while obama plays pasture pool Iran speeds up centrifuges

That awful celebration over the peace agreement has turned out to be just another humiliation. One that obama and Kerry made into a travesty. Kerry owes at least an apology.

Someone should be formulating some kind of plan for when everything falls apart. The reliance on the success of sanctions is insane.

What do you think should be done instead?

And if Mitt won, how mired in a war in Syria and Iran would we be by now?

I don't know but it has to be something other than sanctions because that hasn't worked and will never work.

Sanctions are supposed to put pressure on the citizens who will then put pressure on the leadership to make changes. That's the way it worked in South Africa. South Africa is a democracy. Sanctions don't work in a dictatorship because the dictator doesn't much care what the citizens think. Sanctions haven't worked in North Korea or Cuba for that very reason. They won't work in Iran either.
What do you think should be done? Massive airstrikes perhaps? Do you really want war that badly? I would rather see Israel stand alone than drag us into another filthy Mideast war with their hardline saber rattling bullshit.

The odd thing is that Obama is more likely than say Bush to take the US into another war... Where it gets weird is that he won't call it a war and an amount of liberals will defend that "not war." remember, Obama spends 100-150 billion more on military than Bush did, makes you wonder how that was possible when Bush ended Iraq for Obama... where does that spending come from?
Occupied/vcheese...are hardcore flower children.

You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?

I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.

Not sure what you mean by 'war in the classic sense' .

I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability.

Sounds like war in the classic sense to me.

And this tactic was already a mega-flop in Iraq. You clearly haven't learned a lesson from the failed Iraq War.
Really have to admire the chutzpah of the 'Conservatives' here. If the President makes a strong statement on anything Iran does, he is trying to drag us into a war. If he does not make a strong statement, then he is a weak President. The whole point is that no matter what, President Obama cannot do anything that will please this bunch. And should not even try. Just keep kicking their silly asses as he did with the government shutdown last fall.

What's the point of making a "strong statement' when you know they don't give a fuck? Basically what I'm saying is, Obama plans to go to war... Obama should have just left it alone, balanced the budget, ended wars and not started new ones... Then Obama would be a great President and no one could say chit... Instead Obama runs massive deficits, divides the country and continually lets down his base.
That awful celebration over the peace agreement has turned out to be just another humiliation. One that obama and Kerry made into a travesty. Kerry owes at least an apology.

Someone should be formulating some kind of plan for when everything falls apart. The reliance on the success of sanctions is insane.

No you fucking conservative fuck, Kerry and Obama get medals fo chit no matter if the job ever actually got done or not. You racist? You hate peace? Fuck you you, tea party guy person, who hates stuff and children!!!!
while obama plays pasture pool Iran speeds up centrifuges

We fell for that neo-imperialism faux reactionary conservatism nonsense once.

Not this time.
You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?

I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.

Bush demonstrated that conservative ultimatums are really just a formality before the already committed to unprovoked attack. You have a sickness where you can easily disconnect the horror of war from the cool explosion parts leaving only "objectives" and "Missions" and dare I say "glory"?

The horror of war will be their choice, Gertrude. Properly executed all the horror will be theirs. Allahu Akbar.
You are a hardcore conscienceless warhawk, how many American lives do you think would be acceptable in a war with Iran? 1000? 2000? More? Not even going to ask how many Iranian lives are acceptable because your answer is, of course, How many Iranians are there?

I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.

Not sure what you mean by 'war in the classic sense' .

I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability.

Sounds like war in the classic sense to me.

And this tactic was already a mega-flop in Iraq. You clearly haven't learned a lesson from the failed Iraq War.

I was never a fan of the tactics in the Iraq war. I wanted total domination, unconditional surrender...disarming of the population...a war fought in such a way that future enemies would sit up and take notice and know they had no chance. Instead we went in half heartedly with ROE that only got worse.
I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.

Not sure what you mean by 'war in the classic sense' .

I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability.

Sounds like war in the classic sense to me.

And this tactic was already a mega-flop in Iraq. You clearly haven't learned a lesson from the failed Iraq War.

I was never a fan of the tactics in the Iraq war. I wanted total domination, unconditional surrender...disarming of the population...a war fought in such a way that future enemies would sit up and take notice and know they had no chance. Instead we went in half heartedly with ROE that only got worse.

That was our tactic. Didn't work. Liberals were totally vindicated.
I don't envision war in the classic sense. I envision an ultimatum, which if not accepted will result in a protracted attack that will result in destruction of all war making ability. Once our resolve is demonstrated I would expect capitulation. The only flaw in my plan is Obabble and the "resolve" thingy.

Bush demonstrated that conservative ultimatums are really just a formality before the already committed to unprovoked attack. You have a sickness where you can easily disconnect the horror of war from the cool explosion parts leaving only "objectives" and "Missions" and dare I say "glory"?

The horror of war will be their choice, Gertrude. Properly executed all the horror will be theirs. Allahu Akbar.

You are one sociopathic piece of work, you probably complain all the time about the cowards in the pentagon not using all the nukes the tax money you didn't pay bought.
It's either or.

We either go to war to keep Iran from getting a nuclear bomb or we accept detonations of nuclear bombs in the United States and an islamic state for the survivors.
It's either or.

We either go to war to keep Iran from getting a nuclear bomb or we accept detonations of nuclear bombs in the United States and an islamic state for the survivors.

A little alarmist, don't you think? Have you considered for a moment that Iran does not want to commit suicide?
What do you think should be done? Massive airstrikes perhaps? Do you really want war that badly? I would rather see Israel stand alone than drag us into another filthy Mideast war with their hardline saber rattling bullshit.

War? What war? The centrifuges are buried way underground. No way for them them to be reached.

Then what? Create another Iraq? Screw the unemployed and poor in this country and rebuild Iran?

Better yet. I like What Obama did last time.

Obama Order Sped Up Wave of Cyberattacks Against Iran

Republicans only know "bomb them" and then spend trillions making them a hard core Islamic Theocracy like they did with Iraq. Just like all their failed policies, it would just be anther massive expensive failure that ends up with American suffering, again. It's all they know how to do.

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