Which of Your Rights Will They Go After....

The so-called "Patriot Act," was introduced by the same anti-immigrant Tea Party Republican that introduced the National ID / REAL ID Act (under the pretext of identifying so - called "illegal aliens.") Those same half wits allowed the implementation of the Constitution Free Zone on the pretext it was needed in order to enforce border control. The anti-immigrant lobby supported SB 1070 that tried to nullify the presumption of innocence / innocent until proven guilty.
SMFH the Constitutional Free Zone has been around since the 1950's it wasn't just recently implemented. All the Real ID Act did was make the states update their drivers license/id cards to be harder to forge. What does a states laws have to do with anything, the court found portions of SB1070 constitutional as states do have rights, too.

BEFORE the National ID / REAL ID Act was passed, getting a Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops "Social Security Number" was a voluntary act. So many people were rescinding their numbers, it inspired my own Congressman to introduce legislation that would have repealed the 16th Amendment and got rid of the income tax AND the IRS.
This same tired BS? You Sovereign Citizen/Pre-amble nut jobs are idiots. The only people attempting to rescind their SS numbers were you whack jobs. So how is that 16A rescind working out for you? SMFH it never made it into any committee in Congress.

The forced use of the SSN as National ID gave the left a pretext for keeping the IRS intact - and so the anti-immigrant lobby propped up a plank out of the Communist Manifesto while setting the constitutionalists so far back that such a term is no longer used in America.
Nobody in Congress was ever going to do anything regarding the 16A. You aren't a real Constitutionalist. You don't even grasp the term. You are a Textualist, you are a Hugo Black disciple.

I have a feeling, however, that you will never require those people to own the mistakes they made.
Based on what you claim to be correct, maybe you should look in the mirror.
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While I agree with you 100 percent, the problem is, the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda.

For YEARS I told the right that I agree with them that we have an issue with immigration, but the policies they were supporting and the strategies they were using are counterproductive. You'd think somebody raped their ten year old daughter they way they go on and on. Adding insult to injury, I've never had even ONE of them to ask me what path they should be pursuing.

Eventually one side of the other will figure out what I'm talking about and appeal to those who do not get that opportunity to express themselves.

"...the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda."


How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

You made a claim, and when asked to back it up.....you couldn't.


"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."


Would I be correct in assessing that most know you as 'the windbag'?

The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.
"...the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda."


How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

You made a claim, and when asked to back it up.....you couldn't.


"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."


Would I be correct in assessing that most know you as 'the windbag'?

The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.

I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.
There's no problem that the left can't solve by eliminating rights.

While I agree with you 100 percent, the problem is, the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda.

For YEARS I told the right that I agree with them that we have an issue with immigration, but the policies they were supporting and the strategies they were using are counterproductive. You'd think somebody raped their ten year old daughter they way they go on and on. Adding insult to injury, I've never had even ONE of them to ask me what path they should be pursuing.

Eventually one side of the other will figure out what I'm talking about and appeal to those who do not get that opportunity to express themselves.

"...the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda."


How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

There's a difference. And whether or not you think she's wrong is not that difference.
How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

You made a claim, and when asked to back it up.....you couldn't.


"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."


Would I be correct in assessing that most know you as 'the windbag'?

The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.

I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.

The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.
While I agree with you 100 percent, the problem is, the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda.

For YEARS I told the right that I agree with them that we have an issue with immigration, but the policies they were supporting and the strategies they were using are counterproductive. You'd think somebody raped their ten year old daughter they way they go on and on. Adding insult to injury, I've never had even ONE of them to ask me what path they should be pursuing.

Eventually one side of the other will figure out what I'm talking about and appeal to those who do not get that opportunity to express themselves.

"...the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda."


How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

There's a difference. And whether or not you think she's wrong is not that difference.

So, what are you saying? Spell it out.
The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.
What right is it you think you have on a privately owned message board? Do tell.... :blowpop:

The mods can censor or delete messages as they see fit, you shouldn't give them a reason to delete your posts by calling people vile names.
"...the right will shout down anyone who says the least thing that contradicts their agenda."


How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

There's a difference. And whether or not you think she's wrong is not that difference.

So, what are you saying? Spell it out.

You're being a whiner who thinks being opposed is the same as being oppressed. That clear enough for you?

