While We Murder Full Term Babies

SCOTUS would have to overturn Roe, first. Then admit that the states can't regulate abortion as they see fit.

All this law does is codify the protections Roe currently gives women. It really didn't change anything.
Then what's the point of this new law, Junior? Do you ever think about what you bleat out?

"Pro-life critics of the law are pointing out that the exception for health, which is not restricted to a physical definition and can be interpreted to cover psychological and emotional health, subject only to the medical judgment of the abortion provider, is broad enough to cover basically any possible late-term abortion. Insofar as the goal of the law was to guarantee access to abortion and remove restrictions on it, this is part and parcel of that goal. The new law does not contain any meaningful restriction that is likely to ever prevent an abortion."

Explainer: What New York’s new abortion law does and doesn’t do
Some people actually research this new law to see how it must necessarily differ from the old laws on the matter.
Others simply speak from their inexhaustible well of ignorance and prejudices.
When you can't debate, go for the personal insult... Got it.
Sorry dear little snowflake....you totally reject the idea of God, and in quite a nasty way too. Am I supposed to believe your feelings are hurt now because I said there is no God for you, which is in total agreement with what you yourself said to prompt my comment? Am I supposed to feel bad for you now?
They aren't in the adoption business. That's not their job. Their job is to provide health care.
Yes. My point exactly. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill and they are in the business of aborting and snuffing out lives.
They could just mention to women that putting a child up for adoption is an option, but that would cut down on the bottom line for their nasty business, wouldn't it? Better to end lives altogether...it's much more profitable (and ghoulish).
Or they realize lots of other people are in the "taking advantage of poor girls to provide white babies to rich people" racket.
By "taking advantage" you mean paying women lots of money to carry their child to term? Instead of puncturing it's skull and sucking out the baby's brains? Ohhh...how evil!
I have a daughter and she and her husband would love to adopt a child! But they've been on a list for a long time and the pool of children available for adoption is very small. And that means any baby...not just a snowy white one.
Thank you Planned Parenthood for helping to bust up this mean ring of people who take advantage of pregnant women
who might wish to see their child live a happy life instead of aborting him/her. What wonderful humanitarians you are.

Yes, I realize I am splatting you like a bug on a windsheild..
This is what losers always do....they claim victory because they sure as hell can't produce it themselves.
How's that Margaret Sanger quote "research" going there Champ?
Oh, please... you guys tell yourselves all these lies about the VA and NY laws, about improbable scenarios that won't ever happen, because you are just terrified of women controlling their own bodies.
Do you know anything about the new laws in New York? And how Virginia and their racist infanticide happy governor
are following suit and other states claim they are too? Either you know the facts or you can just make as ass of yourself by claiming what's fact really isn't at all. And only a fucking idiot does that.
"That thing I need to take care of on Tuesday". That's what it is when she doesn't want it.
Well you can attempt to dehumanize human life like the Nazis, Joe Stalin and slaveholders did in their own diseased minds but it doesn't change what "that thing" inside the womb is. It's a free country so be an amoral shit bag if it suits you, which it seems to do.
No, guy, anyone who tries to make a woman's body "property of the state" is not being anything near reasonable.
So in your view the state has no duty or right to protect human life anymore? Tell me when this seismic shift in Western culture took place? i guess I missed that.
Read up on the Klan in the 1920s... It had over 6,000,000 members at its peak and candidates of both party sought their endorsement. It was as mainstream as you can get. And while it's easy to condemn them today, 100 years later, Trump says the same kind of shit and you people love him.
Yes. This looks like the Klan was very very popular in 1921 http://americainclass.org/sources/becomingmodern/divisions/text1/politicalcartoonsklan.pdf
It makes me wonder why Margaret Sanger had to stage a clandestine and convoluted
journey just to get to address her KKK ladies if they were so mainstream and acceptable at the time. And it confuses me when I try to rationalize the race riots that broke out all over the country when the controversial pro Klan movie Birth of a Nation came out in 1915....but I guess you and your Wikipedia know better.

