Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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You can hear a sigh of relief in plains Georgia, Jimmy Carter has been surpassed by obama as America worse president, of the 20TH century

obama had the distinction of being the first worst president of the 21ST century, and also the worse president of all time

It's too early to judge Obama's presidency against historical standards. But I doubt he can beat James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, Jimmy Carter, and a few others who were really bad presidents.

Carter wasn't a bad president at all. What he was, was a terrible cheerleader. It's also funny that Ulysses Grant gets left out of the "worst presidents" meme most of the time. The man was terribly bigotted and an alcoholic.

Glad to see that someone here understands Carter wasnt near as bad as these other bastard presidents were.
I ain't defending shit, chump.

But maybe you can come up with a good rationale for sending more than 58,000 American men to their deaths, over a total lie known as "Gulf of Tonkin Incident".

G'head...We're all waiting with baited breath.
The point is that, when a poster criticized Bush, you jumped in to defend him by pointing to someone who you believe is worse.

You're transparent, retard.

Oddball is no fan of Bush and was against the Iraqi war.

And he has a point about LBJ..which is why I hold him as one of the 10 worst Presidents. Although domestically..he was pretty spot on..it's hard to overcome what he did in Vietnam. And at the end..he realized what a grave mistake he made.

Yeah, that's what I keep hearing. Yet, any time anybody ever criticizes or blames Bush for the multitude of problems this country finds itself in due directly to Bush's policies, he responds with BOOOOSH!!!!

The only conclusion one could come to is that he either defends Bush's policies, or doesn't believe that Bush's policies have anything to do with the mess that we're now in.

ETA: and just because he was against the Iraq war doesn't mean that he was against Bush. I was a big Clinton supporter, but I was totally against NAFTA and the telecommunications deregulation.
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This settles it once and for all that Nixon was far more corrupt than LBj was.I am not defending LBJ by any means.he was one that I put in a vote for its just that its a well known fact that Dick Nixon was far worse.This is a long read but its well worth it.It settles the debate one and all Nixon was one of the top three most corrupt presidents ever.worse than LBJ.

President Richard NIxon, Henry Kissinger, and the Bombing of Cambodia excerpted from the book Lying for Empire How to Commit War Crimes With A Straight Face by David Model Common Courage Press, 2005, paper
You can hear a sigh of relief in plains Georgia, Jimmy Carter has been surpassed by obama as America worse president, of the 20TH century

obama had the distinction of being the first worst president of the 21ST century, and also the worse president of all time

It's too early to judge Obama's presidency against historical standards. But I doubt he can beat James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, Jimmy Carter, and a few others who were really bad presidents.

Carter wasn't a bad president at all. What he was, was a terrible cheerleader. It's also funny that Ulysses Grant gets left out of the "worst presidents" meme most of the time. The man was terribly bigotted and an alcoholic.

The Pentagon let him down. Desert One was a terrible plan, that they devised. Yet, Carter got the blame but never tried to pass the buck.

Carter also got no support from the Democrats in Congress. And for that I blame Ted Kennedy.
You can beg to differ all you want. The fact remains that is exactly what obama has tried to do.

You say it's a fact, but you can't back that up by pointing to any real facts.

You use word play games such as "major initiative" Don't be an idiot and think that obama has not tried to change this country. He has and no matter how you try to play the word game. Keep it simple stupid.

Because that's the only way you can comprehend?
It's too early to judge Obama's presidency against historical standards. But I doubt he can beat James Buchanan, Franklin Pierce, Jimmy Carter, and a few others who were really bad presidents.

Carter wasn't a bad president at all. What he was, was a terrible cheerleader. It's also funny that Ulysses Grant gets left out of the "worst presidents" meme most of the time. The man was terribly bigotted and an alcoholic.

The Pentagon let him down. Desert One was a terrible plan, that they devised. Yet, Carter got the blame but never tried to pass the buck.