To bring it back to the topic, this is EXACTLY the sort of attitude pervading our culture that puts our First Amendment rights in such danger.
How can you ask for a link when you're one of those who does it? BTW, I just now responded to a PM telling me that you were good people and to look over the things you said to me.

That much I will do, but the problem exists; and your strategies are still wrong.

Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

There's a difference. And whether or not you think she's wrong is not that difference.

So, what are you saying? Spell it out.

You're being a whiner who thinks being opposed is the same as being oppressed. That clear enough for you?

To bring it back to the topic, this is EXACTLY the sort of attitude pervading our culture that puts our First Amendment rights in such danger.

You aren't making much sense. I'm going toe to toe with an individual that has an IQ of what? Her shoe size? And that's being nice. Who again was the whiner? Who had a post deleted here for saying the same thing back to the troll? When that post was deleted, how did you feel? Were you pissed OR did you think, yeah, we got rid of that "whiner"?

If you want to be on one person's side or the other I get it. But, in order to have a First Amendment, all sides have to be equally protected. I don't have the same First Amendment Rights as you do. That's a fact. But those whose Rights ARE protected are oblivious when someone else has their Rights disrespected.

For example, antifa, angry black people, liberals, etc. can march in the streets and the rest of America stays at home and lets them do their thing. What happens if a dozen whites show up to cry about immigration, the Confederate flag, etc. Most people, at that point, don't give a rip about your First Amendment Rights.

The reality is, the first person to start name calling already lost the argument. It signals two things:

A) The name caller is out of steam and has nothing else

B) The name caller realizes their argument is so weak they have to divert attention to the facts because the name caller doesn't trust their fellow posters to evaluate the facts based upon their merit.

Americans would rather side with people on the basis of popularity rather than the substantive content of arguments. For example, the only time the right disagrees with me is over one issue... AND I AGREE WITH THEM THERE IS AN ISSUE!!!!!!!!! Where we disagree is over the solution. In FIFTEEN PLUS YEARS of being on the Internet, not once, not one time did the right feel comfortable asking me what the solution is. I suppose that I should have anticipated that because in the early days of the Internet, we were still holding public meetings. I would address an issue, we later had open mic and nobody dared speak out against me. Hours later they were spewing cowardly B.S.on the Net as they were too scared and / or too embarrassed to utter such in public.

You can trash talk all you like, but until you've sweated the sweat I have and bled the real blood I have in defense of those Rights, you will not be in my league when it comes to an understanding of unalienable Rights. Did you see even ONE swinging Richard on this entire board complain when one of my posts on this very thread got deleted?

You can try to analyze me all day long, but at the end of the day, being honest with each other - both the Ds and Rs are equally opposed to actual God given / natural / inherent / absolute unalienable Rights. And again, when one person's Rights are disrespected and you don't speak out then silence is consent.

The difference between you and me is that I would fight to the death for your Right to say what you believe. By your earlier silence, we all realize you would not do the same for me. Know this:

There are some issues these discussion boards will NOT allow me the same leeway they will for you. And all discussion boards are quick to remind us they are privately owned. But, just like a trip to Starbucks, being privately owned does not give the owner the authority to discriminate against you. But, they do. It's just that the average American will not complain, resist or DO anything until it's their ass or their Rights on the line.
You aren't making much sense. I'm going toe to toe with an individual that has an IQ of what? Her shoe size? And that's being nice. Who again was the whiner? Who had a post deleted here for saying the same thing back to the troll? When that post was deleted, how did you feel? Were you pissed OR did you think, yeah, we got rid of that "whiner"?
So the OP is a troll? SMFH
You really believe your IQ is higher than your shoe size? You really think you have Constitutional protections on a privately owned forum? LMFAO
Follow the rules and you don't get posts deleted, it's really that simple.

If you want to be on one person's side or the other I get it. But, in order to have a First Amendment, all sides have to be equally protected. I don't have the same First Amendment Rights as you do. That's a fact. But those whose Rights ARE protected are oblivious when someone else has their Rights disrespected.
There are no 1A protections on privately owned web sites, you post at their discretion. Follow the rules and you don't get posts deleted.

For example, antifa, angry black people, liberals, etc. can march in the streets and the rest of America stays at home and lets them do their thing. What happens if a dozen whites show up to cry about immigration, the Confederate flag, etc. Most people, at that point, don't give a rip about your First Amendment Rights.

