Which Conspiracy Theory is MOST Likely True?

Which Conspiracy Theor is MOST LIKELY True?

  • Fake Moon Landing

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • UFO/Alien Evidence Exists

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • JFK Assasination was an Mafia job

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • Obama not born in US

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • Cure for Cancer being withheld

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 17.1%

  • Total voters
You all want evidence here is undisputable evidence in one of the government sponsored events and as you can see they are guilty of this one how many more are they responsible for

you owned the paid shills that have penetrated this thread same asi have owned them this whole tile:beer:

As usual you are just the paid shill who ends up being my bitch on every thread.
You are a fucking moron.
Fictional the hole fucking event was fictional.
Handler no you make it clear you have one.

No it was not but your video claims are.

I have no handler but you do and the evidence crushes you and makes you look like a fool.

You can scream handler all day just as LARAM screams shll all day but that IS ALL YOU HAVE.

You have no evidence and are a dupe

Not everything is a conspiracy but there is plenty of crisis's that have been artificially created in order to sway the masses into a certain direction or accept draconian measures and told that it is for their own good. It's called the Hegelian dialectic that has been used all through history. Create the problem, await the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem that you caused. When I do a radio interview or podcast, I always use this joke to explain the Hegelian dialectic......a man is in front of a store with a table that has chips and dip and has a sign that says "Free samples". The people come up and try it and then say "This tastes like shit" where the man behind the table says "It is......want to buy a toothbrush?"

OKC Murrah bombing, both WTC bombings in 1993 and 2001, the Boston bombing, Sandy Hoax, the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that escalated the Vietnam war were false flags and perpetuated by those that pull the strings. The fact that you can't wrap your mind around these very salient facts doesn't sway me or anyone else that doesn't suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Total bullshit.

You have no business accusing anyone else of cognitive dissonance when you suffer from it worse than anyone. You demonstrated this clearly when you posted idiotic links to bullshit which proved nothing and then argued that it proved you case.

None of those events were false flags and you are incapable of proving otherwise,.

You have yet to provide any evidence of any kind whatsoever to support your idiotic claim and that is a fact.

Every issue that I research, I attack from every angle possible and I have no preconceived expectations as to where it where it will end up. The preponderance of the evidence dictates the outcome. I don't give a shit whether YOU "believe" or not. I don't get any kind of commission for "converting". What I have done for the last six years to the tune of thousands upon thousands of hours has caused me to change my outlook on how things really work as opposed to what I was indoctrinated into believing. There is so much information out there but it's not going to come looking for you.

Just an observation from your postings.....you seem to want to believe that you are important enough that the powers that be would never lie to you and if they did? You would have the where-with-all to call them on it....but the fact of the matter is that you are simply one of the drones in the hive that lack critical thinking skills.


You are a religious believer in myth.

You can toot your own horn all day long about what a researcher you are yet the fact remains you have never presented evidence for any of your assertions. You have mad a few attempts but they are debunked, shredded and crushed with ease.

Clearly you have done no research at all. You have certainly watched a few youtube clips like your dear friend LARAM but that is all.

I know I would never change your mind ( that would require an active mind in the first place which you lack ) and I do not even want to change it. I do however debunk your evidence and prove it to be false and leave you looking like a fool.

No I do not want to believe any such thing. You do not see me claiming to be an expert on anything.

Critical thinking skills are what YOU are lacking in not me. Your entire argument has boiled down to " they lie they lie they lie ". That is hyperbole NOT evidence.

IF you were so endowed with critical thinking skills you could post and present credible, verifiable evidence which you have NEVER DONE.

Your claims or expertise is mental masturbation you are ignorant and nothing more than a gullible sheeple falling for scam artists. This is why I know you will never change your mind as it would destroy your brittle and tiny ego.

The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?
No it was not but your video claims are.

I have no handler but you do and the evidence crushes you and makes you look like a fool.

You can scream handler all day just as LARAM screams shll all day but that IS ALL YOU HAVE.

