Which GOP candidate or donor started the Russian "dossier" investigation?

Duh, was the Russian government involved?

Dossier keeps referring to Kremlin insiders. One of my fave parts of the dossier was the claim that Michael Cohen the Trump lawyer was actually meeting with government officials and paying them off.

Only one big fucking problem. Steel got the wrong Michael Cohen.Trump's lawyer never went to Prague.


So, are you suggesting Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russian government, i.e. Kremlin? Also, what private Trump or RNC computer servers did Hillary hack? What stolen documents did she weaponize and publicize?

Collusion is not illegal. It's not a crime. As far as the so called hacking of the DNC servers. Still never been examined by any government agencies. So there is no proof that they were hacked by the Russians.

Colluding with a foreign government to influence a U.S. election is a CRIME. Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.

Trump didn't get any contributions so too bad, so sad. On the other hand, the Clinton campaign paid foreign nationals. Steel and the Russians. Your bitch and the DNC are in deep shit. Because not only did they "solicit, they accepted and received" foreign contribution in the form of data in the dossier.


"Here’s the second important passage of the statute: “No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by [this law].”

52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510

Funny. Prove it with "credible" proof. Your usual NaziCon conspiracy theories won't fly. Why are you always on the fake news side of every issue? Please let us know when Hillary is impeached.
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.

We need to know this actually. Because it's important to find out if the dossier was EVER part of the deliverables to any Repub. I don't think the timing makes that so. Hiring Fusion is not illegal. Paying for foreign nationals to assist in Oppo research is.

The media had MULTIPLE copies of this dossier before Clapper phonied up that "Intel Report" to make it appear legit. BEFORE that, even tho you could copies on the floors of many DC bars, the press would not report it..
Dossier keeps referring to Kremlin insiders. One of my fave parts of the dossier was the claim that Michael Cohen the Trump lawyer was actually meeting with government officials and paying them off.

Only one big fucking problem. Steel got the wrong Michael Cohen.Trump's lawyer never went to Prague.


So, are you suggesting Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russian government, i.e. Kremlin? Also, what private Trump or RNC computer servers did Hillary hack? What stolen documents did she weaponize and publicize?

Collusion is not illegal. It's not a crime. As far as the so called hacking of the DNC servers. Still never been examined by any government agencies. So there is no proof that they were hacked by the Russians.

Colluding with a foreign government to influence a U.S. election is a CRIME. Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.

Trump didn't get any contributions so too bad, so sad. On the other hand, the Clinton campaign paid foreign nationals. Steel and the Russians. Your bitch and the DNC are in deep shit. Because not only did they "solicit, they accepted and received" foreign contribution in the form of data in the dossier.


"Here’s the second important passage of the statute: “No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by [this law].”

52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510

Funny. Prove it with "credible" proof. Your usual NaziCon conspiracy theories won't fly. Why are you always on the fake news side of every issue? Please let us know when Hillary is impeached.

Right here. How did you miss it? The proof is in Fusion GPS's bank records.

National Security
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
So, are you suggesting Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russian government, i.e. Kremlin? Also, what private Trump or RNC computer servers did Hillary hack? What stolen documents did she weaponize and publicize?

Collusion is not illegal. It's not a crime. As far as the so called hacking of the DNC servers. Still never been examined by any government agencies. So there is no proof that they were hacked by the Russians.

Colluding with a foreign government to influence a U.S. election is a CRIME. Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.

Trump didn't get any contributions so too bad, so sad. On the other hand, the Clinton campaign paid foreign nationals. Steel and the Russians. Your bitch and the DNC are in deep shit. Because not only did they "solicit, they accepted and received" foreign contribution in the form of data in the dossier.


"Here’s the second important passage of the statute: “No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign national any contribution or donation prohibited by [this law].”

52 USC 30121, 36 USC 510

Funny. Prove it with "credible" proof. Your usual NaziCon conspiracy theories won't fly. Why are you always on the fake news side of every issue? Please let us know when Hillary is impeached.

Right here. How did you miss it? The proof is in Fusion GPS's bank records.

National Security
Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

So, after the Republican candidate or donor dropped out - the Clinton campaign continued funding the "opposition research" with Fusion GPS? Where's the crime? BTW, Trump's ancestors led to him becoming president - but that doesn't make them culpable.
Which GOP candidate or donor started the Russian "dossier" investigation?

Easy, it was all of them.

Everyone hates trump
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.

We need to know this actually. Because it's important to find out if the dossier was EVER part of the deliverables to any Repub. I don't think the timing makes that so. Hiring Fusion is not illegal. Paying for foreign nationals to assist in Oppo research is.

The media had MULTIPLE copies of this dossier before Clapper phonied up that "Intel Report" to make it appear legit. BEFORE that, even tho you could copies on the floors of many DC bars, the press would not report it..

Do you consider Christopher Steele a foreign national?
Why did all the liberal pundits rant and rave that Don Jr. meeting at Trump Tower was borderline treason? As compared to hiring Russian informants for dirt.

Duh, there's a big difference between "opposition research" and "collusion" with a foreign government to influence a presidential election.