The reality is, the first person to start name calling already lost the argument. It signals two things:

A) The name caller is out of steam and has nothing else

B) The name caller realizes their argument is so weak they have to divert attention to the facts because the name caller doesn't trust their fellow posters to evaluate the facts based upon their merit.
Pot meet kettle

Americans would rather side with people on the basis of popularity rather than the substantive content of arguments. For example, the only time the right disagrees with me is over one issue... AND I AGREE WITH THEM THERE IS AN ISSUE!!!!!!!!! Where we disagree is over the solution. In FIFTEEN PLUS YEARS of being on the Internet, not once, not one time did the right feel comfortable asking me what the solution is. I suppose that I should have anticipated that because in the early days of the Internet, we were still holding public meetings. I would address an issue, we later had open mic and nobody dared speak out against me. Hours later they were spewing cowardly B.S.on the Net as they were too scared and / or too embarrassed to utter such in public.
When your argument is shown to be "hot air", yet you insist on repeating the same tired BS that has been shown to be "hot air", what makes you think you are then right? Maybe nobody ever challenged you in public venue because you have a tendency to shout them down or to "get even" with them in other ways. imjusayn

You can trash talk all you like, but until you've sweated the sweat I have and bled the real blood I have in defense of those Rights, you will not be in my league when it comes to an understanding of unalienable Rights. Did you see even ONE swinging Richard on this entire board complain when one of my posts on this very thread got deleted?
self righteous BS
Every swinging Richard on this board knows that if you have a post deleted it was for violating the rules.

You can try to analyze me all day long, but at the end of the day, being honest with each other - both the Ds and Rs are equally opposed to actual God given / natural / inherent / absolute unalienable Rights. And again, when one person's Rights are disrespected and you don't speak out then silence is consent.
Again, there are rules on private forums, either you follow them or you don't, has nothing to do with your rights. SHRUG

The difference between you and me is that I would fight to the death for your Right to say what you believe. By your earlier silence, we all realize you would not do the same for me. Know this:

There are some issues these discussion boards will NOT allow me the same leeway they will for you. And all discussion boards are quick to remind us they are privately owned. But, just like a trip to Starbucks, being privately owned does not give the owner the authority to discriminate against you. But, they do. It's just that the average American will not complain, resist or DO anything until it's their ass or their Rights on the line.
Follow the rules or don't, your choice. :dontfeedmod:
Did she "shout you down", or did she respond to you?

I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

You made a claim, and when asked to back it up.....you couldn't.


"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."


Would I be correct in assessing that most know you as 'the windbag'?

The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.

I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.

The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.

1. Challenged numerous times to find any post of mine that fits the description you've posted, you couldn't.
"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."
QED.....you've been proven a liar.
Worse, when exposed, you lapsed into vulgarity.

2. "No matter which side has he power...."

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos" Jim Hightowerd

.....and you.

3. Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to my posts. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

You should stop embarrassing your self forthwith.
I don't know that there is a difference, but the strategies she signed on to have a bad habit of making victims out of the people they promised to protect.

She was definitely wrong. Either of you can run a search on the immigration threads we participated in recently and clear it up.

You made a claim, and when asked to back it up.....you couldn't.


"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."


Would I be correct in assessing that most know you as 'the windbag'?

The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.

I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.

The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.

1. Challenged numerous times to find any post of mine that fits the description you've posted, you couldn't.
"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."
QED.....you've been proven a liar.
Worse, when exposed, you lapsed into vulgarity.

2. "No matter which side has he power...."

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos" Jim Hightowerd

.....and you.

3. Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to my posts. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

You should stop embarrassing your self forthwith.

I'm not going to take you by the hand and put your finger on it, but I've proven the point. WTF is wrong with you? Your challenge was taken and YOU FAIL. Do you understand that? You fail. The link to what I'm talking about is this thread. Now get that through that thick head of yours and leave me alone.

For you to deny what I've proven makes YOU a pathological liar. The fact that you have thanked me on numerous posts before this spat speaks to YOUR level of intelligence. I'm not your push button monkey and regardless of how many times you post B.S. lies and taunt me it won't change the bottom line.

