Which of Your Rights Will They Go After....

Always bear in mind, however, history is cyclical.

You waiting for the Bronze Age?

Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage

I would estimate that we're between apathy and dependence
That would be the democrats agenda.

That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
Always bear in mind, however, history is cyclical.

You waiting for the Bronze Age?

Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage

I would estimate that we're between apathy and dependence
That would be the democrats agenda.

That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.
Always bear in mind, however, history is cyclical.

You waiting for the Bronze Age?

Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage

I would estimate that we're between apathy and dependence
That would be the democrats agenda.

That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.

That's irrelevant. I think that with the advances in science and technology the cycles will happen much faster and we can look forward to Spiritual Faith, Courage, and Liberty happening in our lifetimes... with people wanting to hang on to abundance this time.

Democrats and the left are nudging this country toward a very dark place.
You didn't do the right thing and it's the government's fault, how liberal of you.

Locking the firearm wasn't the right thing to do? Are you freaking kidding? Your moronic posts sound something like a ten year old would say. You don't know a damn thing about the situation; don't know me; and by law I took due diligence - that law, in our state, having been authored by an anti-gun Democrat.

We do things your way and you still bitch. You're about control. That is it. You're advocating treason and trying to find excuses to impose gun control. Well I can only promise not to use a weapon to save your sorry ass if you are having someone beat you to death for your wallet.

You're attempting to piss me off and make this personal. Game on.

If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.
so just how many unalienable rights do we have?

Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights Among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Open to pretty wide interpretationss

Jefferson understood “unalienable rights” as fixed rights given to us by our Creator rather than by government. The emphasis on our Creator is crucial, because it shows that the rights are permanent just as the Creator is permanent.

Jefferson’s thought on the source of these rights was impacted by Oxford’s William Blackstone, who described “unalienable rights” as “absolute” rights–showing that they were absolute because they came from him who is absolute, and that they were, are, and always will be, because the Giver of those rights–Jefferson’s “Creator”–was, and is, and always be.

Moreover, because we are “endowed” with them, the rights are inseparable from us: they are part of our humanity.

In a word, the government did not give them and therefore cannot take them away, but the government still strains at ways to suppress them.
Locking the firearm wasn't the right thing to do? Are you freaking kidding? Your moronic posts sound something like a ten year old would say. You don't know a damn thing about the situation; don't know me; and by law I took due diligence - that law, in our state, having been authored by an anti-gun Democrat.

We do things your way and you still bitch. You're about control. That is it. You're advocating treason and trying to find excuses to impose gun control. Well I can only promise not to use a weapon to save your sorry ass if you are having someone beat you to death for your wallet.

You're attempting to piss me off and make this personal. Game on.

If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

You mean if they don't use those "rights" to serve the party and further the goals of the leftist Oligarchs?
You waiting for the Bronze Age?

Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage

I would estimate that we're between apathy and dependence
That would be the democrats agenda.

That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.

That's irrelevant. I think that with the advances in science and technology the cycles will happen much faster and we can look forward to Spiritual Faith, Courage, and Liberty happening in our lifetimes... with people wanting to hang on to abundance this time.

Democrats and the left are nudging this country toward a very dark place.
It is relevant if you're going to site the Tytler Cycle of History.

People are fickle, but like to hold on to what's familiar. America won't give up it's heritage, history and patriotism because of leftists.The harder they push, the harder the push back. But we haven't even begun to see how hard the push back is going to be yet. Look at the towns in of all places, radical California, and people are sick of it, the sanctuary state crap and all of it, and they're finally pushing back. Ya know why?


1. Based on the recent massacre, and the full-court press by the Left, ....
"Over a Third of Democrats Would Repeal Second Amendment
More than a third of the Democratic party would do away with the Second Amendment, a survey by The Economist and YouGov revealed."
Repeal the Second Amendment? Almost Half of Democrats Say Yes | National Review

....one might think that your right to bear arms is first on their list.

Nay, nay......not so.

2. First on the list for Communists, Fascists.....and Liberals......is Free Speech.

Case in point, CNN news-speaker, and grad of..."Yale University, where he obtained an undergraduate degree, and Fordham University where he obtained his Juris Doctor (J.D.). He is a licensed attorney.
He currently works at CNN,[1][2] and has previously been the ABC Newschief law and justice correspondent and the co-anchor for ABC's 20/20."
Chris Cuomo - Wikipedia

One smart Liberal, huh?

3. With all that supposed education, Liberal Democrat Cuomo said this:


"Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Chris Cuomo is a law-school graduate. He was once the chief law and justice correspondent for ABC News. He is a host of a show on a network that bills itself as “the most trusted name in news.” Given all that, he really ought to know better.

Cuomo’s tweet, and his stubborn campaign to defend it in the wake of a merciless assault from the Twitterverse, errs in two ways. First, it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."
Chris Cuomo Won’t Walk Back His Ignorant Tweet About Hate Speech


"it’s ludicrous to state that “reading” the Constitution will reveal that hate speech is “excluded from protection.” There is no such language anywhere in the Constitution."

Here....Fredo Cuomo:

Fredo….I’m not stupid like everybody says….I’m smart.

