While Biden bombs Syria (for oil), gas prices climb higher and higher

Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
Gas is up over 40% since the election in my area.


The oil business is a BUSINESS. Perhaps you really want socialism.
They do, they give them tax cuts, then they demand the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, let big oil drill on OUR land.
They love "socialism', just as long is it is ALL corporate, then it "bidness'

Gasoline is still bargain.. It hasn't kept up with housing, healthcare, education, automobiles, groceries or anything else the past 60 years.. They are just a bunch of dumb babies.
This is why you kill each other. And drag others in.

Episcopalians from Alabama?
You make excuses for the people who make your life harder. Biden is doing just that. But he has a "D" next to his name and it makes it all better. Progs forgot a long time ago about the working/retiree class. They promote divisions within the class to their advantage after their agendas dark side destroys some of them.

Syria has NO oil. Biden is much smarter than Trump. Trump said he was going to keep Syria's oil.. In fact he said he had kept Syria's oil.. Moron still doesn't know the little bit of Syrian oil is worthless.

Stop lying for the warmongers:

View attachment 466620

5 YEARS ago?
Who drills for oil in a war zone?
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

No they are not reacting. The oil markets are reacting to Trump's conspiring with OPEC to cut production. Trump wanted to raise the price of oil and sometimes when you get a ball rolling in one direction it can be hard to stop. Also incompetent Texas Republicans have contributed.

Trump has been out of office for two months. You're the reason Biden can get away with starting a war for oil while killing our energy independence, so we have to buy energy from his OPEC connections.

The ones that killed our energy independence are republicans, 5 years ago.

October 9 2015
Defying a White House veto threat, the Republican-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to lift a 40-year-old U.S. ban on crude oil exports.

The House approved the bill on a 261-159 vote. Supporters said an ongoing boom in oil and gas drilling has made the 1970s-era restrictions obsolete. Lifting the export ban would lower prices at the pump, create jobs and boost the economy, said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

"In my view, America's energy boom has the potential to reset the economic foundation of our economy and improve our standing around the world," Boehner said.
www.cbsnews.com › news › house-votes-to-lift-ban-on
We were able to do that because we were producing so much oil. Duh?

Exactly, so why export oil when you can keep it to stabilize our prices.
That like giving away the food in half your refrigerator, then whine when you run out or have to purchase more.
In this case, whine about higher prices, when the US is exporting oil?
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

No they are not reacting. The oil markets are reacting to Trump's conspiring with OPEC to cut production. Trump wanted to raise the price of oil and sometimes when you get a ball rolling in one direction it can be hard to stop. Also incompetent Texas Republicans have contributed.

Trump has been out of office for two months. You're the reason Biden can get away with starting a war for oil while killing our energy independence, so we have to buy energy from his OPEC connections.

The ones that killed our energy independence are republicans, 5 years ago.

October 9 2015
Defying a White House veto threat, the Republican-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to lift a 40-year-old U.S. ban on crude oil exports.

The House approved the bill on a 261-159 vote. Supporters said an ongoing boom in oil and gas drilling has made the 1970s-era restrictions obsolete. Lifting the export ban would lower prices at the pump, create jobs and boost the economy, said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

"In my view, America's energy boom has the potential to reset the economic foundation of our economy and improve our standing around the world," Boehner said.
www.cbsnews.com › news › house-votes-to-lift-ban-on
We were able to do that because we were producing so much oil. Duh?

Exactly, so why export oil when you can keep it to stabilize our prices.
That like giving away the food in half your refrigerator, then whine when you run out or have to purchase more.
In this case, whine about higher prices, when the US is exporting oil?
When you produce so much oil and natural gas that it's possible to export it then you're in a position of power...when you don't...then you are in a position of weakness. Joe Biden and the Democrats are putting us back in that position of weakness.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

No they are not reacting. The oil markets are reacting to Trump's conspiring with OPEC to cut production. Trump wanted to raise the price of oil and sometimes when you get a ball rolling in one direction it can be hard to stop. Also incompetent Texas Republicans have contributed.

Trump has been out of office for two months. You're the reason Biden can get away with starting a war for oil while killing our energy independence, so we have to buy energy from his OPEC connections.

The ones that killed our energy independence are republicans, 5 years ago.

