Which of Bidens policies / philosophies are sure to lead to greater prosperity and quality of life for good real Americans?

I doubt many of of know what his policies actually are at this point, I know the Left is banking on a Kenyan 2.0 rollout....Letā€™s talk.
Is it the ā€˜sanctuary nationā€™ / open borders?
Is it more illegal Mexicans in our public schools and job markets?
Is it free healthcare for Mexico?
Is it decriminalization?
Is it ā€˜kindaā€™ support for lawlessness and chaos?
Is it legalized drugs?
Is it the ā€˜bring whitey downā€™ movement?
Is it reparations?

The educational programs will. If they become law. Which is far from certain.

Educational programs for illegal Mexicans?
Free college for minority parasites already getting free college?
Enlighten us further.

Allowing more Americans to go to college. Something you can avail yourself of...and should. You sound really angry, hopeless, and pathetic.
Thanks for your concern but I dropped out of grad school because I owned too many properties and couldnā€™t handle day to day operations from my dorm room and from class.
You hate success stories donā€™t you?

Yeah, most people who call themselves "broke loser" are going to "grad school"

If only you had a shred of honesty....

But I'll play along, what college were you attending when you dropped out?

You wouldnā€™t believe me if I told you and Iā€™m okay with that.
Again, Iā€™m fully aware that Leftist protocol requires the belief that EVERYONE is as unsuccessful and as miserable as they are. I get it.

I'm like everyone else...nobody believes you.
If you were successful and happy, you wouldn't sound so unsuccessful and miserable. Like in the OP.

Feel free to name the graduate school any time.... we'll wait.

I have zero interest in selling you on me, this thread isnā€™t about me.
My concern for this nation isnā€™t about me either, I can live anywhere in the world today, I can escape any moment I choose but I have children, nieces, nephews and family that isnā€™t as lucky as I am. Itā€™s no surprise that you ā€œall about me and my desiresā€ types canā€™t wrap your heads around such a thing.

Thats why you're spending Saturday night arguing with a stranger on the Internet. Riiight.

Anyway....Biden's plan to put more people into college is a good thing. You asked, I answered. You bitched, I laughed. You lied, I called you out. I won...you lost. Hence your name...loser.
Sadly, somehow this retarded shit has become a bit of a hobby for me as Iā€™ve inherited more time to spend wasting time.

Biden doesnā€™t plan to put more people into college...he hopes to force others to pay to put more people into college...This foolish shit will never happen, itā€™s simply fools bait that gets you fools all wet.
Your children and their education should not be my responsibility...EVER and sane people are fully aware of this.
Lastly, consider this, my ā€œnameā€ may be facetious in nature. Such a thing would only occur to a sane mind.

Probably comes from being all alone in the world...you have plenty of time to yourself courtesy of nobody wanting to be around you. Which is why the blob is on twitter so much. Nobody else to talk to.

Right...because you said so, you have intel on my life.
Again, I totally get it, itā€™s much easier for you to accept your miserable, pathetic life when you manipulate yourself into believing everybody leads the same miserable life. I get it

You're the one spending your leisure time arguing with people on the internet. I'm at work and just pop in here from time to time to rattle cages. If you really did have so much money and resources and a family....you wouldn't be here at this hour doing what you're doing.

And you wouldn't sound so angry and bitter as you did in the OP and in virtually every other post you make. You're also incredibly hateful.

I just asked you what graduate school you dropped out of.....and the whining began.
None of the above. Biden is a bought and paid for shill who plans to go right on selling out the American people.
I doubt many of of know what his policies actually are at this point, I know the Left is banking on a Kenyan 2.0 rollout....Letā€™s talk.
Is it the ā€˜sanctuary nationā€™ / open borders?
Is it more illegal Mexicans in our public schools and job markets?
Is it free healthcare for Mexico?
Is it decriminalization?
Is it ā€˜kindaā€™ support for lawlessness and chaos?
Is it legalized drugs?
Is it the ā€˜bring whitey downā€™ movement?
Is it reparations?

The educational programs will. If they become law. Which is far from certain.

Educational programs for illegal Mexicans?
Free college for minority parasites already getting free college?
Enlighten us further.

Allowing more Americans to go to college. Something you can avail yourself of...and should. You sound really angry, hopeless, and pathetic.
Thanks for your concern but I dropped out of grad school because I owned too many properties and couldnā€™t handle day to day operations from my dorm room and from class.
You hate success stories donā€™t you?

Yeah, most people who call themselves "broke loser" are going to "grad school"

If only you had a shred of honesty....

But I'll play along, what college were you attending when you dropped out?