I trust that anyone who is interested can read this thread and find out that you call everyone that disagrees with you names; that you have belittled, denigrated and taunted people at least 75 times on this thread alone... AND EVERYTHING I'VE SAID IS ON THIS THREAD IS SELF EVIDENT... AND NOBODY HAS TO VISIT ANY OTHER LINK

I hope that moderator who said to get back on topic means what he or she said. If not, even my last post is more true than it ever was. YOU wanted the personal pissing match. Last I heard it was over. I'll let anyone interested in figuring out the truth to read this freaking thread. Are YOU that confident? Let's really be honest. If you were honest and confident, you would cease and desist the personal attack, let others make up their own minds, and if you want to have a pissing match, take it to PM. Let's be honest. You think everybody that don't agree with you is a fucking idiot and you probably have the right connections to save you from being told publicly to take personal matters to PM.

Let's be honest. You don't trust your fellow posters to now weigh the evidence and read the thread, making up their own minds. And I'm willing to bet dollars against doughnuts that nobody will tell you to cease and desist the personal attacks and get back on topic. If anything I will now prove to you the value of our Rights in this new era.
Last edited:
You made a claim, and when asked to back it up.....you couldn't.


"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."


Would I be correct in assessing that most know you as 'the windbag'?

The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.

I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.

The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.

1. Challenged numerous times to find any post of mine that fits the description you've posted, you couldn't.
"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."
QED.....you've been proven a liar.
Worse, when exposed, you lapsed into vulgarity.

2. "No matter which side has he power...."

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos" Jim Hightowerd

.....and you.

3. Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to my posts. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

You should stop embarrassing your self forthwith.

I'm not going to take you by the hand and put your finger on it, but I've proven the point. WTF is wrong with you? Your challenge was taken and YOU FAIL. Do you understand that? You fail. The link to what I'm talking about is this thread. Now get that through that thick head of yours and leave me alone.

For you to deny what I've proven makes YOU a pathological liar. The fact that you have thanked me on numerous posts before this spat speaks to YOUR level of intelligence. I'm not your push button monkey and regardless of how many times you post B.S. lies and taunt me it won't change the bottom line.

I trust that anyone who is interested can read this thread and find out that you call everyone that disagrees with you names; that you have belittled, denigrated and taunted people at least 75 times on this thread alone... AND EVERYTHING I'VE SAID IS ON THIS THREAD IS SELF EVIDENT... AND NOBODY HAS TO VISIT ANY OTHER LINK

I hope that moderator who said to get back on topic means what he or she said. If not, even my last post is more true than it ever was. YOU wanted the personal pissing match. Last I heard it was over. I'll let anyone interested in figuring out the truth to read this freaking thread. Are YOU that confident? Let's really be honest. If you were honest and confident, you would cease and desist the personal attack, let others make up their own minds, and if you want to have a pissing match, take it to PM. Let's be honest. You think everybody that don't agree with you is a fucking idiot and you probably have the right connections to save you from being told publicly to take personal matters to PM.

Let's be honest. You don't trust your fellow posters to now weigh the evidence and read the thread, making up their own minds. And I'm willing to bet dollars against doughnuts that nobody will tell you to cease and desist the personal attacks and get back on topic. If anything I will now prove to you the value of our Rights in this new era.

How many times must I expose you????

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is correct.

Be gone.
The link is this board. I'm not your push button monkey. Would I be wrong is assessing that most people around you refer to you as a dumb bitch?

I don't owe you anything. And I'm not going to work for you for free. If someone wants to know the extent of your ability to engage in a civil conversation and what you've said only need to read this thread. They don't need any more links than that.

Hell, in this thread alone, you've called people names no less than 75 times that I can count without reading an entire reply of yours. Not only that, you referred to White supremacist sources to try and discredit me on several occasions on this thread.

Look, when you have to denigrate everyone you disagree with, it only signals a weakness on YOUR part. If you cannot conduct yourself with a modicum of decency, I'd rather not discuss anything with you. But, I have this feeling that your ego and your inability to focus on facts instead of personalities will not allow you to respect that request.

Both the Ds and the Rs want one Right or another. I think the Ds want more of your Rights, but the Rs are not immune to the disease. And the worst part is, the Rs are sabotaging their own cause and too stupid to recognize it.

I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.

The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.

1. Challenged numerous times to find any post of mine that fits the description you've posted, you couldn't.
"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."
QED.....you've been proven a liar.
Worse, when exposed, you lapsed into vulgarity.