As far as Trump and the Klan goes I understand you can't help yourself when you make up slanderous lies about a president you detest. But you only have to make it through the rest of this term and the next one and your little nightmare will be over....maybe.

Don't care.. See point above. Mainstream organization with 6 million members.
You can't even quote your own Wiki "facts" correctly, moron. Show me where the Klan had a membership of six million people at any point. Would you like me to quote again in Sanger's own words what she had to do just to meet with KKK women
in New York? Or is it pointless given your idiotic wall of denial?
Actually, I did. And not surprisingly, you took the quote completely out of context.
Yeah....of course I did. :icon_rolleyes: Do me a favor and put that quote where Sanger compares Australian Aborigines to chimpanzees into it's proper context....okay? I know you will.

Good luck to your daughter and adoption. We have three and they are precious joys.
Good luck to your daughter and adoption. We have three and they are precious joys.
Thanks. They've been on a list for quite awhile and as two high school teachers it's not as if they are crack addicts or
perverts. I know the process has been rigorous for them.
Americans aren't having enough babies to repopulate: CDC

The Left will tell you the world is overpopulated. Total hogwash. They live in their cities and never get out. The fact is every human on earth could move into Texas and still give every family a quarter acre elbow room.

Lefts are from Devil, they've killed more as 300m, but it is obviously not enough for them.
Lefts robe and scavenge on enslaved folks and send conquered countries into perdition and ruin.
It is the nature of lefts: kill, kill, kill without stop.
Just for your understanding.
Sorry dear little snowflake....you totally reject the idea of God, and in quite a nasty way too. Am I supposed to believe your feelings are hurt now because I said there is no God for you, which is in total agreement with what you yourself said to prompt my comment? Am I supposed to feel bad for you now?

I think your inability to intelligently debate speaks for itself.

Yes. My point exactly. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill and they are in the business of aborting and snuffing out lives.
They could just mention to women that putting a child up for adoption is an option, but that would cut down on the bottom line for their nasty business, wouldn't it? Better to end lives altogether...it's much more profitable (and ghoulish).

Do you really think that there is one woman with an unwanted pregnancy that doesn't knows that adoption is an option. Once they've scheduled an appointment at PP to "take care of their little problem", they've already decided.

The problem with you bible thumping assholes is you think women don't think these things out. They are just poor little things that need Mr. Man to make their decisions for them.

By "taking advantage" you mean paying women lots of money to carry their child to term? Instead of puncturing it's skull and sucking out the baby's brains? Ohhh...how evil!

Again, if they are using that procedure, it's because it's a deformed fetus no one really wants...

But by that logic, why not let poor people sell their kidneys and corneas? I mean, why not, since your intents are good?

Do you know anything about the new laws in New York?

More than you, apparently...

Well you can attempt to dehumanize human life like the Nazis, Joe Stalin and slaveholders did in their own diseased minds but it doesn't change what "that thing" inside the womb is. It's a free country so be an amoral shit bag if it suits you, which it seems to do.

Again, I'm not the one making the decision, its' the woman who the fetus is in. Are you saying every woman who has had an abortion is an "immoral shitbag", I think you guys should go with that in 2020.

So in your view the state has no duty or right to protect human life anymore? Tell me when this seismic shift in Western culture took place? i guess I missed that.

1973, when we realized that the archaic abortion laws didn't work and we threw them out.

And it confuses me when I try to rationalize the race riots that broke out all over the country when the controversial pro Klan movie Birth of a Nation came out in 1915....but I guess you and your Wikipedia know better.

BoaN also got screenings at the White House. and the Klan by 1921 ws a hug political organization.

Now, all that said, historical context needs to be understood. The same xenophobia that drove Klan membership, was the same xenophobia that drove Prohibition, because those foreigners were doing their drinking in taverns, and that had to come to an end.

As far as Trump and the Klan goes I understand you can't help yourself when you make up slanderous lies about a president you detest. But you only have to make it through the rest of this term and the next one and your little nightmare will be over....maybe.