You have no evidence and are a dupe

Not everything is a conspiracy but there is plenty of crisis's that have been artificially created in order to sway the masses into a certain direction or accept draconian measures and told that it is for their own good. It's called the Hegelian dialectic that has been used all through history. Create the problem, await the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem that you caused. When I do a radio interview or podcast, I always use this joke to explain the Hegelian dialectic......a man is in front of a store with a table that has chips and dip and has a sign that says "Free samples". The people come up and try it and then say "This tastes like shit" where the man behind the table says "It is......want to buy a toothbrush?"

OKC Murrah bombing, both WTC bombings in 1993 and 2001, the Boston bombing, Sandy Hoax, the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that escalated the Vietnam war were false flags and perpetuated by those that pull the strings. The fact that you can't wrap your mind around these very salient facts doesn't sway me or anyone else that doesn't suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Total bullshit.

You have no business accusing anyone else of cognitive dissonance when you suffer from it worse than anyone. You demonstrated this clearly when you posted idiotic links to bullshit which proved nothing and then argued that it proved you case.

None of those events were false flags and you are incapable of proving otherwise,.

You have yet to provide any evidence of any kind whatsoever to support your idiotic claim and that is a fact.

Every issue that I research, I attack from every angle possible and I have no preconceived expectations as to where it where it will end up. The preponderance of the evidence dictates the outcome. I don't give a shit whether YOU "believe" or not. I don't get any kind of commission for "converting". What I have done for the last six years to the tune of thousands upon thousands of hours has caused me to change my outlook on how things really work as opposed to what I was indoctrinated into believing. There is so much information out there but it's not going to come looking for you.

Just an observation from your postings.....you seem to want to believe that you are important enough that the powers that be would never lie to you and if they did? You would have the where-with-all to call them on it....but the fact of the matter is that you are simply one of the drones in the hive that lack critical thinking skills.


You are a religious believer in myth.

You can toot your own horn all day long about what a researcher you are yet the fact remains you have never presented evidence for any of your assertions. You have mad a few attempts but they are debunked, shredded and crushed with ease.

Clearly you have done no research at all. You have certainly watched a few youtube clips like your dear friend LARAM but that is all.

I know I would never change your mind ( that would require an active mind in the first place which you lack ) and I do not even want to change it. I do however debunk your evidence and prove it to be false and leave you looking like a fool.

No I do not want to believe any such thing. You do not see me claiming to be an expert on anything.

Critical thinking skills are what YOU are lacking in not me. Your entire argument has boiled down to " they lie they lie they lie ". That is hyperbole NOT evidence.

IF you were so endowed with critical thinking skills you could post and present credible, verifiable evidence which you have NEVER DONE.

Your claims or expertise is mental masturbation you are ignorant and nothing more than a gullible sheeple falling for scam artists. This is why I know you will never change your mind as it would destroy your brittle and tiny ego.

The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?

I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.
Not everything is a conspiracy but there is plenty of crisis's that have been artificially created in order to sway the masses into a certain direction or accept draconian measures and told that it is for their own good. It's called the Hegelian dialectic that has been used all through history. Create the problem, await the emotional outcry and then propose a solution to the very problem that you caused. When I do a radio interview or podcast, I always use this joke to explain the Hegelian dialectic......a man is in front of a store with a table that has chips and dip and has a sign that says "Free samples". The people come up and try it and then say "This tastes like shit" where the man behind the table says "It is......want to buy a toothbrush?"

OKC Murrah bombing, both WTC bombings in 1993 and 2001, the Boston bombing, Sandy Hoax, the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that escalated the Vietnam war were false flags and perpetuated by those that pull the strings. The fact that you can't wrap your mind around these very salient facts doesn't sway me or anyone else that doesn't suffer from cognitive dissonance.

Total bullshit.

You have no business accusing anyone else of cognitive dissonance when you suffer from it worse than anyone. You demonstrated this clearly when you posted idiotic links to bullshit which proved nothing and then argued that it proved you case.

None of those events were false flags and you are incapable of proving otherwise,.