2. "No matter which side has he power...."

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos" Jim Hightowerd

.....and you.

3. Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to my posts. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

You should stop embarrassing your self forthwith.

I'm not going to take you by the hand and put your finger on it, but I've proven the point. WTF is wrong with you? Your challenge was taken and YOU FAIL. Do you understand that? You fail. The link to what I'm talking about is this thread. Now get that through that thick head of yours and leave me alone.

For you to deny what I've proven makes YOU a pathological liar. The fact that you have thanked me on numerous posts before this spat speaks to YOUR level of intelligence. I'm not your push button monkey and regardless of how many times you post B.S. lies and taunt me it won't change the bottom line.

I trust that anyone who is interested can read this thread and find out that you call everyone that disagrees with you names; that you have belittled, denigrated and taunted people at least 75 times on this thread alone... AND EVERYTHING I'VE SAID IS ON THIS THREAD IS SELF EVIDENT... AND NOBODY HAS TO VISIT ANY OTHER LINK

I hope that moderator who said to get back on topic means what he or she said. If not, even my last post is more true than it ever was. YOU wanted the personal pissing match. Last I heard it was over. I'll let anyone interested in figuring out the truth to read this freaking thread. Are YOU that confident? Let's really be honest. If you were honest and confident, you would cease and desist the personal attack, let others make up their own minds, and if you want to have a pissing match, take it to PM. Let's be honest. You think everybody that don't agree with you is a fucking idiot and you probably have the right connections to save you from being told publicly to take personal matters to PM.

Let's be honest. You don't trust your fellow posters to now weigh the evidence and read the thread, making up their own minds. And I'm willing to bet dollars against doughnuts that nobody will tell you to cease and desist the personal attacks and get back on topic. If anything I will now prove to you the value of our Rights in this new era.

How many times must I expose you????

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is correct.

Be gone.

Seems to me, YOU got exposed. YOU can't leave it to the readers to decide. Call in your troops because I'm not backing down. YOU got exposed and this thread proves the kind of person you are. I'll bet you have OCD and can't walk away.

The topic is about which Rights will they go after. It seems to me, in this case, it's YOU going after the First Amendment. Both the Ds and the Rs will attack a given Right if the end justifies the means.

Some people want to rule and dominate. Like I just came here to discuss. When people disagree, they disagree and move on. When tyrants with power speak, they expect everybody to accept their view and none other. They do not stop until they crush anyone that disagrees with them. If that means using other power brokers to help enforce their agenda, they do it.

You are NOT safe with the Ds or the Rs when it comes to Rights. Few people in America respect your Rights unless they agree with you and / or your agenda.
I said you were a windbag because you couldn't support you claim.

Now, you've proven my charge, and your appellation: windbag.

There is no reason for you to return and prove that I was correct in the first place......simply slither away.

The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.

1. Challenged numerous times to find any post of mine that fits the description you've posted, you couldn't.
"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."
QED.....you've been proven a liar.
Worse, when exposed, you lapsed into vulgarity.

2. "No matter which side has he power...."

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos" Jim Hightowerd

.....and you.

3. Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to my posts. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

You should stop embarrassing your self forthwith.

I'm not going to take you by the hand and put your finger on it, but I've proven the point. WTF is wrong with you? Your challenge was taken and YOU FAIL. Do you understand that? You fail. The link to what I'm talking about is this thread. Now get that through that thick head of yours and leave me alone.

For you to deny what I've proven makes YOU a pathological liar. The fact that you have thanked me on numerous posts before this spat speaks to YOUR level of intelligence. I'm not your push button monkey and regardless of how many times you post B.S. lies and taunt me it won't change the bottom line.

I trust that anyone who is interested can read this thread and find out that you call everyone that disagrees with you names; that you have belittled, denigrated and taunted people at least 75 times on this thread alone... AND EVERYTHING I'VE SAID IS ON THIS THREAD IS SELF EVIDENT... AND NOBODY HAS TO VISIT ANY OTHER LINK

I hope that moderator who said to get back on topic means what he or she said. If not, even my last post is more true than it ever was. YOU wanted the personal pissing match. Last I heard it was over. I'll let anyone interested in figuring out the truth to read this freaking thread. Are YOU that confident? Let's really be honest. If you were honest and confident, you would cease and desist the personal attack, let others make up their own minds, and if you want to have a pissing match, take it to PM. Let's be honest. You think everybody that don't agree with you is a fucking idiot and you probably have the right connections to save you from being told publicly to take personal matters to PM.

