Which conspiracy do you think is the least improbable?

Oh yay, let's digress this into another us vs them political cat fight.

I'm far from Bush's biggest fan, but psssst take a look around: Obama has been around for 2 1/2 years now and we're still over there. I guess he's just furthering his money-making machine blah blah blah :rolleyes:

Can we get back to the actual topic now?

Do you really think the US could simply walk into another country, level it, and then just "walk away"? It's why Bush senior didn't invade Iraq. He didn't want the country, THIS country to be saddled with what Republicans left Obama.
I enjoy the arguments that anyone who offers any conspiracy theory of any kind is a conspiracy kook.

In the real world, there actually IS such a thing as a "conspiracy."

So it is not the notion of a conspiracy that is kooky.

It is the specifics of one's conspiracy theory (or theories) which might make one a kook.

For example, one can EASILY believe that Oswald wasn't acting alone based on some interesting visual evidence of the JFK assassination. But it becomes REALLY kooky to then argue that Oswald wasn't implicated AT ALL.

And the JFK conspiracy thread here at USMB also champions the claim that the limo driver "done it." (I keed you not!)

Then there are the imbecile claims regarding the 9/11/2001 atrocities. Those conspiracy kooks maintain that at least one of the buildings came down as a result of a pre-planed DEMOLITION. And they are serious!

There are all manner of odd-ball baseless absurd conspiracy theories out there. The 9/11 Troofers, though, seem the most patently irrational and least likely.

I can understand how folks might believe that Oswald didn't act alone in the JFK assassination.
NONE dare call it conspiracy.

Not at least when one is talking about the government.

Now seriously...how naive does one have to be to imagine that there are NO conspiracies in going on in government?
If Bush had got Bin Laden, America would never have let him invade Iraq. Possibly why he closed down the arm of the CIA looking for Bin Laden. How could he keep his money making wars going if he already took out the 9/11 Mastermind?

rdean could turn anything into bush / republican slamming. what an idiot.

It's what keeps him going everyday...thriving on hatred.:eusa_whistle:
I enjoy the arguments that anyone who offers any conspiracy theory of any kind is a conspiracy kook.

In the real world, there actually IS such a thing as a "conspiracy."

So it is not the notion of a conspiracy that is kooky.

It is the specifics of one's conspiracy theory (or theories) which might make one a kook.

For example, one can EASILY believe that Oswald wasn't acting alone based on some interesting visual evidence of the JFK assassination. But it becomes REALLY kooky to then argue that Oswald wasn't implicated AT ALL.

And the JFK conspiracy thread here at USMB also champions the claim that the limo driver "done it." (I keed you not!)

Then there are the imbecile claims regarding the 9/11/2001 atrocities. Those conspiracy kooks maintain that at least one of the buildings came down as a result of a pre-planed DEMOLITION. And they are serious!

There are all manner of odd-ball baseless absurd conspiracy theories out there. The 9/11 Troofers, though, seem the most patently irrational and least likely.

I can understand how folks might believe that Oswald didn't act alone in the JFK assassination.

I agree, this is what I was trying to get at in the OP.

I don't know all the specifics of the JFK assassination, but I think it's not-completely-ridiculous to think there might have been an additional shooter. I'm not sure either way. My understanding is that the "magic bullet" is theoretically possible, but improbable?
I enjoy the arguments that anyone who offers any conspiracy theory of any kind is a conspiracy kook.

In the real world, there actually IS such a thing as a "conspiracy."

So it is not the notion of a conspiracy that is kooky.

It is the specifics of one's conspiracy theory (or theories) which might make one a kook.

For example, one can EASILY believe that Oswald wasn't acting alone based on some interesting visual evidence of the JFK assassination. But it becomes REALLY kooky to then argue that Oswald wasn't implicated AT ALL.

And the JFK conspiracy thread here at USMB also champions the claim that the limo driver "done it." (I keed you not!)

Then there are the imbecile claims regarding the 9/11/2001 atrocities. Those conspiracy kooks maintain that at least one of the buildings came down as a result of a pre-planed DEMOLITION. And they are serious!

