Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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Taking us from an essentially unarmed nation to a world power, assisting in the defeat of the Third Reich, and ending Japan's fascism was "bad" huh?:cuckoo:


Has Common Dreams ever mentioned "World War I?"

Yeah, I'm thinking America was already an established world power...
Politically and economically..Reagan.

In terms of world wide prestige? (Well also politically and economically) George W. Bush.

By far..the two most destructive American Presidents have been Ronald Reagan..and George W. Bush.

Who do you think the greatest leader in all of history is?

Stalin, or Pol Pot?
I agree. FDR did the most damage by beginning the assualt on states rights, and moving our economy into a socialist drift. A well intentioned, but ignorant ass, who actually thought that the Soviet Union was a benign form of government with a happy and prosperous population.

The key element here being "last 50 years."

FDR was further back.
The damage from the Carter presidency is still playing out. Start with the deposition of the Shah in favor of Khomeini and work your way from there.

The work Carter did to convince the Clinton administration to provide North Korea nuclear materials, which they did indeed turn into weapons, despite the left claiming they would "never do such a thing."
Carter wasn't a bad president at all. What he was, was a terrible cheerleader. It's also funny that Ulysses Grant gets left out of the "worst presidents" meme most of the time. The man was terribly bigotted and an alcoholic.


No wonder you love Obama, you're a fucking retard.

Standard Disclaimer: Your complete lack of even a hint of integrity moves you to the left as well.
I beg to differ. Please remind me of the major initiative of Obama that was designed to "fundamentally change America".

Obama's fascist care.

Maybe if you smoked less dope, you'd be able to follow along?

Just a suggestion....
I did LBJ Bush and Obama. I don't think it's fair to do Obama as he is not even out of his first term but if Obamacare is not found unconstitutinal it will be another huge deficit building program.

well the thing is he has turned out to be the most corrupt president ever in just his first term.He has shreadded to pieces the constitution and has lied about everything he said he would so not only continuing Bushs policys but expanding upon them.If you go to youtube.com and type in THE OBAMA DECEPTION,you'll see what I mean.

Taking us from an essentially unarmed nation to a world power, assisting in the defeat of the Third Reich, and ending Japan's fascism was "bad" huh?:cuckoo:

The man allowed and wanted pearl harbor to happen dummy.:cuckoo: The first commander of the fleet resigned matter of fact when FDR refused to heed his warnings that having the fleet in hawaii opened them up to attacks much better than having them in california like he recommended.The next commander that took his place objected to it as well but reluctantly went along with it.yeah great president alright.:cuckoo:
LBJ he was one of the most corrupt and crooked SOB you will ever find.

Yeah but his replacement DICK Nixon was 10 times worse.Expanding what LBJ started with the vietnam war.People say he ended it in 73 but the thing is he could have ended it in 1969 but he expanded the vietnam conflict during his time in causaltys tripled under him than they did under Johnson.it wasnt the vietcong that murdered those 58 thousand americans.It was LBJ and Dick Nixon.
George W Bush by far

Started two wars, trashed the economy, massive debt, engaged in TORTURE

But he dressed up LIKE a real soldier, which some find "awesome'....................
Right...And the 58,000+ American boys killed by LBJ on a pack of lies was so much chump change. :rolleyes:

Like I said,LBJ is to blame for those deaths no doubt and murdered some of those vietnam veterans but thatother mass murderer Dick Nixon was even more responsible for all those deaths more so than LBJ was.
I voted Shrub only, not realizing it was multiple choice.

But the more I think of it, it's Reagan. Shrub's incompetence was only possible because Reagan lit the way, and hired the anti-American globalists who later helped Shrub drive the country into a ditch.

very true.Reagan is far more responsible for this mess than Carter is.
It's no doubt Obama with Jimmy Carter a close 2nd.

I can't remember a time when America has been so divisive than now. Obama has added more to the debt on 3.2 years than President Bush did in 8. Facts are facts and they cannot be disputed.

When your signature legislation is in serious jeopardy of getting shot down by the SCOTUS you've got issues. Obama will have nothing to show for in 4 years except for more debt.

The one good thing Obama did was get bin laden. But he has totally squandered that by "spiking the football" and throwing it in Mitt Romney's face. A true leader doesn't gloat in that fashion.

Oh, and when was the last time Congress and Obama passed a freakin budget? Not to mention the financial downgrade on Obama's watch.

I could go on and on but you all get the picture.
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Great reply, great way to get your views out there. This isn't wingnuttery, some of it is research, and some is personal experience.

I do not dislike social programs, I think too many Americans are on them, and that they are very abused.

I will vote for Romney as I sincerely believe 4 more years of Obama will be destructive to the country I have served, and love. You rabid, leftwing, self loathing liberals are doing everything you can to make us the next Greece.

so you will vote for a white Obama in office? Obama and Romney are birds of a feather.Neither are here to serve the people,neither believe in the constitution and nothing will change if CFR member Romney replaces CFR member Obama.Both believe in the people serving the government instead of the government serving us and you will vote for the lesser evil Romney instead of Paul who DOES believe in the constitution and the government serving us instead of us serving them like we do now? Oh I see.:cuckoo:
Over 58,000 dead young men, and all you can say is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH!

Goddammit, are you an asshole.
Only Bush defenders use 'BOOOOSH!'

And how many of those 58,000 were under Nixon, retard?

thats what I been saying all along.How anybody could have missed that is beyond me.

No need for the name calling though even though its a well known fact that DICK Nixon easily one of the top three worst presidents ever,that many more of those casultys happened under that bastard than that other mass murderer LBJ.

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