Carter also got no support from the Democrats in Congress. And for that I blame Ted Kennedy.

yeah Carter was taking measures to get rid of the CIA in his last year in office and the establishment was not happy with him at all so he was set up with that to take the blame for it all.
Oh, I absolutely did NOT like Bush 43's policies one little bit. But permanent damage?

In my humble opinion it was definately James Earl Carter. That was a man that was so in over his head that he looked not only to the world like an inept imbecile, but at the end of his term this country KNEW they had sent a man wholly unqualified to be President to the Oval Office.

1. The Iranian/Islamofacist Situation - Jimmy wanted to be everyone's friend (sound like someone you know?) and when the Ayatollah started that little mess, he stood by and watched while the American embassy was stormed and hostages were held for 444 days. If Jimmy had acted and acted DECISIVELY at the beginning of the situation, it is likely that we would not have the major headache of Islamic terrorists now. Imagine an Iran that holds democratic elections? But I was in the military when that happened. After two years of this putz, we didn't even have ammunition and about half of our vehicles did not run for lack of spare parts. Even if Jimmy had wanted, I'm not sure he could have cobbled together a force to go there and do something. Let's remember that Diego Garcia and the pre-positioned ships were NOT available (that didn't happen until Reagan). Jimmy was closing overseas bases as fast as possible up to that point, the remaining open base closest to Iran being in Turkey. Additionally, about half the airlift, bomber and combat aircraft that would have gotten us there and protected us enroute, was grounded because lack of spare parts as well. This is very possibly one of the most incredible mistakes made by a President in the last 150 years.

2. Nicaragua - We know now (due to the Soviet Union collapsing) that our friends the Soviets had been fermenting trouble in Central and South America for 20 years PRIOR to Jimmy's fiasco. They formed and armed rebel guerillas all over Central and South America, who were NOT effective until Jimmy pulled advisors out because we are not supposed to interferring in other peoples business. The Sandinistas and other rebels (refer to the FARC in Columbia) were a direct result of this wanting to be friends with everyone and refusing to take a stand against what was happening. The direct result? Reagan was forced to invade Grenada as the Cubans were building a military air strip there. You can also trace the invasion of Panama directly to Jimmy's inability to directly and firmly deal with the KGB sticking there finger in this festering shit hole.

3. Afghanistan - By God Jimmy didn't let us go to the Olympics did he? After sitting on his thumbs and allowing the Russians to invade (read the information from the Kremlin, they invaded because they KNEW Carter had no stomach to oppose them in any form) the only way to effectively combat the Russians was by arming the Majahudeen (SP?). Osama bin Laden was one of those that we armed. That worked out great for us, didn't it.

I could go on and on about this ignorant individuals blunders. But you get the picture here. We are just now wrapping up TWO WARS that is a direct result of this man's bent to destroy the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies. Our dealings with Iran are just now heating up and you have Jimmy to thank for them. This man will go down in history as one of the FIVE WORST PRESIDENTS that this country has ever had. Thank God one of the FIVE BEST PRESIDENTS in this countries history came right after him.

What a bunch of revisionist crap! :lol:

"he stood by and watched while the American embassy was stormed and hostages were held for 444 days."

I'm pretty sure the storming of the embassy happened too quickly for any president to have stood by and watched.

Tell me - what do you think would have been the response of the American people, and the Republican Party, had President Carter sent in troops, and 100, or 200, or 300, or all of the hostages were killed? Were their lives expendable? Did their lives have no value?
Long term damage - Nixon, because of the EPA that he started. EPA is now harming the private job sector. They have issued way to many regulations.
The biggest threat is our debt, done by Bush and Obama.
This settles it once and for all that Nixon was far more corrupt than LBj was.I am not defending LBJ by any means.he was one that I put in a vote for its just that its a well known fact that Dick Nixon was far worse.This is a long read but its well worth it.It settles the debate one and all Nixon was one of the top three most corrupt presidents ever.worse than LBJ.

