Which Presidential Candidates will help lower our nation's debt?

Make your prediction here. I'll bump this thread every so often and we'll see who is correct.

Presidents can only request budgets from Congress. Obama and Bush get blamed for the debt because they REQUESTED to spend the money.

Congress controls the Purse strings. You want real reductions? Get halve the Congress elected that agrees with reductions. Only way it happens.

Now which President will REQUEST cuts? I doubt any of the likely ones to actually run will.

Romney is not very Conservative and spent while Governor of Mass. Obama keeps asking for 1 and a half trillion and more budgets. Newt is not actually on record for what he would do, he did get a Republican Congress to cut the budget. Ron Paul as ZERO chance of being the Nominee. Santorum? Not likely either.
Make your prediction here. I'll bump this thread every so often and we'll see who is correct.

Presidents can only request budgets from Congress. Obama and Bush get blamed for the debt because they REQUESTED to spend the money.

Congress controls the Purse strings. You want real reductions? Get halve the Congress elected that agrees with reductions. Only way it happens.

Now which President will REQUEST cuts? I doubt any of the likely ones to actually run will.

Romney is not very Conservative and spent while Governor of Mass. Obama keeps asking for 1 and a half trillion and more budgets. Newt is not actually on record for what he would do, he did get a Republican Congress to cut the budget. Ron Paul as ZERO chance of being the Nominee. Santorum? Not likely either.

that's why i put the word "help" in the title. the president will have to do it by setting an example and using his or her veto pen. so, which will do it?

and if you want, you can name which "congress" will reduce our national debt. i don't mind people here going on record for that. it will be nice to have a history of who is correct.
Which Presidential Candidates will help lower our nation's debt?
He's already doing it....​

"The budget plan, sharply criticized by some lawmakers, sets the stage for a new struggle between President Barack Obama's administration and Congress over how much the Pentagon should spend on national security as the country tries to curb its trillion-dollar budget deficits.

"Make no mistake, the savings that we are proposing will impact all 50 states and many districts, congressional districts across America," Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a news conference at the Pentagon on Thursday.

"This will be a test of whether reducing the deficit is about talk or action."
Politicians don't lower debt, they create it.

from the beginning of our country until around 1940 we had little debt. then it jumped some and stayed pretty much the same until around 1975. then it took off.

so, had you said that current politicians create debt, that would have been more accurate.
I'm confident they will all try if they want to be reelected. And ultimately congress holds the credit cards so its a moot point.
Ron Paul is the only one.

But people who support our warmongering style, fear a potential foreign policy crisis if he's elected, but don't really care that we have a CURRENT domestic crisis with debt/spending/unsustainable size of gov't.

Debt isn't scary to these people, but a 3rd world country overtaking the U.S. is somehow a real possiblity in their minds and that's very scary.
Ron Paul is the only one.

But people who support our warmongering style, fear a potential foreign policy crisis if he's elected, but don't really care that we have a CURRENT domestic crisis with debt/spending/unsustainable size of gov't.

Debt isn't scary to these people, but a 3rd world country overtaking the U.S. is somehow a real possiblity in their minds and that's very scary.

If Ron Paul is not elected we will be a third world country.
Gary Johnson and Ron Paul are the only two candidates who I have faith to lower our debt.

Johnson has experience as former governor in New Mexico who left office with a billion dollar surplus. Unfortunately, he is too socially liberal for Republicans and his Republican campaign never caught on.

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