got so MAD :lol:

I'm trying to get my Dr to prescribe Xanax, Klon, Librium or Valium but he won't.
I made the mistake of telling him I was an alcoholic so I may need to find a new Dr.
Goddamnit... You just need a good, bony cock. Then you will no longer need the booze and drugs.

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I will play along, Binzi. After a few hours of throwing down many, many gin martinis I passed out, went to sleep, while stand there at a urinal to take a leak. I went completely limp (except my rod, of course) and crashed into the pisser and the wall, then the floor. I am tall, which exacerbated the spill. I was bruised up pretty good for a few days.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I will play along, Binzi. After a few hours of throwing down many, many gin martinis I passed out, went to sleep, while stand there at a urinal to take a leak. I went completely limp (except my rod, of course) and crashed into the pisser and the wall, then the floor. I am tall, which exacerbated the spill. I was bruised up pretty good for a few days.

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Binzi, huh? ;)
I will play along, Binzi. After a few hours of throwing down many, many gin martinis I passed out, went to sleep, while stand there at a urinal to take a leak. I went completely limp (except my rod, of course) and crashed into the pisser and the wall, then the floor. I am tall, which exacerbated the spill. I was bruised up pretty good for a few days.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Not even a new account. Interesting. I would hate to have to buzz your iron head..... I found a sock on the road.....
it's gross... but probably not that strange .... :)
It's better than passing out on the couch, in the middle of a party, flat on your back, with your mouth open and having about 6 of your friends standing around your head with their dicks out and taking polaroid's of just your face and the dicks.

That's not something you'd want to see circulating around the office the next morning.

"Bob, can you come in here and bring everything in your desk with you?"

"It's not what you think sir. They're my friends!"

"Yup, they're your buddies!"
Right outside my gate. That was at least 5 years ago coming from a celebration party with my buddies. I was so drunk so they drove me home with my car as passenger. Unfortunately my house sitter was off so no one would open the gate and I don't have the key for the side door either. It's around 4am I think. So they left me sleeping in my car. When I woke up bcoz the sprinkler went on...... My body laying flat on the concrete next to the grass, right leg is under the car and my left foot is inside the car... I was soak and wet. With a bump on my nagen...... I thought I was wet dreaming. Lol.
I'm flying right now I will come back later for the second one.

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