Naw, he'll be impeached by the end of the year... The sad thing is, assholes like you will just find another racist to cling on to.

Yeah....of course I did. :icon_rolleyes: Do me a favor and put that quote where Sanger compares Australian Aborigines to chimpanzees into it's proper context....okay? I know you will.

You mean she took the position that ALL anthropologists took in 1912? That's the context, if you read the entire article.
I think your inability to intelligently debate speaks for itself.
Oh, but it's real "intelligent" for someone who rejects God in a most foul and nasty way to cry foul when I suggest there is no God as far as you're concerned.

I wish you had enough self awareness to see how idiotic and childish your posts are.

Do you really think that there is one woman with an unwanted pregnancy that doesn't knows that adoption is an option. Once they've scheduled an appointment at PP to "take care of their little problem", they've already decided.
Yeah, once that appointment is made but for many women the decision to abort comes after much soul searching and
when you go to your friendly government supported abortionists at Planned Parenthood women have attested that their "counselors" there pressure you to abort like used car salesmen trying to sell lemons to some sucker.

Would the ghouls at PP prefer to see some woman deliver that child at full term to some childless couple making their
fondest wish for a family come true, thereby depriving PP of their fee for killing children?
Or do you think an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood would rather see that money in their greasy pockets, regardless
of whether it deprives others of a life of joy or not?
We all know that answer. Even an apologist like you.
The problem with you bible thumping assholes is you think women don't think these things out. They are just poor little things that need Mr. Man to make their decisions for them.
I'm not a bible thumper but you are an asshole so why would you post something honest? You wouldn't.
Again, if they are using that procedure, it's because it's a deformed fetus no one really wants...

But by that logic, why not let poor people sell their kidneys and corneas? I mean, why not, since your intents are good?
Or a child who, under the recent New York law, the mother just decides she'd rather not deal with so it's humanely (ahem...) left to starve to death (because her mental well being is now justification for letting a child die as disgraced racist Virginia governor stated ). My logic says nothing about poor people selling off their organs. Don't be an ass.

More than you, apparently...
Virginia governor under fire for comments on late-term abortion bill
Again, I'm not the one making the decision, its' the woman who the fetus is in. Are you saying every woman who has had an abortion is an "immoral shitbag", I think you guys should go with that in 2020.
I'm not saying that at all and once again I remind you I'm not a Pro Life absolutist and our current laws (disregarding New York and the few states drafting new laws that legalize infanticide) are fair I think, aborting before a child is neurologically developed. I think you guys should go with "Infanticide in 2020" and see how that works out for you.
1973, when we realized that the archaic abortion laws didn't work and we threw them out.
Sometimes the slippery slope takes decades to take hold, it seems. Abortion isn't good enough for you amoral pricks...now you are drafting laws that legalize infanticide. Well done. New York, Virginia Abortion Laws: Infanticide Craze | National Review
BoaN also got screenings at the White House. and the Klan by 1921 ws a hug political organization.
Wow! If one actually believed your ignorant drivel one would think the Klan was a very popular organization instead of just being more popular and accepted than it is now. Did you see my inconvenient links that counter your nonsense, like political cartoons of the day?
Did you read Margaret Sanger's account of being taken to a secret Klan meeting place? Did you ever answer why all the clandestine maneuvers were necessary if the Klan was so well accepted?
Of course you didn't and you never will.

Now, all that said, historical context needs to be understood. The same xenophobia that drove Klan membership, was the same xenophobia that drove Prohibition, because those foreigners were doing their drinking in taverns, and that had to come to an end.
This is just incredible made up bull shit! I'm really flabbergasted it's so absurd
and totally unsupported, even for a "creative thinker" like you.
Naw, he'll be impeached by the end of the year... The sad thing is, assholes like you will just find another racist to cling on to.
I'll remember your claim. Count on it.
You mean she took the position that ALL anthropologists took in 1912? That's the context, if you read the entire article.
LOL...can you show this? Do you have any proof at all to back your ridiculous claim? Or do you just prefer to jump from lie to lie until your original lie (Sanger was not racist)
is forgotten? First you claimed I quoted Sanger out of context....now you've adopted this new even bigger lie to cover your first lie. You are fucking pathetic!

