While America is on lockdown new bill proposes strictest federal gun control measures ever

Strange that politicians consider 18 year old's to be smart enough to vote and elect a president who has the power to conduct nuclear warfare but they can't buy a .22 rifle.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

There's already a New York Democrat at 1600 as far as I can tell.
That's scary. What you would consider a Republican is hard to imagine. ugh

What do you think is so Republican about Trump? (Not talking about words, but actions.)
Ryan's tax cuts, Supreme Court picks, pro-life stance, stealing money to build the Wall, dismantling DACA,
Aren't those all Republican agenda items?
I think a lack of response in and of itself would say something. It would probably ruffle a lot of feathers though, lol.

There's just no difference in Democrats and Republicans at that level of politics. Particularly when you start touching on the really critical issues.

If we start getting into real issues like foreign policy, monetary policy and stuff like that, versus all of the stupid, distracting cookie cutter social crap the media puts out there to create the illusion of difference, it would be the most dead thread in the history of USMB.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

There's already a New York Democrat at 1600 as far as I can tell.
That's scary. What you would consider a Republican is hard to imagine. ugh

What do you think is so Republican about Trump? (Not talking about words, but actions.)
Ryan's tax cuts, Supreme Court picks, pro-life stance, stealing money to build the Wall, dismantling DACA,
Aren't those all Republican agenda items?

Pro-life? hahaha. Most politicians running as a Republican will say they're pro-life, in order to appeal to Republican voters. It doesn't mean they truly are. The ones who are sincere, iyam, are the ones who have had the same pro-life position for decades, like Ron Paul, for example. DT was not only prochoice, he was OK with partial birth abortion in the past, which is very disturbing to me, and shows his New York 'liberal' background. I will probably get attacked for saying this, but I don't buy that he had any sort of radical transformation, in the same way I don't believe that flip-floppers like Romney had any true transformations, they just go with what will get them elected. I don't have time right now to talk about the other things you brought up, as I'm about to sign off here to watch a movie with my better half.

wait until all the food prices sky rocket your dumb ass , you won't be laughing long bank on it .

Then again you do support this great sacrifice of the voiceless who can't speak.. but man save that 1 fish in a pond ..
Food shortages and increased abortions because of gun legislation?
Not making the connection.

Don’t try to understand. You aren’t schizophrenic
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

No nonsense coming out of the House will make it past McConnell's wastebasket.

It'll never pass the Senate. And if, somehow it does, President Trump will veto it.

And, given recent rulings related to the subject, if it does somehow become law, the Supreme Court will throw it all out as soon as it is brought before them. That's assuming it doesn't just get tossed out in lower courts, before it even has a chance to get close to the Supreme Court.

The greatest significance that this bill will have is as something in which to rub the Democraps' noses, come the next election, and the next several after that.

It won't have to pass the Senate as a stand alone bill. The current strategy is to attach that bill as an amendment to the next stimulus bill. Trump may whine about it, but he and the Republicans want to vote against gun owners and get this over with.

There is no grandfathering clause and Trump screwed the pooch on the prohibition against ex post facto laws. It's the same way they got the Lautenberg Amendment passed - just attached it to a spending bill that didn't have squat to do with gun control. If the gun Rights groups don't wake up, Pelosi and Trump will win. Gun control's a coming.

"If only you knew the power of the Gun Side." :auiqs.jpg:

You mean like in Virginia?

I tried tracking the bill, but am not good at it

all i know is, this could be real bad Hoss

Actions - H.R.5717 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020 Click on the "actions" tab to see what's happened so far.
thx hunarcy

so we have>>>>

03/10/2020 Referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

02/05/2020 Sponsor introductory remarks on measure. (CR H838)

01/30/2020 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

01/30/2020 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

01/30/2020 Referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, and in addition to the Committees on Energy and Commerce, and Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned.

01/30/2020 Introduced in House

Looks like it was last handed off to HS over a month ago, wonder what they've amounted to?

oh and, following the link i found this jem, probably the instigator>


(Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and was given permission to address the
House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)
Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam Speaker, today, I rise in recognition
of National Gun Violence Survivors Week.
Last month, with the leadership of my House colleagues and Senator
Elizabeth Warren, I was proud to introduce the Gun Violence Prevention
and Community Safety Act, the most comprehensive piece of gun reform
legislation this Chamber has ever seen.
We will mandate universal background checks, which will help keep
guns out of the hands of those who should not have them. We will crack
down on gun trafficking. And we will hold the gun industry accountable
for putting profits over the safety of the American people.
I promise today to fight so that not one more American is burdened
with living as a gun violence survivor because of irresponsible,
outdated, and morally bankrupt Federal gun policies.

