Whether it's illegals or balloons, Joe Biden fails to protect the U.S.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Whether it's illegals or balloons, Joe Biden fails to protect the U.S.

4 Feb 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden has been hit by crisis after crisis as a result of his own bad decisions, and oddly enough, they are starting to look alike.
Take the latest China balloon incursion, where some kind of spying device has been sent over military installations throughout the U.S. interior, with Biden doing nothing about it.
That's a sovereign violation that ought to be drawing a major response to an arrogant, expanding wannabe superpower desperate to flex is military muscles, yet Joe's response, that shooting the invading device down might create debris or hit a populated area (America is loaded with unpopulated ones the balloon is traversing) is simply pathetic.
Is it all that different from his open borders policies, where millions of unvetted foreign migrants are flooding into this country without authorization, bringing crime, drugs, and costs, yet there too nothing is done about it? Joe offers an absurd excuse for that decision, as well claiming that all migrants who can utter the magic word 'asylum' are entitled to a free ride inside the U.S. for years or more, amounting to an all-expenses paid trip for thousands.
What we see here is a failure to protect, the prime duty of any leader of a nation, and an indifference to duty. Years ago, over at the United Nations, Samantha Powers and her ilk, writing about Rwanda, even came up with the concept of "duty to protect" on humanitarian grounds, claiming that all nations have an obligation to prevent genocide. Duty and protection has an odd parallel to the archetypical concept of manhood, as it's a manly virtue to protect one's own and immediate community, a masculine virtue that, to look at his fatherhood output, Joe's never had.
Whatever it is, it's not a sustainable model in a free society, which requires a strong and protective leader. Now, there may be reasons for Joe's failure to shoot the balloon down, noted here, but the response is important, too, and Joe's not doing it. I did a radio interview yesterday with the great Shaun Thompson of Salem Radio AM 560, and he wondered if this Chinese balloon incident might just be a tipping point with Joe and the public. I think he's onto something. You don't fail at that elemental a level, on a right-stuff sort of an issue, like protecting the country as its commander in chief, without consequences. That's a character issue.
What happens to leaders who fail in their elemental duties to protect on the most basic level and the spin is no longer working? It's not a pretty picture.

Joe Biden continually makes decisions and issues orders that violate his oath of office and undermine our national security. Is this OK with all the elected officials in DC? Biden’s actions are destroying the country and yet a lot of people in Government appear to believe a bunch of unarmed protesters are a bigger threat to our country than Joe Biden and his team of Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies.
If this is the Biden administration’s best response to a slow moving, relatively low altitude incursion into our sovereign airspace by a foreign adversary, then how does anyone think he will handle a supersonic or hypersonic jet or missile “flyover”.
Is this part of Biden’s quid pro quo with the CCP for the millions laundered through businesses and Univ. of Penn to the “big guy”.
This passed week Biden touted our low unemployment numbers, while America has not forgotten Afghanistan debacle, historical hyper-inflation, our open border problems, Fentanyl deaths, Supply Chain shortages and now the Chinese incursion of America.
Time for Biden and is Merry DSA Maoist Democrat Commies to go.
Biden as shown from the beginning to be a complete failure, impeachment proceedings should immediately begin.
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I don't think it's a failure to protect......
As much as it is a deliberate agenda to destroy America.

They seem far more concerned with pilfering the National Treasury, bankrupting America, neutering it's military, demoralizing it's society and sending it's wealth overseas.

At least that's what I see.
Illegal aliens are a part of the leftoid agenda, putting Cloward-Piven into full motion since Biden was installed.

As more places in Blue areas inexorably ramp up allowing non-citizens the vote in local elections the call to allow non-citizens to 'participate' in all elections will grow louder and louder.

The left is and has been playing the long game.
Every step they take is to destroy traditional America!

Every single step, in everything, all issues, from A to Z.

That's the reason DemoncRats had to steal the election, to start the destruction full speed!
Every step they take is to destroy traditional America!

Every single step, in everything, all issues, from A to Z.