Please explain how paying Russian informants for unverified information to compile a dossier against a political opponent that would be used by the FBI to spy on that opponent and leaked to the media at various times differs from collusion.

And by the way there are two defamation cases currently in two countries over this dossier. Part of Steel's defense is based on the fact that the dossier because it was only based on raw intelligence aka unverified information was never to have been made public and Steel considers all those involved with the dossier to have betrayed him by making it public. His defense is pointing fingers at McCain right now.

Duh, was the Russian government involved?

Dossier keeps referring to Kremlin insiders. One of my fave parts of the dossier was the claim that Michael Cohen the Trump lawyer was actually meeting with government officials and paying them off.

Only one big fucking problem. Steel got the wrong Michael Cohen.Trump's lawyer never went to Prague.


So, are you suggesting Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russian government, i.e. Kremlin to influence the election in her favor? Also, what private Trump or RNC computer servers did Hillary hack? What stolen documents did she weaponize and publicize?
no server was hacked that I've seen evidence of. Crowdstrike reneged their findings. so where you at with this glorious evidence?
what evidence do you have? I know the DNC server was never looked at. hmmmmmm why not?
Please explain how paying Russian informants for unverified information to compile a dossier against a political opponent that would be used by the FBI to spy on that opponent and leaked to the media at various times differs from collusion.

And by the way there are two defamation cases currently in two countries over this dossier. Part of Steel's defense is based on the fact that the dossier because it was only based on raw intelligence aka unverified information was never to have been made public and Steel considers all those involved with the dossier to have betrayed him by making it public. His defense is pointing fingers at McCain right now.

Duh, was the Russian government involved?

Dossier keeps referring to Kremlin insiders. One of my fave parts of the dossier was the claim that Michael Cohen the Trump lawyer was actually meeting with government officials and paying them off.

Only one big fucking problem. Steel got the wrong Michael Cohen.Trump's lawyer never went to Prague.


So, are you suggesting Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russian government, i.e. Kremlin? Also, what private Trump or RNC computer servers did Hillary hack? What stolen documents did she weaponize and publicize?

Collusion is not illegal. It's not a crime. As far as the so called hacking of the DNC servers. Still never been examined by any government agencies. So there is no proof that they were hacked by the Russians.

Colluding with a foreign government to influence a U.S. election is a CRIME. Please provide more details with "credible" proof so we may further examine your conspiracy theory that Hillary colluded with the Russian government to influence the election in her favor and she hacked the Trump and RNC private computer servers and weaponized and publicized the stolen documents.
so hitlery shouldn't have done that. too bad.
Please explain how paying Russian informants for unverified information to compile a dossier against a political opponent that would be used by the FBI to spy on that opponent and leaked to the media at various times differs from collusion.

And by the way there are two defamation cases currently in two countries over this dossier. Part of Steel's defense is based on the fact that the dossier because it was only based on raw intelligence aka unverified information was never to have been made public and Steel considers all those involved with the dossier to have betrayed him by making it public. His defense is pointing fingers at McCain right now.

Duh, was the Russian government involved?

Dossier keeps referring to Kremlin insiders. One of my fave parts of the dossier was the claim that Michael Cohen the Trump lawyer was actually meeting with government officials and paying them off.

Only one big fucking problem. Steel got the wrong Michael Cohen.Trump's lawyer never went to Prague.


So, are you suggesting Hillary Clinton colluded with the Russian government, i.e. Kremlin to influence the election in her favor? Also, what private Trump or RNC computer servers did Hillary hack? What stolen documents did she weaponize and publicize?

Yeah, that really backfired on her, didn't it? If you can't trust the Russian government to have your back, who can you trust?

Huh? That doesn't make sense.
sure it does. you choose to ignore facts.
Why are all my right-wing friends so silent on this thread?

Because it's pure supposition. Get back to us when you have something substantive. Until then, you're just flinging poo against the wall, hoping something will stick and provide a distraction from the collusion between the Hillary campaign, the DNC and Russia to throw the election (even after all this time, it still failed).
they call her a gaslighter.
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.

We need to know this actually. Because it's important to find out if the dossier was EVER part of the deliverables to any Repub. I don't think the timing makes that so. Hiring Fusion is not illegal. Paying for foreign nationals to assist in Oppo research is.

The media had MULTIPLE copies of this dossier before Clapper phonied up that "Intel Report" to make it appear legit. BEFORE that, even tho you could copies on the floors of many DC bars, the press would not report it..

Do you consider Christopher Steele a foreign national?
umm, is he American?
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.

We need to know this actually. Because it's important to find out if the dossier was EVER part of the deliverables to any Repub. I don't think the timing makes that so. Hiring Fusion is not illegal. Paying for foreign nationals to assist in Oppo research is.

The media had MULTIPLE copies of this dossier before Clapper phonied up that "Intel Report" to make it appear legit. BEFORE that, even tho you could copies on the floors of many DC bars, the press would not report it..

Do you consider Christopher Steele a foreign national?
umm, is he American?

