Which President(s) Of The Last 50 Years Have Done The Most Damage To The Country…?

Which president(s) are the worst in terms of inflicting long-term damage on the USA..

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The fact that either of them are leading is equally absurd....The history of the last 50 years didn't begin in 2000.

Yeah, I'm thinking the history of the last 50 years began in 1962....

But I do think Obama is the worst president of those 50 years, with LBJ nipping at his heels.
All Boiking has done is build upon the fuck-ups of his predecessors.

Has he changed ONE SINGLE policy of Chimpola, Clintoon or Poppy Bush?.....NEWP!

Yet the Chimpy haters gonna hate every bit as much as the Obammy haters gonna hate.
The city of New Orleans took the money allocated for the levees and used it else where.

Bush recommended 190 million, Congress upped it to 225 million. The ACE had requested over 500 million from 2001-2004:

February 2001
Bush’s first budget proposed more than half a billion dollars worth of cuts to the Army Corps of Engineers for the 2002 fiscal year. Bush proposed half of what his own officials said was necessary for the critical Southeast Louisiana Flood Control Project (SELA)—a project started after a 1995 rainstorm flooded 25,000 homes and caused a half billion dollars in damage.

Bush did this to offset the tax break he gave to the top 1% of rich Americans. The first major economic initiative pursued by the president was a massive tax cut for the rich, enacted in June of 2001. Bush signed his massive $1.3 trillion income tax cut into law-a tax cut that severely depleted the government of revenues it needed to address critical priorities.

February 2002
Bush provided just $5 million for maintaining and upgrading critical hurricane protection levees in New Orleans—one fifth of what government experts and Republican elected officials in Louisiana told the administration was needed. Bush knew SELA needed $80 million to keep working, but the he only proposed providing a quarter of that.

February 2004
The SELA project sought $100 million to repair the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain levees, but Bush offered only $16.5 million. The Army Corps of Engineers asked for $27 million to pay for hurricane protection upgrades around Lake Pontchartrain—but the White House cut that to $3.9 million. Gaps in levees around Lake Pontchartrain & the Industrial Canal, which were supposed to be filled by 2004, were not filled because of budget shortfalls. Repair work on the levees, including the ones that failed, was stopped due to lack of funds.
OK but that does not refute what I said the city of New Orleans took the money allocated for levees and used it in other places.
Much of that Louisiana money was spent to try to keep low-lying New Orleans dry. But hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to unrelated water projects demanded by the state's congressional delegation and approved by the Corps, often after economic analyses that turned out to be inaccurate. Despite a series of independent investigations criticizing Army Corps construction projects as wasteful pork-barrel spending, Louisiana's representatives have kept bringing home the bacon.
Money Flowed to Questionable Projects

The money went straight to the ACE(.) The City failed to allocate ADDITIONAL money, yes, but Bush II only placed about 1/4 of the ACE requests in his budget. Congress upped it a bit, but it was NOT enough. SELA is a FEDERAL PROJECT. Twenty year project in fact.
The fact that either of them are leading is equally absurd....The history of the last 50 years didn't begin in 2000.

Bush II ranks with Pierce & Buchanan as WORST ever.
Oh, fucking bullshit.

You have no more sense of history that it takes to do a Goggle search and blame BOOOOOOOSH! for everything short of the sinking of the Lusitania.

Really? Glad you were not an instructor when I was in college. My thesis was accepted, CUM LAUDE, in AMERICAN HISTORY. I can write about the Lusitania, but you might get CONFUSED.:lol: Obama is mediocre thus far, Bush II abysmal. His death toll proves THAT.
Bush recommended 190 million, Congress upped it to 225 million. The ACE had requested over 500 million from 2001-2004:

February 2001
Bush’s first budget proposed more than half a billion dollars worth of cuts to the Army Corps of Engineers for the 2002 fiscal year. Bush proposed half of what his own officials said was necessary for the critical Southeast Louisiana Flood Control Project (SELA)—a project started after a 1995 rainstorm flooded 25,000 homes and caused a half billion dollars in damage.

Bush did this to offset the tax break he gave to the top 1% of rich Americans. The first major economic initiative pursued by the president was a massive tax cut for the rich, enacted in June of 2001. Bush signed his massive $1.3 trillion income tax cut into law-a tax cut that severely depleted the government of revenues it needed to address critical priorities.

February 2002
Bush provided just $5 million for maintaining and upgrading critical hurricane protection levees in New Orleans—one fifth of what government experts and Republican elected officials in Louisiana told the administration was needed. Bush knew SELA needed $80 million to keep working, but the he only proposed providing a quarter of that.

