Which of Your Rights Will They Go After....

I actually feel sorry for anyone in this country ,in this day and age that believes their freedom rests solely on their ownership of a firearm

In fact, i think i can hear the elites (who own everything out to neptune) laughing....

...You lefties LOVE to use euphemisms like "sane gun control" and "common-sense gun control" because you know it will muddy the real issues being discussed, and you know that if you stated what you're REALLY talking about plainly, you would never get anyone to agree with you...

Most Americans who favor of vast improvements in firearms control are NOT in favor of bans.

That's just Right-Wing NRA bumper sticker -caliber Scare Tactics... and those aren't working as well as they used to, are they?

Kondor, excuse me, but you're full of it.

"Most" people who are protesting are kids that have obviously never read history nor could they tell you anything about the Right to keep and bear Arms unless their parents are gun owners.

Just in my lifetime, the government banned fully automatic weapons for civilians (and they couldn't find a single, solitary time a legally held full auto was used in a crime.) The government banned the AK 47, Uzi, the FN / FAL and even some shotguns. There is an import ban on the EIGHT round M1 Garant as well as the M1 Carbine (weapons that were sold by the government through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.) You can't even get an antiquated EIGHT shot .45 ACP Norinco into this country. They passed the wholly illegal Lautenberg Amendment on the back of an unrelated piece of legislation and they passed the Brady Bill and I almost forgot to mention they passed the Assault Weapons Ban - that failed so miserably, legislators failed to find the justification to keep it.

In all those instances the left has never, ever, not even ONCE compromised and pass any kind of preventative measure. Adding insult to injury, the government, at every level, has admitted that had they used the tools they already had, the Parkland, Florida shooting would never have happened.

And, instead of the public demanding WHY the government didn't do their job, they are making this disingenuous argument about so - called reasonable gun control. No matter how many times you repeat that false narrative about this not being about gun control, the more that people are going to be coming out of the woodwork and exposing you.

IF this were about saving lives, the anti-gun lobby would jump at the chance to work on bi-partisan efforts to reduce gun violence without gun control. You see, just because you can't get the right to jump onto your anti-gun bandwagon, you could always save lives without gun control AND still lobby for the gun restrictions. But you won't. You don't care about saving lives. You only care about control. So quit trying to pee down our necks and tell us it's raining.
The government stole the damn thing. Had the government not prohibited the firearm from certain places, it would be on my person.

But nooooo, some places want you to leave the weapon in the car. It's not the only stop I make in the course of the day, so I'm not leaving it at home. Irresponsible would be buying a firearm for self defense and then leaving it locked up in Fort Knox so that idiots can't bitch about it.

The government created the infringement.

You didn't do the right thing and it's the government's fault, how liberal of you.

Locking the firearm wasn't the right thing to do? Are you freaking kidding? Your moronic posts sound something like a ten year old would say. You don't know a damn thing about the situation; don't know me; and by law I took due diligence - that law, in our state, having been authored by an anti-gun Democrat.

We do things your way and you still bitch. You're about control. That is it. You're advocating treason and trying to find excuses to impose gun control. Well I can only promise not to use a weapon to save your sorry ass if you are having someone beat you to death for your wallet.

You're attempting to piss me off and make this personal. Game on.

If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.
I actually feel sorry for anyone in this country ,in this day and age that believes their freedom rests solely on their ownership of a firearm

In fact, i think i can hear the elites (who own everything out to neptune) laughing....


I feel sorry for those who cannot read nor interpret the lessons of history. Those who advocate for the Right to keep and bear Arms are people who were raised in families that cherish their Liberty.

We realize what it took to gain our Freedom and Liberty. We know what it takes to keep it. This is an example of how Liberty works in my neighborhood:

video gwinnettt woman shoots burglars - Bing video
...You lefties LOVE to use euphemisms like "sane gun control" and "common-sense gun control" because you know it will muddy the real issues being discussed, and you know that if you stated what you're REALLY talking about plainly, you would never get anyone to agree with you...

