While the entire tale has yet to unfold about Flynn

Rumor has it that Flynn was going to consolidate the intelligence agencies.
Looks like they took care of business and Flynn lost big.
Do you guys realize how easy it was for Flynn to not have to deal with any of this?

Like, it would have been trivially easy.
Rumor has it that Flynn was going to consolidate the intelligence agencies.
Looks like they took care of business and Flynn lost big.
There maybe something to that. Flynn also knew what BO's administration was up to as well.
Do you guys realize how easy it was for Flynn to not have to deal with any of this?

Like, it would have been trivially easy.
1. What was the crime the FBI interviewed Flynn for?
2. Why can HRC say "I don't recall" hundreds of times, and that is NOT a crime, but if Flynn says it, it is a crime?
3. Agree Flynn should have told the unvarnished truth about asking Kislyak to be cool to sanctions and some vote on Israel?! WTF? Not a crime, was a perjury trap". Flynn's job was to talk to Russians.
4. Please recall BO's "I can be more flexible after the election" "crime".
Do you guys realize how easy it was for Flynn to not have to deal with any of this?

Like, it would have been trivially easy.
1. What was the crime the FBI interviewed Flynn for?
2. Why can HRC say "I don't recall" hundreds of times, and that is NOT a crime, but if Flynn says it, it is a crime?
3. Agree Flynn should have told the unvarnished truth about asking Kislyak to be cool to sanctions and some vote on Israel?! WTF? Not a crime, was a perjury trap". Flynn's job was to talk to Russians.
4. Please recall BO's "I can be more flexible after the election" "crime".
1. The FBI investigates many things. Not all are crimes. They are responsible for counter-intelligence as well.
2. Flynn did not say “I don’t recall”, he said no. Besides, he told his lie a few weeks after the phone call, not years as was the case for Clinton. These are totally different ballparks.
3. Flynn should not have been conducting foreign policy before Trump took his office. That’s stepping over a line. It’s not a perjury trap. It’s just asking him a question which he lied about.
4. I recall the statement. There was no crime. Obama was president at the time and did not lie about that statement to the FBI.
There are at least several subplots as to what motivated Flynn to become politically partisan, and what caused the Obama admin, and more importantly, the natl security apparatus to find Flynn was out of bounds.

But the bottom line was Flynn was dirty from taking money for foreign lobbying while not reporting it and THEN coming back into govt. And he was taking money from the same level of Oligarchs that Trump was taking money. So the FBI had him by the shorthairs over the money, but they decided to run him up on perjury so they could squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump and Russia. And then it turned out that Trump was happy and willing to get dirty money for his biz, and he was happy to get any help Putin offered on setting up a digital campaign and hacking Hillary's emails, but he didn't offer Putin anything in return. Which was fine with Putin since his aim was to help divide democratic governments.
There are at least several subplots as to what motivated Flynn to become politically partisan, and what caused the Obama admin, and more importantly, the natl security apparatus to find Flynn was out of bounds.

But the bottom line was Flynn was dirty from taking money for foreign lobbying while not reporting it and THEN coming back into govt. And he was taking money from the same level of Oligarchs that Trump was taking money. So the FBI had him by the shorthairs over the money, but they decided to run him up on perjury so they could squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump and Russia. And then it turned out that Trump was happy and willing to get dirty money for his biz, and he was happy to get any help Putin offered on setting up a digital campaign and hacking Hillary's emails, but he didn't offer Putin anything in return. Which was fine with Putin since his aim was to help divide democratic governments.
WTF drug are you on? LSD went out ages ago.
1. Flynn did not register as a foreign lobbyist, his bad, but that's a fine, not prison, and the money earned was legit, not "dirty".
2. True that the FBI just wanted to squeeze Flynn to lie about Trump, aka a "coup".
3. Link for Trump's "dirty money" please.
4. Russia and China and all other countries "interfere" in US and each other's elections, that is not news.
Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia
There are at least several subplots as to what motivated Flynn to become politically partisan, and what caused the Obama admin, and more importantly, the natl security apparatus to find Flynn was out of bounds.

But the bottom line was Flynn was dirty from taking money for foreign lobbying while not reporting it and THEN coming back into govt. And he was taking money from the same level of Oligarchs that Trump was taking money. So the FBI had him by the shorthairs over the money, but they decided to run him up on perjury so they could squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump and Russia. And then it turned out that Trump was happy and willing to get dirty money for his biz, and he was happy to get any help Putin offered on setting up a digital campaign and hacking Hillary's emails, but he didn't offer Putin anything in return. Which was fine with Putin since his aim was to help divide democratic governments.
WTF drug are you on? LSD went out ages ago.
1. Flynn did not register as a foreign lobbyist, his bad, but that's a fine, not prison, and the money earned was legit, not "dirty".
2. True that the FBI just wanted to squeeze Flynn to lie about Trump, aka a "coup".
3. Link for Trump's "dirty money" please.
4. Russia and China and all other countries "interfere" in US and each other's elections, that is not news.
Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia
fuck you. His boychinikins admit their money is Russian
There are at least several subplots as to what motivated Flynn to become politically partisan, and what caused the Obama admin, and more importantly, the natl security apparatus to find Flynn was out of bounds.