Let's be honest. You don't trust your fellow posters to now weigh the evidence and read the thread, making up their own minds. And I'm willing to bet dollars against doughnuts that nobody will tell you to cease and desist the personal attacks and get back on topic. If anything I will now prove to you the value of our Rights in this new era.

How many times must I expose you????

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is correct.

Be gone.

Seems to me, YOU got exposed. YOU can't leave it to the readers to decide. Call in your troops because I'm not backing down. YOU got exposed and this thread proves the kind of person you are. I'll bet you have OCD and can't walk away.

The topic is about which Rights will they go after. It seems to me, in this case, it's YOU going after the First Amendment. Both the Ds and the Rs will attack a given Right if the end justifies the means.

Some people want to rule and dominate. Like I just came here to discuss. When people disagree, they disagree and move on. When tyrants with power speak, they expect everybody to accept their view and none other. They do not stop until they crush anyone that disagrees with them. If that means using other power brokers to help enforce their agenda, they do it.

You are NOT safe with the Ds or the Rs when it comes to Rights. Few people in America respect your Rights unless they agree with you and / or your agenda.


I had a college professor who used the phrase "he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

Now I see what he meant.

Please just go away.
The claim has been supported. You are reading it. The claim is fully supported. You aren't the mod so you better stagger away and sober up.

And there you have it... one of those Rs trying to have me censored after insulting me. No matter which side has he power, they both want to screw you out of your Rights.

1. Challenged numerous times to find any post of mine that fits the description you've posted, you couldn't.
"...you've attacked me and said I was everything except a child of God."
QED.....you've been proven a liar.
Worse, when exposed, you lapsed into vulgarity.

2. "No matter which side has he power...."

"There's Nothing in the Middle of the Road but Yellow Stripes and Dead Armadillos" Jim Hightowerd

.....and you.

3. Let's be honest. You don't have the insight, intelligence, or education to either understand or respond to my posts. All you can do is swing wildly.
As you have.

You should stop embarrassing your self forthwith.

I'm not going to take you by the hand and put your finger on it, but I've proven the point. WTF is wrong with you? Your challenge was taken and YOU FAIL. Do you understand that? You fail. The link to what I'm talking about is this thread. Now get that through that thick head of yours and leave me alone.

For you to deny what I've proven makes YOU a pathological liar. The fact that you have thanked me on numerous posts before this spat speaks to YOUR level of intelligence. I'm not your push button monkey and regardless of how many times you post B.S. lies and taunt me it won't change the bottom line.

I trust that anyone who is interested can read this thread and find out that you call everyone that disagrees with you names; that you have belittled, denigrated and taunted people at least 75 times on this thread alone... AND EVERYTHING I'VE SAID IS ON THIS THREAD IS SELF EVIDENT... AND NOBODY HAS TO VISIT ANY OTHER LINK

I hope that moderator who said to get back on topic means what he or she said. If not, even my last post is more true than it ever was. YOU wanted the personal pissing match. Last I heard it was over. I'll let anyone interested in figuring out the truth to read this freaking thread. Are YOU that confident? Let's really be honest. If you were honest and confident, you would cease and desist the personal attack, let others make up their own minds, and if you want to have a pissing match, take it to PM. Let's be honest. You think everybody that don't agree with you is a fucking idiot and you probably have the right connections to save you from being told publicly to take personal matters to PM.

Let's be honest. You don't trust your fellow posters to now weigh the evidence and read the thread, making up their own minds. And I'm willing to bet dollars against doughnuts that nobody will tell you to cease and desist the personal attacks and get back on topic. If anything I will now prove to you the value of our Rights in this new era.

How many times must I expose you????

How about we leave it up to readers to decide which of us is correct.

Be gone.

Seems to me, YOU got exposed. YOU can't leave it to the readers to decide. Call in your troops because I'm not backing down. YOU got exposed and this thread proves the kind of person you are. I'll bet you have OCD and can't walk away.

The topic is about which Rights will they go after. It seems to me, in this case, it's YOU going after the First Amendment. Both the Ds and the Rs will attack a given Right if the end justifies the means.

