while obama plays pasture pool Iran speeds up centrifuges

What do you think should be done? Massive airstrikes perhaps? Do you really want war that badly? I would rather see Israel stand alone than drag us into another filthy Mideast war with their hardline saber rattling bullshit.
Really have to admire the chutzpah of the 'Conservatives' here. If the President makes a strong statement on anything Iran does, he is trying to drag us into a war. If he does not make a strong statement, then he is a weak President. The whole point is that no matter what, President Obama cannot do anything that will please this bunch. And should not even try. Just keep kicking their silly asses as he did with the government shutdown last fall.
Obama's wearing out a set of kneepads fellating the Mullahs trying to get some kind of deal in the works, "Peace in our time" style, while in the meantime the Mullahs are amping up their enrichment processes. Simultaneously word leaks out that Marine Corps female recruits don't need to perform one pullup in order to qualify to be placed into combat. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Suppose John Basilone was busy humping his foxhole buddy on the night of October 24/25, 1942 instead of alert and listening for the approaching Japanese attack? Noam Chomsky and Frank Marshal Davis would likely be helpin' to push up the cornplants in some Iowa cornfield come this springtime instead of having been left alone while spreading their Bolshevik screed.
Do you suppose Obama's five year long concentrated efforts empowering America's enemies while weakening America economically and militarily are simply coincidence or diabolically deliberate? He couldn't be doing a better job even if he had planned it
That awful celebration over the peace agreement has turned out to be just another humiliation. One that obama and Kerry made into a travesty. Kerry owes at least an apology.

Someone should be formulating some kind of plan for when everything falls apart. The reliance on the success of sanctions is insane.
What is "pasture pool". Screwing goats out in the field? I can see Obabble doing that...
I don't blame Iran for wanting nukes. Their neighbors got invaded, their economy is crippled with sanctions, the US Navy is right off their shore, War Monkeys in the US and Israel constantly rattle the sabers about bombing Iran.

Our belligerence is the root cause of the Iranian nuclear weapons program...if there is one.

We already were lied to about Iraq's WMD program, which turned out not to exist. I haven't seen enough evidence that iran has one, frankly.
That awful celebration over the peace agreement has turned out to be just another humiliation. One that obama and Kerry made into a travesty. Kerry owes at least an apology.

Someone should be formulating some kind of plan for when everything falls apart. The reliance on the success of sanctions is insane.

What do you think should be done instead?

And if Mitt won, how mired in a war in Syria and Iran would we be by now?
Our belligerence is the root cause of the Iranian nuclear weapons program...if there is one.

Yes it is all our fault.

We should let them wipe Israel off the face of planet.

Iran would love us then.
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I don't blame Iran for wanting nukes. Their neighbors got invaded, their economy is crippled with sanctions, the US Navy is right off their shore, War Monkeys in the US and Israel constantly rattle the sabers about bombing Iran.

Our belligerence is the root cause of the Iranian nuclear weapons program...if there is one.

We already were lied to about Iraq's WMD program, which turned out not to exist. I haven't seen enough evidence that iran has one, frankly.

Excellent point, the warhawks lied about Iraq and they are certainly lying about Iran, there is no doubt in my mind.
Excellent point, the warhawks lied about Iraq and they are certainly lying about Iran, there is no doubt in my mind.

You have no doubt Iran is not pursuing acquisition of weapons-grade, enriched uranium ?
Our belligerence is the root cause of the Iranian nuclear weapons program...if there is one.

Yes it is all our fault.
It's partially our fault, yes. I notice Sweden, or Chile, to give two examples, don't seem to be trying to get nuclear weapons. I notice that we don't act belligerently toward them too. Not a coincidence.

We should let them wipe Israel off the face of planet.
Who said that? Try debating what people say, instead of making stuff up that they didn't say.

Iran would love us then.
Iranians hate us now, and might be tying to get nukes, because they know that the GOP may get the White House back some day and start a war with Iran if they don't.
Occupied/vcheese...are hardcore flower children.

You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?
Iran wants to wipe out Israel.

There's no evidence that Iran is trying to get a nuclear weapon so they can make a strike on Israel. This is laughable.

But if Iran is bombed by Israel or the US, the only thing that will accomplish is to give Iran justification to get a nuke and then use a nuke once they do get their hands on one. The coalition currently working with us in our negotiations would also drop out of the sanctions regime because they want no part of another Right Wing War Monkey Mistake, like in Iraq.
Occupied/vcheese...are hardcore flower children.

You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?

And when you ask conservatoons how high they think taxes should be raised to pay for a war on Iran, you get lots of cringe-inducing dodging and weaving instead of an answer.
Occupied/vcheese...are hardcore flower children.

You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?

I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.
Occupied/vcheese...are hardcore flower children.

You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?

I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.

Bush demonstrated that conservative ultimatums are really just a formality before the already committed to unprovoked attack. You have a sickness where you can easily disconnect the horror of war from the cool explosion parts leaving only "objectives" and "Missions" and dare I say "glory"?
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