While Biden bombs Syria (for oil), gas prices climb higher and higher

Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?

Dude, stop lying please - Seriously :rolleyes:
He's not lying. He's just dumb as a sack of socks. And just as smelly.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

So, isn't that what republicans are for?

Oil company profits?

NOW, they whine, because they 'profit"?

Keep giving them tax cuts, that worked so well.
The republicans like globalists bush and romney,yes thst is correct they do that as well same as the demorats,they are in bed with them. :up:
Joe’s just taking care of his buddies in Big Oil, while proclaiming he’s for protecting the environment. It’s a strategy that works extraordinarily well on his supporters.
:thankusmile: You nailed it.:thup: Sockpuppet shill surada trolling as always proving what a stupid fuck he is as usual lying for the warmongers as his boss tells him to do.
Last edited:
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
IS Sleepy Old Uncle Joe bombing Syria for oil? If we stop, will they give us some? Will their Russian masters let them?
Trumpers didn't blink an eye when Trump sent US troops over to protect oil for Saudi Arabia.....

If Trumpers couldn't gaslight; they would have no light at all
The thread was debunked quicklyhttps://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/marketwatch-debunks-right-wingers-fake-news-that-joe-biden-bombing-syria-is-behind-recent-oil-increase.886095/
So says the paid shill. :laughing0301: :lmao: :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
Joe’s just taking care of his buddies in Big Oil, while proclaiming he’s for protecting the environment. It’s a strategy that works extraordinarily well on his supporters.
Gipper a caught believing a hoax. Again.
Yeah it’s a hoax that politicians take care of their donors.
The moron is too much an idiot to understand that obviously. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: :lmao: :laughing0301:
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?
I'm neither blind nor stupid.

You on the other hand are an ignorant asshole.

Why don't you collect a few facts such as that gas prices dropped under Obama from nearly $4 when he took office to less than $1.75. Know why fool? Because Obama bought stability and the risk premium dropped.
Prices went up under Trump from under $1 to nearly $3.25. Never heard a word from you did we shitbucket?

Go educate yourself fool. Then when you get up to 4th grade, come back.
Price of gas in summer 2008, >$4.
Jan 11, 2009, <$1.50.
April, 2009, >$2.
June, 2010, >$4
2015, post-fracking, $2
Jan 2017, <$2
Jan, 2021<$2
Now >$3.
It's the very same policies that under the Obama Administration led to sharp decreases in oil production from land controlled by the Federal Government. Biden is coupling that with foreign policy that has already prompted the Saudis to lower their output. It's not a conspiracy...it's something that's being done in plain sight and with fanfare. We will have four dollar gas at the pump before the end of the summer.

Bookmarked - 4 bucks by end of summer - Hmmm .... Month off the board bet? :)
It's already over four in California. It'll be over four elsewhere by the end of the summer. I'll take that bet and you're gonna regret because Biden's the worst that's ever been! (apologies to Charlie Daniels!)
Save this.
When prices start falling in a few weeks I'm sure you be singing Biden's praises to your god in Mira Lago.

Speaking of his Cheetoness...
Care to show me a post of yours from 2018 when prices went from under $2 to $3 per.

I'm absolutely positive you're consistent and not some full of it Trump cheeto-sucker.
This has zero to do with Donald Trump! This is about Democrats pushing an anti Big Oil agenda and every American that has to put gas in their car paying the price for that agenda! The Green New Deal is based on making fossil fuels obsolete and that's only possible if you make gas, oil and natural gas expensive.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?
I'm neither blind nor stupid.

You on the other hand are an ignorant asshole.

Why don't you collect a few facts such as that gas prices dropped under Obama from nearly $4 when he took office to less than $1.75. Know why fool? Because Obama bought stability and the risk premium dropped.
Prices went up under Trump from under $1 to nearly $3.25. Never heard a word from you did we shitbucket?

Go educate yourself fool. Then when you get up to 4th grade, come back.
Why don't YOU educate me? Please tell me what Obama policy is it that dropped gas prices? I know he took credit for higher production of oil and natural gas but anyone with even a modicum of sense knows that is laughable!
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
While Biden bombs Syria (((for "oil"))), gas prices climb higher and higher
Bombing of Syria has nothing to do with oil, morons. It is ALWAYS cheaper to just buy it, for God's sake. How can so many people be so fucking stupid?
We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....

Among the first policy changes Bidon* signed off on was a to halt the completion of the Keystone pipeline which immediately put a multitude of people out of work and potential income investment returns to many small business owners and employees in debt instead .

None with any even semi knowledgeable common sense would argue it was over environmental concerns when transport by Truck or Rail is far more hazardous and expensive, so following the money as they say, points out select beneficiaries like Warren Buffett who is heavily invested in Rail, etc. distribution.