There are all manner of odd-ball baseless absurd conspiracy theories out there. The 9/11 Troofers, though, seem the most patently irrational and least likely.

I can understand how folks might believe that Oswald didn't act alone in the JFK assassination.

I agree, this is what I was trying to get at in the OP.

I don't know all the specifics of the JFK assassination, but I think it's not-completely-ridiculous to think there might have been an additional shooter. I'm not sure either way. My understanding is that the "magic bullet" is theoretically possible, but improbable?

A former colleague of mine (who was a noted homicide prosecutor in his day) once made the observation to me that experience has taught us that ballistics behave in a variety of often unexpected and sometimes inexplicable ways. I still don't buy the magic bullet theory. Sen. Specter is a douchebag and he was when he crafted that absurd theory for the Warren Commission.

But otherwise, there is not much in the conclusion that the President had been shot (the fatal head shot even) from behind that seems irreconcilable with the physical, forensic, morgue and photographic evidence.
Has anyone actually, and I do mean actually, witnessed a squirrel fall from a tree?
am asking out of all the ones you've heard, which one has the least amount of bs stench to you?

Yo Mr. S,
Although it seems to have taken on a "conspiracy" status, the plan to depopulate the earth seems to be the most logical of all the "horrendous" ideas out there.

First, it is a given that there ARE too many people on the planet, and the stupidity of the way that the humans have treated the earth has made it ill from: pollution of the land; water; and atmosphere; the parasitism of the extraction of its vital minerals; the general disregard for the creatures in the biosphere.

One shouldn't be surprised that such an entity as the earth, which has at her disposal a plentiful supply and array of immunological weapons such as: weather conditions; geological forces; biological agents; and etc., would begin to act to lessen the infection that we humans have caused. We're seeing some of that presently: Earthquakes; Tsunamis; volcanoes; drought; hurricanes; tornadoes; heat waves; floods; and etc.

Second, there are a few who have cornered the market on "wealth". They see that the solution to the economic problems facing the ruling class is a smaller population. So it is rumored that they have carefully planned and have already initiated and enacted a course of action that will effectively reduce the population of the earth from nearly seven billion to two billion inhabitants.

The easiest and most economic feasible part of the population to cull would be the poor, the ill, and the elderly. It would actually be quite easy to do. It could be called "Entitlement Reform".

Stop funding the poor through welfare and food programs. Just cut of Supplemental Security Income, and Food Stamps. Result: Starvation of huge numbers of what Kissinger called "useless eaters", and this would mean a HUGE saving of entitlement money.

Stop funding the care and medication of the ill through health programs. Just cut off Medicare and Medicaid, and prescription drug benefits. Result: Death of huge number from health issues, and this too would mean a HUGE saving of entitlement money.

Stop funding the elderly through safety net entitlements. Just shut down Social Security. Result: Death of huge numbers of the aged by starvation, and suicide, and this too would mean a HUGE saving of entitlement money.

And while it may seem unthinkable for a government to do such a thing, isn't this exactly what has been just recently debated in what the media has called the "Debt Debacle" that resulted in the the lowering of the United States AAA rating to a AA+ rating?

And the rationale for doing the three things listed above is that it is the patriotic duty of those in the government to get the United States' Fiscal House in order.

I personally don't see any OTHER solution to the problem. So it seems to be inevitable.

BUT, if it is to be, there is one thing that needs to be done that isn't being done, and that is to create an agency that has as its sole function the humane euthanizing of the poor, the ill, and the elderly.

The Euthanizing Agency (TEA) would have as its function the putting to sleep of those who would otherwise die agonizing and painful deaths from the stopping of the entitlement programs.

Through the proper brainwashing, it could even be made an honor to die for the United States of America, and the economy for which it stands.

It would become one's patriotic duty to present one's self for euthanization if one were poor, ill, and/or elderly.

One's demise would come painlessly, and calmly simply by being given an anesthetic in a pleasant set and setting. It could even be done without the subject being aware that it was happening. There would be no horror, no panic, no trepidation, no pain, no excruciating starvation, anxiety, stress, tension, or mental anguish. One would just one moment be going along, and then next moment be gone.

