Which of Your Rights Will They Go After....

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

While the government can delude themselves into thinking they can take unalienable Rights, in fact they cannot. People may be held in a state of bondage for a period, but they will ultimately make their way out.

If you're implying anything, you know how to reach the police. Call them and see if they agree with your assessment. If not, I'll be here the rest of the week.

I should call the police and ask them if being responsible is good?

No, if you are going to make an allegation against me over and over, you should call the police and see what happens. They can PM me here and I can go down and talk to Danny Porter on Monday. He probably owes me lunch anyway. If you're right, I can settle for peanut butter sandwiches.

Or a dozen doughnuts.

I was referring to the DA over in my area. They eat fancy over there. IF that troll is right, I'd be arrested, but fact is - I forgot more about firearms safety than our newest resident troll can comprehend.

While he seems to be among those with a problem with gun owner's Rights, he may want to worry about his own. Too many people plot and strategize dirty deeds AND they harass, stalk, intimidate, and threaten people anonymously over the Internet. They are talking about that on Capitol Hill as well.

One day Internet anonymity will be a thing of the past too. Then you can see who said what... and there will be a lot of accountability. BTW, many employers are even demanding access to potential employees Fakebook account.

And anyone needs another reason not to use Fakebook?
You must think we're all as simpleminded as you are, when you trot out contradictions like that with a straight face...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Princess.

If I encounter a "better", dipshit, I'll remember that.

..."Vetted, licensed, and registered" IS giving up personal freedom, you dunce...
Your personal freedom to own a firearm only extends as far as my right to live in safety from gun violence.

Sorry, but what you're looking for is a "right" to create some magical, fantasy utopia of peaceful, fluffy bunnies you imagine will exist if you can just ban guns. That right doesn't exist, because that delusion doesn't exist, and never will.

My right - a REAL right, not a daydream - to defend and protect myself and my family against the REAL violence that always has existed and always will exist in the REAL world full of humans is not subject to your invented rights to impossibilities.

My right to own a gun does not endanger any of your actual, real rights, and I would say I'm sorry that your actual, real rights aren't enough for you, but I'm not sorry, because I don't give a shit.[/QUOTE]

When your right of possession conflicts with my right to live - or the right of 17 school children to live - then adjustments must be made.

Again, my right to own a gun does not conflict with your right to life or anyone else's, because no matter how much you want to wildly flail the finger of blame around, I DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. I wasn't even IN Florida.

You have a right to Free Speech - except that you may not holler "Fire" in a crowded theater, to the detriment of public safety.

And by the same token, I have the right to own a gun, but I don't have the right to shoot people. And I didn't, so that works out just fine.

You have a right to Bear Arms - except that you must assume the legal responsibilities (shortly to be) imposed upon Gun Owners.

Unfortunately for you, those responsibilities don't include surrendering my rights. None of my ACTUAL legal responsibilities have in any way been unfulfilled.

We license drivers and we register vehicles and we record related transactions and infractions of law and good standing and eligibility.

Neither driving nor ownership of a car is a right, so your attempt at analogy is a failure.

We will license Gun Owners and register guns and record related transactions and infractions of law and good standing and eligibility.

Yes, well, if you and the other fascists think that's gonna happen, you'd better come up with something a hell of a lot more effective than a bunch of annoying children yelling vague slogans and demanding boycotts because someone hurt their "feewings", because changing federal law isn't easy, and amending the Constitution is far, far harder.

I won't hold my breath waiting.

Like it or not, it's coming, and in the not-too-distant future.

See above, re: not holding my breath.

Your absolutist, obstructionist arguments have become threadbare and are nowhere near as effective as they were 20 or 30 years ago.

Yes, I'm certainly worried about the fact that the likes of you "no longer" approves of arguments you never approved of anyway. :rolleyes: That's definitely more reliable than the fact that every time you tweekos start bellyaching, NRA membership shoots up (pardon the pun).