That's the reason DemoncRats had to steal the election, to start the destruction full speed!

The first was dumbing down the schools/education. This they planned decades ago when they took over the teacher's colleges. The long game.

We are the proverbial frog placed in room temperature water slowly being brought to a boil.
The balloon keeps going but Biden is a bust.

They finally shot it down.


Xi establishes dominance over Biden. All it took was a balloon

5 Feb 2023 ~~ By DrJohn

Xi Jinping has established dominance over Joe Biden and all it took was a balloon. China sent a highly sophisticated maneuverable surveillance balloon sailing over the United States. It crossed into US airspace over Alaska on January 28th, crossed into Canada and then back over the US, pausing over a number of US military installations. Joe Biden says he was notified on Jan 28th but he waited until Wednesday the 1st to order it shot down, but it was not until the 4th that the balloon was shot down. The balloon was taken down in international waters, resulting in a 7 mile debris perimeter. Now US officials are concerned that China might get to the payload before the US can.
It was an experiment to see how Biden would react in a crisis. Now the world knows. Biden folded like a bad hand.
In order to obfuscate the matter disinformation is being spread widely by the left. On Twitter some no-name nitwit claimed the the DoD confirmed that CCP balloons had violated US airspace under Trump three separate times. Beta male Cory Booker took up that flag and whined about a double standard. That's pretty funny stuff. Russian disinformation, one might say. The CCP must have used very magical stealthy balloons that no pilots on commercial or private flights could see nor could people on the ground see them. Former DNI John Ratcliffe, former CIA director Mike Pompeo and former SecDef Mike Esper (no Trump fan) all denied it. I find myself waiting for those 51 former intelligence officials to weigh in again with their complete bullsh*t lies.
Xi's mastery of Biden did not come overnight. China has been grooming Biden since 2011 at least.

Biden Inc has been trading favors with the CCP during Joe's stint as VP and then after, collecting $31 million from high level CCP officials. Biden has been a huge proponent for China, selling them oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, pushing to lift tariffs on Chinese products and allowing them to again freely steal our intellectual property. China has a number of accomplishments in the US.
China's investment in Biden is paying dividends. China is rising- in America. Joe Biden is not only not stopping any of this, he's enabling it. Now he's made clear he's willing to allow even more.

Joe Biden didn’t fail at anything. He ALLOWED this to happen, just as he allowed the Taliban to take Afghanistan. Joe did however shoot down the balloon after it was eyeballed by civilians.
Now they’ve retroactively “detected” three spy balloons over the country during the term of the last legally elected President we’ve had. All Democrat lemmings need is a rumor, they don’t demand facts.
Truthfully now, if a spy balloon entered US airspace, the Trump administration would not have been able to keep it secret. The deep state wieners that leaked anything and everything harmful to Trump (and, if they couldn’t find anything, just made it up) would have had CNN and MSNBC fully appraised in real time. You would have to be pretty stupid to believe any of that.
Every slob that voted for Biden is responsible for that balloon AND whatever it was up to!
But, as the saying goes...........”you can’t fix stupid”

Whether it's illegals or balloons, Joe Biden fails to protect the U.S.

