Which One Is The Liar?? Cawthorn or McCarthy?

To be fair: Yes, he did.

That isn't really being fair.....since he didn't name them by name and spoke in platitudes that "there is no place for racism, anti-semitism, blah blah" -- but he never said spoke of them by name -- and he definitely never said "I lost my trust in him"

And I find it highly telling that he can pussy-foot around a woman like MTG who talked about Jewish space laser conspiracies and Gosar who has repeatedly met with white supremacists -- never called them out by name....but can send the signal to everyone that he doesn't trust his own House member because of sex parties

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday admonished Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina over claims he had watched members of Congress use drugs and was invited to an "orgy." McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill that he told Cawthorn during a private meeting that the first-term congressman "lost my trust," and the allegations Cawthorn had made during a podcast interview last week were "exaggerated," according to Axios. "It's just frustration. There's no evidence behind his statements," McCarthy said, according to reports, adding, "I told him you can't make statements like that, as a member of Congress, that affects everybody else and the country as a whole."

The GOP leader said Cawthorn's comments upset many lawmakers, and he warned Cawthorn could face consequences -- The accusations from the first-term congressman did not sit well with some of his fellow Republican lawmakers, McCarthy's rebukes came after House Democrats had lambasted him for not doing enough to address behavior from other Republican members, namely Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who both spoke at a gathering of white nationalists last month."

Maybe if Madison said he went to orgies where everyone stripped out of their Nazi outfits first; McCarthy wouldn't have been so upset. I mean, why is Kevin so pressed and triggered about Republican coke orgies?? But he wasn't upset about House member after House member showing up at events, rubbing elbows with outright white nationalists?? Is he saying his base would be more ok with that than with coke fueled sex orgies?

Furthermore, Madison never said anything about which political party these people belonged to -- why did McCarthy assume he was talking about GOP members?? Does he know something?? Roger Stone has some thoughts about this tho....he said McCarthy is the one lying, not Madison...
View attachment 623918

Stone (who knows a thing or two about sex parties) said that Madison never retracted his story..and that McCarthy is lying about what was said in their little meeting....so, who is the liar?? Who is the RINO republican who is doing the bidding of the Dems?? And how will this story hurt the Democrats going into the mid-terms??
Anyone who believes members of congress are anything but a bunch of narcissistic filth-bags is naive as fuck.

All of them are!!!!

Naive twats are easily fooled by the 100% pack of filthy crooks in DC.Take Mac for example. The epitome of naivety.

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday admonished Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina over claims he had watched members of Congress use drugs and was invited to an "orgy." McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill that he told Cawthorn during a private meeting that the first-term congressman "lost my trust," and the allegations Cawthorn had made during a podcast interview last week were "exaggerated," according to Axios. "It's just frustration. There's no evidence behind his statements," McCarthy said, according to reports, adding, "I told him you can't make statements like that, as a member of Congress, that affects everybody else and the country as a whole."

The GOP leader said Cawthorn's comments upset many lawmakers, and he warned Cawthorn could face consequences -- The accusations from the first-term congressman did not sit well with some of his fellow Republican lawmakers, McCarthy's rebukes came after House Democrats had lambasted him for not doing enough to address behavior from other Republican members, namely Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who both spoke at a gathering of white nationalists last month."

Maybe if Madison said he went to orgies where everyone stripped out of their Nazi outfits first; McCarthy wouldn't have been so upset. I mean, why is Kevin so pressed and triggered about Republican coke orgies?? But he wasn't upset about House member after House member showing up at events, rubbing elbows with outright white nationalists?? Is he saying his base would be more ok with that than with coke fueled sex orgies?

Furthermore, Madison never said anything about which political party these people belonged to -- why did McCarthy assume he was talking about GOP members?? Does he know something?? Roger Stone has some thoughts about this tho....he said McCarthy is the one lying, not Madison...
View attachment 623918

Stone (who knows a thing or two about sex parties) said that Madison never retracted his story..and that McCarthy is lying about what was said in their little meeting....so, who is the liar?? Who is the RINO republican who is doing the bidding of the Dems?? And how will this story hurt the Democrats going into the mid-terms??
If you correct the lies in the OP, I will respond. Until then, whats the point of even engaging with this idiocy?
Madison Cawthorn:

I'm sure that Cawthorn "looks up to" Democrats.....:heehee:
I'm sure that Cawthorn "gets invited to" Democrat parties...."heehee:
I can’t discuss what you are sure of or doubt. But, the inference you draw is still not what Cawthorn actually said. Maybe he has “looked up” to certain people in the past which we would find surprising given his current political views. Maybe he is more open minded than you could ever be.