Time's almost up... best to invest your energies in a work-able compromise between the two poles, before you have one imposed on you.

My rights don't come with an expiration date, and no one appointed you official timekeeper, Chuckles.

Impose all you can possibly manage. Maybe you'll even achieve something that we'll notice.

Wait too long, and you're going to walk away with much less than if you(r side) begins that process now, while there is still time.

Would you like to know how long I'm prepared to wait rather than giving you one more single inch of encroachment into my rights? Does the phrase "cold, dead hands" ring a bell?

But, you(r side) will continue to rest on past laurels and case law and delude yourselves that you're untouchable - until it happens.

By all means, PLEASE continue to believe that you're winning in a walk with no opposition. The longer you blind yourself with dreams of relevancy, the better for everyone.

Sad... you could have walked away with much more than is likely, given your (side's) archaic and fading mindset.

Sad, that you think my freedom is something I ask you for, and you grant to me.

What the hell... it's a future you insist upon for yourselves, so... enjoy.

Believe me, I enjoy your fantasies of power and control more than you can comprehend.
I actually feel sorry for anyone in this country ,in this day and age that believes their freedom rests solely on their ownership of a firearm

In fact, i think i can hear the elites (who own everything out to neptune) laughing....


I actually feel sorry for anyone in this country, in this day and age, who believes that their safety lies in the hands of other people besides themselves.

In fact, I think I can hear the tyrants of history, who sold their people that same line, laughing.
You must think we're all as simpleminded as you are, when you trot out contradictions like that with a straight face...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Princess.

If I encounter a "better", dipshit, I'll remember that.

..."Vetted, licensed, and registered" IS giving up personal freedom, you dunce...
Your personal freedom to own a firearm only extends as far as my right to live in safety from gun violence.

Sorry, but what you're looking for is a "right" to create some magical, fantasy utopia of peaceful, fluffy bunnies you imagine will exist if you can just ban guns. That right doesn't exist, because that delusion doesn't exist, and never will.

My right - a REAL right, not a daydream - to defend and protect myself and my family against the REAL violence that always has existed and always will exist in the REAL world full of humans is not subject to your invented rights to impossibilities.

My right to own a gun does not endanger any of your actual, real rights, and I would say I'm sorry that your actual, real rights aren't enough for you, but I'm not sorry, because I don't give a shit.

When your right of possession conflicts with my right to live - or the right of 17 school children to live - then adjustments must be made.

Again, my right to own a gun does not conflict with your right to life or anyone else's, because no matter how much you want to wildly flail the finger of blame around, I DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. I wasn't even IN Florida.

You have a right to Free Speech - except that you may not holler "Fire" in a crowded theater, to the detriment of public safety.

And by the same token, I have the right to own a gun, but I don't have the right to shoot people. And I didn't, so that works out just fine.

You have a right to Bear Arms - except that you must assume the legal responsibilities (shortly to be) imposed upon Gun Owners.

Unfortunately for you, those responsibilities don't include surrendering my rights. None of my ACTUAL legal responsibilities have in any way been unfulfilled.

We license drivers and we register vehicles and we record related transactions and infractions of law and good standing and eligibility.

Neither driving nor ownership of a car is a right, so your attempt at analogy is a failure.

We will license Gun Owners and register guns and record related transactions and infractions of law and good standing and eligibility.

Yes, well, if you and the other fascists think that's gonna happen, you'd better come up with something a hell of a lot more effective than a bunch of annoying children yelling vague slogans and demanding boycotts because someone hurt their "feewings", because changing federal law isn't easy, and amending the Constitution is far, far harder.

I won't hold my breath waiting.

Like it or not, it's coming, and in the not-too-distant future.

See above, re: not holding my breath.

Your absolutist, obstructionist arguments have become threadbare and are nowhere near as effective as they were 20 or 30 years ago.