October 9 2015
Defying a White House veto threat, the Republican-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to lift a 40-year-old U.S. ban on crude oil exports.

The House approved the bill on a 261-159 vote. Supporters said an ongoing boom in oil and gas drilling has made the 1970s-era restrictions obsolete. Lifting the export ban would lower prices at the pump, create jobs and boost the economy, said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

"In my view, America's energy boom has the potential to reset the economic foundation of our economy and improve our standing around the world," Boehner said.
www.cbsnews.com › news › house-votes-to-lift-ban-on
We were able to do that because we were producing so much oil. Duh?

Exactly, so why export oil when you can keep it to stabilize our prices.
That like giving away the food in half your refrigerator, then whine when you run out or have to purchase more.
In this case, whine about higher prices, when the US is exporting oil?
When you produce so much oil and natural gas that it's possible to export it then you're in a position of power...when you don't...then you are in a position of weakness. Joe Biden and the Democrats are putting us back in that position of weakness.

How is Biden putting the US in a position of weakness?

"NOT exporting our oil, makes us weak?

How do you gain power by exporting oil, while importing it too?

It's not like we are Saudi.

We still pay market prices for oil that we import.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
A question with a question deflect much?

Again I ask kid , what is the goal of a pro green president

A. Cheap gas prices

B. High gas prices
Geez. I thought you people who call yourselves "conservative" had some concept of the US economy and how it works.

My mistake. So I'll try to dumb it down just for you.

Pro Green president is not concerned with pump prices.
Pro Green presidents can't control pump prices.
That's a supply and demand function.

Is that simple enough or shoe we go with...

View attachment 466627

Of course a progreen president is concerned with gas prices why would people buy electric cars if gas is cheap
Why is Volvo ceasing production of gas/diesel fueled vehicles by 2035?
Why is Tesla such a success?

With $12T in subsidies for fossil fuels there is no "cheap gas."
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
A question with a question deflect much?

Again I ask kid , what is the goal of a pro green president

A. Cheap gas prices

B. High gas prices
Geez. I thought you people who call yourselves "conservative" had some concept of the US economy and how it works.

My mistake. So I'll try to dumb it down just for you.

Pro Green president is not concerned with pump prices.
Pro Green presidents can't control pump prices.
That's a supply and demand function.

Is that simple enough or shoe we go with...

View attachment 466627

Of course a progreen president is concerned with gas prices why would people buy electric cars if gas is cheap
Why is Volvo ceasing production of gas/diesel fueled vehicles by 2035?
Why is Tesla such a success?

With $12T in subsidies for fossil fuels there is no "cheap gas."

Why do you hate poor people? You do know part of it goes to cheap heating fuel

Remember when Hugo Chavez paid for heating oil for poor people all over New England?
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

No they are not reacting. The oil markets are reacting to Trump's conspiring with OPEC to cut production. Trump wanted to raise the price of oil and sometimes when you get a ball rolling in one direction it can be hard to stop. Also incompetent Texas Republicans have contributed.

Trump has been out of office for two months. You're the reason Biden can get away with starting a war for oil while killing our energy independence, so we have to buy energy from his OPEC connections.

The ones that killed our energy independence are republicans, 5 years ago.

October 9 2015
Defying a White House veto threat, the Republican-controlled House on Friday approved a bill to lift a 40-year-old U.S. ban on crude oil exports.

The House approved the bill on a 261-159 vote. Supporters said an ongoing boom in oil and gas drilling has made the 1970s-era restrictions obsolete. Lifting the export ban would lower prices at the pump, create jobs and boost the economy, said House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

"In my view, America's energy boom has the potential to reset the economic foundation of our economy and improve our standing around the world," Boehner said.
www.cbsnews.com › news › house-votes-to-lift-ban-on
We were able to do that because we were producing so much oil. Duh?

Exactly, so why export oil when you can keep it to stabilize our prices.
That like giving away the food in half your refrigerator, then whine when you run out or have to purchase more.
In this case, whine about higher prices, when the US is exporting oil?
When you produce so much oil and natural gas that it's possible to export it then you're in a position of power...when you don't...then you are in a position of weakness. Joe Biden and the Democrats are putting us back in that position of weakness.