It looks like you saved your biggest and most fantastic lie for the end. Well done. This is probably even bigger that your bullshit Prohibition claim. Incredible.
yes, somewhere there is a woman who will abort a full term fetus because she was having a bad hair day. No really. I know you need to believe that.
Well somebody in the New York state legislature must have thought this because they've completely completely rewritten their laws on the matter even revoking NYS Penal law revoking some Homocide Manslaughter Abortion laws to accommodate their newly legalized infanticide law.

As to your jackass point which you hoped would be a mocking stinging counterpoint to what is true about those that
wish to abort at any point it suits them: "Northam is wrong about the reasons for late-term abortions. A 2013 study of abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy indicated that “most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” (The number of such abortions has been estimated at around 12,000 a year. For a sense of scale, that’s more than the annual number of gun homicides in our country.) The legislation Northam backs does not limit late-term abortions to such circumstances, either."

New York, Virginia Abortion Laws: Infanticide Craze | National Review
So suck on that! I repeat: what's the point of this brand new law if not to expand the demand for abortion without restrictions?
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Oh, but it's real "intelligent" for someone who rejects God in a most foul and nasty way to cry foul when I suggest there is no God as far as you're concerned.

I wish you had enough self awareness to see how idiotic and childish your posts are.

That's not what you did, but never mind... never expect integrity from your sort.

Yeah, once that appointment is made but for many women the decision to abort comes after much soul searching and
when you go to your friendly government supported abortionists at Planned Parenthood women have attested that their "counselors" there pressure you to abort like used car salesmen trying to sell lemons to some sucker.

Again, the "Party of Personal Responsbility" thinks women are "talked" into Abortions. nope. doesn't happen.

Would the ghouls at PP prefer to see some woman deliver that child at full term to some childless couple making their
fondest wish for a family come true, thereby depriving PP of their fee for killing children?

Again, there are plenty of organizations out there to talk poor girls into giving up white babies. (If you are black baby, you are just shit out of luck.)

Or do you think an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood would rather see that money in their greasy pockets, regardless
of whether it deprives others of a life of joy or not?
We all know that answer. Even an apologist like you.

I think they have their niche. which is women's health care, not adoption services.

I'm not a bible thumper but you are an asshole so why would you post something honest? You wouldn't.

Again, all you anti-choice types are bible thumpers. The thought of an empowered woman scares you shitless.

Or a child who, under the recent New York law, the mother just decides she'd rather not deal with so it's humanely (ahem...) left to starve to death (because her mental well being is now justification for letting a child die as disgraced racist Virginia governor stated ). My logic says nothing about poor people selling off their organs. Don't be an ass.

Not at all... if you want poor (white) women to sell their babies, why not let poor people sell their organs? It's the ultimate expression of capitalism!

I'm not saying that at all and once again I remind you I'm not a Pro Life absolutist and our current laws (disregarding New York and the few states drafting new laws that legalize infanticide) are fair I think, aborting before a child is neurologically developed. I think you guys should go with "Infanticide in 2020" and see how that works out for you.

You guys should go with "A Handmaid's Tale, 2020", see how that works for you. I'm guessing not well.

Sometimes the slippery slope takes decades to take hold, it seems. Abortion isn't good enough for you amoral pricks...now you are drafting laws that legalize infanticide. Well done.

You can scream that all day, but it's still bullshit.

Wow! If one actually believed your ignorant drivel one would think the Klan was a very popular organization instead of just being more popular and accepted than it is now.

Six million members. Politicians sought their endorsement. Yes, it was really popular.

This is just incredible made up bull shit! I'm really flabbergasted it's so absurd
and totally unsupported, even for a "creative thinker" like you.