Yes, I'm certainly worried about the fact that the likes of you "no longer" approves of arguments you never approved of anyway. :rolleyes: That's definitely more reliable than the fact that every time you tweekos start bellyaching, NRA membership shoots up (pardon the pun).

Time's almost up... best to invest your energies in a work-able compromise between the two poles, before you have one imposed on you.

My rights don't come with an expiration date, and no one appointed you official timekeeper, Chuckles.

Impose all you can possibly manage. Maybe you'll even achieve something that we'll notice.

Wait too long, and you're going to walk away with much less than if you(r side) begins that process now, while there is still time.

Would you like to know how long I'm prepared to wait rather than giving you one more single inch of encroachment into my rights? Does the phrase "cold, dead hands" ring a bell?

But, you(r side) will continue to rest on past laurels and case law and delude yourselves that you're untouchable - until it happens.

By all means, PLEASE continue to believe that you're winning in a walk with no opposition. The longer you blind yourself with dreams of relevancy, the better for everyone.

Sad... you could have walked away with much more than is likely, given your (side's) archaic and fading mindset.

Sad, that you think my freedom is something I ask you for, and you grant to me.

What the hell... it's a future you insist upon for yourselves, so... enjoy.
Believe me, I enjoy your fantasies of power and control more than you can comprehend.

Awesome Post My Friend - Reagan once said "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction." has that generation arrived ?
...You lefties LOVE to use euphemisms like "sane gun control" and "common-sense gun control" because you know it will muddy the real issues being discussed, and you know that if you stated what you're REALLY talking about plainly, you would never get anyone to agree with you...

Most Americans who favor of vast improvements in firearms control are NOT in favor of bans.

That's just Right-Wing NRA bumper sticker -caliber Scare Tactics... and those aren't working as well as they used to, are they?

Kondor, excuse me, but you're full of it.

"Most" people who are protesting are kids that have obviously never read history nor could they tell you anything about the Right to keep and bear Arms unless their parents are gun owners.

Just in my lifetime, the government banned fully automatic weapons for civilians (and they couldn't find a single, solitary time a legally held full auto was used in a crime.) The government banned the AK 47, Uzi, the FN / FAL and even some shotguns. There is an import ban on the EIGHT round M1 Garant as well as the M1 Carbine (weapons that were sold by the government through the Civilian Marksmanship Program.) You can't even get an antiquated EIGHT shot .45 ACP Norinco into this country. They passed the wholly illegal Lautenberg Amendment on the back of an unrelated piece of legislation and they passed the Brady Bill and I almost forgot to mention they passed the Assault Weapons Ban - that failed so miserably, legislators failed to find the justification to keep it.

In all those instances the left has never, ever, not even ONCE compromised and pass any kind of preventative measure. Adding insult to injury, the government, at every level, has admitted that had they used the tools they already had, the Parkland, Florida shooting would never have happened.

And, instead of the public demanding WHY the government didn't do their job, they are making this disingenuous argument about so - called reasonable gun control. No matter how many times you repeat that false narrative about this not being about gun control, the more that people are going to be coming out of the woodwork and exposing you.

IF this were about saving lives, the anti-gun lobby would jump at the chance to work on bi-partisan efforts to reduce gun violence without gun control. You see, just because you can't get the right to jump onto your anti-gun bandwagon, you could always save lives without gun control AND still lobby for the gun restrictions. But you won't. You don't care about saving lives. You only care about control. So quit trying to pee down our necks and tell us it's raining.

You just put your finger on it. The left LEAPS over dead bodies when a tragedy happens in order to get to a microphone, so that they can head off any discussion of HOW and WHY it happened, and any sort of realistic measure to prevent future occurrences, and ensure that the only conversation that's ever allowed to take place is, "What should we ban THIS time? What can we parlay these victims into for our agenda?"

They desperately do not want ANYTHING to even have the appearance of cutting down on violence and making the country safer, because it might derail their push to their final goal.
That would be the democrats agenda.

That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.