But the bottom line was Flynn was dirty from taking money for foreign lobbying while not reporting it and THEN coming back into govt. And he was taking money from the same level of Oligarchs that Trump was taking money. So the FBI had him by the shorthairs over the money, but they decided to run him up on perjury so they could squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump and Russia. And then it turned out that Trump was happy and willing to get dirty money for his biz, and he was happy to get any help Putin offered on setting up a digital campaign and hacking Hillary's emails, but he didn't offer Putin anything in return. Which was fine with Putin since his aim was to help divide democratic governments.
WTF drug are you on? LSD went out ages ago.
1. Flynn did not register as a foreign lobbyist, his bad, but that's a fine, not prison, and the money earned was legit, not "dirty".
2. True that the FBI just wanted to squeeze Flynn to lie about Trump, aka a "coup".
3. Link for Trump's "dirty money" please.
4. Russia and China and all other countries "interfere" in US and each other's elections, that is not news.
Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia
fuck you. His boychinikins admit their money is Russian
So what. What exactly does that prove?
There are at least several subplots as to what motivated Flynn to become politically partisan, and what caused the Obama admin, and more importantly, the natl security apparatus to find Flynn was out of bounds.

But the bottom line was Flynn was dirty from taking money for foreign lobbying while not reporting it and THEN coming back into govt. And he was taking money from the same level of Oligarchs that Trump was taking money. So the FBI had him by the shorthairs over the money, but they decided to run him up on perjury so they could squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump and Russia. And then it turned out that Trump was happy and willing to get dirty money for his biz, and he was happy to get any help Putin offered on setting up a digital campaign and hacking Hillary's emails, but he didn't offer Putin anything in return. Which was fine with Putin since his aim was to help divide democratic governments.


The FBI conducted a thorough, exhaustive investigation of Flynn....and the FBI Agents directly involved in / conducting the investigation declared they found NOTHING illegal or worth continuing the investigation. The FBI itself recommended the case be CLOSED.

During this time, the FBI was paying a KNOWN Trump-hating ex foreign spy who was working for Russian Oligarchs for Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) information they themselves assessed to be RIS propaganda that was being used elsewhere against US Foreign Policy.

During this time, the State Department notified the NSA, CIA, FBI, and DOJ that Steele had LIED in an interview and ceclared he could no longer be considered a trustworthy source of information.

During this time, as mentioned, the FBI assessed the data in the Dossier Steele gave them to be DIC counter-Intel propaganda, propaganda Steele told the FBI at the time he had no clue if it was legit or not ... and the FBI ALREADY knew it was NOT...but chose to use it anyway.

On the verge of closing the investigation of National Security Advisor Flynn , FBI Deputy Director of Counter-Intelligence, Peter Strzok, stepped in and ordered the investigation od Flynn to remain open ... but did not give justification for doing so.
-- A Hand written note asking FBI leadership what the goal of investigating Flynn was - force him to confess / entrap him (?) - was passed up the chain.

Withheld evidence now confirms Strzok stepped in, refusing to allow the investigation that produced nothing to be closed, and charged Flynn with lying to the FBI, despite the Field Agents involved stating they did not believe Flynn ever lied. Strzok then secured the 'Guilty' plea by threatening to put Flynn's son in prison if he refused.

'Flynn was dirty'....

You mean he was so corrupt that her would break laws, violate someone's Constitutional and Civil Rights, lock them in a room without Legal Counsel, and force someone to sign a bogus 'Guilty' plea by threatening to send their kids to prison if they refused?

You mean Flynn was the type of man who would manufacture both a crime and evidence against someone, who would alter official documents multiple times, who would alter witness testimony after the fact, who would hide exculpatory evidence?

You mean Flynn was the type of guy who would create false narrative using known / assessed Russian Intel Service propaganda and would use that false narrative to attempt a soft coup consisting of FISA Court abuses in order to secure illegal warrants to spy on the President and his team in order to remove him from office....

All of which Clapper, Brennan, Rosenstein, Comey, McCabe, Strzok,, Page, Baker, Clinesmith, etc... did?!
Withheld evidence now confirms Strzok stepped in, refusing to allow the investigation that produced nothing to be closed, and charged Flynn with lying to the FBI, despite the Field Agents involved stating they did not believe Flynn ever lied. Strzok then secured the 'Guilty' plea by threatening to put Flynn's son in prison if he refused.

This is hilarious. You realize that Strzok was the “field agent” who conducted the interview and the one you’re claiming that said he didn’t lie.

Of course you don’t realize that. You’re not very smart.
There are at least several subplots as to what motivated Flynn to become politically partisan, and what caused the Obama admin, and more importantly, the natl security apparatus to find Flynn was out of bounds.