President Richard NIxon, Henry Kissinger, and the Bombing of Cambodia excerpted from the book Lying for Empire How to Commit War Crimes With A Straight Face by David Model Common Courage Press, 2005, paper

It appears that while there were more us casualtys under Lbj than their were under Nixon,that mass murderer Dick Nixon killed far more innocent civialians from the other side than fellow mass murderer LBJ.Casualtys of innocent civilians and pheasants tripled under Nixon than Johnson.
Carter by far. We are talking about long-term damage that is causing our problems today. Obama will eventually catch up and pass him given time.
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Carter by far. We are talking about long-term damage that is causing our problems today. Obama will eventually catch up and pass him given time.

thats too funny.worse than Nixon,LBj,Bush or Clinton. Now THATS funny.:lol::lol:
Long term damage - Nixon, because of the EPA that he started. EPA is now harming the private job sector. They have issued way to many regulations.
The biggest threat is our debt, done by Bush and Obama.

The threat and damage was started by presidents and congress who aren't even on the list. Bush and obama just added to the damage.
Oh, I absolutely did NOT like Bush 43's policies one little bit. But permanent damage?

In my humble opinion it was definately James Earl Carter. That was a man that was so in over his head that he looked not only to the world like an inept imbecile, but at the end of his term this country KNEW they had sent a man wholly unqualified to be President to the Oval Office.

1. The Iranian/Islamofacist Situation - Jimmy wanted to be everyone's friend (sound like someone you know?) and when the Ayatollah started that little mess, he stood by and watched while the American embassy was stormed and hostages were held for 444 days. If Jimmy had acted and acted DECISIVELY at the beginning of the situation, it is likely that we would not have the major headache of Islamic terrorists now. Imagine an Iran that holds democratic elections? But I was in the military when that happened. After two years of this putz, we didn't even have ammunition and about half of our vehicles did not run for lack of spare parts. Even if Jimmy had wanted, I'm not sure he could have cobbled together a force to go there and do something. Let's remember that Diego Garcia and the pre-positioned ships were NOT available (that didn't happen until Reagan). Jimmy was closing overseas bases as fast as possible up to that point, the remaining open base closest to Iran being in Turkey. Additionally, about half the airlift, bomber and combat aircraft that would have gotten us there and protected us enroute, was grounded because lack of spare parts as well. This is very possibly one of the most incredible mistakes made by a President in the last 150 years.

2. Nicaragua - We know now (due to the Soviet Union collapsing) that our friends the Soviets had been fermenting trouble in Central and South America for 20 years PRIOR to Jimmy's fiasco. They formed and armed rebel guerillas all over Central and South America, who were NOT effective until Jimmy pulled advisors out because we are not supposed to interferring in other peoples business. The Sandinistas and other rebels (refer to the FARC in Columbia) were a direct result of this wanting to be friends with everyone and refusing to take a stand against what was happening. The direct result? Reagan was forced to invade Grenada as the Cubans were building a military air strip there. You can also trace the invasion of Panama directly to Jimmy's inability to directly and firmly deal with the KGB sticking there finger in this festering shit hole.

3. Afghanistan - By God Jimmy didn't let us go to the Olympics did he? After sitting on his thumbs and allowing the Russians to invade (read the information from the Kremlin, they invaded because they KNEW Carter had no stomach to oppose them in any form) the only way to effectively combat the Russians was by arming the Majahudeen (SP?). Osama bin Laden was one of those that we armed. That worked out great for us, didn't it.

I could go on and on about this ignorant individuals blunders. But you get the picture here. We are just now wrapping up TWO WARS that is a direct result of this man's bent to destroy the Department of Defense and the intelligence agencies. Our dealings with Iran are just now heating up and you have Jimmy to thank for them. This man will go down in history as one of the FIVE WORST PRESIDENTS that this country has ever had. Thank God one of the FIVE BEST PRESIDENTS in this countries history came right after him.

What a bunch of revisionist crap! :lol:

"he stood by and watched while the American embassy was stormed and hostages were held for 444 days."