That's irrelevant. I think that with the advances in science and technology the cycles will happen much faster and we can look forward to Spiritual Faith, Courage, and Liberty happening in our lifetimes... with people wanting to hang on to abundance this time.

Democrats and the left are nudging this country toward a very dark place.
It is relevant if you're going to site the Tytler Cycle of History.

People are fickle, but like to hold on to what's familiar. America won't give up it's heritage, history and patriotism because of leftists.The harder they push, the harder the push back. But we haven't even begun to see how hard the push back is going to be yet. Look at the towns in of all places, radical California, and people are sick of it, the sanctuary state crap and all of it, and they're finally pushing back. Ya know why?


But under Trump the white people watched their monuments, statues, and memorials destroyed only to be replaced with those of leftists. Our history, for good or bad is still OUR history.

Additionally, under Trump, his Attorney General has promised to outlaw bump stocks. When bump stocks were approved, they met the the functional standards NOT to be labeled as a machine gun.

The statutes haven't changed; the mechanical functionality hasn't changed on the bump stock... but Sessions says when banned the existing ones will have to be surrendered, destroyed or made permanently inoperable. WTF???

How did the Executive Department of our government rise to a position where they can ignore Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution that prohibits ex post facto laws? Why isn't Trump beating the crap out of Jeff Sessions instead of applauding that power grab?

BTW, California is on pretty solid ground due to precedents that were set by the pro-gun lobby. We'd have to take that one up in a separate thread.
There are THOUSANDS of statues around America. We have seen a few taken down by radicals because they inhabit those areas in greater numbers so they feel emboldened. It isn't happening everywhere and won't.

As far as bump stocks go, they didn't need to be approved. They don't mechanically alter the firearm so technically they're not an altercation which enables automatic fire. They're a bolt on item, which under the law is/was legal. They're basically a novelty item. They not worth a crap if you intend to hit a target with any amount of accuracy. The firearms own recoil and your own finger on the trigger "bumping it" is what accounts for rapid fire. The gun isn't "technically" AUTOMATIC, you've just been enabled to BUMP the trigger as the gun recoils with each round. That's not illegal. It doesn't even work unless you know how to hold your finger. If your finger could move that fast you could do the same thing without it. You could even make yourself a big spongy shoulder pad and it would do the same thing, and someone will probably have one of those next.

As far as Sessions goes, he has to be the Trump's biggest failure. The man is a complete jackass and in way over his head. To say he's a disappointment would be a colossal understatement.
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Locking the firearm wasn't the right thing to do? Are you freaking kidding? Your moronic posts sound something like a ten year old would say. You don't know a damn thing about the situation; don't know me; and by law I took due diligence - that law, in our state, having been authored by an anti-gun Democrat.

We do things your way and you still bitch. You're about control. That is it. You're advocating treason and trying to find excuses to impose gun control. Well I can only promise not to use a weapon to save your sorry ass if you are having someone beat you to death for your wallet.

You're attempting to piss me off and make this personal. Game on.

If you weapon is on your desk it isn't secured.

You need to quit trolling me and give it a rest.

I'm not trolling, I'm answering a post directed to me with information you gave me.

No sir, it's been determined that you are stalking me. You seem to have a personal issue with me. I have a PM here. Other than that, your personal attacks don't have shit to do with the OP. You have a problem with me? You want to say something personal to me? PM. Otherwise make your comments relative to the OP.

Rights carry responsibility. If one is irresponsible relating to that right, he/she should lose that right.

True, but the problem is that your agenda is more along the lines of "If one person is irresponsible relating to his right, EVERYONE should lose that right."

I didn't shoot anyone, so explain to me why there should be any laws passed restricting my right to own firearms.
That is the Tytler Cycle of History. Democrats have never been about Spiritual Faith, Courage, Liberty, or Abundance.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.

That's irrelevant. I think that with the advances in science and technology the cycles will happen much faster and we can look forward to Spiritual Faith, Courage, and Liberty happening in our lifetimes... with people wanting to hang on to abundance this time.

