Which Bolshevik Blue State Goes Belly Up First?

Now that the pos libs in RI are going to pay for all the DACA brats, they, RI, will be close.

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



Which states are receiving the most federal aid?
1. Kentucky (conservative)
2. Mississippi (conservative)
3. New Mexico (mixed)
4. Alabama (conservative)
5. West Virginia (conservative)
6. South Carolina (conservative)
7. Montana (conservative)
8. Tennessee (conservative)
9. Maine (liberal)
10. Indiana (conservative)

15 States Most Dependent on the Federal Government

If you truly want to stop states getting bailed out by federal dollars, look towards conservatives. But you won't, because you clearly drank the Far-Right Kool-Aid and hold ideology above fact. The only asshole here is you, I'm afraid.

Your article is misleading. It includes federal dollars for MILITARY AND FEDERAL OWNED LAND.

Way to rag on native Americans living in South Dakota.

Why not look at welfare specifically, not overall federal dollars?

In Kentucky....as your linked article states, "there are several military bases and installations in Kentucky that employ thousands, as well as portions of government-controlled land that require federal funding."

South Dakota is home to some of the poorest counties in the nation. It also contains large amounts of Native American land and a handful of national parks and monuments. For a state with such a low population, those two factors alone can quickly skew the numbers. There is also a large military establishment near Rapid City, South Dakota — Ellsworth Air Force Base — which provides federal jobs to many servicemen and women. These factors, along with a low population and tax base, play a big part in making South Dakota appear to be heavily subsidized by the federal government.
Why the fuck are federal dollars spent on National Parks and military installations relevant to your stupid argument?
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:


If Americans knew just how close Michigan came to going belly up, they would never vote for a Democrat again. Detroit nearly brought down the entire state.

Is it really a surprise that Michigan went against the demorcrats in the 2016 election. (note: they still didn't vote for the worthless GOP)
Here is an interesting stat: #1 in food stamps.....DC.

1. District of Columbia

• Number of food stamp recipients: 144,768

• Percentage of the state's population on food stamps: 21.97%

• Total cost of just these benefits alone (That is, how much do just the money on those EBT cards cost the state?): Around $18 million

• Estimated cost of benefits alone per capita in this state: $27.19 per person
Yes, and the level of debt is different, as the economy is stronger in California. Therefore California would be much more able to pay it back.

IMHO Your reasoning is flawed, since GDP per capita of a State alone does not reflect the risk of its sovereign debt over time, you may or may not be aware that government expenditures are a component of the GDP calculation (C + I + G + NX) and currently nearly 12% of California's GDP is made up of government expenditures, so that portion of the GDP has to be viewed as risky (at best) since it would require government spending reduction in order to account for increased government debt service (a dubious prospect at best in California). Another consideration that GDP per Capita doesn't account for is the structural make up of the economy, which for California doesn't bode well since a quarter of it's economy is dependent on Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (which as the most recent recession demonstrated is vulnerable to market instability) and yet another problem for California is that a significant portion of its manufacturing sector (a little over 10% of its GDP) is dependent on government (defense) thus it lacks diversity (to an extent).

Yet another problem is the existing tax burden in California (ranked 8th in the country) since this reflects the "run room" for government to rapidly increase revenues in the event of a debt crisis, California does not really have much since its already high tax burden is in part responsible for the current state of bifurcation within its economy, that is, rich (and high cost of living) coastal regions and increasing poor inland regions, increasing taxes is likely to result in both driving business out of the (high cost) coastal Regions AND requiring increased government subsidies to inland regions as the inhabitants there struggle to keep up with higher costs of living.

The good news for California is that under CURRENT conditions the market is viewing Californian Sovereign Debt as very high quality (it does have a lot going for it in terms of labor force and infrastructure), however as we saw in 2008-2010 that can change very quickly given the States lack of economic diversity and high government structural costs and thus the risk becomes higher as debt to GDP (and debt service costs) increase especially if economic GROWTH (outside of government expenditures) isn't keeping up with the growth of debt.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

MA hasn't been Republican since Coolidge.

Well done. Why did you feel the need to say such a thing?
So your argument that all Blue States are going under is both inaccurate and stupid. Rather, it's a combination of political malfeasance and healing from the last recession.

