Which one is a civilised country ?

It gets even better. French officials are now saying they will sue people who share this pic.

Nice Officials Say They'll Sue Internet Users Who Share Photos Of French Fashion Police Fining Women In Burkinis | Techdirt

Marvellous stuff. The fight against terror reaches a new high.
How's this for contrast? The first picture is from France, a modern democratic state of basic human rights and freedom. In this picture we see police forcing a Muslim woman to remove her clothes/headcovering because she is not wearing what they deem to be an "appropriate" bathing suit at the beach - a policy causing massive uproar this week.

In the second picture, Arab women swim in the Tel Aviv, Israel beaches in whatever attire they choose, side by side with Israelis.

Meanwhile, Israel's detractors falsely accuse Israel of "apartheid" or other methods of discrimination when in reality, Muslims in Israel are amongst the most free in the world.

Post credit (photo and paraphrase text): Mohammad Kaabiya

France is just being oppressive on a low level. Israel is a terrorist state.

So how will you prove this claim, by going to an hate site that says so.

what terrorist acts has Israel carried out that have not been carried out by the Welsh armed forces ?
How's this for contrast? The first picture is from France, a modern democratic state of basic human rights and freedom. In this picture we see police forcing a Muslim woman to remove her clothes/headcovering because she is not wearing what they deem to be an "appropriate" bathing suit at the beach - a policy causing massive uproar this week.

In the second picture, Arab women swim in the Tel Aviv, Israel beaches in whatever attire they choose, side by side with Israelis.

Meanwhile, Israel's detractors falsely accuse Israel of "apartheid" or other methods of discrimination when in reality, Muslims in Israel are amongst the most free in the world.

Post credit (photo and paraphrase text): Mohammad Kaabiya

France is just being oppressive on a low level. Israel is a terrorist state.

wow you are ignorant.

No just a nazi and a Jew hater like all neo marxists
How's this for contrast? The first picture is from France, a modern democratic state of basic human rights and freedom. In this picture we see police forcing a Muslim woman to remove her clothes/headcovering because she is not wearing what they deem to be an "appropriate" bathing suit at the beach - a policy causing massive uproar this week.

In the second picture, Arab women swim in the Tel Aviv, Israel beaches in whatever attire they choose, side by side with Israelis.

Meanwhile, Israel's detractors falsely accuse Israel of "apartheid" or other methods of discrimination when in reality, Muslims in Israel are amongst the most free in the world.

Post credit (photo and paraphrase text): Mohammad Kaabiya

France is just being oppressive on a low level. Israel is a terrorist state.

wow you are ignorant.

No just a nazi and a Jew hater like all neo marxists
You are so full of shit. Why do you need to make things up like this ?
How's this for contrast? The first picture is from France, a modern democratic state of basic human rights and freedom. In this picture we see police forcing a Muslim woman to remove her clothes/headcovering because she is not wearing what they deem to be an "appropriate" bathing suit at the beach - a policy causing massive uproar this week.

In the second picture, Arab women swim in the Tel Aviv, Israel beaches in whatever attire they choose, side by side with Israelis.

Meanwhile, Israel's detractors falsely accuse Israel of "apartheid" or other methods of discrimination when in reality, Muslims in Israel are amongst the most free in the world.

Post credit (photo and paraphrase text): Mohammad Kaabiya

France is just being oppressive on a low level. Israel is a terrorist state.

wow you are ignorant.

No just a nazi and a Jew hater like all neo marxists
You are so full of shit. Why do you need to make things up like this ?

First act of the neo marxist coward is to deny he is a neo marxist because it has now gone out of fashion

How about that link proving Israel is a terrorist state ?
How's this for contrast? The first picture is from France, a modern democratic state of basic human rights and freedom. In this picture we see police forcing a Muslim woman to remove her clothes/headcovering because she is not wearing what they deem to be an "appropriate" bathing suit at the beach - a policy causing massive uproar this week.

In the second picture, Arab women swim in the Tel Aviv, Israel beaches in whatever attire they choose, side by side with Israelis.

Meanwhile, Israel's detractors falsely accuse Israel of "apartheid" or other methods of discrimination when in reality, Muslims in Israel are amongst the most free in the world.

Post credit (photo and paraphrase text): Mohammad Kaabiya

France is just being oppressive on a low level. Israel is a terrorist state.

wow you are ignorant.

No just a nazi and a Jew hater like all neo marxists
You are so full of shit. Why do you need to make things up like this ?

First act of the neo marxist coward is to deny he is a neo marxist because it has now gone out of fashion

How about that link proving Israel is a terrorist state ?

the existence of Israel as a jewish state ----defies Shariah law-----because there are muslims living there-------NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU phone?
In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.