You have yet to provide any evidence of any kind whatsoever to support your idiotic claim and that is a fact.

Every issue that I research, I attack from every angle possible and I have no preconceived expectations as to where it where it will end up. The preponderance of the evidence dictates the outcome. I don't give a shit whether YOU "believe" or not. I don't get any kind of commission for "converting". What I have done for the last six years to the tune of thousands upon thousands of hours has caused me to change my outlook on how things really work as opposed to what I was indoctrinated into believing. There is so much information out there but it's not going to come looking for you.

Just an observation from your postings.....you seem to want to believe that you are important enough that the powers that be would never lie to you and if they did? You would have the where-with-all to call them on it....but the fact of the matter is that you are simply one of the drones in the hive that lack critical thinking skills.


You are a religious believer in myth.

You can toot your own horn all day long about what a researcher you are yet the fact remains you have never presented evidence for any of your assertions. You have mad a few attempts but they are debunked, shredded and crushed with ease.

Clearly you have done no research at all. You have certainly watched a few youtube clips like your dear friend LARAM but that is all.

I know I would never change your mind ( that would require an active mind in the first place which you lack ) and I do not even want to change it. I do however debunk your evidence and prove it to be false and leave you looking like a fool.

No I do not want to believe any such thing. You do not see me claiming to be an expert on anything.

Critical thinking skills are what YOU are lacking in not me. Your entire argument has boiled down to " they lie they lie they lie ". That is hyperbole NOT evidence.

IF you were so endowed with critical thinking skills you could post and present credible, verifiable evidence which you have NEVER DONE.

Your claims or expertise is mental masturbation you are ignorant and nothing more than a gullible sheeple falling for scam artists. This is why I know you will never change your mind as it would destroy your brittle and tiny ego.

The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?

I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.

Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

Total bullshit.

You have no business accusing anyone else of cognitive dissonance when you suffer from it worse than anyone. You demonstrated this clearly when you posted idiotic links to bullshit which proved nothing and then argued that it proved you case.

None of those events were false flags and you are incapable of proving otherwise,.

You have yet to provide any evidence of any kind whatsoever to support your idiotic claim and that is a fact.

Every issue that I research, I attack from every angle possible and I have no preconceived expectations as to where it where it will end up. The preponderance of the evidence dictates the outcome. I don't give a shit whether YOU "believe" or not. I don't get any kind of commission for "converting". What I have done for the last six years to the tune of thousands upon thousands of hours has caused me to change my outlook on how things really work as opposed to what I was indoctrinated into believing. There is so much information out there but it's not going to come looking for you.

Just an observation from your postings.....you seem to want to believe that you are important enough that the powers that be would never lie to you and if they did? You would have the where-with-all to call them on it....but the fact of the matter is that you are simply one of the drones in the hive that lack critical thinking skills.


You are a religious believer in myth.

You can toot your own horn all day long about what a researcher you are yet the fact remains you have never presented evidence for any of your assertions. You have mad a few attempts but they are debunked, shredded and crushed with ease.

Clearly you have done no research at all. You have certainly watched a few youtube clips like your dear friend LARAM but that is all.

I know I would never change your mind ( that would require an active mind in the first place which you lack ) and I do not even want to change it. I do however debunk your evidence and prove it to be false and leave you looking like a fool.

No I do not want to believe any such thing. You do not see me claiming to be an expert on anything.

Critical thinking skills are what YOU are lacking in not me. Your entire argument has boiled down to " they lie they lie they lie ". That is hyperbole NOT evidence.

IF you were so endowed with critical thinking skills you could post and present credible, verifiable evidence which you have NEVER DONE.

Your claims or expertise is mental masturbation you are ignorant and nothing more than a gullible sheeple falling for scam artists. This is why I know you will never change your mind as it would destroy your brittle and tiny ego.

The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?

I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.

Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

My punctuation is the match for yours boy and yes I have pwned you and you know it.

The video is fictional and presents ZERO evidence. This is why real research, which you massively lack any skill in performing, does not involve watching TV. You are also a liar and coward as I have proven more than once.

