Which Conspiracy Theory is MOST Likely True?

Which Conspiracy Theor is MOST LIKELY True?

  • Fake Moon Landing

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • UFO/Alien Evidence Exists

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • JFK Assasination was an Mafia job

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • Obama not born in US

    Votes: 11 31.4%
  • Cure for Cancer being withheld

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 6 17.1%

  • Total voters
Deep state killed JFK, not the mafia.

The mafia doesn't set up triangulated fire positions and failsafes.

That's OK. The CIA takes care of that. Mafia just supplies the shooters.

Ya can't have an underworld mob with no connections to motorcade routes and SS details making the plan. They're just there for what they're good at --- marksmanship. Has to be done under adult supervision. Plus, if one of your hired guns gets nicked, they're untraceable to the planning committee.

The CIA worked with mafia hit men....they assembled the "dream team" hit team of snipers and they still fucked it up by hitting JFK on the right hand side of the head which totally obliterates the official story that Oswald (using a bolt action rifle) shot JFK.
Girl, please.....you lack even basic punctuation skills and you are going to claim that you "own" someone?

My punctuation is the match for yours boy and yes I have pwned you and you know it.

The video is fictional and presents ZERO evidence. This is why real research, which you massively lack any skill in performing, does not involve watching TV. You are also a liar and coward as I have proven more than once.

They did not fall at free fall speed.

You are a laughing stock and have no evidence

Present some damn evidence

You can't spell, you can't punctuate and you can't articulate your thoughts in a manner that is readable. You are an unmitigated joke. Please keep exposing your stupidity.......it is amusing although a sad commentary on how easily duped the serfs like you are.


You are a liar as I punctuate and spell fine.

What I also do is make a total fool and bitch out of you.


Listen sonny boy a dupe is someone who falls for outrageous bullshit and self righteously claims to be correct and that person is you.


You are the joke of the worlds boy. you are a second hand loser.

Allow me to inform you as to how and place a "comma".

"Let's eat mom"............now, this sentence represents an intent to indulge in cannibalism.

Now, we will insert a strategically placed "comma" and look how the meaning changes. "Let's eat, mom"............now THAT is an invite to dine together.......see how that works?

You are an illiterate moron..............those are the facts. Spew away, little fella.........you are MY bitch.

I placer them right where they should be boy.

I also prove you wrong and make you into my bitch.

You are a lemming who never presents evidence.

Just stop whining like a whore and post some evidence

Thats progress for you the fact unlike him,you at least got one foot in the door there that there is real evidence that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on purpose and did not go after Bin Laden.:up:

Now the next step is for you is stop ignoring the evidence that the towers were brought down by explosives only seeing what you want to see the same way this OTHER paid shill you are talking with only sees what he wants to see when it comes to the JFK assassination.LOL

I did forget to include that 9/11s corresponding Anthrax Attacks on the press & Democrats did come from the US military that was under Bush control.
No evidence of it or of Bush allowing 911 to happen

Even if there was evidence ( and there is, it's staring down your throat since 911), but even if there was are you seriously that out of it to think they would get on National TV and admit it . C'mon. Use some logic.
No there is not.

And such huge conspiracies always leave evidence.

There is none and that fact is one you cannot refute

No matter what's put in front of TARDS you all deny it no matter what. Now if Obama the asshole told you OMG, it would be the truth from God himself. That's how reject minds work. LMFAO

World Trade Center Building 7

Twin Towers

View attachment 172839


AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Videos
Your entire post cites AE911truth which has long since been proven frauds.

They are not even a collection of engineers and architects but just ordinary convenience store clerks and wal mart associates who simply claim to be architects and engineers.

Much like your ignorant self they have no expertise, authority or credibility and they have NO EVIDENCE.

This was proven years ago when they started as people like me actually joined them and simply told them I am an engineer which they fell for. Just as you consistently fall for the worst sort of stupid claims.

You still have no evidence.

It's getting tiresome.

Just TRY and post some evidence.
Dale Smith that is what I have been saying all along.
I wish I had your communication skills but I am old dyslexic.

You do just fine and you are "awake". We are kindred souls.

He is as bad and ignorant as you getting pwned all the time.'

Where is your evidence boty

"pwned"????????????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.
Dale Smith that is what I have been saying all along.
I wish I had your communication skills but I am old dyslexic.

You do just fine and you are "awake". We are kindred souls.

He is as bad and ignorant as you getting pwned all the time.'

Where is your evidence boty

"pwned"????????????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Dale Smith that is what I have been saying all along.
I wish I had your communication skills but I am old dyslexic.

You do just fine and you are "awake". We are kindred souls.

He is as bad and ignorant as you getting pwned all the time.'

Where is your evidence boty

"pwned"????????????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Yes all true and you hate it.

Now try and post some evidence.
Maybe none of them are, but, which is the most believable and/or likely to be true?

