While we are protecting Ownership, democrats are making guns useless....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
The Declaration of Independence was very clear on the second amendment and why it exists.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--"

Source: Declaration of Independence

The states have no purview over weapons. The term "shall not be infringed" means exactly that. Hands off.. as it is a right that no one can touch, not even the states.

The Milita counter argument fails when the terminology of the time is used (CONTEXT).

The militia was we the people... "Well Regulated" means they are trained, supplied, and armed.

The whole purpose of the 2nd amendment is made clear in the federalist papers. IT was meant to allow citizens to protect their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS from men wanting to take them. We had just defeated a corrupt government and king who wanted to deprive them of their rights. This is why they made it very clear "the right of the people to KEEP and BEAR ARMS, Shall not be infringed."

TO KEEP is to own..

TO BEAR is to have the ammunitions, spare parts, and training necessary to protect their GOD GIVEN RIGHTS.

Our right is being taken away through the back door. By making it hard to obtain the ammunitions, gun powders, brass, projectiles, primers, and spare parts they are infringing on this sacred right enshrined in our constitution. Biden and democrats are making the ownership of these weapons a useless gesture as we have fought so hard to keep that right. Now we must get back the other half of the right they have taken from us.

We have been so focused on the right to keep we have let them steal the ability to keep them operational right from under our noses. Biden and democrats have stopped the US from importing gun powders thus making people who reload and use specialty weapons, useless.
The current attack on our 2nd amendment right is being done by the back door. The left has quietly stopped us from obtaining gun powders, Brass, projectiles, and spare parts for our weapons. This is clearly an attack on our right to BEAR ARMS.

Bearing arms is being attacked making our ownership of these weapons useless. IT is a back door attack, and it must be stopped.
One of the most insidious ways they will try to eliminate our ability to uphold the 2A is when they try to remove immunity from the arms companies whenever some lunatic shoots someone.
Nobody ever says they should sure GMC when a nut job runs a truck through a crowd but they think they can back door take away arms by allowing lawsuits against the manufacturers for the acts of the perpetrators.

Obama at on point tried to force a change in the chemical makeup of propellants so that ammo would have a shelf life.
Stocking up on ammo would have been rendered pointless.
They will stop at nothing to stop our ability to defend ourselves when they go full tyrant on us
Another second amendment activist shoots up some place and your first impulse is to to pull out all your silly fantasies as the sole argument why nothing can ever be done about it. Do you have any practical arguments at all?
The unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you (individually, collectively) seek to lay on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding will do nothing to stop shootings like the event you mention.
Indeed, they only serve to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms - as intended.
So, as a practical matter, we have every reason to oppose these restrictions.
The unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you (individually, collectively) seek to lay on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding will do nothing to stop shootings like the event you mention.
Indeed, they only serve to infringe on the right to keep and bear arms - as intended.
So, as a practical matter, we have every reason to oppose these restrictions.
Still an entirely ideological argument where your individual rights are somehow more important than public safety.
Another second amendment activist shoots up some place and your first impulse is to to pull out all your silly fantasies as the sole argument why nothing can ever be done about it. Do you have any practical arguments at all?

Mentally deranged lunatics have primarily been left wing. YOUR PEOPLE...

Your whole premise is to deprive law abiding citizens of their rights. Not one thing Biden and you idiots' purpose will stop these acts because you are not addressing individuals.
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Still an entirely ideological argument where your individual rights are somehow more important than public safety.
The unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you seek will not affect, must less improve, public safety.
Thus, there is no conflict between public safety and the support for individual rights.
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The unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you seek will not affect, must less improve, public safety.
Thus, there is no conflict between individual rights and public safety.
The point I am trying get across here is that your fantasies of civil wars against a tyrannical government are not rational. If you were truthful you would just say that you like having guns because they make you feel safe. Kind of lacks punch doesn't it? That's why you have to come up with all these crazy apocalyptic worst case scenarios that make no sense to any practical minded individual.
Another second amendment activist shoots up some place and your first impulse is to to pull out all your silly fantasies as the sole argument why nothing can ever be done about it. Do you have any practical arguments at all?
Some nutcase stabbed 4 Idaho college students to death.....and I think we should ban all large capacity assault knives.
No knives longer than 1 inch can be sold or owned.
The point I am trying get across here is that your fantasies of civil wars against a tyrannical government are not rational. If you were truthful you would just say that you like having guns because they make you feel safe. Kind of lacks punch doesn't it? That's why you have to come up with all these crazy apocalyptic worst case scenarios that make no sense to any practical minded individual.

No. This was a right clearly defined to protect our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. The only fantasy here is yours, thinking you can stop people from protecting themselves from people like you.
The point I am trying get across here is that your fantasies of civil wars against a tyrannical government are not rational.
I did not mention this. Straw, man.
If you were truthful you would just say that you like having guns because they make you feel safe.
Irrelevant to the supposed conflict between public safety and the support for an individual right.
That's why you have to come up with all these crazy apocalyptic worst case scenarios that make no sense to any practical minded individual.
I did not mention this. Straw, man.

No. This was a right clearly defined to protect our GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. The only fantasy here is yours, thinking you can stop people from protecting themselves from people like you.
If you can't make rational arguments on this issue you will eventually lose.
If you can't make rational arguments on this issue you will eventually lose.
Rational? You are totally irrational. You blame inanimate objects for things they cannot do. You employ strawman arguments. The rational argument is human behavior and the desire to control others. The Second Amendment was designed to stop people like you. Your arguments are not at all rational.
The point I am trying get across here is that your fantasies of civil wars against a tyrannical government are not rational. If you were truthful you would just say that you like having guns because they make you feel safe. Kind of lacks punch doesn't it? That's why you have to come up with all these crazy apocalyptic worst case scenarios that make no sense to any practical minded individual.
You are not a practical minded individual. Practical people would carefully protect their rights. Especially one that protects their individual freedoms and liberties.
What rational argument is there for the unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you (individually and collectively) seek for the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding?
Have you ever even wondered why 2nd amendment alarmists are called gun nuts? It's because your arguments are paranoid delusions.
The unnecessary and ineffective restrictions you seek will not affect, must less improve, public safety.
Thus, there is no conflict between public safety and the support for individual rights.
What they fail to understand is we have the right to protect ourselves at all times. The Police, thus public safety, is reactive and takes time depriving the individual of this basic right. Law abiding people are not a public safety risk, the criminals are. The left can never seem to get this right. everything they do is affecting the law abiding not the criminal elements.
Have you ever even wondered why 2nd amendment alarmists are called gun nuts? It's because your arguments are paranoid delusions.
Wow... Stereo typing... name calling... You have lost the argument because you fail to think critically. the term "gun nuts" was designed to denigrate those who cherish this right. it was a demeaning attempt, to make the illogical arguments made by the left, appear logical. It doesn't work.

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