While we are protecting Ownership, democrats are making guns useless....

Since you still can't grasp what I am saying I have to conclude you have some sort of cognitive impairment.
WOW... NO argument. No surprise... Shove your nose high in the air and walk away... Thank You for admitting you have no argument. I appreciate your candor in this matter. There is nothing to grasp but straw from you.
WOW... NO argument. No surprise... Shove your nose high in the air and walk away... Thank You for admitting you have no argument. I appreciate your candor in this matter. There is nothing to grasp but straw from you.
Who's walking away? I certainly have views on this issue but why should I offer them to people who respond with paranoia? Might as well be talking about bigfoot or aliens with true believers who will never accept reality.
What rights did your nonexistent god give you?
In your opinion.... and it means exactly squat.. But hey... God is not the issues here. The right is also a natural one.. One to life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To protect those rights, we also have the right to defend those by force, i.e. the use of deadly force if necessary.
Still an entirely ideological argument where your individual rights are somehow more important than public safety.


Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to protect public safety. These armed Americans stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings, and mass public shootings....and the armed American people keep our government from murdering our citizens, unlike Europe where they murdered 15 million people in just 6 years...after they took their guns away.

Public Safety is the primary reason we own and carry guns.......more people are saved with guns each year than are murdered by guns in the hands of criminals people like you keep releasing from jail....
Have you ever even wondered why 2nd amendment alarmists are called gun nuts? It's because your arguments are paranoid delusions.

No...we know exactly why you use that term.......you don't want to have your arguments analyzed because they aren't based in facts, truth, or reality, and they do not work....they do not stop criminals from getting and using guns.........so you throw out "gun nuts," in an attempt to silence anyone who wants to call out your lame, pointless, fact less arguments.
My own views of this issue are irrelevant because you are not interested. I'm telling you people what is wrong with your arguments. It's not even a discussion anyone can have with you people because you think doing anything at all is some nefarious plot to take away your precious guns.

Please....allow me to translate....

My own views of this issue are irrelevant because you are not interested.


I have expressed my views for more and more gun control.....only to have each point I make dissected and shown to be dumb, pointless.....and unConstitutional.....they have been shown to not stop criminals, and have been revealed as simply attempts to ban and confiscate guns because of my irrational fear of guns......so I no longer post my actual views because I don't want to be shown as the gun grabbing, irrational fool that I am...

End Translation.

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