Again, I realize this information was carefully hidden from you in things called books, but why do you think that Prohibition passed during WWI, when anti-immigrant, and especially anti-German sentiment was running at it's highest.

Hint... All the dumbasses who voted for prohibition only thought it was going to apply to the Krauts.

LOL...can you show this? Do you have any proof at all to back your ridiculous claim? Or do you just prefer to jump from lie to lie until your original lie (Sanger was not racist)
is forgotten? First you claimed I quoted Sanger out of context....now you've adopted this new even bigger lie to cover your first lie. You are fucking pathetic!

What that people really thought the Aboriginees were evolutionary throwbacks? Even DARWIN thought that.

Yes, you did quote her completely out of context... but that's better than posting doctored photographs of her, I guess.

It looks like you saved your biggest and most fantastic lie for the end. Well done. This is probably even bigger that your bullshit Prohibition claim. Incredible.

Again, your ignorance of history isn't my problem, dude. Keep believing the Disney-fied version of history if that makes you feel better about yourself.
A 2013 study of abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy indicated that “most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.”

20th week is still second trimester, when the fetus isn't viable.

We are talking about THIRD trimester abortions, which are almost always due to fetal anomaly or health to the mother's health.

So suck on that! I repeat: what's the point of this brand new law if not to expand the demand for abortion without restrictions?

The National Review? Did we find the WMD's they said were in Iraq yet?

The point of this law was to codify the protections of Roe in case Roe is overturned.

This has been explained to you several times.
Oh, but it's real "intelligent" for someone who rejects God in a most foul and nasty way to cry foul when I suggest there is no God as far as you're concerned.

I wish you had enough self awareness to see how idiotic and childish your posts are.

That's not what you did, but never mind... never expect integrity from your sort.

Yeah, once that appointment is made but for many women the decision to abort comes after much soul searching and
when you go to your friendly government supported abortionists at Planned Parenthood women have attested that their "counselors" there pressure you to abort like used car salesmen trying to sell lemons to some sucker.

Again, the "Party of Personal Responsbility" thinks women are "talked" into Abortions. nope. doesn't happen.

Would the ghouls at PP prefer to see some woman deliver that child at full term to some childless couple making their
fondest wish for a family come true, thereby depriving PP of their fee for killing children?

Again, there are plenty of organizations out there to talk poor girls into giving up white babies. (If you are black baby, you are just shit out of luck.)

Or do you think an abortion mill like Planned Parenthood would rather see that money in their greasy pockets, regardless
of whether it deprives others of a life of joy or not?
We all know that answer. Even an apologist like you.

I think they have their niche. which is women's health care, not adoption services.

I'm not a bible thumper but you are an asshole so why would you post something honest? You wouldn't.

Again, all you anti-choice types are bible thumpers. The thought of an empowered woman scares you shitless.

Or a child who, under the recent New York law, the mother just decides she'd rather not deal with so it's humanely (ahem...) left to starve to death (because her mental well being is now justification for letting a child die as disgraced racist Virginia governor stated ). My logic says nothing about poor people selling off their organs. Don't be an ass.

Not at all... if you want poor (white) women to sell their babies, why not let poor people sell their organs? It's the ultimate expression of capitalism!

I'm not saying that at all and once again I remind you I'm not a Pro Life absolutist and our current laws (disregarding New York and the few states drafting new laws that legalize infanticide) are fair I think, aborting before a child is neurologically developed. I think you guys should go with "Infanticide in 2020" and see how that works out for you.

You guys should go with "A Handmaid's Tale, 2020", see how that works for you. I'm guessing not well.

Sometimes the slippery slope takes decades to take hold, it seems. Abortion isn't good enough for you amoral pricks...now you are drafting laws that legalize infanticide. Well done.

You can scream that all day, but it's still bullshit.

Wow! If one actually believed your ignorant drivel one would think the Klan was a very popular organization instead of just being more popular and accepted than it is now.