Democrats and the left are nudging this country toward a very dark place.
It is relevant if you're going to site the Tytler Cycle of History.

People are fickle, but like to hold on to what's familiar. America won't give up it's heritage, history and patriotism because of leftists.The harder they push, the harder the push back. But we haven't even begun to see how hard the push back is going to be yet. Look at the towns in of all places, radical California, and people are sick of it, the sanctuary state crap and all of it, and they're finally pushing back. Ya know why?


But under Trump the white people watched their monuments, statues, and memorials destroyed only to be replaced with those of leftists. Our history, for good or bad is still OUR history.

Additionally, under Trump, his Attorney General has promised to outlaw bump stocks. When bump stocks were approved, they met the the functional standards NOT to be labeled as a machine gun.

The statutes haven't changed; the mechanical functionality hasn't changed on the bump stock... but Sessions says when banned the existing ones will have to be surrendered, destroyed or made permanently inoperable. WTF???

How did the Executive Department of our government rise to a position where they can ignore Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution that prohibits ex post facto laws? Why isn't Trump beating the crap out of Jeff Sessions instead of applauding that power grab?

BTW, California is on pretty solid ground due to precedents that were set by the pro-gun lobby. We'd have to take that one up in a separate thread.
There are THOUSANDS of statues around America. We have seen a few taken down by radicals because they inhabit those areas in greater numbers so they feel emboldened. It isn't happening everywhere and won't.

As far as bump stocks go, they didn't need to be approved. They don't mechanically alter the firearm so technically they're not an altercation which enables automatic fire. They're a bolt on item, which under the law is/was legal. They're basically a novelty item. They not worth a crap if you intend to hit a target with any amount of accuracy. The firearms own recoil and your own finger on the trigger "bumping it" is what accounts for rapid fire. The gun isn't "technically" AUTOMATIC, you've just been enabled to BUMP the trigger as the gun recoils with each round. That's not illegal. It doesn't even work unless you know how to hold your finger.

As far as Sessions goes, he has to be the Trump's biggest failure. The man is a complete jackass and in way over his head. To say he's a disappointment would be a colossal understatement.

I made all those points today to a flunky in Senator David Perdue's office, who ironically, claims a degree in political science.

Still, they are going to ban a novelty item, but the principle behind it leaves the door open to allow an AG to outlaw anything they want to with NO constitutional protections.
You must think we're all as simpleminded as you are, when you trot out contradictions like that with a straight face...
Mind your manners in the presence of your betters, Princess.

If I encounter a "better", dipshit, I'll remember that.

..."Vetted, licensed, and registered" IS giving up personal freedom, you dunce...
Your personal freedom to own a firearm only extends as far as my right to live in safety from gun violence.

Sorry, but what you're looking for is a "right" to create some magical, fantasy utopia of peaceful, fluffy bunnies you imagine will exist if you can just ban guns. That right doesn't exist, because that delusion doesn't exist, and never will.

My right - a REAL right, not a daydream - to defend and protect myself and my family against the REAL violence that always has existed and always will exist in the REAL world full of humans is not subject to your invented rights to impossibilities.

My right to own a gun does not endanger any of your actual, real rights, and I would say I'm sorry that your actual, real rights aren't enough for you, but I'm not sorry, because I don't give a shit.

When your right of possession conflicts with my right to live - or the right of 17 school children to live - then adjustments must be made.

Again, my right to own a gun does not conflict with your right to life or anyone else's, because no matter how much you want to wildly flail the finger of blame around, I DIDN'T SHOOT ANYONE. I wasn't even IN Florida.

You have a right to Free Speech - except that you may not holler "Fire" in a crowded theater, to the detriment of public safety.

And by the same token, I have the right to own a gun, but I don't have the right to shoot people. And I didn't, so that works out just fine.