4 Feb 2023 ~~ By Monica Showalter

Joe Biden has been hit by crisis after crisis as a result of his own bad decisions, and oddly enough, they are starting to look alike.
Take the latest China balloon incursion, where some kind of spying device has been sent over military installations throughout the U.S. interior, with Biden doing nothing about it.
That's a sovereign violation that ought to be drawing a major response to an arrogant, expanding wannabe superpower desperate to flex is military muscles, yet Joe's response, that shooting the invading device down might create debris or hit a populated area (America is loaded with unpopulated ones the balloon is traversing) is simply pathetic.
Is it all that different from his open borders policies, where millions of unvetted foreign migrants are flooding into this country without authorization, bringing crime, drugs, and costs, yet there too nothing is done about it? Joe offers an absurd excuse for that decision, as well claiming that all migrants who can utter the magic word 'asylum' are entitled to a free ride inside the U.S. for years or more, amounting to an all-expenses paid trip for thousands.
What we see here is a failure to protect, the prime duty of any leader of a nation, and an indifference to duty. Years ago, over at the United Nations, Samantha Powers and her ilk, writing about Rwanda, even came up with the concept of "duty to protect" on humanitarian grounds, claiming that all nations have an obligation to prevent genocide. Duty and protection has an odd parallel to the archetypical concept of manhood, as it's a manly virtue to protect one's own and immediate community, a masculine virtue that, to look at his fatherhood output, Joe's never had.
Whatever it is, it's not a sustainable model in a free society, which requires a strong and protective leader. Now, there may be reasons for Joe's failure to shoot the balloon down, noted here, but the response is important, too, and Joe's not doing it. I did a radio interview yesterday with the great Shaun Thompson of Salem Radio AM 560, and he wondered if this Chinese balloon incident might just be a tipping point with Joe and the public. I think he's onto something. You don't fail at that elemental a level, on a right-stuff sort of an issue, like protecting the country as its commander in chief, without consequences. That's a character issue.
What happens to leaders who fail in their elemental duties to protect on the most basic level and the spin is no longer working? It's not a pretty picture.

Joe Biden continually makes decisions and issues orders that violate his oath of office and undermine our national security. Is this OK with all the elected officials in DC? Biden’s actions are destroying the country and yet a lot of people in Government appear to believe a bunch of unarmed protesters are a bigger threat to our country than Joe Biden and his team of Maoist/DSA Democrat Commies.
If this is the Biden administration’s best response to a slow moving, relatively low altitude incursion into our sovereign airspace by a foreign adversary, then how does anyone think he will handle a supersonic or hypersonic jet or missile “flyover”.
Is this part of Biden’s quid pro quo with the CCP for the millions laundered through businesses and Univ. of Penn to the “big guy”.
This passed week Biden touted our low unemployment numbers, while America has not forgotten Afghanistan debacle, historical hyper-inflation, our open border problems, Fentanyl deaths, Supply Chain shortages and now the Chinese incursion of America.
Time for Biden and is Merry DSA Maoist Democrat Commies to go.
Biden as shown from the beginning to be a complete failure, impeachment proceedings should immediately begin.
True. So anoint Ron DeSantis so the Republicans can win again. They will not win with Trump. Why? January 6, 2021. Believe it. Begin moving into the future.
You folks would feel better, as well as cut your use of antidepressants if you would just give in.
Repeat after me:
I welcome our new Chinese overlords. I welcome our new Chinese overlords. I welcome our new Chinese overlords.

General Mattis Denies Reports – Says He HAD NO KNOWLEDGE OF CCP BALLOON Flying Over US During His Time as Secretary of Defense under Trump – ANOTHER LIE EXPOSED! (VIDEO)

It would appear that the "intelligence" apparatus (FBI, CIA, DoD and DNI) of the US lies with such impunity and such frequency that even THEY can't keep track of their lies.
First, they claim Trump lied 87,657 times. But they forgot to subtract 87,657 times those claims of lying were debunked.
The government lies to us, we know they were lying, they know we know they are lying, but they keep lying anyway.
There is no outrage from Americans anymore because they have been conditioned to accept unaccountability, in which lying, and incompetence are expected behavior of the leadership class.
Unfortunately, 'We' seem to be comfortable with the Left dictating and controlling our lives. The Left has managed to fundamentally change America without anyone realizing it!
Then there's also the Norad General who said earlier today that he didn't see these balloon apparitions during the Trump years. Later today, he said the military was concerned this China balloon was loaded with explosives for self-destruction and that's why they didn't shot it down in populated areas.
When they shot it down over the Atlantic, I didn't see any evidence that other explosives went off.
Of course, we're a long way from having all the facts.
We know this is a complete and utter lie because if it flew over when Trump was in office, it would be on the Quisling MSM news cycle 24/7 and Maoist Democrats would have demanded his impeachment over it.

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