Which One Is The Liar?? Cawthorn or McCarthy?

Did McCarthy admonish anyone for appearing with Nazis??

He had multiple occasions to do so, because there have been multiple house members OPENLY APPEALING to Nazis......funny how that happens

Why wasn't there this need to "comport his/her comments with some level of professionalism" when they were playing footsies with white nationalists??

Or is appealing to white supremacists a Conservative prerequisite for "professionalism"??

Doesn't matter, I will continue to kick your ass up and down this thread...and the funniest part is -- even you admit you don't agree with McCarthy -- but you are willing to look like a clown defending him
Lol. In order to “continue” to “kick” my ass, you would have to begin. You aren’t capable of any such thing. Meanwhile, your highly silly question about the McCarthy motivation for calling the freshman congressman to the tool shed is best put to McCarthy.

I’m not one who contends that Cawthorn lied. Maybe he was invited to share in the use of controlled substances or to participate in an orgy. It wouldn’t surprise me. But, I also don’t care.

You remain a true lightweight.
Lol. In order to “continue” to “kick” my ass, you would have to begin. You aren’t capable of any such thing. Meanwhile, your highly silly question about the McCarthy motivation for calling the freshman congressman to the tool shed is best put to McCarthy.

I’m not one who contends that Cawthorn lied. Maybe he was invited to share in the use of controlled substances or to participate in an orgy. It wouldn’t surprise me. But, I also don’t care.

You remain a true lightweight.
"I don't care"

Now let me babble goofy ass explanations for 827 more comments to show you how much I don't care...only to admit I can't refute a word you said...

I swear you Trumpers are clowns
Isn't it odd that not a peep from McCarthy when Cawthorn, MGT, etc say racist stuff or go to White Supremacist events.......but when Cawthorn spills the tea about the GOP sex/drug parties.....all hell breaks loose.
Years ago I read where McCarthy is a suspected RINO type. In the Boehner and Ryan mold and others. Now I can not prove it until we see it and we get closer to the election. I would hope he is not. But us Repub voters get fooled over and over. We do not want the gristle dealt with anymore in their pontifications. We want the meat attacked that we are being forced to pay for. And if this is true, then perhaps there are people compromised. Or this is part and parcel of the privileged being put up for election and doing things from a script with a few crumbs for the voters as they follow their masters wishes.
"I don't care"

Now let me babble goofy ass explanations for 827 more comments to show you how much I don't care...only to admit I can't refute a word you said...

I swear you Trumpers are clowns
I don’t care that Cawthorn says he got invited to orgies by DC elites. It may be true and it may be false. Either way, who cares?

My replies to your vapid thread efforts were primarily designed to correct your deliberate misrepresentations about what he said and what McCarthy said.

I don’t care what you “swear,” either. You’re an asshole. So your imbecile goofy ass opinions are irrelevant to my life and to almost everything else in the universe. 👍
To recap....

A sitting member of the GOP congress was spouting off about coke orgies..

And the main people who were triggered to the point of punishing him, was the GOP Minority Leader...a person who didn't even have that same energy for members in his party that pushed an insurrection.....

And as the cherry on top.....the main person defending that freshman congressman is a guy who had to resign from a GOP presidential campaign for being involved in sex parties....

Yeah, I never would have thought it possible, but Cawthorn is making MTG look dignified and professional.

Maybe this stuff does have a limit.
What Cawthorn said is undoubtedly true. Remember Katie Hill? McCarthy is a lying RINO and needs to go.
To recap....

A sitting member of the GOP congress was spouting off about coke orgies..

And the main people who were triggered to the point of punishing him, was the GOP Minority Leader...a person who didn't even have that same energy for members in his party that pushed an insurrection.....

And as the cherry on top.....the main person defending that freshman congressman is a guy who had to resign from a GOP presidential campaign for being involved in sex parties....

To restate the ^ above “recap” in honest terms:

A freshman GOP congressman has said that he has been invited to an orgy by DC Elites and that some DC Elites engage in the use of controlled substances. Also, the referenced freshman GOP congressman wasn’t punished but he was spoken to by a GOP Party official in Congress.

