Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea having an operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

Which POTUS admin is to blame for North Korea to have a operational nuclear ICBM that can reach USA?

  • Carter

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Reagan

    Votes: 2 5.1%
  • Bush 41

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Clinton

    Votes: 18 46.2%
  • Bush 43

    Votes: 5 12.8%
  • Obama

    Votes: 7 17.9%
  • Trump

    Votes: 5 12.8%

  • Total voters
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
Why did we Invade the Middle East, instead of North Korea?

9-11, retard.
Yes, we forget what an important role Iraq had in 9/11.

The mistake Dubya made with Iraq is that he was too far West.

Obama's beloved Iran is the real danger. Reagan knew that, but Dubya was too stupid, almost as stupid as Obama - just not a fucking traitor like Barry Hussein...

Elect me! The world will be afraid of me!



What the hell was that?!?


That was my way of showing you how unafraid we are of you.



What the hell was that?!?


I just thought you should hear it in stereo.


Mein Fuhrer, we need to respond.


Yes, I will have the lobster bisque, and my date Abe will have the tuna roll.


I just got wasted with Rick the nuclear codes guy!



What the hell was that?!?


I’m violating a treaty with you, comrade.


You see this? THIS IS MY HARD FACE!


And I am officially putting the Axis of Evil on notice…


…that I am leaving.


I am already tired of winning.

Elect me! The world will be afraid of me!



What the hell was that?!?


That was my way of showing you how unafraid we are of you.



What the hell was that?!?


I just thought you should hear it in stereo.


Mein Fuhrer, we need to respond.


Yes, I will have the lobster bisque, and my date Abe will have the tuna roll.


I just got wasted with Rick the nuclear codes guy!



What the hell was that?!?


I’m violating a treaty with you, comrade.


You see this? THIS IS MY HARD FACE!


And I am officially putting the Axis of Evil on notice…


…that I am leaving.


I am already tired of winning.

How long did it take ThinkProgress to put that together, Guno?
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.

Clinton gave North Korea Nuclear weapons, but it was Jimmy Carter who drove the push to create a nuclear terrorist state. Clinton signed it, but Carter designed it.
Hey asshole, the first nuclear test was done during the BUSH administration.


Without the Carter/Clinton agreement they could not have spent the preceding years developing the nukes.
There was no carter/clinton agreement, ever, but Bush had 5 years to do something to stop NK and he did nothing.
There was no carter/clinton agreement, ever, but Bush had 5 years to do something to stop NK and he did nothing.

Ah, blatant lying. That does seem to be the standard response of you goosestepping storm troopers.
Post this agreement, asshole. You know dam well it doesn't exist. Just another excuse not to blame Bush for anything.

You really are a fucking retard.

Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia
There is very little that can be done with NK other than to negotiate with them. Something we should have done long ago.

So what you're saying is "peace in our time?"
Negotiation is the only answer, whether it be NK, or in Syria or Iraq.
Or even Afghanistan
Why did we Invade the Middle East, instead of North Korea?

9-11, retard.
Yes, we forget what an important role Iraq had in 9/11.

The mistake Dubya made with Iraq is that he was too far West.

Obama's beloved Iran is the real danger. Reagan knew that, but Dubya was too stupid, almost as stupid as Obama - just not a fucking traitor like Barry Hussein...
Has Iran ever done anything to us? Not in the least, asshole.


You really are one of the dumbest people I've encountered. Are you a jillian sock?
What does the have to do with North Korea's nuclear program, asshole.
There was no carter/clinton agreement, ever, but Bush had 5 years to do something to stop NK and he did nothing.

Ah, blatant lying. That does seem to be the standard response of you goosestepping storm troopers.
Post this agreement, asshole. You know dam well it doesn't exist. Just another excuse not to blame Bush for anything.

You really are a fucking retard.

Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia
Read from 2002 on asshole, it was all Bush fault. he did nothing
There was no carter/clinton agreement, ever, but Bush had 5 years to do something to stop NK and he did nothing.

Ah, blatant lying. That does seem to be the standard response of you goosestepping storm troopers.
Post this agreement, asshole. You know dam well it doesn't exist. Just another excuse not to blame Bush for anything.

You really are a fucking retard.

Timeline of the North Korean nuclear program - Wikipedia
Read from 2002 on asshole, it was all Bush fault. he did nothing

So, you lied about the Carter/Clinton deal, then want to blame Bush for not violating the treaty your idiot side put in place?

Carter committed treason, he deliberately armed a nation we are at war with with WMD's.
"Phase III (1994–2002) covers the period of the "freeze" on North Korea's plutonium program (though North Korea pursued uranium enrichment in secret)."

Clinton ignored NK's cheating for political purposes, just as Obama did with Iran. But none dare call it treason...

Because N. Korea was cheating we broke the treaty and allowed them to do whatever they wanted. Going from having 90% control of N. Korean nukes, to 0% control.
Bill Clinton was spraying down interns with baby batter like a fireman fighting an oil rig blaze instead of handling shit like North Korea.

Fuck you, Bill.
There is a lot of blame to go around.

We have simply been paying North Korea extortion money for decades.

Appeasement does not work. It has never worked.

We are doing the same thing with Iran. It's so fucking stupid. North Korea now is Iran in less than a decade.

Kicking the can to the next administration is NOT A STRATEGY.
North Korea does not have any operational ICBM's, shit half their supposed missiles blow up on the launch pad, so they would be incinerating themselves.

Grow up kid
Clinton opened the way for them. Much like obie did for Iran. We'll have to deal with them at a later date as well.

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