February 2004
The SELA project sought $100 million to repair the Mississippi River and Lake Pontchartrain levees, but Bush offered only $16.5 million. The Army Corps of Engineers asked for $27 million to pay for hurricane protection upgrades around Lake Pontchartrain—but the White House cut that to $3.9 million. Gaps in levees around Lake Pontchartrain & the Industrial Canal, which were supposed to be filled by 2004, were not filled because of budget shortfalls. Repair work on the levees, including the ones that failed, was stopped due to lack of funds.
OK but that does not refute what I said the city of New Orleans took the money allocated for levees and used it in other places.
Much of that Louisiana money was spent to try to keep low-lying New Orleans dry. But hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to unrelated water projects demanded by the state's congressional delegation and approved by the Corps, often after economic analyses that turned out to be inaccurate. Despite a series of independent investigations criticizing Army Corps construction projects as wasteful pork-barrel spending, Louisiana's representatives have kept bringing home the bacon.
Money Flowed to Questionable Projects

The money went straight to the ACE(.) The City failed to allocate ADDITIONAL money, yes, but Bush II only placed about 1/4 of the ACE requests in his budget. Congress upped it a bit, but it was NOT enough. SELA is a FEDERAL PROJECT. Twenty year project in fact.

Read the source one more time. It's not saying what you just said.

New Orleans get 100 million allocated for levee projects they took 30 million and used it on projects not allocated for levees
Bush 43; without question.

He, like his dad and Bill Clinton are in Reagan's shadow. The only thing Reagan did incrediby wrong was to introduce us to debt as a way of life. Reagan is remembered fondly and is a legendary figure as a President. I'd take him again in a heartbeat over Obama in fact.

So Bush had 2 unfunded wars and a Medicare Part D which wasn't paid for either.

We're paying now to be sure.
I should have included Nixon, for COINTELPRO alone, but I couldn't. Bless his black heart, he wanted to reform welfare in the most sensible way possible, and faced bipartisan opposition for his most lucid moment in domestic OR foreign policy.
All Boiking has done is build upon the fuck-ups of his predecessors.

True, but he's a master of that art.

The TARP was indeed started by Bush. (You'll note that he's on my list.)

The reason that Obama get's top billing with me is the attack on liberty that has occurred under him. The individual mandate is outrageous, as is the attack on first amendment rights with his war on the Catholics. I agree that the Patriot ACT is something ALL the scumbags support, of course Biden is one of the primary authors, who proposed it to Clinton.

Has he changed ONE SINGLE policy of Chimpola, Clintoon or Poppy Bush?.....NEWP!

Actually, he's changed hundreds. Some prominent ones are DADT, abortion funding from the federal government, and fast tracking illegal aliens for citizenship if they meet "skill criteria."

Yet the Chimpy haters gonna hate every bit as much as the Obammy haters gonna hate.

Perhaps, but I can offer a rational basis for listing Obama as the worst POTUS of the last 50 years.
LBJ tops the list for me... due to the destructive on-going consequences of his Great Society and War on Poverty... and the citizenry's now-entrenched disrespect for authority that began with Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam war...

"honorable" mention goes to Bush 43 for his Iraq misadventure, among other things...

and Clinton, who taught the country that, even if you get caught in a flat-out lie, you can get off without consequences... also, thanks to him, second-graders now all know what a blowjob is...

I'm not quite ready to make the call on Obama just yet, but I'm none too pleased with his Supreme Court picks...


Not than anyone should be surprised :eusa_eh:.
OK but that does not refute what I said the city of New Orleans took the money allocated for levees and used it in other places.

Money Flowed to Questionable Projects

The money went straight to the ACE(.) The City failed to allocate ADDITIONAL money, yes, but Bush II only placed about 1/4 of the ACE requests in his budget. Congress upped it a bit, but it was NOT enough. SELA is a FEDERAL PROJECT. Twenty year project in fact.

Read the source one more time. It's not saying what you just said.

New Orleans get 100 million allocated for levee projects they took 30 million and used it on projects not allocated for levees

I see that nowhere IN the article; I note ONE man said:

Lt. Gen. Carl Strock, the chief of the Corps, has said that in any event, more money would not have prevented the drowning of the city, since its levees were designed to protect against a Category 3 storm,

We will never know as Bush refused to budget SELA requests. The Post article has been criticized by the way.

(A)fter 2003, the flow of federal dollars toward SELA dropped to a trickle. The Corps never tried to hide the fact that the spending pressures of the war in Iraq, as well as homeland security — coming at the same time as federal tax cuts — was the reason for the strain. At least nine articles in the (New Orleans) Times-Picayune from 2004 and 2005 specifically cite the cost of Iraq as a reason for the lack of hurricane- and flood-control dollars."
In early 2004, as the cost of the conflict in Iraq soared, President Bush proposed spending less than 20 percent of what the Corps said was needed for Lake Pontchartrain, according to a Feb. 16, 2004, article, in New Orleans CityBusiness.
On June 8, 2004, Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish, La., told the Times-Picayune: "It appears that the money has been moved in the president's budget to handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that's the price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can't be finished, and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security issue for us."
Also that June, with the 2004 hurricane season starting, the Corps' project manager Al Naomi went before a local agency, the East Jefferson Levee Authority, and essentially begged for $2 million for urgent work that Washington was now unable to pay for.