Six million members. Politicians sought their endorsement. Yes, it was really popular.

This is just incredible made up bull shit! I'm really flabbergasted it's so absurd
and totally unsupported, even for a "creative thinker" like you.

Again, I realize this information was carefully hidden from you in things called books, but why do you think that Prohibition passed during WWI, when anti-immigrant, and especially anti-German sentiment was running at it's highest.

Hint... All the dumbasses who voted for prohibition only thought it was going to apply to the Krauts.

LOL...can you show this? Do you have any proof at all to back your ridiculous claim? Or do you just prefer to jump from lie to lie until your original lie (Sanger was not racist)
is forgotten? First you claimed I quoted Sanger out of context....now you've adopted this new even bigger lie to cover your first lie. You are fucking pathetic!

What that people really thought the Aboriginees were evolutionary throwbacks? Even DARWIN thought that.

Yes, you did quote her completely out of context... but that's better than posting doctored photographs of her, I guess.

It looks like you saved your biggest and most fantastic lie for the end. Well done. This is probably even bigger that your bullshit Prohibition claim. Incredible.

Again, your ignorance of history isn't my problem, dude. Keep believing the Disney-fied version of history if that makes you feel better about yourself.
Abortion is murder and has nothing to do with women’s health care. In the few cases where a doctor recommends and abortion for the safety of the mother...abortion is viable. But in the %99.99999 of cases...it’s just a whore killing a baby.
The National Review? Did we find the WMD's they said were in Iraq yet?
Bizarre stuff considering you still believe Donald Trump was colluding with Vlad Putin.
Throwing rocks from your glass house? Not so smart.
And just so you know....BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider
Tell all your friends (that you probably don't have).

The point of this law was to codify the protections of Roe in case Roe is overturned.

This has been explained to you several times.
The point is that's only part of this brand new New York legislation. It goes well beyond merely protecting Roe v Wade, though the idea it will be repealed is pretty absurd and that's been explained to you enough times now you shouldn't have trouble understanding.
That's not what you did, but never mind... never expect integrity from your sort.
I know what I did. I said there is no God for you so what do you care after you said once again God was shit, or something similarly charming and mature like that. How you can possibly take offense over something you yourself reject and spit on is really amazing to me. Keep on whining though...it makes you look so rational.:icon_rolleyes:

Again, the "Party of Personal Responsbility" thinks women are "talked" into Abortions. nope. doesn't happen.
Oh....okay "spokesman for all women everywhere". Your claim is very, umm...believable.

Again, there are plenty of organizations out there to talk poor girls into giving up white babies. (If you are black baby, you are just shit out of luck.)
I'm definitely not talking about "plenty of organizations". I'm talking about the abortion mill Planned Parenthood. They have an economic and philosophical interest in urging abortion over adoption.
And your continued racist bullshit just makes whatever you say even less likely to be believed, if that's possible.

Why White People Adopt Black Children | MyBrownBaby

Of course we all know black children are never adopted by white people....right, racist MFer?
Again, all you anti-choice types are bible thumpers. The thought of an empowered woman scares you shitless.
Okay. Just continue to spew ignorant lies. It's all on you, shitbag.
You are on the verge of ignore when you willfully repeat lies.

Not at all... if you want poor women to sell their babies, why not let poor people sell their organs? It's the ultimate expression of capitalism!
I don't want women to sell babies
but if they are going to abort anyway they deserve something for carrying a child to full term so some childless couple
can have the joy of a child. Is that too difficult for a stupid a-hole like you to understand? I bet it is.

You can scream that all day, but it's still bullshit.
I've provided links proving otherwise. "In Virginia, state legislator Kathy Tran has introduced legislation that would, she has explained, make abortion legal even at term and in the middle of birth." New York, Virginia Abortion Laws: Infanticide Craze | National Review

You have a real dishonest habit of just repeating lies over and over again even after you know better, or should know better.
If the little baby still wants attention from the big smart adult, little baby should stop the blatant lies.

That's my second warning. I won't issue another.