Distribution costs and profits add up exponentially when fuel prices to transport-distribute even only raw fuel resources, and especially when resource supplies are also cut and or taxed from beginning to end use such as in the ridiculous socialist Paris Climate Accord CO2 statis tickle * "tricks" Scams that Chicom global tyrants love to promote and profit from with immunity.
The Biden trolls here cannot accept reality he is destroying the working class being chinas puppet for them.
We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....

Among the first policy changes Bidon* signed off on was a to halt the completion of the Keystone pipeline which immediately put a multitude of people out of work and potential income investment returns to many small business owners and employees in debt instead .

None with any even semi knowledgeable common sense would argue it was over environmental concerns when transport by Truck or Rail is far more hazardous and expensive, so following the money as they say, points out select beneficiaries like Warren Buffett who is heavily invested in Rail, etc. distribution.

Distribution costs and profits add up exponentially when fuel prices to transport-distribute even only raw fuel resources, and especially when resource supplies are also cut and or taxed from beginning to end use such as in the ridiculous socialist Paris Climate Accord CO2 statis tickle * "tricks" Scams that Chicom global tyrants love to promote and profit from with immunity.

Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.

The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will begin the process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.

After Dotard gave them a $7 million tax break.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

So, isn't that what republicans are for?

Oil company profits?

NOW, they whine, because they 'profit"?

Keep giving them tax cuts, that worked so well.
The republicans like globalists bush and romney,yes thst is correct they do that as well same as the demorats,they are in bed with them. :up:

Trumptards hate "globalist' except for their dear leader.
Dotard owns property in 10 different countries, India, Canada, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Panama, United Arab Emirates, S, Korea, Turkey and Israel .

Bush, Romney or not one democrat has that many around the world.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?
I'm neither blind nor stupid.

You on the other hand are an ignorant asshole.

Why don't you collect a few facts such as that gas prices dropped under Obama from nearly $4 when he took office to less than $1.75. Know why fool? Because Obama bought stability and the risk premium dropped.
Prices went up under Trump from under $1 to nearly $3.25. Never heard a word from you did we shitbucket?

Go educate yourself fool. Then when you get up to 4th grade, come back.
Why don't YOU educate me? Please tell me what Obama policy is it that dropped gas prices? I know he took credit for higher production of oil and natural gas but anyone with even a modicum of sense knows that is laughable!

Obama didn't take credit for the surge in oil production. Even an idiot can understand that everybody started drilling because the ppb was high.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?
I'm neither blind nor stupid.

You on the other hand are an ignorant asshole.

Why don't you collect a few facts such as that gas prices dropped under Obama from nearly $4 when he took office to less than $1.75. Know why fool? Because Obama bought stability and the risk premium dropped.
Prices went up under Trump from under $1 to nearly $3.25. Never heard a word from you did we shitbucket?

Go educate yourself fool. Then when you get up to 4th grade, come back.
Why don't YOU educate me? Please tell me what Obama policy is it that dropped gas prices? I know he took credit for higher production of oil and natural gas but anyone with even a modicum of sense knows that is laughable!

Obama didn't take credit for the surge in oil production. Even an idiot can understand that everybody started drilling because the ppb was high.
Would you like me to pull some examples of him touting the increase of oil production as an accomplishment of his administration? He most certainly DID take credit for it!
Last edited:
We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....

Among the first policy changes Bidon* signed off on was a to halt the completion of the Keystone pipeline which immediately put a multitude of people out of work and potential income investment returns to many small business owners and employees in debt instead .

None with any even semi knowledgeable common sense would argue it was over environmental concerns when transport by Truck or Rail is far more hazardous and expensive, so following the money as they say, points out select beneficiaries like Warren Buffett who is heavily invested in Rail, etc. distribution.

Distribution costs and profits add up exponentially when fuel prices to transport-distribute even only raw fuel resources, and especially when resource supplies are also cut and or taxed from beginning to end use such as in the ridiculous socialist Paris Climate Accord CO2 statis tickle * "tricks" Scams that Chicom global tyrants love to promote and profit from with immunity.

Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.

The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will begin the process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.

After Dotard gave them a $7 million tax break.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

So, isn't that what republicans are for?

Oil company profits?

NOW, they whine, because they 'profit"?

Keep giving them tax cuts, that worked so well.
The republicans like globalists bush and romney,yes thst is correct they do that as well same as the demorats,they are in bed with them. :up:

Trumptards hate "globalist' except for their dear leader.
Dotard owns property in 10 different countries, India, Canada, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Panama, United Arab Emirates, S, Korea, Turkey and Israel .

Bush, Romney or not one democrat has that many around the world.
Not one of the people you've named have been international real estate developers for the better part of forty years! Of course Trump owns properties around the world! (eye roll)
We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....

