While the Philly Shooting Was Still Going On, Harris Claims Her Gun Control Would Have Prevented It


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Yep, that’s the quality of morons packed into the clown car.

She is bleeding out from Tulsi’s shanking.

No one care about that whore Harris.
She was asked about what to do with gun violence and she answered the question like any candidate would.
So criminals only use registered guns in keeping with the law? She must be kidding, no one is that naive, or are they? That should scare the life out of you.
So criminals only use registered guns in keeping with the law? She must be kidding, no one is that naive, or are they? That should scare the life out of you.

Can you quote her saying that?
Yep, that’s the quality of morons packed into the clown car.
View attachment 274421
The reprehensible right wastes no time trying to make political a shooting incident, and attempting to exploit that shooting incident for some perceived partisan gain.

You're right. This has nothing to do with politics: Just some police-hating drug-dealing ghetto rats who are shooting at the cops with illegal or stolen firearms.

BTW: Some of the local residents there are harassing and throwing objects at the police...

Brooke on Twitter
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She was asked about what to do with gun violence and she answered the question like any candidate would.
By saying I could’ve have prevented what I have no clue about what occurred?

I’m so old I remember when a POTUS who lies was a bad thing.

The current one lies.

Can you quote her?
At worse the current one bends the truth. He is what he is. If he wins or not he toys with you. For us we have nothing to lose. You have successfully set in motion the destruction of our nation. A new form of government will take over at some point even mimicking what we have now. You have use the race card to the point people laugh but those in power hold sway. When our competiveness drops to the point of negative returns you who expected to be paid off will be marginalized and perhaps paid off in a different way. One nation...one language with borders is so mean. People coming here from other nations assimilating like everyone else has done is so mean. You will live to see mean if you are young enough.
These swamp democrat candidates are of course politicize this while they gaslight the idiots to turn on law enforcement. Especially the drunken skateboarder disrespecting victims in shootings.

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