Some people want to rule and dominate. Like I just came here to discuss. When people disagree, they disagree and move on. When tyrants with power speak, they expect everybody to accept their view and none other. They do not stop until they crush anyone that disagrees with them. If that means using other power brokers to help enforce their agenda, they do it.

You are NOT safe with the Ds or the Rs when it comes to Rights. Few people in America respect your Rights unless they agree with you and / or your agenda.


I had a college professor who used the phrase "he sticks to me like manure to a wet blanket."

Now I see what he meant.

Please just go away.

I would argue with you, but my college professor told me to never argue with an idiot. They will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

The founders understood why people accept this erosion of our Rights and made note of it in the Declaration of Independence:

"...all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."

Unless the evil affects you personally, you're likely not to complain. Some even sit back and watch Rights being attacked and are entertained by it. I found that most notable when the liberals attacked the Confederate flag supporters in my home state. They were effectively silenced and you don't even see the Confederate flag any longer.

For better or worse, that flag was their history and culture as much as the garb worn in public by Muslims is to them... and their religion teaches that if they cannot convert us, they will kill us.
I'm not going to take you by the hand and put your finger on it, but I've proven the point. WTF is wrong with you? Your challenge was taken and YOU FAIL. Do you understand that? You fail. The link to what I'm talking about is this thread. Now get that through that thick head of yours and leave me alone.

For you to deny what I've proven makes YOU a pathological liar. The fact that you have thanked me on numerous posts before this spat speaks to YOUR level of intelligence. I'm not your push button monkey and regardless of how many times you post B.S. lies and taunt me it won't change the bottom line.

I trust that anyone who is interested can read this thread and find out that you call everyone that disagrees with you names; that you have belittled, denigrated and taunted people at least 75 times on this thread alone... AND EVERYTHING I'VE SAID IS ON THIS THREAD IS SELF EVIDENT... AND NOBODY HAS TO VISIT ANY OTHER LINK

I hope that moderator who said to get back on topic means what he or she said. If not, even my last post is more true than it ever was. YOU wanted the personal pissing match. Last I heard it was over. I'll let anyone interested in figuring out the truth to read this freaking thread. Are YOU that confident? Let's really be honest. If you were honest and confident, you would cease and desist the personal attack, let others make up their own minds, and if you want to have a pissing match, take it to PM. Let's be honest. You think everybody that don't agree with you is a fucking idiot and you probably have the right connections to save you from being told publicly to take personal matters to PM.

Let's be honest. You don't trust your fellow posters to now weigh the evidence and read the thread, making up their own minds. And I'm willing to bet dollars against doughnuts that nobody will tell you to cease and desist the personal attacks and get back on topic. If anything I will now prove to you the value of our Rights in this new era.
You haven't proven anything. SMFH

You are the one making it personal, all because you can't back up what you claim. :290968001256257790-final:
The Republican party is the spiritual successor of the southern Democrats from the time period you're referring to. You're using labels that don't carry the same meaning to distort history. Those "Democrats" were confederate flag waving, big government/taxation/welfare hating good ol' boys. If you look at the political platform of the southern "Democrats" from back then it's almost identical to what Republicans say today. I don't know if your distortion of history is intentional or out of ignorance, but either way...

You're both a liar and a moron.

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

You're a government school grad, aren't you.

And the Reps are what? Shining examples of gub'mit servitude to the masses?


Did you imagine that your post was a cogent response to my statement?

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

Pretty vapid response on your part.

Partisans invented cognitive dissonance PChic

It's a denial mechanism seen and heard ,and basically outs them every time

It;s also how the elites of any given insane disparity manage the flock

When are you finally going to figure out that you, I, and 99.9% of folks posting here are squabbling over crumbs from their table , and blaming each other for having a bigger crumb?


Actually, in not recognizing the significance and correctness of this statement....

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.

....identifies you as the biggest crumb.

"Ex: [DEMOCRAT] Schneiderman called me ‘brown slave,’ slapped me until I called him ‘Master’

[Democrat] State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman called his Sri Lankan girlfriend his “brown slave” and wanted her to refer to him as “Master,” the woman says.
...and he’d slap me until I did,” Selvaratnam said.

“He started calling me his ‘brown slave’ and demanding that I repeat that I was ‘his property.’”

The Democrat Party has always ....ALWAYS.....been the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship.


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