Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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Krugman is a good economist


Comrade Starkey, always to the left of left.

Krugman is a joke. He is a leftist commentator, not a real economist.

but he is a far lefty politically,

Just like you.

and all his work has to be filtered through that lens.

Just like all your posts..

Having noted that, Krugman is a true American,

Working hard to make America more like North Korea - live the dream, Comrade Fakey Jake.
Since every one of them increased the size, scope, cost and intrusiveness of government my answer is

All of them
Obama leading Bush 43 is absurd. 9/11, Iraq & the failure to fund the ACE levee project, which allowed New Orleans to be inundated seem forgotten.

The city of New Orleans took the money allocated for the levees and used it else where.

Bush recommended 190 million, Congress upped it to 225 million. The ACE had requested over 500 million from 2001-2004:

February 2001
Bush’s first budget proposed more than half a billion dollars worth of cuts to the Army Corps of Engineers for the 2002 fiscal year. Bush proposed half of what his own officials said was necessary for the critical Southeast Louisiana Flood Control Project (SELA)—a project started after a 1995 rainstorm flooded 25,000 homes and caused a half billion dollars in damage.

Bush did this to offset the tax break he gave to the top 1% of rich Americans. The first major economic initiative pursued by the president was a massive tax cut for the rich, enacted in June of 2001. Bush signed his massive $1.3 trillion income tax cut into law-a tax cut that severely depleted the government of revenues it needed to address critical priorities.

February 2002
Bush provided just $5 million for maintaining and upgrading critical hurricane protection levees in New Orleans—one fifth of what government experts and Republican elected officials in Louisiana told the administration was needed. Bush knew SELA needed $80 million to keep working, but the he only proposed providing a quarter of that.

February 2004
The SELA project sought $100 million to repair the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain levees, but Bush offered only $16.5 million. The Army Corps of Engineers asked for $27 million to pay for hurricane protection upgrades around Lake Pontchartrain—but the White House cut that to $3.9 million. Gaps in levees around Lake Pontchartrain & the Industrial Canal, which were supposed to be filled by 2004, were not filled because of budget shortfalls. Repair work on the levees, including the ones that failed, was stopped due to lack of funds.
I was tempted to pick them all, but I limited myself to:

Nixon: The amount of damage he did to the domestic image of the Federal Government is incredible. There's a reason that government service is so poorly respected, and Nixon is that reason. Just the damage done to the national image and trust is incalculable.

Carter: Just a weak President. Yes, he has some pretty terrible events that were outside his control occur, but a stronger President might have been able to stop reacting and start doing. It seemed like that never happened with Carter.

Reagan: Winning the Cold War is impressive. The manner he did it in (MASSIVE Federal deficits) still haunts us today. It's analogous to standing up and taking the bullet from the sniper so you can call in the airstrike on his position. You win, but you limp away mortally wounded afterwards. Nearly all the problems from the 80's forward can be laid on how we won the Cold War, and what we did with the pieces afterwards.
Uncensored pretends to be mainstream, when in fact he is the far right counterpart to Krugman on the far left.

You are not mainstream, Uncensored, merely laughable.
Uncensored, the guys name is Warren. Also he is the first to use the term "the founders." He also screwed everything he could, and his appointees stole a lot of money in the two years he was president before he died "suddenly."
Uncensored, the guys name is Warren. Also he is the first to use the term "the founders." He also screwed everything he could, and his appointees stole a lot of money in the two years he was president before he died "suddenly."

Harding was never shown to be PERSONALLY crooked, his appointees and staff WERE. Harding was WEAK, could not stop his buddies from stealing.
Since reading comprehension is apparently NOT a strong suit of yours, you will notice that in the rest of my information, I referred to Carter's systematic dismantling of the Department of Defense (prior to the embassy seizure) and the inability of units to respond to a situation such as the embassy take over, even if he wanted them to respond.

If you are going to make asinine statements, you need to back them up with proof.

And that's Carter's fault? The Turks were in turmoil, about to launch a coup.

Which bases in the ME did Carter close? And which bills to defund the DoD did Carter sign? Be specific, poseur.

And why didn't you answer my question, Mr. Reading Comprehension?

Military readiness is the responsibility of the Pentagon and the unit commanders. Period.

