Which do you prefer: The Wall or human trafficking?

Demwits like to make a lot of noise about human trafficking, but are opposed to building a wall to prevent it. So which is more important to them?

Well, the idea of a an American border wall used to disgust me. I mean come on--with the Scorpions Winds of Change playing in the background and all. But then I realized we could go the way of Europe falling to the scimitar and that something had to be done. Now I am all in for the Wall and even automated less-lethal turrets all along her ramparts(yeah, they exist) to better defend our southern border. That said, the Wall alone will not stop coyotes from guiding illegals our way out of the southern reaches. We need some kind of proactive incursion for that.
Demwits like to make a lot of noise about human trafficking, but are opposed to building a wall to prevent it. So which is more important to them?

Ah, the Republican way, two crap choices.

Can't we choose to have an efficient border? A border which has a fence because it's cheaper, but also technology that might end up on the wall anyway, which will be the effective part of the wall anyway.
Demwits like to make a lot of noise about human trafficking, but are opposed to building a wall to prevent it. So which is more important to them?
They prefer the trafficking, that's the whole point of their squawling.
Do you have any idea how much money the allied gangs make off trafficking? That money is donated to democrats.

And the porn industry makes many many times what the regular film industry makes.
Both dependent upon human trafficking and child sex trafficking.
Both pour money into the dem party in a variety of different ways, including money given directly to politicos.
Demwits like to make a lot of noise about human trafficking, but are opposed to building a wall to prevent it. So which is more important to them?
/——/ As much fun as human trafficking can be. I’d go for the wall.
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