Which country's health care system would you adopt?

First find one that works better.
Here's 36:

1 France
2 Italy
3 San Marino
4 Andorra
5 Malta
6 Singapore
7 Spain
8 Oman
9 Austria
10 Japan
11 Norway
12 Portugal
13 Monaco
14 Greece
15 Iceland
16 Luxembourg
17 Netherlands
18 United Kingdom
19 Ireland
20 Switzerland
21 Belgium
22 Colombia
23 Sweden
24 Cyprus
25 Germany
26 Saudi Arabia
27 United Arab Emirates
28 Israel
29 Morocco
30 Canada
31 Finland
32 Australia
33 Chile
34 Denmark
35 Dominica
36 Costa Rica
37 United States of America

So which one?

:lol: FRANCE #1? :lol:

The the USA must be all using witch doctors and shaking cans of holy beads.

France: Close friend there in Poitiers had a lump in his neck. Doctor appointment took a month to get, then another couple weeks for an x-ray, yeah soft tissue gonna show up really great and tell if it's a benign or malignant growth. 45 days later a BIOPSY. 30 days later they removed the benign mass.

Oh yeah France has a great system, if it had been a malignancy, where would he be now?
Who makes up these charts, better question, hows the accuracy of them, kinda like the Global Warming data? :lol: Sorry I am choking on my coffee. Oh, and we have friends in Canada also.......:) They can keep their system too.
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If you had a life threatening infliction, which country would you want to treat you?
That depends, do I have health insurance?!

Deflection, huh? I knew you couldn't be honest with your answer.
People aren't denied healthcare even if they have no insurance.

I'm going to take it easy on you because you are a teenager....
Stop smoking the dope, because it's affecting your clarity of thought.
Deflection, huh? I knew you couldn't be honest with your answer.
Like you deflected my question?

People aren't denied healthcare even if they have no insurance.
And who picks up the tab? The same people who would if they had a universal system.

I'm going to take it easy on you because you are a teenager....
Stop smoking the dope, because it's affecting your clarity of thought.
Your lame insult attempts are what a teenager would do. Lay off the alcohol.
Deflection, huh? I knew you couldn't be honest with your answer.
Like you deflected my question?

People aren't denied healthcare even if they have no insurance.
And who picks up the tab? The same people who would if they had a universal system.

I'm going to take it easy on you because you are a teenager....
Stop smoking the dope, because it's affecting your clarity of thought.
Your lame insult attempts are what a teenager would do. Lay off the alcohol.

All that, and you still couldn't be honest enough to say which healthcare system you would want to use with a life threatening affliction......Makes no difference with the insurance, or not.

Yes...we do have a safety net for those who can't afford insurance, America is a great place. Having said that...over 80% of people who have their own heathcare are very happy with it. Why overhaul the entire system for a few? When there is a solution with mandates, open competition, tax free healthcare savings accounts, tort reform that could solve the problems of our healthcare insurance for a lot less than what we have will end up costing us. Of course if your a big government sort of student, I can see why you wouldn't want it done like that. But, really stay off the 420, OK?
A combination of public and private. Privately insured individuals get preference, great choice of care and doctors and hence better treatment all the way around, since after all they are burdening the state. Its mostly paid by individuals, but there are some employer based plans.

If you don't go private, then you public.

I also liked the Kerry plan ALOT: This is what made me vote for him!
His plan was the government provides UHC, HOWEVER, has a deductible of $20K. Meaning the government pays dick until your bill exceed $20K in a year. Therefore, each individual gets private health insurance, insuring up to the $20K level.

(1) The public system only cover catrophic injures or illness.
(2) Private insurance is easily available to ALL, since their max risk is only $20K
(3) Health insurance premiums would be very low!
(4) Cutting out preexisting condition wouldn't be hard!
(5) The high percentage of people going bankrupt due to medical bills would be solved!
(6) Hospitals wouldn't have to push costs onto the insured for the astromical bills of the uninsured.
If you had to replace the U.S. system, which country's health care system would you replace it with?

First find one that works better.

The only reason ours is so expensive is because of reasons that have been mentioned but never were addressed by Obama and the Democrats.

LOL. Sure, dingbat, sure.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]YouTube - "We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp[/ame]
If you had to replace the U.S. system, which country's health care system would you replace it with?

First find one that works better.

The only reason ours is so expensive is because of reasons that have been mentioned but never were addressed by Obama and the Democrats.

LOL. Sure, dingbat, sure.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVgOl3cETb4]YouTube - "We're Number 37" - Paul Hipp[/ame]

Still indoctinated with the WHO huh, Old Rocks? Ding Bat for sure.
Germany or Sweden, but anything is better than the "disease care" we have now, which is just a notch above nothing at all.
I would replace the current system with the system from 1960, before Medifraud and insurance made the rates skyrocket.
Germany or Sweden, but anything is better than the "disease care" we have now, which is just a notch above nothing at all.

Yeah, it's just terrible over here with our healthcare. Me?...I would go to Cuba, it's so much better than ours...I listened to Mike Moore.
Dude you are brain washed to ignore facts, or a doctor that is benefiting from the current system. Only a blind man could ignore that we have the most expensive and least effective system (or non system) in the world. It seems that most idiots dont understand that the uninsured cost us more money per year with being uninsured than they would if we paid their insurance. But to a lot of buffoons they are more concerned with the "I have mine screw you" attitude.

To answer the Question, the Canadian system with small co-payments to avoid abuses of the system.

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