For the Founders, for Conservatives, for classical liberals.....and for Americans....there is no such thing as
"hate speech."

There is only speech.

And the Liberals are about chipping away at what you can say.

Free speech is under attack. No need for them to officially do away with the 1st amendment. They fund their ignorant social justice warriors to travel around and shout down anyone uttering an opinion that doesn't match the left's narrative. Some conservatives speakers have been violently shut down. The protesters are not known for being peaceful. Any time the left is pissed, people get hurt and property gets destroyed.

They are trying to silence people by intimidation, humiliation and violence. Sadly, it's working to some extend because many conservatives have been shut out of college campuses and many who try to speak in other places require a lot of security to ensure their safety. Yea, that discourages many from even trying.

Of course, social media tends to favor liberals and are far more lenient with what is allowed when it comes from the left. People on the right can expect suspension from the sites if they cross the line. Rules that supposedly don't allow "hate speech" doesn't apply to groups like BLM, who get away with calling for the death of whites.

Liberals on TV constantly make jokes about being violent to Republicans and it's just a big joke. Take any of the insults/threats and imagine if the situation were reversed.

There is a clear bias and unequal treatment of people based on political beliefs. And the colleges, media and Hollywood get away with it because people don't want to be attacked for calling them on their shit.
Locking the firearm wasn't the right thing to do? Are you freaking kidding? Your moronic posts sound something like a ten year old would say. You don't know a damn thing about the situation; don't know me; and by law I took due diligence - that law, in our state, having been authored by an anti-gun Democrat.

We do things your way and you still bitch. You're about control. That is it. You're advocating treason and trying to find excuses to impose gun control. Well I can only promise not to use a weapon to save your sorry ass if you are having someone beat you to death for your wallet.

You're attempting to piss me off and make this personal. Game on.

If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.
If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

You mean if they don't use those "rights" to serve the party and further the goals of the leftist Oligarchs?

If you don't "use" those rights responsibility. Such as securing your gun.
If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.

I should call the police and ask them if being responsible is good?
Spiritual Faith
Then starting over with Bondage

I would estimate that we're between apathy and dependence
That would be the democrats agenda.

That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.

That's irrelevant. I think that with the advances in science and technology the cycles will happen much faster and we can look forward to Spiritual Faith, Courage, and Liberty happening in our lifetimes... with people wanting to hang on to abundance this time.

Democrats and the left are nudging this country toward a very dark place.
It is relevant if you're going to site the Tytler Cycle of History.

People are fickle, but like to hold on to what's familiar. America won't give up it's heritage, history and patriotism because of leftists.The harder they push, the harder the push back. But we haven't even begun to see how hard the push back is going to be yet. Look at the towns in of all places, radical California, and people are sick of it, the sanctuary state crap and all of it, and they're finally pushing back. Ya know why?


But under Trump the white people watched their monuments, statues, and memorials destroyed only to be replaced with those of leftists. Our history, for good or bad is still OUR history.

Additionally, under Trump, his Attorney General has promised to outlaw bump stocks. When bump stocks were approved, they met the the functional standards NOT to be labeled as a machine gun.

The statutes haven't changed; the mechanical functionality hasn't changed on the bump stock... but Sessions says when banned the existing ones will have to be surrendered, destroyed or made permanently inoperable. WTF???

How did the Executive Department of our government rise to a position where they can ignore Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution that prohibits ex post facto laws? Why isn't Trump beating the crap out of Jeff Sessions instead of applauding that power grab?

BTW, California is on pretty solid ground due to precedents that were set by the pro-gun lobby. We'd have to take that one up in a separate thread.
You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.

I should call the police and ask them if being responsible is good?

You're right, better stay off the phone, it may be too much for you to handle.
You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.

I should call the police and ask them if being responsible is good?

No, if you are going to make an allegation against me over and over, you should call the police and see what happens. They can PM me here and I can go down and talk to Danny Porter on Monday. He probably owes me lunch anyway. If you're right, I can settle for peanut butter sandwiches.
I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.

I should call the police and ask them if being responsible is good?

No, if you are going to make an allegation against me over and over, you should call the police and see what happens. They can PM me here and I can go down and talk to Danny Porter on Monday. He probably owes me lunch anyway. If you're right, I can settle for peanut butter sandwiches.

Or a dozen doughnuts.
No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.

I should call the police and ask them if being responsible is good?

No, if you are going to make an allegation against me over and over, you should call the police and see what happens. They can PM me here and I can go down and talk to Danny Porter on Monday. He probably owes me lunch anyway. If you're right, I can settle for peanut butter sandwiches.

Or a dozen doughnuts.

I was referring to the DA over in my area. They eat fancy over there. IF that troll is right, I'd be arrested, but fact is - I forgot more about firearms safety than our newest resident troll can comprehend.

While he seems to be among those with a problem with gun owner's Rights, he may want to worry about his own. Too many people plot and strategize dirty deeds AND they harass, stalk, intimidate, and threaten people anonymously over the Internet. They are talking about that on Capitol Hill as well.

One day Internet anonymity will be a thing of the past too. Then you can see who said what... and there will be a lot of accountability. BTW, many employers are even demanding access to potential employees Fakebook account.

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