Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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Carter by far. We are talking about long-term damage that is causing our problems today. Obama will eventually catch up and pass him given time.

thats too funny.worse than Nixon,LBj,Bush or Clinton. Now THATS funny.:lol::lol:

yes Carter only second too obamush is the worst president.

You like him are too funny.
He did not commit anywhere near as many autrocities against the american people of all the presidents we have had since Kennedy our last real president who believed in the constitution where the government should serve the people instead of us serving them like we do now.
It appears that while there were more us casualtys under Lbj than their were under Nixon,that mass murderer Dick Nixon killed far more innocent civialians from the other side than fellow mass murderer LBJ.Casualtys of innocent civilians and pheasants tripled under Nixon than Johnson.

Are you under a doctors care?

Tell him to up your meds.

as usual,all you can do is make these pathetic posts when you cant refute the facts.congrats.:clap2:
The best are easy though, Reagan and JFK! But man we had a string of some bad Prez!
The best are easy though, Reagan and JFK! But man we had a string of some bad Prez!

Well your HALF right anyways.JFK is the correct choice but Reagan was one of the most corrupt bastards ever.You really should read the book TEARING DOWN THE MYTH sometime.it exposes the lies of Reagan being one of the greatest presidents ever.
I had previously said this:

LBJ tops the list for me... due to the destructive on-going consequences of his Great Society and War on Poverty... and the citizenry's now-entrenched disrespect for authority that began with Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam war...

"honorable" mention goes to Bush 43 for his Iraq misadventure, among other things...

and Clinton, who taught the country that, even if you get caught in a flat-out lie, you can get off without consequences... also, thanks to him, second-graders now all know what a blowjob is...

I'm not quite ready to make the call on Obama just yet, but I'm none too pleased with his Supreme Court picks...

and, in response to a remark about Carter, this:

Carter was indeed a disaster as president... but he did no long-term damage to speak of...

I just now recalled that Carter is responsible for the mortgage program that led to the banking crisis... so, yeah, he did some serious long-term damage to the country...
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Which one(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage by way of their policies, their leadership (or lack thereof), their judgment, their Supreme Court picks, etc...?

multiple choice poll, so you can vote for more than one…

Judging by your avatar you must be about 8 years old. Does your mother know what you are doing?

oh geezus.....:lol:
We did
Taking us from an essentially unarmed nation to a world power, assisting in the defeat of the Third Reich, and ending Japan's fascism was "bad" huh?:cuckoo:


Has Common Dreams ever mentioned "World War I?"

Yeah, I'm thinking America was already an established world power...

We didn't become a world power till after WwII you dumbass.

No, we had risen to that level after WWI. It was after WWII that we became one of the two clearly dominant world powers as older members of that 'club' never really recovered to their previous prominence.
as usual you prove what moron idiot you are.The only thing Clinton had in common with JFK was his lust for women.He was the one that half the IQ of JFK idiot.

Uh er um, sure, uh ur um, you make uh er a um er great er point, um er uh there.

Kennedy was assassinated. For this, many people canonized him. Frankly, there is a some merit to that.

I suspect that you being the JOOOO hating, conspiracy whacko type, your motivations are a bit different, that you are driven by the Alex Jones idiocy that "JFK was going to expose the Illuminati."

Uh, no. Kennedy was a playboy rich kid, not particularly bright, not mentally retarded like Teddy, but not above average, either. Clinton is genius level. Love him or hate him, Bill Clinton can tell a hundred lies to a hundred different people and keep track of all of them. That takes serious brain power.

Kennedy had a lot of good points; he was a legitimate war hero. He was an avid anti-Communist, a compatriot and friend of Joe McCarthy, who worked alongside McCarthy to expose the Communist conspiracy in the state department.

But Kennedy was a lousy president. His bumbling of Castro where he committed troops to support insurgents, only to let them be slaughtered, was hideous. Kennedy was viewed as soft by the Soviets and proved it as they built the Berlin wall, while he stood dumbfounded and impotent.

The brinksmanship of Nuclear missiles in Cuba was far from solid leadership. It again demonstrated that the Soviets viewed Kennedy as weak, and that he was weak as they built the silos right under his nose.

I don't view Kennedy as a "bad guy," but he was ineffectual at best.
it was jimmy carter until obama. It will take several generations to undo obama's damage if it can be done at all.

i agree with you. So much damage has been created now, that alot of it will be unrepairable. It will take years and i honestly don't think it can ever be repaired now. If romney win's, he is sure inheriting one heck of a mess.
Ah you are one of those cons....How sad.

One of those people with a clear understanding of history? Yes, I am.

Nah you are just one of those people who's crutch is the military.
You are part of the problem, not the solution.

Your ability to shoot your damn fool mouth off ultimately rests with the security that a strong military guarantees. You're just too much of an ingrateful, short-sighted moron to appreciate it.
it was jimmy carter until obama. It will take several generations to undo obama's damage if it can be done at all.

i agree with you. So much damage has been created now, that alot of it will be unrepairable. It will take years and i honestly don't think it can ever be repaired now. If romney win's, he is sure inheriting one heck of a mess.

You can bet he won't spend four years whining 'it's obama's fault!'

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