You have a right to Bear Arms - except that you must assume the legal responsibilities (shortly to be) imposed upon Gun Owners.

Unfortunately for you, those responsibilities don't include surrendering my rights. None of my ACTUAL legal responsibilities have in any way been unfulfilled.

We license drivers and we register vehicles and we record related transactions and infractions of law and good standing and eligibility.

Neither driving nor ownership of a car is a right, so your attempt at analogy is a failure.

We will license Gun Owners and register guns and record related transactions and infractions of law and good standing and eligibility.

Yes, well, if you and the other fascists think that's gonna happen, you'd better come up with something a hell of a lot more effective than a bunch of annoying children yelling vague slogans and demanding boycotts because someone hurt their "feewings", because changing federal law isn't easy, and amending the Constitution is far, far harder.

I won't hold my breath waiting.

Like it or not, it's coming, and in the not-too-distant future.

See above, re: not holding my breath.

Your absolutist, obstructionist arguments have become threadbare and are nowhere near as effective as they were 20 or 30 years ago.

Yes, I'm certainly worried about the fact that the likes of you "no longer" approves of arguments you never approved of anyway. :rolleyes: That's definitely more reliable than the fact that every time you tweekos start bellyaching, NRA membership shoots up (pardon the pun).

Time's almost up... best to invest your energies in a work-able compromise between the two poles, before you have one imposed on you.

My rights don't come with an expiration date, and no one appointed you official timekeeper, Chuckles.

Impose all you can possibly manage. Maybe you'll even achieve something that we'll notice.

Wait too long, and you're going to walk away with much less than if you(r side) begins that process now, while there is still time.

Would you like to know how long I'm prepared to wait rather than giving you one more single inch of encroachment into my rights? Does the phrase "cold, dead hands" ring a bell?

But, you(r side) will continue to rest on past laurels and case law and delude yourselves that you're untouchable - until it happens.

By all means, PLEASE continue to believe that you're winning in a walk with no opposition. The longer you blind yourself with dreams of relevancy, the better for everyone.

Sad... you could have walked away with much more than is likely, given your (side's) archaic and fading mindset.

Sad, that you think my freedom is something I ask you for, and you grant to me.

What the hell... it's a future you insist upon for yourselves, so... enjoy.
Believe me, I enjoy your fantasies of power and control more than you can comprehend.

Awesome Post My Friend - Reagan once said "Freedom is a fragile thing and is never more than one generation away from extinction." has that generation arrived ?

Not as long as my children, and those of other people like me, are still alive. And since I don't send my children to public schools, to be subject to idiot leftist "gun free zones", that'll be quite a while.
True, but historical cycles aren't linear.

That's irrelevant. I think that with the advances in science and technology the cycles will happen much faster and we can look forward to Spiritual Faith, Courage, and Liberty happening in our lifetimes... with people wanting to hang on to abundance this time.

Democrats and the left are nudging this country toward a very dark place.
It is relevant if you're going to site the Tytler Cycle of History.

People are fickle, but like to hold on to what's familiar. America won't give up it's heritage, history and patriotism because of leftists.The harder they push, the harder the push back. But we haven't even begun to see how hard the push back is going to be yet. Look at the towns in of all places, radical California, and people are sick of it, the sanctuary state crap and all of it, and they're finally pushing back. Ya know why?


But under Trump the white people watched their monuments, statues, and memorials destroyed only to be replaced with those of leftists. Our history, for good or bad is still OUR history.

Additionally, under Trump, his Attorney General has promised to outlaw bump stocks. When bump stocks were approved, they met the the functional standards NOT to be labeled as a machine gun.

The statutes haven't changed; the mechanical functionality hasn't changed on the bump stock... but Sessions says when banned the existing ones will have to be surrendered, destroyed or made permanently inoperable. WTF???

How did the Executive Department of our government rise to a position where they can ignore Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution that prohibits ex post facto laws? Why isn't Trump beating the crap out of Jeff Sessions instead of applauding that power grab?