Read more: New Orleans Officials Worried In 2004 That Federal Cuts Would Bring Disaster - Blogcritics Politics
A toss up between LBJ and Obama, but LBJ gets the vote with Obama running second, and Carter a distant third.
LBJ, going away.

Besides having the highest body count of dead American boys over all who followed him combined, putting the OASI fund on budget to fund he war in Vietnam, Medicare and the idiotic "Great Society" welfare state has sucked us dry.

They should exhume that asshole and bury him in Havana.

The "welfare state has sucked us dry." ?!

The right's own economists credit war spending coupled with cuts to tax revenues on the wealthiest Americans for that. Cute how some of those wealthiest made the most (dast we bring up profiteering?!?) FROM those wars.

Jesus H. Christ on a Popsicle stick.

Once upon a time in America, the TAX code taxed CAPITAL, because taxing the sweat of the LABOR that FED capital was morally repugnant.

You all have had it SO ass backwards for so long that it's its almost useless talking to any of you.
A toss up between LBJ and Obama, but LBJ gets the vote with Obama running second, and Carter a distant third.

I had the same two at the top of my list, but in reverse order.

Operation fast and furious, the refusal of the justice department to prosecute voter intimidation by the NBPP. The general divisiveness of class, gender, and race war promoted by Obama.

I honestly think he edges LBJ out for the damage done. He has set American society back 50 years in race relations.
As I indicated previously: Busch is responsible for Obama getting elected. Most were ready to usher in socialism than continue with the Bush doctrine. Regan was great accept his war on drugs which has done more harm to this country than imaginable. Carter sucked! Romney is the best choice now as a libertarian ( Ron Paul ) can't beat the socialist ideologue. The right, and the left have both sucked - 16 trillion debt - 20 million illegals competing with citizens - illegal wars! Yea the right and the left both suck - the left just sucks a whole lot more. Neither have put the country first - the whole list is bad!
LBJ tops the list for me... due to the destructive on-going consequences of his Great Society and War on Poverty... and the citizenry's now-entrenched disrespect for authority that began with Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam war...

"honorable" mention goes to Bush 43 for his Iraq misadventure, among other things...

and Clinton, who taught the country that, even if you get caught in a flat-out lie, you can get off without consequences... also, thanks to him, second-graders now all know what a blowjob is...

I'm not quite ready to make the call on Obama just yet, but I'm none too pleased with his Supreme Court picks...


Not than anyone should be surprised :eusa_eh:.

unthinking disrespect for authority is just as great an enemy of the truth...
LBJ tops the list for me... due to the destructive on-going consequences of his Great Society and War on Poverty... and the citizenry's now-entrenched disrespect for authority that began with Johnson's escalation of the Vietnam war...

"honorable" mention goes to Bush 43 for his Iraq misadventure, among other things...

and Clinton, who taught the country that, even if you get caught in a flat-out lie, you can get off without consequences... also, thanks to him, second-graders now all know what a blowjob is...

I'm not quite ready to make the call on Obama just yet, but I'm none too pleased with his Supreme Court picks...


Not than anyone should be surprised :eusa_eh:.

unthinking disrespect for authority is just as great an enemy of the truth...

True but The Monica Show was HOSTED by a few media hungry Republicans. Clinton's shameful behavior did NOT cost US lives. Bush II invaded a country for his own reasons. Horrible President, and not an honorable man.

He has set in place a ticking timebomb in Obamacare while sending his EPA after companies during a recession making things even worse.

He prevents new oil drilling on Federal lands in the US to counter rising gas prices, all the while taking credit for drilling permits put in place under Bush and on private lands.

He has stolen billions from taxpayers and gave that money to his "green" scam friends that will kickback that monety to re-elect him, criminal acts by all of them.

He has announced to the Taliban when we'll be leaving town giving them hope.

He squandered what Bush accomplished in Iraq by pulling out all "combat" troops and most trainers.

He sided with the radical muslims that have taken over Egypt.

He helped create a wild wild west for terrorists in Libya because the Euro trash wanted cheap Libyan oil.

His Admin is preventing companies like Boeing from moving to a new state because it's unfair for union workers left in the old state. What the fuck? When does a govt get the right to tell companies where they are allowed to build a factory? Soon they will tell us where we can live.....you can't leave NYC since the "poor" will lose their taxpayer support.
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Uncensored has trouble thinking. He is good at emoting.

Jake, shouldn't you be fellating Obama right about now? It's after 9 AM....

Your interest in homosexuality, which you have demonstrated repeatedly during your time at the Board, reveals a distinct latent desire on your part for closer relations with men.

As Seinfeld would say, "not there is anything wrong with that," but I am the wrong guy to be hitting on.

Try Warrior102. Or perhaps bigrebnc.

You will find types interested in mansex out there like yourself. Don't be shy.
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