Duh, no, but did he collude with anyone? BTW, I wasn't addressing you.
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.

We need to know this actually. Because it's important to find out if the dossier was EVER part of the deliverables to any Repub. I don't think the timing makes that so. Hiring Fusion is not illegal. Paying for foreign nationals to assist in Oppo research is.

The media had MULTIPLE copies of this dossier before Clapper phonied up that "Intel Report" to make it appear legit. BEFORE that, even tho you could copies on the floors of many DC bars, the press would not report it..

Do you consider Christopher Steele a foreign national?
umm, is he American?
Duh, no, but did he collude with anyone? BTW, I wasn't addressing you.

Duh, no, but did he collude with anyone?

I'd say that collecting information and making a dossier of that information puts him on the ground floor.

BTW, I wasn't addressing you.

Didn't realize this was a closed thread.
Fusion GPS’s work researching Trump began during the Republican presidential primaries, when the GOP donor paid for the firm to investigate the real estate magnate’s background.

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

When the Republican donor stopped paying for the research, Elias, acting on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the DNC, agreed to pay for the work to continue. The Democrats paid for research, including by Fusion GPS, because of concerns that little was known about Trump and his business interests, according to the people familiar with the matter.

Those people said that it is standard practice for political campaigns to use law firms to hire outside researchers to ensure their work is protected by attorney-client and work-product privileges.

One person close to the matter said the campaign and the DNC were not informed by the law firm of Fusion GPS’s role.

More: Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

Although the above Washington Post article refers to a GOP "donor" - I've also heard from various news sources that the Russian "dossier" investigation was initiated and funded by a GOP candidate or donor who contracted with Fusion GPS, who in turn subcontracted to Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer. Then, after Trump won the Republican Primary Election, the GOP candidate or donor terminated the investigation. Then, apparently Fusion GPS contacted the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the DNC - who then funded the rest of the investigation. So far, it is unknown who the GOP candidate or donor was. It is also yet unknown whether Hillary Clinton was aware of the Russian "dossier" investigation. Also, reportedly, the investigation never started out looking for Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - but pointed that way as Steele went deeper into his investigation.

Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Please correct anything that I am not understanding correctly - with only "credible" sources. I honestly want my understanding to be the correct understanding.

We need to know this actually. Because it's important to find out if the dossier was EVER part of the deliverables to any Repub. I don't think the timing makes that so. Hiring Fusion is not illegal. Paying for foreign nationals to assist in Oppo research is.

The media had MULTIPLE copies of this dossier before Clapper phonied up that "Intel Report" to make it appear legit. BEFORE that, even tho you could copies on the floors of many DC bars, the press would not report it..

Do you consider Christopher Steele a foreign national?

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You're a riot. That's why I drop into your threads. He's not only a Foreign National, he worked as a freaking spook at the Russia Desk in MI-6. I'm sure he's been reprimanded in a very British way for his involvement. Even THO -- he's retired. Once a spook -- always a spook --- "they" say..

Fusion GPS did not start off looking at Trump’s Russia ties but quickly realized that those relationships were extensive, according to the people familiar with the matter.

There's those darn "people familar with the matter" again. They really get around. Must be connected to all the lefty media via fiber. Hey -- BTW --- what WERE "Trumps extensive ties to Russia"? I mean besides the Miss Universe contest and talking about POTENTIAL real estate development deals.

You got any? Does "your source with people familiar with the matter" what to list these for Mueller?
Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

It's illegal to hire foreign interests to assist a domestic Federal election campaign. Got it? good. I don't care if the peeps wearing prison suits are Dems or Repubs. I want this fixed.
Also, what would have been illegal, or even unethical, if Hillary Clinton had used any of that information in her presidential campaign? After all - wasn't that just "opposition research"?

Let's see. The payments to Fusion were hidden from the FEC reporting. This is ALREADY in court. And is the REASON this news broke in the 1st place.

Then there's the knotty issue of foreign participation in US elections. It's entirely possible that being a specialist in Russian issues (Fusion is also part of the russian lawyer chick lobbying Trump Jr for interests) they SHOULD be registered as a foreign agent under THOSE laws.

FEC complaint alleges Clinton campaign, DNC violated campaign law by funding 'Trump dossier'

AND THEN --- there's the issues of direct criminality in soliciting DIRECT advice and "research" from foreign actors in an election. See for instance....

Foreign nationals - FEC.gov

Participation by foreign nationals in decisions involving election-related activities
Commission regulations prohibit foreign nationals from directing, dictating, controlling, or directly or indirectly participating in the decision-making process of any person (such as a corporation, labor organization, political committee, or political organization) with regard to any election-related activities. Such activities include, the making of contributions, donations, expenditures, or disbursements in connection with any federal or nonfederal elections in the United States, or decisions concerning the administration of any political committee. Foreign nationals are also prohibited from involvement in the management of a political committee, including any separate segregated fund (SSF), nonconnected committee, or the nonfederal accounts of any of these committees. See Explanation and Justification for 11 CFR 110.20 at 67 FR 69946 (November 19, 2002) [PDF].

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