They did not fall at free fall speed.

You are a laughing stock and have no evidence

Present some damn evidence
Every issue that I research, I attack from every angle possible and I have no preconceived expectations as to where it where it will end up. The preponderance of the evidence dictates the outcome. I don't give a shit whether YOU "believe" or not. I don't get any kind of commission for "converting". What I have done for the last six years to the tune of thousands upon thousands of hours has caused me to change my outlook on how things really work as opposed to what I was indoctrinated into believing. There is so much information out there but it's not going to come looking for you.

Just an observation from your postings.....you seem to want to believe that you are important enough that the powers that be would never lie to you and if they did? You would have the where-with-all to call them on it....but the fact of the matter is that you are simply one of the drones in the hive that lack critical thinking skills.


You are a religious believer in myth.

You can toot your own horn all day long about what a researcher you are yet the fact remains you have never presented evidence for any of your assertions. You have mad a few attempts but they are debunked, shredded and crushed with ease.

Clearly you have done no research at all. You have certainly watched a few youtube clips like your dear friend LARAM but that is all.

I know I would never change your mind ( that would require an active mind in the first place which you lack ) and I do not even want to change it. I do however debunk your evidence and prove it to be false and leave you looking like a fool.

No I do not want to believe any such thing. You do not see me claiming to be an expert on anything.

Critical thinking skills are what YOU are lacking in not me. Your entire argument has boiled down to " they lie they lie they lie ". That is hyperbole NOT evidence.

IF you were so endowed with critical thinking skills you could post and present credible, verifiable evidence which you have NEVER DONE.

Your claims or expertise is mental masturbation you are ignorant and nothing more than a gullible sheeple falling for scam artists. This is why I know you will never change your mind as it would destroy your brittle and tiny ego.

The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?

I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.

Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

My punctuation is the match for yours boy and yes I have pwned you and you know it.

The video is fictional and presents ZERO evidence. This is why real research, which you massively lack any skill in performing, does not involve watching TV. You are also a liar and coward as I have proven more than once.

They did not fall at free fall speed.

You are a laughing stock and have no evidence

Present some damn evidence

You can't spell, you can't punctuate and you can't articulate your thoughts in a manner that is readable. You are an unmitigated joke. Please keep exposing your stupidity.......it is amusing although a sad commentary on how easily duped the serfs like you are.

I could show you proof all day long and you would still deny

Ranfunck, the "Soupnazi" has declared that actual news footage showing the buildings falling at freefall speed is "made up" or altered.........methinks that the souper-duper nazi is nothing more than a shill and troll......
First off you did not even have time to watch it.
The more you post the more you are proving my point
That has real evidence. The others are all theory with no evidence.

Thats progress for you the fact unlike him,you at least got one foot in the door there that there is real evidence that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on purpose and did not go after Bin Laden.:up:

Now the next step is for you is stop ignoring the evidence that the towers were brought down by explosives only seeing what you want to see the same way this OTHER paid shill you are talking with only sees what he wants to see when it comes to the JFK assassination.LOL

I did forget to include that 9/11s corresponding Anthrax Attacks on the press & Democrats did come from the US military that was under Bush control.
No evidence of it or of Bush allowing 911 to happen

Even if there was evidence ( and there is, it's staring down your throat since 911), but even if there was are you seriously that out of it to think they would get on National TV and admit it . C'mon. Use some logic.
No there is not.

And such huge conspiracies always leave evidence.

There is none and that fact is one you cannot refute

Ever notice behind every thing you lefty zombies claim to be a Conspiracy THE CIA ends up coming up.

It's to bad you don't have the skills to connect the dots. The CIA created that term CONSPIRACY FOOL..

to keep their sheep in the coral you are already in. It's worked well and most of those in that same coral are Trump haters. Funny how the mind functions the same when it is one tracked brick for brains.

You are a religious believer in myth.

You can toot your own horn all day long about what a researcher you are yet the fact remains you have never presented evidence for any of your assertions. You have mad a few attempts but they are debunked, shredded and crushed with ease.