Most Americans who favor of vast improvements in firearms control are NOT in favor of bans.

That's just Right-Wing NRA bumper sticker -caliber Scare Tactics... and those aren't working as well as they used to, are they?

Kondor, excuse me, but you're full of it.

"Most" people who are protesting are kids that have obviously never read history nor could they tell you anything about the Right to keep and bear Arms unless their parents are gun owners.

Just in my lifetime, the government banned fully automatic weapons for civilians (and they couldn't find a single, solitary time a legally held full auto was used in a crime.) The government banned the AK 47, Uzi, the FN / FAL and even some shotguns. There is an import ban on the EIGHT round M1 Garant as well as the M1 Carbine (weapons that were sold by the government through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.) You can't even get an antiquated EIGHT shot .45 ACP Norinco into this country. They passed the wholly illegal Lautenberg Amendment on the back of an unrelated piece of legislation and they passed the Brady Bill and I almost forgot to mention they passed the Assault Weapons Ban - that failed so miserably, legislators failed to find the justification to keep it.

In all those instances the left has never, ever, not even ONCE compromised and pass any kind of preventative measure. Adding insult to injury, the government, at every level, has admitted that had they used the tools they already had, the Parkland, Florida shooting would never have happened.

And, instead of the public demanding WHY the government didn't do their job, they are making this disingenuous argument about so - called reasonable gun control. No matter how many times you repeat that false narrative about this not being about gun control, the more that people are going to be coming out of the woodwork and exposing you.

IF this were about saving lives, the anti-gun lobby would jump at the chance to work on bi-partisan efforts to reduce gun violence without gun control. You see, just because you can't get the right to jump onto your anti-gun bandwagon, you could always save lives without gun control AND still lobby for the gun restrictions. But you won't. You don't care about saving lives. You only care about control. So quit trying to pee down our necks and tell us it's raining.

that last paragraph reeks of cognitive dissonance

I actually feel sorry for anyone in this country ,in this day and age that believes their freedom rests solely on their ownership of a firearm

In fact, i think i can hear the elites (who own everything out to neptune) laughing....


I feel sorry for those who cannot read nor interpret the lessons of history. Those who advocate for the Right to keep and bear Arms are people who were raised in families that cherish their Liberty.

We realize what it took to gain our Freedom and Liberty. We know what it takes to keep it. This is an example of how Liberty works in my neighborhood:

video gwinnettt woman shoots burglars - Bing video

Not much 'history' applies here anymore, and quote frankly i don't see much cherishing going on after the PA was signed Humorme

We're on the 'back 9'

Firearms are just a salve for the ignorati to deny the inevitable


1. Based on the recent massacre, and the full-court press by the Left, ....
"Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed."
Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

....one might think that your right to bear arms is first on their list.

Nay, nay......not so.

2. First on the list for Communists, Fascists.....and Liberals......is Free Speech.

Case in point, CNN news-speaker, and grad of..."Yale University, where he obtained an undergraduate degree, and Fordham University where he obtained his Juris Doctor (J.D.). He is a licensed attorney.
He currently works at CNN,[1][2] and has previously been the ABC Newschief law and justice correspondent and the co-anchor for ABC's 20/20."
Chris Cuomo - Wikipedia

One smart Liberal, huh?

3. With all that supposed education, Liberal Democrat Cuomo said this:


"Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Cuomo’s tweet, and his stubborn campaign to defend it in the wake of a merciless assault from the Twitterverse, errs in two ways. First, it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."
Chris Cuomo Won’t Walk Back His Ignorant Tweet About Hate Speech


"it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."

Here....Fredo Cuomo:

Fredo….I’m not stupid like everybody says….I’m smart.

For the Founders, for Conservatives, for classical liberals.....and for Americans....there is no such thing as
"hate speech."

There is only speech.

And the Liberals are about chipping away at what you can say.

First the Communists are going after the second amendment, then second they will go after the first.