You conveniently ignore the (not GOP) elephant in the room: The payola scheme between public employee unions and Democrat politicians. For example, CA Gov. Gray Davis increased public employee pensions 50% overnight in return for their campaign contributions. THIS is what is bankrupting these States, not some housing bubble BS.
Which states are receiving the most federal aid?
1. Kentucky (conservative)
2. Mississippi (conservative)
3. New Mexico (mixed)
4. Alabama (conservative)
5. West Virginia (conservative)
6. South Carolina (conservative)
7. Montana (conservative)
8. Tennessee (conservative)
9. Maine (liberal)
10. Indiana (conservative)
First of all, I question the accuracy of your source. I believe THIS source is more accurate when also compared with demographics.

The reason for the higher amount of federal aid is demographics. In states where there is a higher percentage of a race than the national average, the state needs more funding.

National Average:
White 61.3% Black 13.3% Hispanic 17.8% Asian 5.7% Other 1.9%

1. Mississippi - White 56% Black 38% Hispanic 3% Asian n/a
2. Louisiana - W 58% B 32% H 5% A 2% (too many Black)
3. Tennessee - W73 B17 H6 A2 (too many White and Black)
4. Montana - W90 ( too many white people)
5. Kentucky - W85% (too many white people)
6. Missouri - W80% (too many white people)
7. South Dakota - W83 (too many white people)
8. Georgia - B31 (too many black people)
9. Maine - W91%
10. Oregon - W74%

This is the REAL correlation on which we should focus.
Here is an interesting stat: #1 in food stamps.....DC.

1. District of Columbia

• Number of food stamp recipients: 144,768
This supports my demographics skew theory.

D.C. is W37% B46% H%11. That's way too many black people and not enough white and Hispanics. If they would balance that shit out, the food stamp numbers would go down.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

MA hasn't been Republican since Coolidge.

Well done. Why did you feel the need to say such a thing?

Because we're doing business there and the State is a fucking disaster
Which states are receiving the most federal aid?
1. Kentucky (conservative)
2. Mississippi (conservative)
3. New Mexico (mixed)
4. Alabama (conservative)
5. West Virginia (conservative)
6. South Carolina (conservative)
7. Montana (conservative)
8. Tennessee (conservative)
9. Maine (liberal)
10. Indiana (conservative)
First of all, I question the accuracy of your source. I believe THIS source is more accurate when also compared with demographics.

The reason for the higher amount of federal aid is demographics. In states where there is a higher percentage of a race than the national average, the state needs more funding.

National Average:
White 61.3% Black 13.3% Hispanic 17.8% Asian 5.7% Other 1.9%

1. Mississippi - White 56% Black 38% Hispanic 3% Asian n/a
2. Louisiana - W 58% B 32% H 5% A 2% (too many Black)
3. Tennessee - W73 B17 H6 A2 (too many White and Black)
4. Montana - W90 ( too many white people)
5. Kentucky - W85% (too many white people)
6. Missouri - W80% (too many white people)
7. South Dakota - W83 (too many white people)
8. Georgia - B31 (too many black people)
9. Maine - W91%
10. Oregon - W74%

This is the REAL correlation on which we should focus.

Those numbers include funding for National Parks and Military installations.
It may be a near run thing between several Libero-Socialist States whose irresponsible behavior match that of Venezuela, but my money is on the land of Obama--Illinois.....with Cali-Mexico a close second.

"....if you're a resident of Illinois, or worse yet a pensioner in one of the state's massively underfunded pension plans, Democratic Comptroller Susana Mendoza would like for you to know that there is no reason for concern as she has the perfect solution to the state's debt problem: $6 billion in more debt."

Illinois Unpaid Vendor Backlog Hits A New Record At Over $16 Billion | Zero Hedge


States like Illinois, California, Maryland, and Venezuela....which all share pretty much the same politics, apparently figure they don't need to worry about their Debts & Deficits...because they are big enough to take care of themselves!

When these pompous Socialist Assholes in these deep Blue States---Illinois and California, in particular--show up in Washington begging for a Federal Bailout----the answer has to be a resounding:



It's funny, because you could look at the statistics

State debt - Ballotpedia

Massachusetts has the highest per capita debt of any state. $11,300 per person.

But to blame this only on Democrat states would be ridiculous.

Alaska is 4th, ahead of Illinois and California. California is at $4,200 per person and Illinois at $5,100

California has about the same level of debt as Louisiana.

MA hasn't been Republican since Coolidge.

Well done. Why did you feel the need to say such a thing?

Because we're doing business there and the State is a fucking disaster

What I meant was, why did you reply with this to what I had said.

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