Hey Blip: you’re lying — again. Cawthorn didn’t discuss Republican orgies and drug use. He discussed such things by members of Congress without mentioning political party affiliation. And McCarthy’s commentary also spoke about members of Congress, not members of any particular political party.

You hack.
McCarthy has absolutely ZERO power over anybody but republican members of the house. So get that part straight.
What Cawthorn said is undoubtedly true. Remember Katie Hill? McCarthy is a lying RINO and needs to go.
And we all know he was talking about Republican Parties. I wonder how many underaged girls Matt Gaetz brought to those parties.
And we all know he was talking about Republican Parties. I wonder how many underaged girls Matt Gaetz brought to those parties.
Why don't you look into it and find some real proof instead of flapping your lips?
McCarthy has absolutely ZERO power over anybody but republican members of the house. So get that part straight.
I don’t say anything at all about him having any such thing. Do you always argue with voices only inside your pinhead? Get something straight for the first time ever.
I don’t care that Cawthorn says he got invited to orgies by DC elites. It may be true and it may be false. Either way, who cares?

My replies to your vapid thread efforts were primarily designed to correct your deliberate misrepresentations about what he said and what McCarthy said.

I don’t care what you “swear,” either. You’re an asshole. So your imbecile goofy ass opinions are irrelevant to my life and to almost everything else in the universe. 👍
Oh it's true. If there is one thing I have learned while on this planet is that people like sex. I can remember very distintly the very first time I ran into a high priced call girl. It was at a political function. I was 19 drinking with a fake ID . A smoking hot young women walked in with an elderly gentleman. I am sitting at the bar just a small town boy only ever seeing prostitute on TV. The girl happens to come up right beside me to order her drink. Being of curious nature and wanting to know if I was right about my guess as to what she was , I struck up a conversation with her. We chatted for a bit as I conjured the courage to inquire as to what she did for a living. I finally asked her and she was quite up front about it she said she was an escourt. I calmly asked what some one in her position made in a night. She replied $500 for the whole night. This was a very long time ago so I would imagine it is much more now. I remember being astounded by the answer as all I ever had to do was buy a six pack and share. Yep I am sure plenty of coke and orgies happen in DC and every other city across the nation.

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday admonished Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina over claims he had watched members of Congress use drugs and was invited to an "orgy." McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill that he told Cawthorn during a private meeting that the first-term congressman "lost my trust," and the allegations Cawthorn had made during a podcast interview last week were "exaggerated," according to Axios. "It's just frustration. There's no evidence behind his statements," McCarthy said, according to reports, adding, "I told him you can't make statements like that, as a member of Congress, that affects everybody else and the country as a whole."

The GOP leader said Cawthorn's comments upset many lawmakers, and he warned Cawthorn could face consequences -- The accusations from the first-term congressman did not sit well with some of his fellow Republican lawmakers, McCarthy's rebukes came after House Democrats had lambasted him for not doing enough to address behavior from other Republican members, namely Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who both spoke at a gathering of white nationalists last month."

Maybe if Madison said he went to orgies where everyone stripped out of their Nazi outfits first; McCarthy wouldn't have been so upset. I mean, why is Kevin so pressed and triggered about Republican coke orgies?? But he wasn't upset about House member after House member showing up at events, rubbing elbows with outright white nationalists?? Is he saying his base would be more ok with that than with coke fueled sex orgies?

Furthermore, Madison never said anything about which political party these people belonged to -- why did McCarthy assume he was talking about GOP members?? Does he know something?? Roger Stone has some thoughts about this tho....he said McCarthy is the one lying, not Madison...
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Stone (who knows a thing or two about sex parties) said that Madison never retracted his story..and that McCarthy is lying about what was said in their little meeting....so, who is the liar?? Who is the RINO republican who is doing the bidding of the Dems?? And how will this story hurt the Democrats going into the mid-terms??
Mc Carthy is the liar, hands down.
And yet....here you are again. :heehee:
And here you are boringly repeating your same boring troll lines. Oh shit. I responded. Now not only did I foil your effort for last-worditus, but you’ll feel obligated to use that line on me — again. You may be boring and dull and repetitive, but at least you mix things up with nothing else.

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