- The Moon Landing Was Faked
- The Government is hiding UFO/Alien Evidence
- JFK Murder was an inside job
- Obama Wasn't Born in the US
- Cure for Cancer is being withheld
None of them is ... credible.

Most likely is that the Mafia knocked off JFK. But that was not on your list.
And yet, Republicans picked Obama as the most likely.
You do just fine and you are "awake". We are kindred souls.

He is as bad and ignorant as you getting pwned all the time.'

Where is your evidence boty

"pwned"????????????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Yes all true and you hate it.

Now try and post some evidence.

He is as bad and ignorant as you getting pwned all the time.'

Where is your evidence boty

"pwned"????????????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Yes all true and you hate it.

Now try and post some evidence.


Yes all true.

Now post some evidence.
"pwned"????????????? ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Yes all true and you hate it.

Now try and post some evidence.


Yes all true.

Now post some evidence.

All you gotta do is search and those who can't figure out how the CIA is behind and or at least brought up on all these crooked losers proves just how much of a trance half you loons are in.


I mean gawd dam anytime some Crooked bs happens even all the way back to JFK there's the CIA being brought up and or being behind it.

They know weak minds are easily fooled though so their bs lines work well on those who can't search past " Obama said so" ..
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Yes all true and you hate it.

Now try and post some evidence.


Yes all true.

Now post some evidence.


Yes all true now post some evidence.
Yes you have been pwned.

Fisted by your better which is me.

Yes all true and you hate it.

Now try and post some evidence.


Yes all true.

Now post some evidence.


Dumb ass proved the point well did he/she/it not.
Evidence has been posted because you refuse to except it shows your stupidity
No it has not.

Neither you or dale nor LARAM has done so.

Youtube clips are not evidence and neither is AE911truth.

Try and post some evidence.

Just stop lying about having done so
Thats progress for you the fact unlike him,you at least got one foot in the door there that there is real evidence that Bush allowed 9/11 to happen on purpose and did not go after Bin Laden.:up:

Now the next step is for you is stop ignoring the evidence that the towers were brought down by explosives only seeing what you want to see the same way this OTHER paid shill you are talking with only sees what he wants to see when it comes to the JFK assassination.LOL

I did forget to include that 9/11s corresponding Anthrax Attacks on the press & Democrats did come from the US military that was under Bush control.
No evidence of it or of Bush allowing 911 to happen

Even if there was evidence ( and there is, it's staring down your throat since 911), but even if there was are you seriously that out of it to think they would get on National TV and admit it . C'mon. Use some logic.
No there is not.

And such huge conspiracies always leave evidence.

There is none and that fact is one you cannot refute

No matter what's put in front of TARDS you all deny it no matter what. Now if Obama the asshole told you OMG, it would be the truth from God himself. That's how reject minds work. LMFAO

World Trade Center Building 7

Twin Towers

View attachment 172839


AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Videos

Screw 9/11

We have been contacted by alien life..
I did forget to include that 9/11s corresponding Anthrax Attacks on the press & Democrats did come from the US military that was under Bush control.
No evidence of it or of Bush allowing 911 to happen

Even if there was evidence ( and there is, it's staring down your throat since 911), but even if there was are you seriously that out of it to think they would get on National TV and admit it . C'mon. Use some logic.
No there is not.

And such huge conspiracies always leave evidence.

There is none and that fact is one you cannot refute

No matter what's put in front of TARDS you all deny it no matter what. Now if Obama the asshole told you OMG, it would be the truth from God himself. That's how reject minds work. LMFAO

World Trade Center Building 7

Twin Towers

View attachment 172839


AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Videos

Screw 9/11

We have been contacted by alien life..

911 created what we live in like the POLICE state it was used to herd people into OBEYING the demands to give up our privacy rights, and freedoms. They used that day as weapon against us.

They knew people would easily give it all up because " IT KEPT US SAFE" mmmmk.
No evidence of it or of Bush allowing 911 to happen

Even if there was evidence ( and there is, it's staring down your throat since 911), but even if there was are you seriously that out of it to think they would get on National TV and admit it . C'mon. Use some logic.
No there is not.

And such huge conspiracies always leave evidence.

There is none and that fact is one you cannot refute

No matter what's put in front of TARDS you all deny it no matter what. Now if Obama the asshole told you OMG, it would be the truth from God himself. That's how reject minds work. LMFAO

World Trade Center Building 7

Twin Towers

View attachment 172839


AE911Truth — Architects & Engineers Investigating the destruction of all three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11 - Videos

Screw 9/11

We have been contacted by alien life..

911 created what we live in like the POLICE state it was used to herd people into OBEYING the demands to give up our privacy rights, and freedoms. They used that day as weapon against us.

They knew people would easily give it all up because " IT KEPT US SAFE" mmmmk.
That much I can agree with but it does not prove an inside job or cover up.

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