I happen to qualify for such a demise, for I am poor, ill, and elderly.

If the government would institute such a TEA Program, I would volunteer to be at the top of the list. It is my patriotic duty to my beloved country, and my moral duty to my beloved planet earth.

Alas, I fear that those in charge of the depopulation of the earth don't give any more of a damn about the suffering and anguish that their plan will cause than a grounds keeper mowing a lawn cares about the results of his mower running over an ant hill. I mean, they're just ANTS. And in the eyes of the government, and its wealthy owners, WE who are poor, ill, and elderly are just ANTS.

If you'd like to know more about this, Google "Behind the Veil".

Mark my words.

Ilove youe movies! especially braveheart!
NONE dare call it conspiracy.

Not at least when one is talking about the government.

Now seriously...how naive does one have to be to imagine that there are NO conspiracies in going on in government?

Its incredible the amount of posters we have here who actually think that way,that we have NO government corruption going on whatsover at all.that the media and the government are actually here to serve us.:cuckoo::cuckoo:that there are NO conspiracys are government ever gets involved in.:cuckoo:
NONE dare call it conspiracy.

Not at least when one is talking about the government.

Now seriously...how naive does one have to be to imagine that there are NO conspiracies in going on in government?

Its incredible the amount of posters we have here who actually think that way,that we have NO government corruption going on whatsover at all.that the media and the government are actually here to serve us.:cuckoo::cuckoo:that there are NO conspiracys are government ever gets involved in.:cuckoo:
If Bush had got Bin Laden, America would never have let him invade Iraq. Possibly why he closed down the arm of the CIA looking for Bin Laden. How could he keep his money making wars going if he already took out the 9/11 Mastermind?

So Bin Laden is dead now...why is obama keeping our military over there???
If Bush had got Bin Laden, America would never have let him invade Iraq. Possibly why he closed down the arm of the CIA looking for Bin Laden. How could he keep his money making wars going if he already took out the 9/11 Mastermind?

So Bin Laden is dead now...why is obama keeping our military over there???

CIA assest Bin Laden was killed immediatley after 9/11,and rdean is still telling fairy tales.The mastermind of 9/11 was Dick Cheney.

waits for daws to come on and fart again.
If Bush had got Bin Laden, America would never have let him invade Iraq. Possibly why he closed down the arm of the CIA looking for Bin Laden. How could he keep his money making wars going if he already took out the 9/11 Mastermind?

So Bin Laden is dead now...why is obama keeping our military over there???
good question!
If Bush had got Bin Laden, America would never have let him invade Iraq. Possibly why he closed down the arm of the CIA looking for Bin Laden. How could he keep his money making wars going if he already took out the 9/11 Mastermind?

So Bin Laden is dead now...why is obama keeping our military over there???

CIA assest Bin Laden was killed immediatley after 9/11,and rdean is still telling fairy tales.The mastermind of 9/11 was Dick Cheney.

waits for daws to come on and fart again.
are you high or is spelling not an asset?
NONE dare call it conspiracy.

Not at least when one is talking about the government.

Now seriously...how naive does one have to be to imagine that there are NO conspiracies in going on in government?

Its incredible the amount of posters we have here who actually think that way,that we have NO government corruption going on whatsover at all.that the media and the government are actually here to serve us.:cuckoo::cuckoo:that there are NO conspiracys are government ever gets involved in.:cuckoo:

I was really hoping your stupid ass wouldn't stumble into this thread.

NONE dare call it conspiracy.

Not at least when one is talking about the government.

Now seriously...how naive does one have to be to imagine that there are NO conspiracies in going on in government?

Its incredible the amount of posters we have here who actually think that way,that we have NO government corruption going on whatsover at all.that the media and the government are actually here to serve us.:cuckoo::cuckoo:that there are NO conspiracys are government ever gets involved in.:cuckoo:

I was really hoping your stupid ass wouldn't stumble into this thread.


Like a fly to shit, when 9/1 Rimjob hears "conspiracy," he lands on the pile.

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