Note who and when this went down....

No nonsense coming out of the House will make it past McConnell's wastebasket.

Yeah, pretty much sums it up.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

I really don't see that happening now.

Don't do anything like most gun owners. It will be out of committee and ready for a full vote in days. The Americans didn't see Pearl Harbor coming either - despite repeated warnings.
It won't have to pass the Senate as a stand alone bill. The current strategy is to attach that bill as an amendment to the next stimulus bill. Trump may whine about it, but he and the Republicans want to vote against gun owners and get this over with.

That's probably what they'll do. That'll just ensure that said spending bill won't pass. So, a double win, really.

They're supposed to submit legislation separately, though.

There is no law requiring any bill to stand on its own merits. Research how the Lautenberg Amendment was passed. If Trump gets the economy going, he will gladly sell out gun owners. He is the most anti-gun president in U.S. history.
While we’re all distracted by news about the coronavirus, lawmakers in Washington are attempting to sneak in one of the most draconian antigun bills that the country has ever seen.

View attachment 325519

Well you know I have to say it : WE TOLD YOU THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!! You can kiss the democrat ass all you want when freedom is gone a prison nation/planet sees no left or right zombie brains!! This is NOT Trump this is the NWO--------- it always was and always will be until we stop it!!!

Lemme guess they're saving lives

The left needs to stop cause they're really really bad at it...
I got histories mountains of human bones to prove it to

They're never right about anything ever anyway but yet they keep on keeping on ....in circles
While we’re all distracted by news about the coronavirus, lawmakers in Washington are attempting to sneak in one of the most draconian antigun bills that the country has ever seen.

View attachment 325519

Well you know I have to say it : WE TOLD YOU THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!! You can kiss the democrat ass all you want when freedom is gone a prison nation/planet sees no left or right zombie brains!! This is NOT Trump this is the NWO--------- it always was and always will be until we stop it!!!

Lemme guess they're saving lives

The left needs to stop cause they're really really bad at it...
I got histories mountains of human bones to prove it to

They're never right about anything ever anyway but yet they keep on keeping on ....in circles

I've suggested this a lot lately but it tells exactly why these idiots leftist Obey when ordered by authority and it's a trip it really nnails down who and what a democratic puke is. SOme leave that ggroup of course their conciseness must get the best of those ppl lol.

It is a tell all lmfao why once again they jump when anything with a .gov at the end of it they are really mentally pathetic.

That bill is the kind of shit that we could expect if the filthy Democrats ever took over the House, Senate and Presidency.

That is why they never should be elected.

Of course should something like that ever be passed by the filthy Liberals the Supreme Court would quickly find the bill unconstitutional.

Imagine having to get a license to be able to enjoy a right that is remunerated in the Bill of Rights? That would mean the Bill of Rights really isn't a Bill of Rights, wouldn't it?
wait until all the food prices sky rocket your dumb ass , you won't be laughing long bank on it .

Then again you do support this great sacrifice of the voiceless who can't speak.. but man save that 1 fish in a pond ..
Food shortages and increased abortions because of gun legislation?
Not making the connection.

Don’t try to understand. You aren’t schizophrenic

Because someonne loves freedom-- YOUR READ IN BETWEEN THE LINES AH AREN'T THAT SLICK panzy ass.
No nonsense coming out of the House will make it past McConnell's wastebasket.

Yeah, pretty much sums it up.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

I really don't see that happening now.

Don't do anything like most gun owners. It will be out of committee and ready for a full vote in days. The Americans didn't see Pearl Harbor coming either - despite repeated warnings.

Any such law would be universally ignored, in any case.
No nonsense coming out of the House will make it past McConnell's wastebasket.

Yeah, pretty much sums it up.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

I really don't see that happening now.

Don't do anything like most gun owners. It will be out of committee and ready for a full vote in days. The Americans didn't see Pearl Harbor coming either - despite repeated warnings.

Any such law would be universally ignored, in any case.

Whether it is ignored or not is irrelevant. We do not need unconstitutional laws on the books nor do we need traitors and seditionists in government office.

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