You wouldnā€™t believe me if I told you and Iā€™m okay with that.
Again, Iā€™m fully aware that Leftist protocol requires the belief that EVERYONE is as unsuccessful and as miserable as they are. I get it.

I'm like everyone else...nobody believes you.
If you were successful and happy, you wouldn't sound so unsuccessful and miserable. Like in the OP.

Feel free to name the graduate school any time.... we'll wait.

I have zero interest in selling you on me, this thread isnā€™t about me.
My concern for this nation isnā€™t about me either, I can live anywhere in the world today, I can escape any moment I choose but I have children, nieces, nephews and family that isnā€™t as lucky as I am. Itā€™s no surprise that you ā€œall about me and my desiresā€ types canā€™t wrap your heads around such a thing.

Thats why you're spending Saturday night arguing with a stranger on the Internet. Riiight.

Anyway....Biden's plan to put more people into college is a good thing. You asked, I answered. You bitched, I laughed. You lied, I called you out. I won...you lost. Hence your name...loser.
Sadly, somehow this retarded shit has become a bit of a hobby for me as Iā€™ve inherited more time to spend wasting time.

Biden doesnā€™t plan to put more people into college...he hopes to force others to pay to put more people into college...This foolish shit will never happen, itā€™s simply fools bait that gets you fools all wet.
Your children and their education should not be my responsibility...EVER and sane people are fully aware of this.
Lastly, consider this, my ā€œnameā€ may be facetious in nature. Such a thing would only occur to a sane mind.

Probably comes from being all alone in the world...you have plenty of time to yourself courtesy of nobody wanting to be around you. Which is why the blob is on twitter so much. Nobody else to talk to.

Right...because you said so, you have intel on my life.
Again, I totally get it, itā€™s much easier for you to accept your miserable, pathetic life when you manipulate yourself into believing everybody leads the same miserable life. I get it

You're the one spending your leisure time arguing with people on the internet. I'm at work and just pop in here from time to time to rattle cages. If you really did have so much money and resources and a family....you wouldn't be here at this hour doing what you're doing.

And you wouldn't sound so angry and bitter as you did in the OP and in virtually every other post you make. You're also incredibly hateful.

I just asked you what graduate school you dropped out of.....and the whining began.

Haha...RIGHT....65,981 posts made from ā€˜workā€™...makes perfect sense
Three weeks in and more than 40 EOā€™s signed....which of the almost dead dudes policies are aimed to benefit for good real Americans?
Like usual Danny, youā€™re making no sense.
Any nation with a robust welfare system funded by The People must defend its border when it shares one with barely human desperate thirdworlders. You understand why...right?
Millions cross the border everyday for capital trade purposes. Only the right wing wants to build walls instead of invest in free market Capitalism in those economies so their people have no reason to come here.
ā€œCulture warā€
Thatā€™s kinda the point DaShawn...this is America and there should be one ā€œcultureā€....American culture. Everything here was peaceful and on the up and up until the Left fucked shit up with their multicultural, we must become more diverse bullshit. Simple shit...no?
Even the South would not go along with "one culture". Right wing fantasy is no substitute for equality and equal protection of the laws.
Like usual Danny, youā€™re making no sense.
Any nation with a robust welfare system funded by The People must defend its border when it shares one with barely human desperate thirdworlders. You understand why...right?
Millions cross the border everyday for capital trade purposes. Only the right wing wants to build walls instead of invest in free market Capitalism in those economies so their people have no reason to come here.

Oh Danny...here we go again.
American capitalism exists within our borders and to those we INVITE to participate....Americanā€™s are not required to extend capitalism to the worlds most illiterate and most desperate. We The People are supposed decide who joins us in a capitalist endeavor in our country...you hate that donā€™t you Gustavo?
Biden wants to fund more Americans getting into college without the crushing debt now associated with it.
That's the very reason ( Gov't. ) there is "crushing debt" associated with college and healthcare now.

Why not choose something you can afford, like most "educated" people do.
Kerry says all the workers laid off can go build Solar panels, what a jerkoff.
Like usual Danny, youā€™re making no sense.
Any nation with a robust welfare system funded by The People must defend its border when it shares one with barely human desperate thirdworlders. You understand why...right?
Millions cross the border everyday for capital trade purposes. Only the right wing wants to build walls instead of invest in free market Capitalism in those economies so their people have no reason to come here.

Oh Danny...here we go again.
American capitalism exists within our borders and to those we INVITE to participate....Americanā€™s are not required to extend capitalism to the worlds most illiterate and most desperate. We The People are supposed decide who joins us in a capitalist endeavor in our country...you hate that donā€™t you Gustavo?
Only right wingers prefer to extend their socialism on an international basis instead of Capitalism while alleging y'all are not really like that in socialism threads.

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