Which Liberal Billonaire celebrity will re-open the closed Target stores?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
This is not brain surgery or capitalism for that matter. Who will do it? Will it be OPRAH? How about Bill Gates? Hey.....then there's Barack and Michelle. Michelle was always big into groceries and eliminating food deserts and making life's necessities more accessible to the urban areas. Who will volunteer their hard stolen cash to run a large Big Box store that loses tens of thousands a month to theft and vandalism? OH Wait! The people would neeeeeever do that to a store that doesn't belong to DA MAN.....now isn't that right? If the Store said Barack's Big Box on the Front....all citizens of San Fran would automatically mind their manners and not even think about lifting anything off the shelves because I mean he's like....one of us ya know? Or how about if it said GATES GROCERIES or OPRAH"S ODDS AND ENDS? Ya think? HUH? HUH? HUH HUH HUH ? WHADDYA THINK?

Why should I care what happens to a corporation that has been exploiting consumers for years to make a buck?
You shouldn't.... You should care about the people of San Francisco and so should Oprah, and Bill and Barack.... I'm not talking about opening up the locations as Target stores. I'm talking about Target donating the buildings to some philanthropic cause who will then provide big box service to San Francisco patrons. Hell... they might as well donate them.... ain't nobody gonna buy'em that's for damn sure.
Why should I care what happens to a corporation that has been exploiting consumers for years to make a buck?
You shouldn't.... You should care about the people of San Francisco and so should Oprah, and Bill and Barack.... I'm not talking about opening up the locations as Target stores. I'm talking about Target donating the buildings to some philanthropic cause who will then provide big box service to San Francisco patrons. Hell... they might as well donate them.... ain't nobody gonna buy'em that's for damn sure.
Sam Walton, ever hear of him? He ran Target and Target stores out of the Benton country Arkansass region and no one gave a damn when the owner of Wal Mart did it.
Why should I care what happens to a corporation that has been exploiting consumers for years to make a buck?

It's not the corporations, dummy. It's the mostly black and brown people in the places where they closed, who are now left without pharmacies, grocery stores, and other necessities, because your fellow DemoKKKrats can't stop stealing. Your post makes it clear you simply don't care. You're a good DemoKKKrat.
Moonglow Wait till they raise their prices to make up for the stolen merchandise and closed stores that they are no longer making a profit on. INFLATION MOON>
This is not brain surgery or capitalism for that matter. Who will do it? Will it be OPRAH? How about Bill Gates? Hey.....then there's Barack and Michelle. Michelle was always big into groceries and eliminating food deserts and making life's necessities more accessible to the urban areas. Who will volunteer their hard stolen cash to run a large Big Box store that loses tens of thousands a month to theft and vandalism? OH Wait! The people would neeeeeever do that to a store that doesn't belong to DA MAN.....now isn't that right? If the Store said Barack's Big Box on the Front....all citizens of San Fran would automatically mind their manners and not even think about lifting anything off the shelves because I mean he's like....one of us ya know? Or how about if it said GATES GROCERIES or OPRAH"S ODDS AND ENDS? Ya think? HUH? HUH? HUH HUH HUH ? WHADDYA THINK?

If Target doesn't want those stores open, they won't open, and it's not going to matter what any billionaire has to say about it...

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