BTW, California is on pretty solid ground due to precedents that were set by the pro-gun lobby. We'd have to take that one up in a separate thread.
There are THOUSANDS of statues around America. We have seen a few taken down by radicals because they inhabit those areas in greater numbers so they feel emboldened. It isn't happening everywhere and won't.

As far as bump stocks go, they didn't need to be approved. They don't mechanically alter the firearm so technically they're not an altercation which enables automatic fire. They're a bolt on item, which under the law is/was legal. They're basically a novelty item. They not worth a crap if you intend to hit a target with any amount of accuracy. The firearms own recoil and your own finger on the trigger "bumping it" is what accounts for rapid fire. The gun isn't "technically" AUTOMATIC, you've just been enabled to BUMP the trigger as the gun recoils with each round. That's not illegal. It doesn't even work unless you know how to hold your finger.

As far as Sessions goes, he has to be the Trump's biggest failure. The man is a complete jackass and in way over his head. To say he's a disappointment would be a colossal understatement.

I made all those points today to a flunky in Senator David Perdue's office, who ironically, claims a degree in political science.

Still, they are going to ban a novelty item, but the principle behind it leaves the door open to allow an AG to outlaw anything they want to with NO constitutional protections.
Well... a political degree... ya... that surely is no indication of intelligence.

As far as banning the bump stock... IDK... it's not a gun, it's not even good for a gun. If it makes them feel like they're really doing something substantive, let 'em, and then join the NRA.
Under Heller, state and local governments can outlaw any kind of gun or accessory. Good bye Second Amendment. Your thinking is wrong on this.

There is a constitutional prohibition on ex post facto laws. So, the states outlawing firearms do not "grandfather" them in. They're history. THAT is what the issue is with bump stocks.

If existing bump stocks aren't grandfathered in, neither will your AR 15 WHEN they are outlawed.
Under Heller, state and local governments can outlaw any kind of gun or accessory. Good bye Second Amendment. Your thinking is wrong on this.

There is a constitutional prohibition on ex post facto laws. So, the states outlawing firearms do not "grandfather" them in. They're history. THAT is what the issue is with bump stocks.

If existing bump stocks aren't grandfathered in, neither will your AR 15 WHEN they are outlawed.
In order to sell a firearm in a state the manufacturer must get the weapon certified to the states mandated requirements.
Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale
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Under Heller, state and local governments can outlaw any kind of gun or accessory. Good bye Second Amendment. Your thinking is wrong on this.

There is a constitutional prohibition on ex post facto laws. So, the states outlawing firearms do not "grandfather" them in. They're history. THAT is what the issue is with bump stocks.

If existing bump stocks aren't grandfathered in, neither will your AR 15 WHEN they are outlawed.
You're missing a very important fact here... a bump stock is NOT A GUN, it is NOT protected by the 2nd Amendment.

My AK-47 isn't going anywhere.
Under Heller, state and local governments can outlaw any kind of gun or accessory. Good bye Second Amendment. Your thinking is wrong on this.

There is a constitutional prohibition on ex post facto laws. So, the states outlawing firearms do not "grandfather" them in. They're history. THAT is what the issue is with bump stocks.

If existing bump stocks aren't grandfathered in, neither will your AR 15 WHEN they are outlawed.
You're missing a very important fact here... a bump stock is NOT A GUN, it is NOT protected by the 2nd Amendment.

My AK-47 isn't going anywhere.

Irrelevant. The Heller decision gave states the ability to ban the guns.... SEPARATE ISSUE. And, yes, after discussing it over with the DOJ a couple of days ago, the AG CAN determine a weapon to be illegal.

But, even that is a SEPARATE issue.

The issue is: How can any branch of government pass an ex post facto law? If anything is legal when you buy it, how does the AG (or anyone else) get the power to over-rule the prohibition against ex post facto laws (Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution)?

An ex post facto law is a law that makes a legal act illegal retroactively.