Six million members. Politicians sought their endorsement. Yes, it was really popular.
Another lie. Your link says no such thing. LIAR! Lucky for you it was part of this post and not in a fresh lie infested post of yours which undoubtedly is coming because you know no other way than lies and untruths.

Again, I realize this information was carefully hidden from you in things called books, but why do you think that Prohibition passed during WWI, when anti-immigrant, and especially anti-German sentiment was running at it's highest.
Hint... All the dumbasses who voted for prohibition only thought it was going to apply to the Krauts.
Give me some reason to believe your incredible bullshit, though it's clearly unbelievable. Show me one single reputable source that says Prohibition was purely a result of anti-immigrant sentiment (though it could be a factor for some...anything could be a factor for some). Causes of Prohibition

What that people really thought the Aboriginees were evolutionary throwbacks? Even DARWIN thought that.
You said ALL anthropologists thought this in 1912 (why in that specific year, I don't know...and neither do you). PROVE Darwin and all anthropologists agreed with the racist Margaret Sanger.

Prove it!

Yes, you did quote her completely out of context... but that's better than posting doctored photographs of her, I guess.
Yet again a lie. I already challenged you to show where I took Sanger's quoted self provided writings

out of context and of course you did not and you tried to act like I never demanded proof from you, you dishonest sack of shit!
Again, your ignorance of history isn't my problem, dude. Keep believing the Disney-fied version of history if that makes you feel better about yourself.
By "Disney inspired history" you mean your many lies, don't you? You could prove me wrong at any point but of course you never do because you can't.

I only indulge you because it's amusing and easy to make you look like the leftist ape that you are but when you insult me and my intelligence over and over with your repeated lies (like this one about the view of all anthropologists on Aborigines)
you make my continued tolerance of your idiocy doubtful.
I suspect your next post to me will be your last as far as I'm concerned because frankly you don't seem bright enough or ethical enough to change your lying a-hole ways.
Last edited:
Bizarre stuff considering you still believe Donald Trump was colluding with Vlad Putin.
Throwing rocks from your glass house? Not so smart.
And just so you know....BOMBSHELL: New York Times Reports WMDs WERE Found in Iraq! - The Political Insider
Tell all your friends (that you probably don't have).

Sorry, guy expired cans of mustard gas are not WMD's. We didn't go to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914.

The point is that's only part of this brand new New York legislation. It goes well beyond merely protecting Roe v Wade, though the idea it will be repealed is pretty absurd and that's been explained to you enough times now you shouldn't have trouble understanding.

Well,no, it doesn't.. There's no procedure that can't be performed now under Roe this legislation allows, n o matter how much the religious nutters lie to you.

Oh....okay "spokesman for all women everywhere". Your claim is very, umm...believable.

Knew several women who had abortions, including my idiot Brother's girlfriend. No one talked them into it. They didn't have to.

I know what I did. I s

You sulked like a little five year old who got spanked. More spanking incoming.

Of course we all know black children are never adopted by white people....right, racist MFer?

Sorry, man... if you are an unwanted black baby, you are generally shit out of luck.

The Bias Against African-American Children in U.S. Adoptions - The Donaldson Adoption Institute

I've provided links proving otherwise. "In Virginia, state legislator Kathy Tran has introduced legislation that would, she has explained, make abortion legal even at term and in the middle of birth."

She said no such thing. she answered an absolutely absurd hypothetical... She might as well answered if Bigfoot could get an abortion under this law.

You said ALL anthropologists thought this in 1912 (why in that specific year, I don't know...and neither do you).

That was the EXACT year that the paper you misquoted was published. That's why that exact year. If you read the whole document IN CONTEXT, you'd understand what she was saying, instead of just cherry picking one sentence.

Yet again a lie. I already challenged you to show where I took Sanger's quoted self provided writings
out of context and of course you did not and you tried to act like I never demanded proof from you, you dishonest sack of shit!

You left off all the other stuff in the article, that laid the foundation for her quote on Aborigines and the incorrect understanding of science at that time.