Maybe you’ve never looked up to any member of the “other” Party. You are “all hack all the time,” after all. But not everyone is as narrow-minded as you, boredtoseeya. Hell, there have been some Democrats I have looked up to. Not many these days, of course.
Did McCarthy admonish anyone for appearing with Nazis??

He had multiple occasions to do so, because there have been multiple house members OPENLY APPEALING to Nazis......funny how that happens

Why wasn't there this need to "comport his/her comments with some level of professionalism" when they were playing footsies with white nationalists??

Or is appealing to white supremacists a Conservative prerequisite for "professionalism"??

Doesn't matter, I will continue to kick your ass up and down this thread...and the funniest part is -- even you admit you don't agree with McCarthy -- but you are willing to look like a clown defending him
Again: you couldn’t kick an empty tin can. You’re a total lightweight and utterly and always unpersuasive. Toddle off now.

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday admonished Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina over claims he had watched members of Congress use drugs and was invited to an "orgy." McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill that he told Cawthorn during a private meeting that the first-term congressman "lost my trust," and the allegations Cawthorn had made during a podcast interview last week were "exaggerated," according to Axios. "It's just frustration. There's no evidence behind his statements," McCarthy said, according to reports, adding, "I told him you can't make statements like that, as a member of Congress, that affects everybody else and the country as a whole."

The GOP leader said Cawthorn's comments upset many lawmakers, and he warned Cawthorn could face consequences -- The accusations from the first-term congressman did not sit well with some of his fellow Republican lawmakers, McCarthy's rebukes came after House Democrats had lambasted him for not doing enough to address behavior from other Republican members, namely Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who both spoke at a gathering of white nationalists last month."

Maybe if Madison said he went to orgies where everyone stripped out of their Nazi outfits first; McCarthy wouldn't have been so upset. I mean, why is Kevin so pressed and triggered about Republican coke orgies?? But he wasn't upset about House member after House member showing up at events, rubbing elbows with outright white nationalists?? Is he saying his base would be more ok with that than with coke fueled sex orgies?

Furthermore, Madison never said anything about which political party these people belonged to -- why did McCarthy assume he was talking about GOP members?? Does he know something?? Roger Stone has some thoughts about this tho....he said McCarthy is the one lying, not Madison...
View attachment 623918

Stone (who knows a thing or two about sex parties) said that Madison never retracted his story..and that McCarthy is lying about what was said in their little meeting....so, who is the liar?? Who is the RINO republican who is doing the bidding of the Dems?? And how will this story hurt the Democrats going into the mid-terms??
Seems we have new meme, “Sex, Drugs and the GOP”! :auiqs.jpg:
Feel obligated to provide proof of what Cawrthorn said. And then provide proof that McCarthy’s chat with Cawthorn addressed only Republican. Link. Your speculation doesn’t count.
Who needs to speculate? It defies logic to think Dems would invite Cawthorn.
You know what this Leftist attack on Cawthorn looks like? It looks like that leftist attack on Matt Gaetz. And you know the left got their asses kicked on that...same as they're gonna get their asses kicked on this one too.

"House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday admonished Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina over claims he had watched members of Congress use drugs and was invited to an "orgy." McCarthy told reporters on Capitol Hill that he told Cawthorn during a private meeting that the first-term congressman "lost my trust," and the allegations Cawthorn had made during a podcast interview last week were "exaggerated," according to Axios. "It's just frustration. There's no evidence behind his statements," McCarthy said, according to reports, adding, "I told him you can't make statements like that, as a member of Congress, that affects everybody else and the country as a whole."

The GOP leader said Cawthorn's comments upset many lawmakers, and he warned Cawthorn could face consequences -- The accusations from the first-term congressman did not sit well with some of his fellow Republican lawmakers, McCarthy's rebukes came after House Democrats had lambasted him for not doing enough to address behavior from other Republican members, namely Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Paul Gosar of Arizona, who both spoke at a gathering of white nationalists last month."

Maybe if Madison said he went to orgies where everyone stripped out of their Nazi outfits first; McCarthy wouldn't have been so upset. I mean, why is Kevin so pressed and triggered about Republican coke orgies?? But he wasn't upset about House member after House member showing up at events, rubbing elbows with outright white nationalists?? Is he saying his base would be more ok with that than with coke fueled sex orgies?

Furthermore, Madison never said anything about which political party these people belonged to -- why did McCarthy assume he was talking about GOP members?? Does he know something?? Roger Stone has some thoughts about this tho....he said McCarthy is the one lying, not Madison...
View attachment 623918

Stone (who knows a thing or two about sex parties) said that Madison never retracted his story..and that McCarthy is lying about what was said in their little meeting....so, who is the liar?? Who is the RINO republican who is doing the bidding of the Dems?? And how will this story hurt the Democrats going into the mid-terms??
Who's lying? That's easy. Who's lips are moving?

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