I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic women complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their Islamic countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abaya, hijab, & burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requrie women to wear these items, though modesty is required. But modesty is not a specific term: it's abstract and is interpreted differently by different people.

I think 'when in Rome do as the Romans do' should be the rule of behavior; if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other Western country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.
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In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.

I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic woman complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their own countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abya, hijab burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requried women to wear these things, but it may be common in some Muslim countries.

I think when in Rome do as the Romans do should be the rule of behavior, if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

The point is that this ban is not french law.Just local edicts brought in by idiots.

The court has found them illegal and in fact:

"seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom."

Important that our rights are protected or we will end up like Saudi.
In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.

I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic woman complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their own countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abya, hijab burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requried women to wear these things, but it may be common in some Muslim countries.

I think when in Rome do as the Romans do should be the rule of behavior, if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

The point is that this ban is not french law.Just local edicts brought in by idiots.

The court has found them illegal and in fact:

"seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom."

Important that our rights are protected or we will end up like Saudi.
The point is that these are not 'local idiots;' France is a highly civilized country. To suggest that Scotland, or any other Western culture, is more civilized than France is ludicrous. Though the court in France, which is equal to the US Supreme court, may rule that the bans on the burkini are not legal, that is one thing, but the French are extremely proud of their culture, heritage and language. An Islamic country would not allow Westerners to dictate behavior and change their culture, so why should France allow it? Tit for tat. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Why do these people want to visit or live in France when they don't respect the culture?
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In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.

I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic women complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their Islamic countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abaya, hijab, & burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requrie women to wear these items, though modesty is required. But modesty is not a specific term: it's abstract and is interpreted differently by different people.

I think 'when in Rome do as the Romans do' should be the rule of behavior; if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other Western country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

although I have VEHEMENTLY disagreed with you (and still do) on some issues of Islamic "culture and more's as anything
related to decent, I ALMOST agree with you on this one.
In the USA-----people swim in public beaches in all kinds of outfits. No one ever stopped me from jumping in the ocean--
FULLY DRESSED------(I just could not resist) Those black BURKINIS are not "fully dressed as in HUMAN" ---they are
WEIRD. A pious muslim girl can ADAPT if she must-----
remember those damn awful latex CAPS to keep hair dry?----
that and a long sundress with a long sleeved tee shirt to cover
the arms in nice summer colors would satisfy the "modesty"
requirements of salem, puritans-----muslim girls would be in
no trouble (I think) if they did that kind of outfit in the ocean.
I am not sure it would work in commercial artificial pools
In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.

I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic woman complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their own countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abya, hijab burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requried women to wear these things, but it may be common in some Muslim countries.

I think when in Rome do as the Romans do should be the rule of behavior, if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

The point is that this ban is not french law.Just local edicts brought in by idiots.

The court has found them illegal and in fact:

"seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom."

Important that our rights are protected or we will end up like Saudi.
The point is that these are not 'local idiots;' France is a highly civilized country. To suggest that Scotland, or any other Western culture, is more civilized than France is ludicrous. Though the court in France, which is equal to the US Supreme court, may rule that the bans on the burkini are not legal, that is one thing, but the French are extremely proud of their culture, heritage and language. An Islamic country would not allow Westerners to dictate behavior and change their culture, so why should France allow it? Tit for tat. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Why do these people want to visit or live in France when they don't respect the culture?

They acted illegally and set a dangerous precedent. Nobody should be able to tell you what to wear in a western democracy. What would be the next thing ?

I am yet to see a list of burkini clad terrorists and so the whole thing is just gratuitous. There is no legal justification and no imperative to do this.

Luckily the French have a strong justice system that protects individual freedoms.
In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.

I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic woman complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their own countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abya, hijab burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requried women to wear these things, but it may be common in some Muslim countries.

I think when in Rome do as the Romans do should be the rule of behavior, if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

The point is that this ban is not french law.Just local edicts brought in by idiots.

The court has found them illegal and in fact:

"seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom."

Important that our rights are protected or we will end up like Saudi.
The point is that these are not 'local idiots;' France is a highly civilized country. To suggest that Scotland, or any other Western culture, is more civilized than France is ludicrous. Though the court in France, which is equal to the US Supreme court, may rule that the bans on the burkini are not legal, that is one thing, but the French are extremely proud of their culture, heritage and language. An Islamic country would not allow Westerners to dictate behavior and change their culture, so why should France allow it? Tit for tat. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Why do these people want to visit or live in France when they don't respect the culture?

They acted illegally and set a dangerous precedent. Nobody should be able to tell you what to wear in a western democracy. What would be the next thing ?

I am yet to see a list of burkini clad terrorists and so the whole thing is just gratuitous. There is no legal justification and no imperative to do this.

