While America is on lockdown new bill proposes strictest federal gun control measures ever

Someday this country is going to wake up and realize that gun control is needed in this country. REAL gun control. I hope they wake up in November 2020 and elbow you would-be Constitutional lawyers to the sidewalk, where you belong.
Someday this country is going to wake up and realize that gun control is needed in this country. REAL gun control. I hope they wake up in November 2020 and elbow you would-be Constitutional lawyers to the sidewalk, where you belong.

What is "real" gun control?

I mean, besides step 1 in the overall plan?
Someday this country is going to wake up and realize that gun control is needed in this country. REAL gun control. I hope they wake up in November 2020 and elbow you would-be Constitutional lawyers to the sidewalk, where you belong.

Why....? As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%......

So....what is the problem?

What we need to do is stop the democrat party politicians from letting repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison......that is our problem...not normal people who want to own guns for self defense, sport and hunting...
Strange that politicians consider 18 year old's to be smart enough to vote and elect a president who has the power to conduct nuclear warfare but they can't buy a .22 rifle.

And at 17 those same individuals can carry a rifle and kill for their country...but can't own a gun to defend their own families....
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

I really don't see that happening now.

Because you aren't paying attention

Perhaps. Or, perhaps I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 2.2 million people and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government, the spread of coronavirus was slowed due to the travel bans. I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 82,000 New Yorkers and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government in New York and see medical care was almost miraculously provided (as testified to by Andrew Cuomo, no less) we are now projected to lose just over 60.000 people. In spite of the hysterical demands of some, we've had plenty of ventilators to treat those who needed them, because of the actions of President Trump and the Federal Government. I also see Joe Biden who originally opposed the travel bans and had to change course and see a candidate who will not beat Trump in November.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

I really don't see that happening now.

Because you aren't paying attention

Perhaps. Or, perhaps I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 2.2 million people and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government, the spread of coronavirus was slowed due to the travel bans. I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 82,000 New Yorkers and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government in New York and see medical care was almost miraculously provided (as testified to by Andrew Cuomo, no less) we are now projected to lose just over 60.000 people. In spite of the hysterical demands of some, we've had plenty of ventilators to treat those who needed them, because of the actions of President Trump and the Federal Government. I also see Joe Biden who originally opposed the travel bans and had to change course and see a candidate who will not beat Trump in November.

Wrong......the lockdown started 9 days after the 1-2.4 million dead Americans number was pushed by the democrat party press.....the new numbers happened before social distancing could have done anything......
Someday this country is going to wake up and realize that gun control is needed in this country. REAL gun control. I hope they wake up in November 2020 and elbow you would-be Constitutional lawyers to the sidewalk, where you belong.

That's my objection. You're talking about control. IF the left had an objective, like - let us say, saving lives, we could all unite to do crime prevention. OldLady, you should pray to God that you do not see the time when the world's beacon of Liberty gives in the tyranny and oppression. It will YOU being controlled then and nobody will be able to save you.
Someday this country is going to wake up and realize that gun control is needed in this country. REAL gun control. I hope they wake up in November 2020 and elbow you would-be Constitutional lawyers to the sidewalk, where you belong.

Why....? As more Americans own and carry guns our gun murder rate went down 49%...our gun crime rate went down 75%......

So....what is the problem?

What we need to do is stop the democrat party politicians from letting repeat gun offenders out of jail and prison......that is our problem...not normal people who want to own guns for self defense, sport and hunting...

I guess this is an issue where honest pro-Second Amendment people just have to agree to disagree. I think that once people are let out of prison, they should retain their Rights. It's what goes on while a person is in prison that counts. Prison terms should be for a fixed set of objectives and goals, not a number of years. You could give a person... say 25 years and then begin cutting down the length of their sentence based upon their accomplishments. Here is a sample:

* Get a GED: take 5 years off the person's sentence
* Obtain transferable job skills: take 2 years off the person's sentence
* Drug rehabilitation and or violence program as applicable: take a year off the person's sentence
* Take seminars in balancing a personal budget, looking for a job, obtaining credit, keeping house, handling job interviews and grooming / hygiene: take another year off the person's sentence

* Have an inmate work 2 hours at community service and give them 1 hour credit at minimum wage towards fines, fees, and restitution up to 7 years worth of their sentence.

Just on that formula alone, a 25 year sentence could be reduced to 9 years if the inmate buckles down and does all of it. And, when they return to society, they come back as freemen with no need to undergo idiotic background checks. Adding insult to injury, you don't put scumbags back on the street just because they got time off for "good behavior."

Deport OldLady. If you don't like the Constitution... LEAVE.
Well, they can reintroduce it in January after the Blue Wave takes the senate and installs a Democrat at 1600 Pennsylvania.

