Which statement reflects the public's mood?

#1 obviously or Trump would be leading.
Hey snowflake...Most unemployed are not even looking for a job anymore. Part time workers are at an all time high. Obamacare is imploding... Making way for communist single payer The economy is shit, socialism has made the divide between rich poor larger than ever as it always does. 'Hope and change" is a shit sandwich for most. Lol
Then why isn't Trump leading? Invective isn't argument.
He leads by a wide margin, Killary is being propped up.
Based on what?
So the right is hoping for another terrorist attack
No. You had better hope there isn't one. We are getting them weekly now somewhere in the world. Today was Switzerland. Our police are being gunned down by arguably, Hillary supporters. Think that doesn't bother people? We need law and order in the country. We can hardly count on law and order from Hillary, can we?
Most unemployed are not even looking for a job anymore. Part time workers are at an all time high. Obamacare is imploding. Making way for communist single payer The economy is shit, socialism has made the divide between rich poor larger than ever as it always does. 'Hope and change" is a shit sandwich for most.
Then why isn't Trump leading? Invective isn't argument.
Because when you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on the support of Paul. Hillary is the supreme leader when it comes to robbing Peter.
Libertarian claptrap.

Sound like the truth stings a little.
1. The country is on the right track as proven by low unemployment, higher wages, affordable healthcare for all. The economy is growing and interest rates remain low.

2. America is in serious danger from outside forces who aim to destroy us and our way of life. Our borders are wide open and we are being invaded by people who don't understand us and our values.
Have we given up on the battle against bacteria? The single highest cause of human deaths.........
... citation please!
Excellent responses so far peeps. Try to be open minded as you assess the mood of your fellow and not so fellow man. :)
Who is paying you ??

Hillary ??

Trump ??

Reince (Reinhold) ??

Wasserman-Schulz ??

Chuck Todd ??

John Dickerson ??
It's all about feelings. Right?

If I were an easily impressed person....and I was inundated with negative horseshit from cable news and radio for a decade....I might FEEL like the world was coming to an end.

But..I'm not. So...I know we are in decent shape while being aware that the world's economy is a fragile beast. It's a practical outlook.

But....you nutbags go ahead and feel your way through life. There aren't enough of you to ruin the fun.
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#1 obviously or Trump would be leading.
Hey snowflake...Most unemployed are not even looking for a job anymore. Part time workers are at an all time high. Obamacare is imploding... Making way for communist single payer The economy is shit, socialism has made the divide between rich poor larger than ever as it always does. 'Hope and change" is a shit sandwich for most. Lol
Then why isn't Trump leading? Invective isn't argument.

He leads by a wide margin, Killary is being propped up.
We need the dumbazz STFU button for this one.
100 million out of work, 20 trillion in debt, record numbers on welfare, lowest gdps in the history of the country. Clearly, were headed in the right direction.
Of the 94 million who don't work, only 16 million count. Pull your head out of your ass.

Yeah right. That number is 60 million who don't have jobs. You need to come out of that mountain cave thats prepped with end of the world survival stuff every now and then Jakey.
100 million out of work, 20 trillion in debt, record numbers on welfare, lowest gdps in the history of the country. Clearly, were headed in the right direction.
Of the 94 million who don't work, only 16 million count. Pull your head out of your ass.

Yeah right. That number is 60 million who don't have jobs. You need to come out of that mountain cave thats prepped with end of the world survival stuff every now and then Jakey.
Only 16 million count. You are trying to count the dying, the aged, the students, those who don't work because they don't want to, the retired, etc.

Your false comments are noted.
The publics mood?

Civil war. The two we have to choose from both suck.

Look for it to happen.
#1 obviously or Trump would be leading.
Hey snowflake...Most unemployed are not even looking for a job anymore. Part time workers are at an all time high. Obamacare is imploding... Making way for communist single payer The economy is shit, socialism has made the divide between rich poor larger than ever as it always does. 'Hope and change" is a shit sandwich for most. Lol
Then why isn't Trump leading? Invective isn't argument.

He leads by a wide margin, Killary is being propped up.
We need the dumbazz STFU button for this one.

Says the person, not mentally gifted enough, to offer any kind of retort!
EMC, you are wrong.

Election 2016 Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Poll Average 47.8 41.0 Clinton +6.8
Favorability Ratings -10.9 -28.6 Clinton +17.7
Betting Odds 80.0 20.0
4-Way Race Johnson Stein
RCP Poll Average 8.3 3.0
Electoral College Clinton Trump Spread
RCP Electoral Map 256 154 Clinton +102
No Toss Up States 362 176
Clinton Trump Spread
Pennsylvania 49.2 40.0 Clinton +9.2
Michigan 41.8 35.2 Clinton +6.6
Ohio 45.0 42.4 Clinton +2.6
Florida 45.6 42.0 Clinton +3.6

Iowa 40.8 40.4 Clinton +0.4
Wisconsin 46.7 37.3 Clinton +9.4
North Carolina 45.3 43.3 Clinton +2.0

51 Seats Needed For Majority (the Dems are three seats short for 50 by this poll)
Likely Dem
CO: Bennet (D)
Safe Dem Seats
Leans Dem
IL: Kirk (R)
WI: Johnson (R)
Toss Up
AZ: McCain (R)
FL: Rubio (R)
IN: Open (R)
MO: Blunt (R)
NV: Open (D)
NH: Ayotte (R)
NC: Burr (R)
OH: Portman (R)
PA: Toomey (R)
Leans GOP
GA: Isakson (R)
IA: Grassley (R)
Likely GOP
KY: Paul (R)
LA: Open (R)
Safe GOP Seats

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