We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....
It's the very same policies that under the Obama Administration led to sharp decreases in oil production from land controlled by the Federal Government. Biden is coupling that with foreign policy that has already prompted the Saudis to lower their output. It's not a conspiracy...it's something that's being done in plain sight and with fanfare. We will have four dollar gas at the pump before the end of the summer.

Bookmarked - 4 bucks by end of summer - Hmmm .... Month off the board bet? :)
It's already over four in California. It'll be over four elsewhere by the end of the summer. I'll take that bet and you're gonna regret because Biden's the worst that's ever been! (apologies to Charlie Daniels!)

We’re talking national average. Gas Buddy is a reputable moderator. I just filled at $2.59 and a buck off that due to my Safeway rewards. I need about 1 tank a month. Hmmm ... 20 gallons at 1.59 so 30 bucks a month. I tell ya, these gas prices are killin me! :lol:
Here's the hard truth, Doc. The people that are hurt the most when Democrats deliberately raise the price of gasoline are blue collar workers that drive older model vehicles that don't get great mileage or drive trucks or vans. People that have no choice but to drive and no choice but to pay the high prices that you liberals burden them with. You don't care about them though...do you? Neither does Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi!

You and I have a bet, Doc and you're going to lose simply because your Progressive leaders WANT higher gas prices.

You don't know anything about the oil business and you are playing fast and loose with the facts.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.

Oh dear, your ignorance about what is going on coupled with your ignorance about the oil business undermines your happiness.
We still import about 9 million bpd from Canada and Mexico. That hasn't changed ....

Among the first policy changes Bidon* signed off on was a to halt the completion of the Keystone pipeline which immediately put a multitude of people out of work and potential income investment returns to many small business owners and employees in debt instead .

None with any even semi knowledgeable common sense would argue it was over environmental concerns when transport by Truck or Rail is far more hazardous and expensive, so following the money as they say, points out select beneficiaries like Warren Buffett who is heavily invested in Rail, etc. distribution.

Distribution costs and profits add up exponentially when fuel prices to transport-distribute even only raw fuel resources, and especially when resource supplies are also cut and or taxed from beginning to end use such as in the ridiculous socialist Paris Climate Accord CO2 statis tickle * "tricks" Scams that Chicom global tyrants love to promote and profit from with immunity.
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Here's the hard truth, Doc. The people that are hurt the most when Democrats deliberately raise the price of gasoline are blue collar workers that drive older model vehicles that don't get great mileage or drive trucks or vans. People that have no choice but to drive and no choice but to pay the high prices that you liberals burden them with. You don't care about them though...do you? Neither does Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi!

You and I have a bet, Doc and you're going to lose simply because your Progressive leaders WANT higher gas prices.

Democrats want higher gas prices? That's one I hadn't heard! :lol:
Fun Fact: Presidents have VERY little to do with gas prices.

Here's the hard truth, Doc. The people that are hurt the most when Democrats deliberately raise the price of gasoline are blue collar workers that drive older model vehicles that don't get great mileage or drive trucks or vans. People that have no choice but to drive and no choice but to pay the high prices that you liberals burden them with. You don't care about them though...do you? Neither does Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi!

You and I have a bet, Doc and you're going to lose simply because your Progressive leaders WANT higher gas prices.

Democrats want higher gas prices? That's one I hadn't heard! :lol:
Fun Fact: Presidents have VERY little to do with gas prices.

Why is there so many people on here who can't comprehend it?
What are you talking ABOUT? Higher gas prices= green energy

Nonsense - As supported by my links. Guess you need a few more.

Here's the hard truth, Doc. The people that are hurt the most when Democrats deliberately raise the price of gasoline are blue collar workers that drive older model vehicles that don't get great mileage or drive trucks or vans. People that have no choice but to drive and no choice but to pay the high prices that you liberals burden them with. You don't care about them though...do you? Neither does Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi!

You and I have a bet, Doc and you're going to lose simply because your Progressive leaders WANT higher gas prices.

Democrats want higher gas prices? That's one I hadn't heard! :lol:
Fun Fact: Presidents have VERY little to do with gas prices.

High gas prices make all electric vehicles and public transportation more appealing. If gas prices are low then people would rather drive regular vehicles. Democrats LOVE electric cars and public transportation and hate big oil! Would you like me to pull up Barack Obama comments about the subject?
If memory serves me gas went over five dollars a gallon at one point of the Obama Administration.
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What are you talking ABOUT? Higher gas prices= green energy

Nonsense - As supported by my links. Guess you need a few more.