Clearly you have done no research at all. You have certainly watched a few youtube clips like your dear friend LARAM but that is all.

I know I would never change your mind ( that would require an active mind in the first place which you lack ) and I do not even want to change it. I do however debunk your evidence and prove it to be false and leave you looking like a fool.

No I do not want to believe any such thing. You do not see me claiming to be an expert on anything.

Critical thinking skills are what YOU are lacking in not me. Your entire argument has boiled down to " they lie they lie they lie ". That is hyperbole NOT evidence.

IF you were so endowed with critical thinking skills you could post and present credible, verifiable evidence which you have NEVER DONE.

Your claims or expertise is mental masturbation you are ignorant and nothing more than a gullible sheeple falling for scam artists. This is why I know you will never change your mind as it would destroy your brittle and tiny ego.

The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?

I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.

Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

My punctuation is the match for yours boy and yes I have pwned you and you know it.

The video is fictional and presents ZERO evidence. This is why real research, which you massively lack any skill in performing, does not involve watching TV. You are also a liar and coward as I have proven more than once.

They did not fall at free fall speed.

You are a laughing stock and have no evidence

Present some damn evidence

You can't spell, you can't punctuate and you can't articulate your thoughts in a manner that is readable. You are an unmitigated joke. Please keep exposing your stupidity.......it is amusing although a sad commentary on how easily duped the serfs like you are.


You are a liar as I punctuate and spell fine.

What I also do is make a total fool and bitch out of you.


Listen sonny boy a dupe is someone who falls for outrageous bullshit and self righteously claims to be correct and that person is you.


You are the joke of the worlds boy. you are a second hand loser.
First off you did not even have time to watch it.
The more you post the more you are proving my point
Yes I did watch it and it is fiction.

You cannot present evidence for your claim for one simple reason. There is NONE.
Maybe none of them are, but, which is the most believable and/or likely to be true?

- The Moon Landing Was Faked
- The Government is hiding UFO/Alien Evidence
- JFK Murder was an inside job
- Obama Wasn't Born in the US
- Cure for Cancer is being withheld
None of them is ... credible.

Most likely is that the Mafia knocked off JFK. But that was not on your list.

Okie, I'll change it. Don't say I never did anything for you....

Guess I didn't see the original wording but --- it works either way. "Inside job" and Mafia involvement are in no way mutually exclusive.
Dale Smith that is what I have been saying all along.
I wish I had your communication skills but I am old dyslexic.
That has real evidence. The others are all theory with no evidence.

Thats progress for you the fact unlike him,you at least got one foot in the door there that there is real evidence that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on purpose and did not go after Bin Laden.:up:

Now the next step is for you is stop ignoring the evidence that the towers were brought down by explosives only seeing what you want to see the same way this OTHER paid shill you are talking with only sees what he wants to see when it comes to the JFK assassination.LOL

I did forget to include that 9/11s corresponding Anthrax Attacks on the press & Democrats did come from the US military that was under Bush control.
No evidence of it or of Bush allowing 911 to happen

Even if there was evidence ( and there is, it's staring down your throat since 911), but even if there was are you seriously that out of it to think they would get on National TV and admit it . C'mon. Use some logic.
No there is not.

And such huge conspiracies always leave evidence.

There is none and that fact is one you cannot refute

No matter what's put in front of TARDS you all deny it no matter what. Now if Obama the asshole told you OMG, it would be the truth from God himself. That's how reject minds work. LMFAO

World Trade Center Building 7

Twin Towers



AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Videos
The ol "uh-uh?" defense is not proof. Three buildings in downtown Manhattan, two planes....all three buildings collapse in to their own footprint at freefall speed. Frankly, I am embarrassed that I ever believed and touted the official story of 9/11. OKC? Well, I have a mountain of evidence that proves that the official story was utter bullshit and now we have a whistle blower that has come forward that was recruited back in late 1994 to blow up the building in order to cover the crimes of the military industrial complex and the drug running of the CIA that had records stored in that federal building. Sandy Hoax? HOLY shit..........you could drive a brigade of tanks through that lame psy-op and what is even lamer is that when more holes of this story was exposed? The more lies that they had to tell.........I know more than you...it's not a matter of ego nor is it a dick measuring contest. It is simply a fact. You don't have the intellect to challenge me nor do I give a shit about changing your mind. You can eat shit and die for all I care. Have we communicated now?