After the Communists disarm us, they sure the fuck won't let us criticize them. Check out any college campus for a quick lesson in what the Marxist left thinks about freedom of speech. What place in America has LESS tolerance for intellectual curiosity and reasoned debate than the Marxist institutions of group think that are the putrid rotting corpse of old school brick and mortar higher education? Harvard once had whites only drinking fountains, now they have blacks only safe spaces. Same racism, different victims.

We all must remember that the democrats are not the opposition, they are the enemy. They don't disagree with us, they hate us. They don't want to govern differently, they want to kill us. They don't want to try a different approach, they want to burn this nation to the ground and piss on the ashes of the once free and proud people.
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment
  • Attacking CNN is not the same as attacking a free press.
  • Republicans are defending the right to vote.
  • How are they attacking the 14th Amendment?
Right now, Conservatives are attacking

A free press
The right to vote
The 14th amendment

You are as always, a complete fucking liar.

Isn't rigging elections by using millions of illegal aliens to distort the vote of citizens an attack on the right to vote, Comrade?

How was the war ISIS barry waged on Fox not an attack on a free press? How was jailing journalists who printed stories that the Obama regime wanted to suppress not an attack on a free press.

See, you are again accusing Americans of doing what you Marxists are in fact doing.

But as I said, you are a complete fucking liar, as Stalinists tend to be.
Both parties are attacking our rights by creating and taking advantage of different kinds of outrage. I hope people notice before it's too late.

Nice to see the hot air contingent checking in.

You words mean less than nothing.
Get off your lazy duff and put some effort into it.....with supporting documentation.

Anybody that's been paying attention the last 20 years knows my words are true. You're a pure bred partisan hack if you think the Republicans are not guilty of attacking our rights too.
While you are busy worry about Republicans taking away your rights, Democrats are actively taking away your rights.

I find that both sides do it. But, Democrat politicians brag about it while their constituents get on these discussion boards and try to argue that the Democrats didn't say what they unequivocally did say.

The war against unalienable Rights was declared in the court case Heller v D.C. in 2008.

The anti-gun lobby will not appreciate the value of Rights until it's THEIR Rights on the chopping block:

* We can limit their access to the Internet / Freedom of the Press / Speech and even their religion

* We could ban people's access to violent video games

* We might limit people's right to eat junk food

* Cigarettes and booze could be curtailed in the name of safety

* Driver's licenses could be limited and you might have to learn how to survive on public transportation if your city / county has transit service

Check this out:

how to order a pizza in the future - Bing video

Be careful what you wish for. It could have a way of coming back to bite you in the arse.

Remember what it says in the Farmer's Almanac: If a man could have half his wishes, he'd just double his trouble.
...You lefties LOVE to use euphemisms like "sane gun control" and "common-sense gun control" because you know it will muddy the real issues being discussed, and you know that if you stated what you're REALLY talking about plainly, you would never get anyone to agree with you...

Most Americans who favor of vast improvements in firearms control are NOT in favor of bans.

That's just Right-Wing NRA bumper sticker -caliber Scare Tactics... and those aren't working as well as they used to, are they?

Kondor, excuse me, but you're full of it.

"Most" people who are protesting are kids that have obviously never read history nor could they tell you anything about the Right to keep and bear Arms unless their parents are gun owners.

Just in my lifetime, the government banned fully automatic weapons for civilians (and they couldn't find a single, solitary time a legally held full auto was used in a crime.) The government banned the AK 47, Uzi, the FN / FAL and even some shotguns. There is an import ban on the EIGHT round M1 Garant as well as the M1 Carbine (weapons that were sold by the government through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.) You can't even get an antiquated EIGHT shot .45 ACP Norinco into this country. They passed the wholly illegal Lautenberg Amendment on the back of an unrelated piece of legislation and they passed the Brady Bill and I almost forgot to mention they passed the Assault Weapons Ban - that failed so miserably, legislators failed to find the justification to keep it.

In all those instances the left has never, ever, not even ONCE compromised and pass any kind of preventative measure. Adding insult to injury, the government, at every level, has admitted that had they used the tools they already had, the Parkland, Florida shooting would never have happened.

