Which would you prefer?

Which one would you prefer?

  • A bunch of racists with freedom to say anything

  • People can only say what the govt or other institution has predetermined is OK

Results are only viewable after voting.
Simple poll!
moonglow is the only person on there that I know is a leftist.

that tells me most of the board leftist prefer that there be no First amendment.
I dont think he is a "leftist" he is very moderate IMO. He is one of the few on here i would consider an actual liberal
Simple poll!
moonglow is the only person on there that I know is a leftist.

that tells me most of the board leftist prefer that there be no First amendment.
Who the fuck do you think you are? Santa Claus? (JOKE)
A poll with 2 unacceptable choices. Simple indeed.
Bedwetters dont know what freedom is. I couldnt have used freedom or tyranny.. They would have been confused and the poll would have been innacurate like gallup :D

I gave you an example of calling in a bomb threat. Convince me that doesn't fall into the category of saying 'anything'.

It doesn't fall into the category of free speech, because calling in a bomb threat isn't a free speech issue you fucking oxygen thief.

It's free speech if you make it free speech by agreeing that racists should have the freedom to say anything.

No it is not. NO ONE has "free speech" to call in a bomb threat PERIOD. So arguing that racists should also have free speech, isn't arguing that they should be able to make bomb threats.

Come on man, there is absolutely no reason to be so disingenuous in your arguments. Just move on if you don't like the discussion.

That's my last comment to you on this topic by the way, because clearly I've made my point and you are the only in here arguing that anyone has said racists should have the right to make bomb threats.
You'll find that with Carby. He employs the three-year-old tactic of, "no you didn't' and lives for his opponent to continue it with "yes you did". He'll continue it ad infinitum if you let him. It's an attention thing.

I just make My point and then move on, not really caring what he had to say anyway.
Simple poll!
moonglow is the only person on there that I know is a leftist.

that tells me most of the board leftist prefer that there be no First amendment.
Who the fuck do you think you are? Santa Claus? (JOKE)
No, but my Dad is, so I suggest you be very nice to me.

unless you are a hot chick..
A private school/university can. But that doesnt mean you should support that attack on individualism.
No a public school can fire a person over a private facebook post, unless the speech is explicitly protected. For example a PA law probably exempts people from being fired over race religion gender and possibly sexual preference.
this was about a student.
Ah, students don't have full 1st Amend protection. I had assumed this was about the students who were disciplined over some stupid post showing them in Klan robes or blackface, but no matter. This issue was more in the forefront back during civil rights and Vietnam, when students sought to protest.
So students cant express how they feel? WTF
Not if their expression has a negative effect on "the educational environment."
Lol, so students dont have first amendment rights at their homes.
Did you hear that guys?
Should a person that thinks fat people are gross be expelled? You know, if they said it on instagram at their own house.
Freedom of expression isn't about speech you like, it's about speech you DON'T like.

Let the crazies have their say, loud and clear and unobstructed. Then shine a light on it.

It's sad that I even have to say this in America, it really is.
Shining a light on it, as in the past two years of having a Presidential candidate and now President with a dog whistle encouraging that kind of thinking, has only made it more popular. It encourages it to give it a soap box.
Simple poll!

you should probably ask your president who tries to shut down everything that criticizes him. And I'll remind you that he has been whining about changing libel/slander laws (which have been tested Constitutionally) to make speech more restrictive.

just saying.
I am aware he is a thin skinned whiner.
Anything else?
freedom to be a bigot is still freedom... Frankly, the best kind.
We should be able to say whatever in the fuck we want without the govt raping us.
No one is getting "raped." Or imprisoned. Say what you want, but if you want to say hateful things about a group of people that disrespects them as human beings, if you do it in a large public forum, you may get some push back. Why must Americans tolerate that kind of speech?
If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. -- Noam Chomsky
Bedwetters dont know what freedom is. I couldnt have used freedom or tyranny.. They would have been confused and the poll would have been innacurate like gallup :D

I gave you an example of calling in a bomb threat. Convince me that doesn't fall into the category of saying 'anything'.

It doesn't fall into the category of free speech, because calling in a bomb threat isn't a free speech issue you fucking oxygen thief.

It's free speech if you make it free speech by agreeing that racists should have the freedom to say anything.

No it is not. NO ONE has "free speech" to call in a bomb threat PERIOD. So arguing that racists should also have free speech, isn't arguing that they should be able to make bomb threats.

Come on man, there is absolutely no reason to be so disingenuous in your arguments. Just move on if you don't like the discussion.

That's my last comment to you on this topic by the way, because clearly I've made my point and you are the only in here arguing that anyone has said racists should have the right to make bomb threats.
You'll find that with Carby. He employs the three-year-old tactic of, "no you didn't' and lives for his opponent to continue it with "yes you did". He'll continue it ad infinitum if you let him. It's an attention thing.

I just make My point and then move on, not really caring what he had to say anyway.

If you have the freedom to say anything, you have the freedom to make bomb threats.

That was OP's first choice, the freedom to say anything.
Simple poll!

you should probably ask your president who tries to shut down everything that criticizes him. And I'll remind you that he has been whining about changing libel/slander laws (which have been tested Constitutionally) to make speech more restrictive.

just saying.

How successful has he been besides scolding those who lie about him?
No a public school can fire a person over a private facebook post, unless the speech is explicitly protected. For example a PA law probably exempts people from being fired over race religion gender and possibly sexual preference.
this was about a student.
Ah, students don't have full 1st Amend protection. I had assumed this was about the students who were disciplined over some stupid post showing them in Klan robes or blackface, but no matter. This issue was more in the forefront back during civil rights and Vietnam, when students sought to protest.
So students cant express how they feel? WTF
Not if their expression has a negative effect on "the educational environment."
Lol, so students dont have first amendment rights at their homes.
Did you hear that guys?
Should a person that thinks fat people are gross be expelled? You know, if they said it on instagram at their own house.
I don't know what instagram is, but my guess is that more than the people inside your home can read it. Is that right? It's not just an email to one person?
So it's no more private than Trump sending a tweet from the shitter every morning. It goes out to the public at large, doesn't it? Who cares where it is sent from?
Correct me if I'm wrong on this.
This thread has certainly inspired some interesting comments.

Not surprising, but interesting.

Some just won't freely support freedom of expression.

Given that you've now conceded you want the government to have the power to limit protected speech, you're arguing with the wrong side.
Freedom of expression isn't about speech you like, it's about speech you DON'T like.

Let the crazies have their say, loud and clear and unobstructed. Then shine a light on it.

It's sad that I even have to say this in America, it really is.
Shining a light on it, as in the past two years of having a Presidential candidate and now President with a dog whistle encouraging that kind of thinking, has only made it more popular. It encourages it to give it a soap box.
It isn't more popular, it is just emboldened. It's a large part of why this guy is in the White House to begin with.

You can't shut down people's opinions in the ballot box. They were frustrated enough to vote. The Regressive Left is as responsible for Trump being in the White House as anyone else. The Regressive Left stopped communicating and started dictating. They fucked up.

Freedom of expression, always.
you should probably ask your president who tries to shut down everything that criticizes him.

just saying.
You're right about Trump being sensitive.

But, you prefer erring on the side of free speech over government limitation, don't you?

I prefer that the first amendment be enforced.... and that includes the decisions on libel/slander laws.

if you're talking about people being able to spew whatever they want and have no repercussions (e.g, post racist rants on FB and then cry because they lost their job), then I'm going to have to say you can say that's a different issue. do you also think that "free speech" means every loon has to be given every forum they want in which to speak?

which do you mean?

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