For example, you drive down a road at 55 mph, the posted speed limit on Monday. On Tuesday they put up a new sign making the new speed limit 45 and a cop that clocked you on Monday, writes you a ticket on Tuesday for what you did on Monday. That is an ex post facto law.

The bump stocks bought today should remain legal. IF they are not, whether it's a gun or stove, under the cited principle, ex post facto prohibitions are GONE.
I see zero reason to give the left ANY concession, for any reason. I've already gone though the way that they just come back, again and again and again, demanding more and more concessions, when you do that.

If they want to pass a law, they need to show me a real, solid reason why it's going to make things better, or no dice.
Under Heller, state and local governments can outlaw any kind of gun or accessory. Good bye Second Amendment. Your thinking is wrong on this.

There is a constitutional prohibition on ex post facto laws. So, the states outlawing firearms do not "grandfather" them in. They're history. THAT is what the issue is with bump stocks.

If existing bump stocks aren't grandfathered in, neither will your AR 15 WHEN they are outlawed.
You're missing a very important fact here... a bump stock is NOT A GUN, it is NOT protected by the 2nd Amendment.

My AK-47 isn't going anywhere.

Irrelevant. The Heller decision gave states the ability to ban the guns.... SEPARATE ISSUE. And, yes, after discussing it over with the DOJ a couple of days ago, the AG CAN determine a weapon to be illegal.

But, even that is a SEPARATE issue.

The issue is: How can any branch of government pass an ex post facto law? If anything is legal when you buy it, how does the AG (or anyone else) get the power to over-rule the prohibition against ex post facto laws (Article 1 Section 9 of the Constitution)?

An ex post facto law is a law that makes a legal act illegal retroactively.

For example, you drive down a road at 55 mph, the posted speed limit on Monday. On Tuesday they put up a new sign making the new speed limit 45 and a cop that clocked you on Monday, writes you a ticket on Tuesday for what you did on Monday. That is an ex post facto law.

The bump stocks bought today should remain legal. IF they are not, whether it's a gun or stove, under the cited principle, ex post facto prohibitions are GONE.
Well... again... you're mixing up the laws here, and saying irrelevant is... well... irrelevant.

You're talking about the banning of bump stocks which are not guns, they have no constitutional protection... none. Banning bump stocks has about the same relevance as banning sharp metal sucking nips on baby feeding bottles. They're not protected by the constitution either.

When you say "separate issue," you're right, because you're talking about something that is not protected by the constitution like guns are.
The far left does not want you to have any rights, so they can make up laws as they go along.

To them the Constitution is just a GD piece of paper!
The far left does not want you to have any rights, so they can make up laws as they go along.

To them the Constitution is just a GD piece of paper!
"The far left" isn't exclusive anymore. "The far left" IS the DEMOCRAT PARTY, period.

They are not interested in debate, they're not interested in compromise, they are FASCISTS. They want to SHUT YOU THE FUCK UP if you DISAGREE with them. Remember that, and NEVER feel as though YOU have to COMPROMISE with them, because they WON'T with you. It's a WAR, they are to be DEFEATED, PERIOD, at ALL COST.
so just how many unalienable rights do we have?

Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights Among which are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Open to pretty wide interpretationss

Jefferson understood “unalienable rights” as fixed rights given to us by our Creator rather than by government. The emphasis on our Creator is crucial, because it shows that the rights are permanent just as the Creator is permanent.

Jefferson’s thought on the source of these rights was impacted by Oxford’s William Blackstone, who described “unalienable rights” as “absolute” rights–showing that they were absolute because they came from him who is absolute, and that they were, are, and always will be, because the Giver of those rights–Jefferson’s “Creator”–was, and is, and always be.

Moreover, because we are “endowed” with them, the rights are inseparable from us: they are part of our humanity.

In a word, the government did not give them and therefore cannot take them away, but the government still strains at ways to suppress them.



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