I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.

Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

My punctuation is the match for yours boy and yes I have pwned you and you know it.

The video is fictional and presents ZERO evidence. This is why real research, which you massively lack any skill in performing, does not involve watching TV. You are also a liar and coward as I have proven more than once.

They did not fall at free fall speed.

You are a laughing stock and have no evidence

Present some damn evidence

You can't spell, you can't punctuate and you can't articulate your thoughts in a manner that is readable. You are an unmitigated joke. Please keep exposing your stupidity.......it is amusing although a sad commentary on how easily duped the serfs like you are.


You are a liar as I punctuate and spell fine.

What I also do is make a total fool and bitch out of you.


Listen sonny boy a dupe is someone who falls for outrageous bullshit and self righteously claims to be correct and that person is you.


You are the joke of the worlds boy. you are a second hand loser.

Allow me to inform you as to how and place a "comma".

"Let's eat mom"............now, this sentence represents an intent to indulge in cannibalism.

Now, we will insert a strategically placed "comma" and look how the meaning changes. "Let's eat, mom"............now THAT is an invite to dine together.......see how that works?

You are an illiterate moron..............those are the facts. Spew away, little fella.........you are MY bitch.
Deep state killed JFK, not the mafia.

The mafia doesn't set up triangulated fire positions and failsafes.

That's OK. The CIA takes care of that. Mafia just supplies the shooters.

Ya can't have an underworld mob with no connections to motorcade routes and SS details making the plan. They're just there for what they're good at --- marksmanship. Has to be done under adult supervision. Plus, if one of your hired guns gets nicked, they're untraceable to the planning committee.
I gave no uh uh defense I debunked your claim.

None of the buildings fell at free fall speed sorry. That claim was long since proven false. Yes there is nothing suspicious about those three buildings collapse after the attacks.

For someone who has a mountain of evidence you are reluctant to demonstrate it. You have never posted any such evidence nor pointed out such a whistle blower.

You do not know more than anyone especially me. You are not enlightened or informed or educated on any of these conspiracy theories. You have hyperbole, ad hominen and self aggrandizing bullshit.

You are not an authority or expert and no amount of screeching that you are is credible.

I have done more than challenge you i have humiliated and owned you like a bitch and you know it.

Now post some fucking evidence and stop claiming to be someone you are not boy.

Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

My punctuation is the match for yours boy and yes I have pwned you and you know it.

The video is fictional and presents ZERO evidence. This is why real research, which you massively lack any skill in performing, does not involve watching TV. You are also a liar and coward as I have proven more than once.

They did not fall at free fall speed.

You are a laughing stock and have no evidence

Present some damn evidence

You can't spell, you can't punctuate and you can't articulate your thoughts in a manner that is readable. You are an unmitigated joke. Please keep exposing your stupidity.......it is amusing although a sad commentary on how easily duped the serfs like you are.


You are a liar as I punctuate and spell fine.

What I also do is make a total fool and bitch out of you.


Listen sonny boy a dupe is someone who falls for outrageous bullshit and self righteously claims to be correct and that person is you.


You are the joke of the worlds boy. you are a second hand loser.

Allow me to inform you as to how and place a "comma".

"Let's eat mom"............now, this sentence represents an intent to indulge in cannibalism.

Now, we will insert a strategically placed "comma" and look how the meaning changes. "Let's eat, mom"............now THAT is an invite to dine together.......see how that works?

You are an illiterate moron..............those are the facts. Spew away, little fella.........you are MY bitch.

I placer them right where they should be boy.

I also prove you wrong and make you into my bitch.

You are a lemming who never presents evidence.

Just stop whining like a whore and post some evidence

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