And experts? How much credence do wingnuts like you give to experts like Paul Krugman, who is being proven correct with each passing day? How about expert weapons inspectors like Hans Blix?

Then the military really fucked up, didn't they? Or was Carter supposed to disregard their advice, because he was supposed to know more about helicopter capability than they did?

Who de-constituted it in the first place? Link?

You know, you can disagree all you like... if you have the facts to back up your position. You do understand what facts are? Oh, obviously not...

Oh, I understand facts, alright. Provide some, with the proof to back them up.

You want to rely on Paul Krugman (his blog - Conciousness of a Liberal) and Hans Blix (the head of the Swedish Liberal People's Party)? Readiness is the responsibility of unit commanders (forgetting about how spare parts, ammunition, and equpment are purchased and disseminated in the military)?

Wow... straight ideological propaganda... careful, you'll spill some of the left's water... never mind.

So, you pussied out on challenging each of my points in that post? Why am I not surprised? :lol:
Obama leading Bush 43 is absurd. 9/11, Iraq & the failure to fund the ACE levee project, which allowed New Orleans to be inundated seem forgotten.
The fact that either of them are leading is equally absurd....The history of the last 50 years didn't begin in 2000.

Bush II ranks with Pierce & Buchanan as WORST ever.
Obama leading Bush 43 is absurd. 9/11, Iraq & the failure to fund the ACE levee project, which allowed New Orleans to be inundated seem forgotten.

The city of New Orleans took the money allocated for the levees and used it else where.

Bush recommended 190 million, Congress upped it to 225 million. The ACE had requested over 500 million from 2001-2004:

February 2001
Bush’s first budget proposed more than half a billion dollars worth of cuts to the Army Corps of Engineers for the 2002 fiscal year. Bush proposed half of what his own officials said was necessary for the critical Southeast Louisiana Flood Control Project (SELA)—a project started after a 1995 rainstorm flooded 25,000 homes and caused a half billion dollars in damage.

Bush did this to offset the tax break he gave to the top 1% of rich Americans. The first major economic initiative pursued by the president was a massive tax cut for the rich, enacted in June of 2001. Bush signed his massive $1.3 trillion income tax cut into law-a tax cut that severely depleted the government of revenues it needed to address critical priorities.

February 2002
Bush provided just $5 million for maintaining and upgrading critical hurricane protection levees in New Orleans—one fifth of what government experts and Republican elected officials in Louisiana told the administration was needed. Bush knew SELA needed $80 million to keep working, but the he only proposed providing a quarter of that.

February 2004
The SELA project sought $100 million to repair the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain levees, but Bush offered only $16.5 million. The Army Corps of Engineers asked for $27 million to pay for hurricane protection upgrades around Lake Pontchartrain—but the White House cut that to $3.9 million. Gaps in levees around Lake Pontchartrain & the Industrial Canal, which were supposed to be filled by 2004, were not filled because of budget shortfalls. Repair work on the levees, including the ones that failed, was stopped due to lack of funds.
OK but that does not refute what I said the city of New Orleans took the money allocated for levees and used it in other places.
Much of that Louisiana money was spent to try to keep low-lying New Orleans dry. But hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to unrelated water projects demanded by the state's congressional delegation and approved by the Corps, often after economic analyses that turned out to be inaccurate. Despite a series of independent investigations criticizing Army Corps construction projects as wasteful pork-barrel spending, Louisiana's representatives have kept bringing home the bacon.
Money Flowed to Questionable Projects
Obama leading Bush 43 is absurd. 9/11, Iraq & the failure to fund the ACE levee project, which allowed New Orleans to be inundated seem forgotten.
The fact that either of them are leading is equally absurd....The history of the last 50 years didn't begin in 2000.

Bush II ranks with Pierce & Buchanan as WORST ever.
Oh, fucking bullshit.

You have no more sense of history that it takes to do a Goggle search and blame BOOOOOOOSH! for everything short of the sinking of the Lusitania.
The fact that either of them are leading is equally absurd....The history of the last 50 years didn't begin in 2000.

Bush II ranks with Pierce & Buchanan as WORST ever.
Oh, fucking bullshit.

You have no more sense of history that it takes to do a Goggle search and blame BOOOOOOOSH! for everything short of the sinking of the Lusitania.
BushBot defending Bush AGAIN! :lol:

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