Among the first policy changes Bidon* signed off on was a to halt the completion of the Keystone pipeline which immediately put a multitude of people out of work and potential income investment returns to many small business owners and employees in debt instead .

None with any even semi knowledgeable common sense would argue it was over environmental concerns when transport by Truck or Rail is far more hazardous and expensive, so following the money as they say, points out select beneficiaries like Warren Buffett who is heavily invested in Rail, etc. distribution.

Distribution costs and profits add up exponentially when fuel prices to transport-distribute even only raw fuel resources, and especially when resource supplies are also cut and or taxed from beginning to end use such as in the ridiculous socialist Paris Climate Accord CO2 statis tickle * "tricks" Scams that Chicom global tyrants love to promote and profit from with immunity.

Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.

The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will begin the process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.

After Dotard gave them a $7 million tax break.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

So, isn't that what republicans are for?

Oil company profits?

NOW, they whine, because they 'profit"?

Keep giving them tax cuts, that worked so well.
The republicans like globalists bush and romney,yes thst is correct they do that as well same as the demorats,they are in bed with them. :up:

Trumptards hate "globalist' except for their dear leader.
Dotard owns property in 10 different countries, India, Canada, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Panama, United Arab Emirates, S, Korea, Turkey and Israel .

Bush, Romney or not one democrat has that many around the world.
Not one of the people you've named have been international real estate developers for the better part of forty years! Of course Trump owns properties around the world! (eye roll)

Trump kept losing his shirt and his investor's money when he was a "developer".. All he does now is sell his brand.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?
I'm neither blind nor stupid.

You on the other hand are an ignorant asshole.

Why don't you collect a few facts such as that gas prices dropped under Obama from nearly $4 when he took office to less than $1.75. Know why fool? Because Obama bought stability and the risk premium dropped.
Prices went up under Trump from under $1 to nearly $3.25. Never heard a word from you did we shitbucket?

Go educate yourself fool. Then when you get up to 4th grade, come back.
Why don't YOU educate me? Please tell me what Obama policy is it that dropped gas prices? I know he took credit for higher production of oil and natural gas but anyone with even a modicum of sense knows that is laughable!

Obama didn't take credit for the surge in oil production. Even an idiot can understand that everybody started drilling because the ppb was high.
Would you like me to pull some examples of him touting the increase of oil production as an accomplishment of his administration? He most certainly DID take credit for it!

Here's what Obama said: “I was extraordinarily proud of the Paris accords because — you know, I know we’re in oil country and we need American energy, and by the way, American energy production,” Obama told the audience gathered at Rice University’s Baker Institute on Tuesday night. “You wouldn’t always know it but it went up every year I was president. That whole, suddenly America’s like the biggest oil producer and the biggest gas — that was me, people.”

He acknowledged that the surge in domestic oil production happened while he was president.

It happened because the ppb was HIGH and in spite of Deepwater Horizon or stopping the Keystone XL or not drilling on Federal lands.
We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....

Among the first policy changes Bidon* signed off on was a to halt the completion of the Keystone pipeline which immediately put a multitude of people out of work and potential income investment returns to many small business owners and employees in debt instead .

None with any even semi knowledgeable common sense would argue it was over environmental concerns when transport by Truck or Rail is far more hazardous and expensive, so following the money as they say, points out select beneficiaries like Warren Buffett who is heavily invested in Rail, etc. distribution.

Distribution costs and profits add up exponentially when fuel prices to transport-distribute even only raw fuel resources, and especially when resource supplies are also cut and or taxed from beginning to end use such as in the ridiculous socialist Paris Climate Accord CO2 statis tickle * "tricks" Scams that Chicom global tyrants love to promote and profit from with immunity.

Carrier announced a decision to move at least 1,400 jobs from Indianapolis to Mexico.

The heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration system (HVAC) company will begin the process in 2017 and hopes to complete everything by 2019.

After Dotard gave them a $7 million tax break.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

So, isn't that what republicans are for?

Oil company profits?

NOW, they whine, because they 'profit"?

Keep giving them tax cuts, that worked so well.
The republicans like globalists bush and romney,yes thst is correct they do that as well same as the demorats,they are in bed with them. :up:

Trumptards hate "globalist' except for their dear leader.
Dotard owns property in 10 different countries, India, Canada, Philippines, Dominican Republic, Panama, United Arab Emirates, S, Korea, Turkey and Israel .

Bush, Romney or not one democrat has that many around the world.
Not one of the people you've named have been international real estate developers for the better part of forty years! Of course Trump owns properties around the world! (eye roll)
So, that makes him a globalist.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
While Biden bombs Syria (((for "oil"))), gas prices climb higher and higher

Syria is a net importer of oil..

Try to remember.. The oil business hates a war zone.

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