Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

Which should have first priority: The woman, the fertilized egg, or the fetus?

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This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.
What if the Fetus is a woman...(queue up the twilight zone music)
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

Does a parent have a right to brainwash his/her own children with their own beliefs?

or do children have a right to think for themselves?
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.

Does a parent have a right to brainwash his/her own children with their own beliefs?

or do children have a right to think for themselves?

Actually, a parent who declines to "brainwash" their child and expect them to pop out of the womb, knowing everything and ready to run their own lives without control and guidance, is a lazy, abusive piece of crap who shouldn't have been allowed to reproduce.

Shocking, I know, but parenthood entails a great deal more than just screwing without adequate protection.
As it is a uniquely female situation to be in, what happens is 'on' the woman. It is up to her.
Abortion is a very poor choice when there were others, but it is only a choice a woman should make.
Prog "logic"...........

We're the keepers of human rights.

A fetus isn't human until after the umbilical cord is cut, which is like magic. Until then it's more like an eggplant. This makes us feel better about our poor dispositions, and after all, we always project and or apply false labels when we're wrong.

Murdering rapists are human, and must be saved from capital punishment by an unsophisticated dangerous public. Show these people love, understanding and responsibility, and even let them feed off your titty.
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.
/----/ Now in New York State
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.
/----/ Now in New York State

For the health and life of the woman! She has first priority!
This is a sincere poll. I would appreciate honest answers. If you're willing, I would also appreciate your reasons. I will not criticize your choice. I would just honestly like to know where USMB posters stand on this issue.

NOTE: I know there are many possible variables, but this poll assumes "typical" circumstances. In other words, this is a superficial poll that assumes "normal/average" circumstances - meaning no rape, incest, health, deformity, financial, or other extenuating issues.
/----/ Now in New York State

For the health and life of the woman! She has first priority!

There is no late-term abortion that is ever necessary to protect the mother's life and health. That is not a thing. And there is absolutely no medical difference or benefit to the mother between a late-term abortion and giving birth. Literally the only difference is whether or not the child survives it.
Abortion is repugnant. Period. However, I believe the final decision should be up to the woman - UNLESS she is judged to be legally incompetent to make the final decision.

Abortion is repugnant. In some situations though it might be necessary. Abortion is the taken of a life and you should be able to morally justify it if it is done. Saving the life and health of the mother can meet that justification. Getting pregnant by the neighbor after a wild night would certainly not meet that justification. As awkward and difficult a situation that could present, it does not meet the standard for taking another human life.

If a women became pregnant through rape then the choice should be left up to the women because she was robbed of her choice to become pregnant. Hopefully the women would still choose life, but that is the only circumstance where I think the women should have sole discretion to decide what happens.
The woman has first priority! Her mental/physical/financial health come first. It's her choice. It's her right.

Nope. Part of a woman's responsibility is to protect the life growing inside her. All mothers have that instinct. If they did not human beings would not exist.

Only an incredibly selfish woman would ignore the responsibility of bringing life into the world.
Why does the left insist on pitting people against each other?

Black against white, gay against straight, poor against rich, woman against man, woman against unborn child.

Leftists always promote hatred and division. Always.
It's women's responsibility to defend life and not to fall on a dick repeatedly unless planning to have a child. With big rights come big responsibilities, I hope Lakhota can handle it.

"What comes first, a man or a car?"

Well if a man is trying to steal my car, the car comes first. The big leftist lie here is that every woman having an abortion is somehow in danger, completely unrelated to her actions. This is obvious bullshit.

Finally I must point out that my wallet comes much before these leftist skanks or their fetuses.

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