I'm pretty sure the storming of the embassy happened too quickly for any president to have stood by and watched.

Tell me - what do you think would have been the response of the American people, and the Republican Party, had President Carter sent in troops, and 100, or 200, or 300, or all of the hostages were killed? Were their lives expendable? Did their lives have no value?

Since reading comprehension is apparently NOT a strong suit of yours, you will notice that in the rest of my information, I referred to Carter's systematic dismantling of the Department of Defense (prior to the embassy seizure) and the inability of units to respond to a situation such as the embassy take over, even if he wanted them to respond. The lack of any bases close to the incident for the purpose of staging, the lack of military air lift capability, and the command wide lack of basic parts and equipment, all played a MAJOR role in Carter's inability to respond adequately. Because of this, he was religated to simply respond with economic and politcal sanctions to a situation which should have been responded to IMMEDIATELY militarily.

I realize that this may be too difficult for a knee-jerk political hack, but go back and read about unit readiness during the period of 1976 to 1980. Look more specifically for unit preparedness for the 5th and 6th fleets AND units such as the 82nd Airborne AND the 101st Airborne. Read the Department of Defense information, not some political white-washed propaganda. Additionally, there are about five books that are very good on the hostage situation, the reasons for it, the intelligence that Carter ignored, and why the US was unable to respond other than to cry 'foul' at the UN. The best one I found was written by the CIA's Iranian expert at the time.

Additionally, you will recall that when Carter finally agreed to let Colonel Beckworth and his operators attempt a hostage rescue, one of the major problems was that the helicopters that they were forced to use were old and unprepared for use in the desert. Sand clogged the air intake filters, causing some of them to have to return. When they finally figured out that they didn't have enough helicopters to proceed, they had the conflaguration in the desert. As always, because of liberals setting their sites on the military and making drastic cuts, Americans died.

One of the first acts of Ronald Reagan was to reconstitute the military sealift command. Prepositioned ships with equipment, parts and ammunition were stationed at Diego Garcia. Negotiations with the sheiks at Bahrain began, in an attempt to secure a base in the area.

You know, you can disagree all you like... if you have the facts to back up your position. You do understand what facts are? Oh, obviously not...
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Slick Willie is the worst. Bush gets a good chunk of the blame for the mortgage and credit meltdown, but Slick Willie was the MAN that started it.

He was the pusher (along with Dodds and Frank) to get main legislative culprit of the mortgage meltdown revived - the Community Reinvestment Act.

He was the force behind getting the mortgage meltdowns second big culprit - providing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac the power to great a secondary artificial mortgage market.

GLB happened on his watch!

Clinton removed of ALL the trade barriers with China and helped China into the WTO (they wouldn't have been considered with out America's help)

NAFTA turned the a surplus with Mexico into the second HIGHEST deficit between two countries in history (next to us with China).

He created the student loan crisis. Before Clinton College was expensive but affordable for the middle class. Now college is out of control expensive and not affordable! Students are coming out of school with a mortgage sized amount of student loan debt! Clinton did two things: (1) Made Student loans nondischargable (so banks didn't give a crap to who or how much they were lending to a student and (2) Got the government in the student loan business to which the colleges could charge whatever and government funded these price gauging! The result was the LARGEST increase of any product/service every (including oil) in history in a 10-15 year span!

Clinton is the worst by far. Carter a close second. Obama and Bush are tied at this point!
It appears that while there were more us casualtys under Lbj than their were under Nixon,that mass murderer Dick Nixon killed far more innocent civialians from the other side than fellow mass murderer LBJ.Casualtys of innocent civilians and pheasants tripled under Nixon than Johnson.

Are you under a doctors care?

Tell him to up your meds.
Did Eisenhower fabricate a non-existent attack out of whole cloth, to rationalize a full-on hot shooting war, you fucking simpleton?

Can't be any worse than WMD's.
Y'know, they do make pianos with 88 keys.


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