I really don't see that happening now.

Because you aren't paying attention

Perhaps. Or, perhaps I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 2.2 million people and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government, the spread of coronavirus was slowed due to the travel bans. I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 82,000 New Yorkers and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government in New York and see medical care was almost miraculously provided (as testified to by Andrew Cuomo, no less) we are now projected to lose just over 60.000 people. In spite of the hysterical demands of some, we've had plenty of ventilators to treat those who needed them, because of the actions of President Trump and the Federal Government. I also see Joe Biden who originally opposed the travel bans and had to change course and see a candidate who will not beat Trump in November.

The numbers be damned. We wouldn't need a lockdown if Trump would sign an Executive Order where all facilities able to test people for the Corona virus were testing people and okaying them for work. Then, in 45 to 60 days, those people would return to be tested again. Those testing positive would not allowed to go back to work, but ordered into self quarantine. If they violate the self quarantine order, they are put into a holding facility and held for two weeks and then tested again. We're talking about a solution that would take two weeks to get this country back to some sense of normalcy.
Perhaps. Or, perhaps I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 2.2 million people and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government, the spread of coronavirus was slowed due to the travel bans. I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 82,000 New Yorkers and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government in New York and see medical care was almost miraculously provided (as testified to by Andrew Cuomo, no less) we are now projected to lose just over 60.000 people. In spite of the hysterical demands of some, we've had plenty of ventilators to treat those who needed them, because of the actions of President Trump and the Federal Government. I also see Joe Biden who originally opposed the travel bans and had to change course and see a candidate who will not beat Trump in November.

The Democrats are outraising the Republicans all over the country hand over fist. The Republicans were favored to hold the Senate. That is looking iffy now.
While we’re all distracted by news about the coronavirus, lawmakers in Washington are attempting to sneak in one of the most draconian antigun bills that the country has ever seen.

View attachment 325519

Well you know I have to say it : WE TOLD YOU THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!! You can kiss the democrat ass all you want when freedom is gone a prison nation/planet sees no left or right zombie brains!! This is NOT Trump this is the NWO--------- it always was and always will be until we stop it!!!

And all the while, Trump will only falsely claim he supports the Second Amendment, while not actually stepping into the issue.
Perhaps. Or, perhaps I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 2.2 million people and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government, the spread of coronavirus was slowed due to the travel bans. I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 82,000 New Yorkers and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government in New York and see medical care was almost miraculously provided (as testified to by Andrew Cuomo, no less) we are now projected to lose just over 60.000 people. In spite of the hysterical demands of some, we've had plenty of ventilators to treat those who needed them, because of the actions of President Trump and the Federal Government. I also see Joe Biden who originally opposed the travel bans and had to change course and see a candidate who will not beat Trump in November.

The Democrats are outraising the Republicans all over the country hand over fist. The Republicans were favored to hold the Senate. That is looking iffy now.

Time will tell
Strange that politicians consider 18 year old's to be smart enough to vote and elect a president who has the power to conduct nuclear warfare but they can't buy a .22 rifle.

And at 17 those same individuals can carry a rifle and kill for their country...but can't own a gun to defend their own families....

Actually, you have to be 18 to deploy to a combat zone.
Perhaps. Or, perhaps I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 2.2 million people and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government, the spread of coronavirus was slowed due to the travel bans. I look at the fact that originally we were supposed to lose 82,000 New Yorkers and due to the response of President Trump and the Federal Government in New York and see medical care was almost miraculously provided (as testified to by Andrew Cuomo, no less) we are now projected to lose just over 60.000 people. In spite of the hysterical demands of some, we've had plenty of ventilators to treat those who needed them, because of the actions of President Trump and the Federal Government. I also see Joe Biden who originally opposed the travel bans and had to change course and see a candidate who will not beat Trump in November.

The Democrats are outraising the Republicans all over the country hand over fist. The Republicans were favored to hold the Senate. That is looking iffy now.

All the libtards in NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. will die of COV-19 and give the election to Trump easily.
All the libtards in NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. will die of COV-19 and give the election to Trump easily.

While we’re all distracted by news about the coronavirus, lawmakers in Washington are attempting to sneak in one of the most draconian antigun bills that the country has ever seen.

View attachment 325519

Well you know I have to say it : WE TOLD YOU THEY ARE COMING FOR YOU!! You can kiss the democrat ass all you want when freedom is gone a prison nation/planet sees no left or right zombie brains!! This is NOT Trump this is the NWO--------- it always was and always will be until we stop it!!!

And all the while, Trump will only falsely claim he supports the Second Amendment, while not actually stepping into the issue.

Donald Trump is THE MOST anti-gun president in the history of the United States. The man is a Democrat, making the Trumpeteers look silly.

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