I only indulge you because it's amusing and easy to make you look like the leftist ape that you are but when you insult me and my intelligence over and over with your repeated lies (like this one about the view of all anthropologists on Aborigines)

Again, guy, can't help that you are PISS IGNORANT about history. Then again, if Right wingers weren't piss ignorant about history, Herbert Hoover would have been the last Republican President.

You'd have to go out and get some intelligence to insult. Repeating shit from Right Wing rags does not make you smart.
Here's what Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, said about Aborigines.

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.

Quote by Charles Darwin: “At some future period, not very distant as meas...”

Of course, today, we know they were wrong... All races of humans are probably about the same along an evolutionary scale... But in 1912, this is the kind of stuff that Margaret Sanger, who probably never met an Aboriginal Australian in her life, would have had access to.
Sorry, guy expired cans of mustard gas are not WMD's. We didn't go to war over the cutting edge weapon of 1914.
Tell your story to the NY Times...not exactly a paper friendly to the Bush administration and in favor of the Iraq war.
Well,no, it doesn't.. There's no procedure that can't be performed now under Roe this legislation allows, n o matter how much the religious nutters lie to you.
It just doesn't make sense, does it? Think about what these new laws mean.....Think!
Then the brand new abortion legislation in New York and coming to Vermont, Virginia, etc. is absolutely pointless IF what you say is true, which it definitely isn't. Think about what you are saying. I've provided several citations explaining precisely how and why you are wrong but you cannot read or choose not to read.
This issue is closed as far as I'm concerned. You just aren't honestly being fair. I don't think you know how.

Knew several women who had abortions, including my idiot Brother's girlfriend. No one talked them into it. They didn't have to.
Well great...how does this information contradict what I've said?
You sulked like a little five year old who got spanked. More spanking incoming.
Big talk from a moron.
Sorry, man... if you are an unwanted black baby, you are generally shit out of luck.
Great. Read my link about the adopted black children of white parents sometime. You obviously haven't seen it.
She said no such thing. she answered an absolutely absurd hypothetical... She might as well answered if Bigfoot could get an abortion under this law.
Oh...Kathy Tran said no such thing but she did? More selective information input and dishonesty. I'm not surprised.

That was the EXACT year that the paper you misquoted was published. That's why that exact year. If you read the whole document IN CONTEXT, you'd understand what she was saying, instead of just cherry picking one sentence.
I've asked you at least four or five times now to show me exactly where and how my quote of Margaret Sanger herself was taken out of context. Each time you've simply repeated the same lie and avoided the issue. Well fuck off, I'm not bothering with your cowardly avoidance of the issue any more. By the way, Sanger wasn't an anthropologist at all if that's what you are trying to say.

You left off all the other stuff in the article, that laid the foundation for her quote on Aborigines and the incorrect understanding of science at that time.
is there something that justifies what Margaret Sanger said about Aborigines being just a small step above chimpanzees but less than all other humans (even the Negroes she thought were less than whites)?
Maybe you can explain this quote then? "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." – Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, 1939
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Here's what Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, said about Aborigines.

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla.

Quote by Charles Darwin: “At some future period, not very distant as meas...”

Of course, today, we know they were wrong... All races of humans are probably about the same along an evolutionary scale... But in 1912, this is the kind of stuff that Margaret Sanger, who probably never met an Aboriginal Australian in her life, would have had access to.
Great! Now demonstrate how ALL anthropologists in 1912 held that view as your claim states. By the way that Darwin quote comes from 1871, clearly forty-one years before you claimed that view was held by every anthropologist in the world. You fucked up in multiple ways.
Forty-one years of scientific thinking and discovery can make quite a difference.
Darwin's work alone changed how many viewed the relationship between ape and man.

You'd better go away until you realize not every scientist in the world will agree on all but the most basic elementary facts of science (the development of Aborigones not being one of those things) and Darwin's view of race and development in 1871 did not represent modern thought consensus in 1912.
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