Quit being a partisan hack, in order to support green energy you need higher fossil fuel prices
It's the very same policies that under the Obama Administration led to sharp decreases in oil production from land controlled by the Federal Government. Biden is coupling that with foreign policy that has already prompted the Saudis to lower their output. It's not a conspiracy...it's something that's being done in plain sight and with fanfare. We will have four dollar gas at the pump before the end of the summer.

Bookmarked - 4 bucks by end of summer - Hmmm .... Month off the board bet? :)
It's already over four in California. It'll be over four elsewhere by the end of the summer. I'll take that bet and you're gonna regret because Biden's the worst that's ever been! (apologies to Charlie Daniels!)
Save this.
When prices start falling in a few weeks I'm sure you be singing Biden's praises to your god in Mira Lago.

Speaking of his Cheetoness...
Care to show me a post of yours from 2018 when prices went from under $2 to $3 per.

I'm absolutely positive you're consistent and not some full of it Trump cheeto-sucker.
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
A question with a question deflect much?

Again I ask kid , what is the goal of a pro green president

A. Cheap gas prices

B. High gas prices
Geez. I thought you people who call yourselves "conservative" had some concept of the US economy and how it works.

My mistake. So I'll try to dumb it down just for you.

Pro Green president is not concerned with pump prices.
Pro Green presidents can't control pump prices.
That's a supply and demand function.

Is that simple enough or shoe we go with...

View attachment 466627

Of course a progreen president is concerned with gas prices why would people buy electric cars if gas is cheap
Why is Volvo ceasing production of gas/diesel fueled vehicles by 2035?
Why is Tesla such a success?

With $12T in subsidies for fossil fuels there is no "cheap gas."
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
A question with a question deflect much?

Again I ask kid , what is the goal of a pro green president

A. Cheap gas prices

B. High gas prices
Geez. I thought you people who call yourselves "conservative" had some concept of the US economy and how it works.

My mistake. So I'll try to dumb it down just for you.

Pro Green president is not concerned with pump prices.
Pro Green presidents can't control pump prices.
That's a supply and demand function.

Is that simple enough or shoe we go with...

View attachment 466627

Of course a progreen president is concerned with gas prices why would people buy electric cars if gas is cheap
Why is Volvo ceasing production of gas/diesel fueled vehicles by 2035?
Why is Tesla such a success?

With $12T in subsidies for fossil fuels there is no "cheap gas."

Why do you hate poor people? You do know part of it goes to cheap heating fuel
How about e take $1B of that $15B annual cost and use it to replace those systems with efficient systems powered by renewable energy.

That's a deficit reduction of $140B over 10 years. But then, that $140B would end up in the hands of taxpayers not shareholders and we can't have that can we?
Is this what you voted for, Democrats?

Among some of the earliest announcements coming out of the White House after Joe Biden’s inauguration was a promise to clamp down on drilling, particularly on federal lands and offshore. While this all has to be done in stages, the oil and gas industry is already reacting. And since markets rely on “futures” as much as they do current supply and demand levels, the effects can often precede the cause. This is being noticed all across the nation at this point. As CBS Baltimore pointed out on Monday, gas prices have been slowly but steadily rising over the past month. There are actually a variety of factors driving this trend, as we’ll get to in a moment, but government policy both at home and abroad is always a factor.
And the ignorance just keeps on coming.

Brought to you by the GOP College of Stupid!
You never answered my question daddy o so is the goal of a green president cheap gas prices?
You never asked a question.
Any president who thinks he's can control pump prices is an idiot.
See Trump for evidence.
WTF are you talking about? Didn’t you see how prices maintained $2 for the duration of trump’s presidency? Haven’t you seen them rise by nearly 50% under Biden already? Didn’t you see them rise from $1.40 to over $4 under Obama? Are you blind or just really stupid?
I'm neither blind nor stupid.

You on the other hand are an ignorant asshole.

Why don't you collect a few facts such as that gas prices dropped under Obama from nearly $4 when he took office to less than $1.75. Know why fool? Because Obama bought stability and the risk premium dropped.
Prices went up under Trump from under $1 to nearly $3.25. Never heard a word from you did we shitbucket?

Go educate yourself fool. Then when you get up to 4th grade, come back.

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