But the bottom line was Flynn was dirty from taking money for foreign lobbying while not reporting it and THEN coming back into govt. And he was taking money from the same level of Oligarchs that Trump was taking money. So the FBI had him by the shorthairs over the money, but they decided to run him up on perjury so they could squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump and Russia. And then it turned out that Trump was happy and willing to get dirty money for his biz, and he was happy to get any help Putin offered on setting up a digital campaign and hacking Hillary's emails, but he didn't offer Putin anything in return. Which was fine with Putin since his aim was to help divide democratic governments.
WTF drug are you on? LSD went out ages ago.
1. Flynn did not register as a foreign lobbyist, his bad, but that's a fine, not prison, and the money earned was legit, not "dirty".
2. True that the FBI just wanted to squeeze Flynn to lie about Trump, aka a "coup".
3. Link for Trump's "dirty money" please.
4. Russia and China and all other countries "interfere" in US and each other's elections, that is not news.
Foreign electoral intervention - Wikipedia
fuck you. His boychinikins admit their money is Russian
So what. What exactly does that prove?
1. Flynn was on the hook for millions in pay back fees and lawyers from his failure to register.
2. He was also not going to pass any nomination process.
3. The FBI then hooked him on perjury to squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump/Putin.
4. It turned out the only dirt was that A Trump had to have Russian capital to stay afloat and B he took any help Putin offered (that we know of) but didn't do the quid pro.

I've said before and I'll say again, he's disgraced and broken. His biggest asset appears to be his pension. He went out of bounds leading lock her up chants, but he was convinced that both Obama and Hillary had no interest in fighting Islamic terror. He did commit perjury after he was set up. Not the first time that ever happened. LOL

But there's no point in locking the guy up. And it's a shame how his career ended. He was a probably our best intelligence guy.
Do you guys realize how easy it was for Flynn to not have to deal with any of this?

Like, it would have been trivially easy.

Why do you want Flynn in prison?

How will your life change?

I’d prefer everyone follow the laws so that way no one goes to prison.
If you actually cared about the law Levinworth would be full of democrats right now.
How’s that?
1. Flynn was on the hook for millions in pay back fees and lawyers from his failure to register.
2. He was also not going to pass any nomination process.
3. The FBI then hooked him on perjury to squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump/Putin.
4. It turned out the only dirt was that A Trump had to have Russian capital to stay afloat and B he took any help Putin offered (that we know of) but didn't do the quid pro.


Evidence shows the FBI conducted a thorough, exhaustive investigation of Flynn and concluded THERE WAS NO CRIME, NO BASIS FOR THE INVESTIGATION, AND NO REASON TO KEEP THE INVESTIGATION OPEN.

1. Flynn was on the hook for millions in pay back fees and lawyers from his failure to register.
- 'No Crime' according to the FBI Agents conducting the investigation.

2. He was also not going to pass any nomination process.
- If Flynn was not going to pass a nomination process then why set him up in a 'perjury trap"? Because Flynn was not the target. Trump was.

3. The FBI then hooked him on perjury to squeeze his balls for dirt on Trump/Putin.
- You just confirmed my statement that Flynn was not the target.
- At the time, the FBI already KNEW Flynn was innocent and their own agents were recommending the case against him =be closed.
- At the time the FBI already KNEW the Dossier was RIS counter-Intel propaganda and were already in the process of using the false narrative to commit FISA Court violations and go after Page / Trump

- You just confirmed the Federal Bureau of Investigation was not concerned with 'Justice' but with 'Politics'

- You just confirmed the FBI engaged in investigative / prosecutorial misconduct

- You just confirmed the FBI set Flynn up in a 'Perjury Trap' - Comey described it as an 'ambush' that breached protocols and was designed to deny Flynn his Civil and Constitutional Rights

4. It turned out the only dirt was that A Trump had to have Russian capital to stay afloat and B he took any help Putin offered (that we know of) but didn't do the quid pro.
- ACTUALLY, all the existing evidence, supported by the recently released evidence - proves there never was any Illegal Russian Collusion...except between the FBI / Democrats and Russians (RIS) ... that the Russian narrative was manufactured by the FBI / Democrats, with Steele's and the RIS' help. Recent documents even prove former CIA Director Brennan squashed / suppressed evidence that suggests the Russians wanted HILLARY and sought to help her....

Only TDS-suffering IDIOTS would even buy for a second the moronic Democrat narrative that 'the Russians wanted Trump to win so badly that the Russian Intelligence Service fed Steele Russian Counter-Intelligence propaganda the FBI assessed to be propaganda being used against US Foreign Policy elsewhere at the time to help fuel a narrative that Trump was illegally colluding with them...which would result in Trump being removed from office.....that the Russians WANTED Trump while giving Democrats evidence / help to remove him from office....


If that actually makes sense to you, congratulations - you are a bonafide, Gruber-esque, TDS-suffering snowflake who will buy damn-near anything the Democrats and their Fake News media will tell you.
Do you guys realize how easy it was for Flynn to not have to deal with any of this?

Like, it would have been trivially easy.

Why do you want Flynn in prison?

How will your life change?

I’d prefer everyone follow the laws so that way no one goes to prison.
If you actually cared about the law Levinworth would be full of democrats right now.
How’s that?
To start Hillary would be there for lying to the FBI 39 times. Comey, Strzok, his side chick and the rest would be there for fraud on the FISA court.

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