Luckily the French have a strong justice system that protects individual freedoms.
I doubt you have spent much time in France in recent years. Your country has not suffered to any degree the number and extent of terrorist attacks that France has. France has the highest Muslim population in Europe. Scotland's Muslim population is probably miniscule. I don't think all or most Muslims are terrorists or sympathize with terrorists, but do think, and have observed that many Muslims living in France are not adapting to the culture but expect French culture to adapt to them. In general, the French are getting fed up with this, and I don't blame them.I don't think you are in a position to make the judgements you are m aking.
I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic woman complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their own countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abya, hijab burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requried women to wear these things, but it may be common in some Muslim countries.

I think when in Rome do as the Romans do should be the rule of behavior, if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

The point is that this ban is not french law.Just local edicts brought in by idiots.

The court has found them illegal and in fact:

"seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom."

Important that our rights are protected or we will end up like Saudi.
The point is that these are not 'local idiots;' France is a highly civilized country. To suggest that Scotland, or any other Western culture, is more civilized than France is ludicrous. Though the court in France, which is equal to the US Supreme court, may rule that the bans on the burkini are not legal, that is one thing, but the French are extremely proud of their culture, heritage and language. An Islamic country would not allow Westerners to dictate behavior and change their culture, so why should France allow it? Tit for tat. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Why do these people want to visit or live in France when they don't respect the culture?

They acted illegally and set a dangerous precedent. Nobody should be able to tell you what to wear in a western democracy. What would be the next thing ?

I am yet to see a list of burkini clad terrorists and so the whole thing is just gratuitous. There is no legal justification and no imperative to do this.

Luckily the French have a strong justice system that protects individual freedoms.
I doubt you have spent much time in France in recent years. Your country has not suffered to any degree the number and extent of terrorist attacks that France has. France has the highest Muslim population in Europe. Scotland's Muslim population is probably miniscule. I don't think all or most Muslims are terrorists or sympathize with terrorists, but do think, and have observed that many Muslims living in France are not adapting to the culture but expect French culture to adapt to them. In general, the French are getting fed up with this, and I don't blame them.I don't think you are in a position to make the judgements you are m aking.
I have been visiting France for over 30 years. There has always been some tension there and I dont think the French have handled the newcomers well historically.
But this type of approach isnt going to help matters. And it has implications for all french citizens. It is an infringement of their civil liberties and, just as relevant, serves no purpose.
I really don't see why it is anyone's business what someone else wears?? I wear stuff that makes my kids cringe but I wear it anyway. I'm much more concerned about the real threats; assholes wearing suicide belts and having murderous intent.

Islamic cultures often have laws that specify what Western women can wear in their countries. If Islamic woman complain about what a Western government says they can wear, then these women are hypocrites. In their own countries, Western women are not allowed to wear whatever they want.

And btw, the abya, hijab burkini are not religious items , they are cultural. As a general rule, Islam does not requried women to wear these things, but it may be common in some Muslim countries.

I think when in Rome do as the Romans do should be the rule of behavior, if Islamic countries can dictate what women wear under the guise of Islamic modesty, France or any other country can dictate what women wear based on the idea of being equal to men.

I say this as a woman who has lived and worked in 3 Islamic countries for a total of 10 years.

The point is that this ban is not french law.Just local edicts brought in by idiots.

The court has found them illegal and in fact:

"seriously, and clearly illegally, breached the fundamental freedoms to come and go, the freedom of beliefs and individual freedom."

Important that our rights are protected or we will end up like Saudi.
The point is that these are not 'local idiots;' France is a highly civilized country. To suggest that Scotland, or any other Western culture, is more civilized than France is ludicrous. Though the court in France, which is equal to the US Supreme court, may rule that the bans on the burkini are not legal, that is one thing, but the French are extremely proud of their culture, heritage and language. An Islamic country would not allow Westerners to dictate behavior and change their culture, so why should France allow it? Tit for tat. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Why do these people want to visit or live in France when they don't respect the culture?

They acted illegally and set a dangerous precedent. Nobody should be able to tell you what to wear in a western democracy. What would be the next thing ?

I am yet to see a list of burkini clad terrorists and so the whole thing is just gratuitous. There is no legal justification and no imperative to do this.

Luckily the French have a strong justice system that protects individual freedoms.
I doubt you have spent much time in France in recent years. Your country has not suffered to any degree the number and extent of terrorist attacks that France has. France has the highest Muslim population in Europe. Scotland's Muslim population is probably miniscule. I don't think all or most Muslims are terrorists or sympathize with terrorists, but do think, and have observed that many Muslims living in France are not adapting to the culture but expect French culture to adapt to them. In general, the French are getting fed up with this, and I don't blame them.I don't think you are in a position to make the judgements you are m aking.

I'm wondering if North Wales experiences Ninja outfits each time one ventures out of one's front door.

Then there's the 'attitude'.

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