While I do not with all points in this article

I just happened across this piece today. I find it very accurate. Our culture has imploded and the consequences of this have been detrimental for many Americans.

I also read that the two authors have been viciously attacked by the left, for merely writing the piece. It is a good example of how proper debate is no longer allowed.

that is for sure. It is a real meltdown they are having.
I would add that the loss of cheap energy and run-away inflation of the 1970's also played a big factor.
Finders Keepers

You imply that high prices were some kind of natural and impersonal event, but they were caused by a criminal conspiracy, or "game plan" if you think people only conspire in paranoiac scenarios believed in by nutcases. Big Oil created OPEC so it could gouge us and blame foreigners for it. Not only do the resources not belong to dumb natives, dumb corporate King Apes had nothing to do with creating Big Oil's wealth.
I would add that the loss of cheap energy and run-away inflation of the 1970's also played a big factor.
Finders Keepers

You imply that high prices were some kind of natural and impersonal event, but they were caused by a criminal conspiracy, or "game plan" if you think people only conspire in paranoiac scenarios believed in by nutcases. Big Oil created OPEC so it could gouge us and blame foreigners for it. Not only do the resources not belong to dumb natives, dumb corporate King Apes had nothing to do with creating Big Oil's wealth.

I meant to imply that while women were becoming more obsessed with having careers during the 1970's, the huge price increases of that decade also forced both parents into the workplace causing weakening of the family unit that contributed to cultural change which the article addressed.

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