And, instead of the public demanding WHY the government didn't do their job, they are making this disingenuous argument about so - called reasonable gun control. No matter how many times you repeat that false narrative about this not being about gun control, the more that people are going to be coming out of the woodwork and exposing you.

IF this were about saving lives, the anti-gun lobby would jump at the chance to work on bi-partisan efforts to reduce gun violence without gun control. You see, just because you can't get the right to jump onto your anti-gun bandwagon, you could always save lives without gun control AND still lobby for the gun restrictions. But you won't. You don't care about saving lives. You only care about control. So quit trying to pee down our necks and tell us it's raining.

that last paragraph reeks of cognitive dissonance


You should have more respect for yourself than to say something that you know, for a fact, is a lie. I've had a plan that has been written and refined for many years and the left refuses to introduce even ONE part of it. Cognitive dissonance? NO. I'm just exposing stupidity and dishonesty wherever it rears its head when unalienable Rights are at stake.
The 14th Amendment was illegally ratified. I don't know of ANY conservatives that are promoting that reality,. Some want the 14th Amendment to be reinterpreted so as to deny birth citizenship.

Do you also think the 13th AMendment was illegally ratified? How about the 15th?

Wait. Please don't answer that.

It certainly was illegally ratified, and so was the 14th.
I actually feel sorry for anyone in this country ,in this day and age that believes their freedom rests solely on their ownership of a firearm

In fact, i think i can hear the elites (who own everything out to neptune) laughing....


I feel sorry for those who cannot read nor interpret the lessons of history. Those who advocate for the Right to keep and bear Arms are people who were raised in families that cherish their Liberty.

We realize what it took to gain our Freedom and Liberty. We know what it takes to keep it. This is an example of how Liberty works in my neighborhood:

video gwinnettt woman shoots burglars - Bing video

Not much 'history' applies here anymore, and quote frankly i don't see much cherishing going on after the PA was signed Humorme

We're on the 'back 9'

Firearms are just a salve for the ignorati to deny the inevitable


Always bear in mind, however, history is cyclical.

1. Based on the recent massacre, and the full-court press by the Left, ....
"Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed."
Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

....one might think that your right to bear arms is first on their list.

Nay, nay......not so.

2. First on the list for Communists, Fascists.....and Liberals......is Free Speech.

Case in point, CNN news-speaker, and grad of..."Yale University, where he obtained an undergraduate degree, and Fordham University where he obtained his Juris Doctor (J.D.). He is a licensed attorney.
He currently works at CNN,[1][2] and has previously been the ABC Newschief law and justice correspondent and the co-anchor for ABC's 20/20."
Chris Cuomo - Wikipedia

One smart Liberal, huh?

3. With all that supposed education, Liberal Democrat Cuomo said this:


"Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Cuomo’s tweet, and his stubborn campaign to defend it in the wake of a merciless assault from the Twitterverse, errs in two ways. First, it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."
Chris Cuomo Won’t Walk Back His Ignorant Tweet About Hate Speech


"it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."

Here....Fredo Cuomo:

Fredo….I’m not stupid like everybody says….I’m smart.

For the Founders, for Conservatives, for classical liberals.....and for Americans....there is no such thing as
"hate speech."

There is only speech.

And the Liberals are about chipping away at what you can say.

First the Communists are going after the second amendment, then second they will go after the first.

After the Communists disarm us, they sure the fuck won't let us criticize them. Check out any college campus for a quick lesson in what the Marxist left thinks about freedom of speech. What place in America has LESS tolerance for intellectual curiosity and reasoned debate than the Marxist institutions of group think that are the putrid rotting corpse of old school brick and mortar higher education? Harvard once had whites only drinking fountains, now they have blacks only safe spaces. Same racism, different victims.

We all must remember that the democrats are not the opposition, they are the enemy. They don't disagree with us, they hate us. They don't want to govern differently, they want to kill us. They don't want to try a different approach, they want to burn this nation to the ground and piss on the ashes of the once free and proud people.

That should be a commentary on YouTube. Great job.

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